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When the Dutch royal family was established in , much of its wealth came from Colonial trade. BMC Public Health. Cambridge University Press.

The result was that when the next large-scale battle did occur at Gembloux inthe Spanish forces easily won the day, killing at least 10, Prostitutes Gembloux, with the Spanish suffering few losses. Opposing them, the northern half of the Seventeen Provinces forged the Union of Utrecht also of in which Prostitutes Gembloux committed to support each other in their defence against the Spanish army.

Spanish troops sacked Maastricht inkilling over 10, civilians and thereby ensuring the rebellion continued. The Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England sympathised with Prostitutes Gembloux Dutch struggle against the Spanish and sent an army of 7, soldiers to aid the Dutch in their war with the Catholic Spanish.

Parts of the southern provinces became de facto colonies of the new republican-mercantile empire. After declaring their independence, the provinces of HollandZeelandGroningenFrieslandUtrechtOverijsseland Gelderland formed a confederation.

All these duchies, lordships and counties were autonomous and had their own government, the States-Provincial. The States Generalthe confederal government, were seated in The Hague and consisted of representatives from each of Prostitutes Gembloux seven provinces.

The sparsely populated region of Drenthe was part of the republic too, although it was not considered one of the provinces. Their population was mainly Roman Catholic, and these areas did not have a governmental structure of their own, Prostitutes Gembloux were used as a buffer zone between the Republic and Prostitutes Gembloux Spanish-controlled Southern Netherlands.

In the Dutch Golden Agespanning much of the 17th century, the Prostitutes Gembloux Empire grew to become one of the major seafaring Prostitutes Gembloux economic Prostitutes Gembloux, alongside Portugal, Spain, France and England. Science, military, and art especially painting were among the most acclaimed in the world.

Bythe Dutch owned 16, merchant ships. The Dutch settlement in North America began with the founding of New Amsterdam on the southern part of Manhattan in Dutch colonies in South America were established along the Prostitutes Gembloux rivers in the fertile Guyana plains, among them Colony of Surinam now Suriname.

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Many economic historians regard the Netherlands as the first thoroughly capitalist country in the world. In early modern Europe, it had the wealthiest trading city Amsterdam and the first full-time stock exchange.

The inventiveness of the traders led to insurance and retirement funds as well as phenomena such as the Prostitutes Gembloux cyclethe world's first asset-inflation bubblethe tulip mania of —, and the world's first bear raiderIsaac le Mairewho forced prices down by dumping stock and then buying it back at Prostitutes Gembloux discount.

At sea, it could successfully prevent the English and French navy from entering the western shores. On land, however, it was almost taken over internally by the advancing French and German armies coming from the east. It managed to turn the tide by inundating parts of Holland but Prostitutes Gembloux never recover to its former glory again and went into a state of a general Prostitutes Gembloux in the 18th century, with economic competition from Prostitutes Gembloux and long-standing rivalries between the two main factions in Dutch society, the republican Staatsgezinden and the Prostitutes Gembloux of the stadtholder the Prinsgezinden as main political factions.

With the armed support of revolutionary FranceDutch republicans proclaimed the Batavian Republicmodelled after the French Republic and rendering the Netherlands a unitary state on Prostitutes Gembloux January The stadtholder William V Prostitutes Gembloux Orange had fled to England. But from tothe Kingdom of Holland was set up by Napoleon Bonaparte as a puppet kingdom governed by his brother Louis Bonaparte to Prostitutes Gembloux the Netherlands more effectively.

However, King Louis Bonaparte tried to serve Dutch interests instead of his brother's, and he was forced to abdicate on 1 July The Emperor sent Prostitutes Gembloux an army and the Netherlands became part of the French Empire until the autumn of when Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Leipzig.

William Frederickson of the last stadtholder, returned to the Netherlands Prostitutes Gembloux and proclaimed himself Sovereign Prince of the Netherlands. Two years later, the Congress of Vienna added the southern Netherlands to the north to create a strong Prostitutes Gembloux on the northern border of France. William Frederick raised this United Prostitutes Gembloux to the status of a kingdom and proclaimed himself as King William I in In addition, William became hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg in exchange for his German possessions.

However, the Southern Netherlands had been culturally separate from the north sinceProstitutes Gembloux rebelled. The south gained independence in as Belgium recognised by the Northern Netherlands in Prostitutes Gembloux the Kingdom of the Netherlands was created by decreewhile the personal union between Luxembourg and the Netherlands was severed inProstitutes Gembloux William III died with no surviving male heirs.

Ascendancy laws prevented his daughter Queen Wilhelmina from becoming the next Grand Duchess. The policy brought the Dutch enormous wealth and made the colony self-sufficient.

The Netherlands abolished slavery in its colonies Prostitutes Gembloux The Netherlands was able to remain neutral during World War Iin part because the import of goods through the Netherlands proved essential to German survival until the blockade by the Prostitutes Gembloux Royal Navy in The Rotterdam Blitz forced the main element of the Dutch army to surrender four days later.

During the occupation, overDutch Jews [] were rounded up and transported to Nazi extermination camps ; only a few of them survived.

Dutch workers were conscripted Prostitutes Gembloux forced labour in Germany, civilians who Prostitutes Gembloux were killed in reprisal for attacks on German soldiers, and the countryside was plundered for food.

Although there were thousands of Dutch who risked their lives by hiding Jews from the Germans, over 20, Dutch fascists joined the Waffen SS[] fighting on the Eastern Front. On 8 DecemberProstitutes Gembloux Dutch government-in-exile in London declared war on Japan, [] but could not prevent the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies Indonesia.

Inthe Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands reformed the political structure of the Netherlands, which was a result of international pressure to carry out decolonisation. Indonesia had declared its independence in August recognised inand thus was never part of the reformed Kingdom.

Suriname followed Prostitutes Gembloux After the war, the Netherlands left behind an era of neutrality and gained closer ties with neighbouring states.

Government-encouraged emigration efforts to reduce population density prompted someDutch people to leave the country after the war. Youths, Prostitutes Gembloux students in particular, rejected traditional mores and pushed for change in Prostitutes Gembloux such as women's rightssexualitydisarmament and environmental issues.

In the euro was introduced as fiat moneyand in the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved. Referendums were held on each island to determine their future status. This led to the incorporation of these three islands into the country of the Netherlands as special municipalities upon the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles.

The special municipalities are collectively known as the Caribbean Netherlands. In recent times, much of the Netherlands has seen a reclamation of land from what were once waterways. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Prostitutes Gembloux Netherlands has a total area of 41, km 2 16, sq mi Prostitutes Gembloux, including water bodies; and a land area of 33, km 2 12, sq mi.

Most of the areas below sea level are man-made, caused by peat extraction or achieved through land reclamation. Since the late 16th century, large polder areas are preserved through elaborate drainage systems that include dikescanals and pumping stations. Much of the country was originally formed by the estuaries of three large European rivers: the Rhine Rijnthe Meuse Maas and the Scheldt Scheldeas well as their tributaries.

The south-western part of the Netherlands is to this day a river delta of these three rivers, the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta. The European Netherlands is divided into north and south parts by the Rhine, the Waal Prostitutes Gembloux, its main tributary branch, and the Meuse. In the past, these rivers functioned as a natural barrier between fiefdoms and hence historically created a cultural divide, as is evident in some phonetic traits Prostitutes Gembloux are recognisable on either side of what the Dutch call their "Great Rivers" de Grote Rivieren.

Just like the previous, this river forms a linguistic divide: people to the northeast of this river speak Dutch Low Saxon dialects except for the province of Frieslandwhich has its own language. The modern Netherlands formed as a result of the interplay of the four main Prostitutes Gembloux RhineMeuseSchelde and IJssel and the influence of the North Sea. The Netherlands is mostly composed of deltaiccoastal and eolian derived Prostitutes Gembloux during the Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods.

Almost the entire west Netherlands is composed of Prostitutes Gembloux Rhine - Meuse river estuarybut human intervention greatly modified the natural processes at work. Most of the western Netherlands is below sea level due to the human process of turning standing bodies of water into usable land, a polder. In the east of the Netherlands, remains are found of the last ice agewhich ended approximately ten thousand years ago.

As the continental ice sheet moved in from the north, it pushed moraine forward. The ice sheet halted as it covered the eastern half of the Netherlands. After the ice age ended, the moraine Prostitutes Gembloux in the form of a long hill-line. The cities of Arnhem and Nijmegen are built upon these hills.

Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of natural disasters and human intervention. On 14 DecemberSt. Lucia's flood affected the Netherlands and Germany, killing more than 50, people in one of the most destructive floods in recorded history., le site favorise-t-il la prostitution ?

Elizabeth flood of and the mismanagement in its aftermath destroyed a newly reclaimed polderreplacing it with the 72 km 2 28 sq mi Biesbosch tidal floodplains in the south-centre. The huge North Sea flood of early February caused the collapse of several dikes in the south-west of the Netherlands; more Prostitutes Gembloux 1, people drowned in the flood.

The Dutch government subsequently instituted a large-scale programme, the " Delta Works ", to protect the country against future flooding, which was completed over a period of more than Prostitutes Gembloux years.

The impact of disasters was, to an extent, increased through human activity. Relatively high-lying swampland was drained to be used as farmland.

The drainage caused the fertile peat to contract and ground levels to drop, upon which groundwater levels were lowered to compensate for the drop Prostitutes Gembloux ground level, causing the underlying Prostitutes Gembloux to contract further.

Additionally, until the 19th-century peat was mined, dried, and used for fuel, further exacerbating the problem. Centuries of extensive and poorly controlled peat extraction lowered an already low land surface by several metres.

Even in flooded areas, peat extraction continued through turf dredging. To guard against floods, a series of defences against the water were contrived. In the first millennium ADvillages and farmhouses Prostitutes Gembloux built on man-made hills called terps.

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Later, these terps were connected by dikes. In the 12th century, local government agencies called " waterschappen Prostitutes Gembloux "water boards" or " hoogheemraadschappen " "high home councils" started to appear, whose job it was to maintain the water level and to protect a region from floods; these agencies continue to exist.

As the ground level dropped, the dikes by Prostitutes Gembloux grew and merged into an integrated system. Prostitutes Gembloux the 13th century windmills had come into use to pump water out of areas below sea level. The windmills were Prostitutes Gembloux used Prostitutes Gembloux drain lakes, creating the famous polders.

It became part of the larger Zuiderzee Works in which four polders totalling 2, square kilometres sq mi were reclaimed from the sea. The Netherlands is one of the countries that may suffer most from climate change. Not only is the rising sea a problem, but erratic weather patterns may cause the rivers to overflow.

After the disasterthe Delta Works was constructed, which is a comprehensive set of Prostitutes Gembloux works throughout the Dutch coast. The project started in and was largely completed in with the completion of the Maeslantkering. Since then, new projects have been periodically started to renovate and renew the Delta Works.

The main goal of the Delta project was to reduce the risk of flooding in South Holland and Zeeland to once per 10, years compared to once per years for the rest of the country. This Prostitutes Gembloux achieved by raising 3, km 1, mi of outer sea-dikes and 10, km 6, mi of the inner, canal, and river dikes, and by closing off the sea estuaries of the Zeeland province.

New risk assessments occasionally show problems requiring additional Delta project dike Prostitutes Gembloux. The Delta project is considered by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. It is anticipated that global warming in the 21st century will result in a rise in sea level. The Netherlands is actively preparing for a sea-level rise. A politically neutral Delta Commission has formulated an action plan to cope with a sea-level rise of 1.

The plan encompasses the reinforcement of the Prostitutes Gembloux coastal defences like dikes and dunes with 1. Climate change will not only threaten the Netherlands from the seaside but could also alter rainfall patterns and river run-off. To protect the country from river flooding, another programme is already being executed.

The Room for the River plan grants more flow space to rivers, protects the major populated areas and allows for periodic flooding of indefensible Prostitutes Gembloux. The few residents who lived in these so-called "overflow areas" have been moved to higher ground, with some of that ground having been raised Prostitutes Gembloux anticipated flood levels. Climate change in the Netherlands is already affecting the country.

The average temperature in the Netherlands rose by almost 2 degrees Celsius from to The Netherlands has 20 national parks and hundreds of other nature reserves, that include Prostitutes Gemblouxheathlandwoodsdunesand other habitats.

Most of these are owned by Staatsbosbeheerthe national department for forestry and nature conservation and Natuurmonumenten literally 'Natures monuments'a private organisation that buys, protects and manages nature reserves. The Oosterscheldeformerly the northeast estuary of the river Scheldt was designated a national park inthereby making it the largest national park in the Netherlands at an area of km 2 sq mi. It consists primarily of the salt waters of the Oosterschelde but also includes mudflats, meadows, and shoals.

Prostitutes Gembloux of the large variety of sea life, including unique regional species, the park is popular with Scuba divers. Other activities include sailing, fishing, cycling, and bird watching. According to the World Wide Fund for Naturethe European territory of the Netherlands belongs to the ecoregion of Atlantic mixed forests.

Another three territories which make up the Caribbean Netherlands are designated Prostitutes Gembloux special municipalities of the Netherlands. Virgin Islands and Venezuela. The islands of the Caribbean Netherlands enjoy a tropical climate with warm weather all year round. The Leeward Antilles are warmer and drier than the Windward islands.

In summer, the Windward Islands can be subject to hurricanes. The Netherlands has been a constitutional monarchy sinceand due to the efforts of Johan Rudolph Thorbecke [] became a parliamentary Prostitutes Gembloux in Prostitutes Gembloux The Netherlands is described as a consociational state. Dutch politics and governance are characterised by an effort to achieve broad consensus on important issues, within both the political community and society as a whole.

InThe Economist ranked the Netherlands as the 11th most democratic country in the world. The monarch is the head of stateat present King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Constitutionally, the position is equipped with limited powers. By law, the King has the right to be periodically briefed and consulted on government affairs. Depending on the personalities and relationships of the King and the ministers, the monarch might have influence beyond the power granted by the Constitution of the Prostitutes Gembloux.

The executive power is formed by the Council of Ministersthe deliberative organ of the Dutch cabinet. The cabinet usually consists of 13 Prostitutes Gembloux 16 ministers and a varying number of state secretaries.

One to three ministers are ministers without portfolio. The head of government is the Prime Minister of the Netherlandswho often is the leader of the largest party Prostitutes Gembloux the coalition. The Prime Minister is a primus inter pareswith no explicit powers beyond those Prostitutes Gembloux the other ministers. Mark Rutte has been Prime Minister since October ; the Prime Minister had been the leader of the largest party of the governing coalition continuously since The cabinet is responsible to the bicameral parliamentthe States Generalwhich also has legislative powers.

The members of the House of Representativesthe lower houseare elected in direct elections on the basis Prostitutes Gembloux party-list proportional Prostitutes Gembloux. These are held every four years, or sooner in case the cabinet falls for example: when one of the chambers carries a motion of no confidencethe cabinet offers its resignation to the monarch.

The States-Provincial are directly elected every four years as well. The members of the provincial assemblies elect the 75 members of the Senatethe upper housewhich has the power to reject laws, but not propose or amend them. Both houses send members to the Benelux Parliamenta consultative council.

Both trade unions and employers organisations are consulted beforehand in policymaking in the financial, economic and social areas. They meet regularly with the government in the Social-Economic Council.

This body advises government and its advice cannot be put aside easily. The Netherlands has a long tradition of social tolerance. In the late 19th century this Dutch tradition of religious tolerance transformed into a system of pillarisationin which religious groups coexisted separately and only interacted at the level of government.

This tradition of tolerance influences Dutch criminal justice policies on Prostitutes Gembloux drugsprostitutionLGBT rightseuthanasiaand abortionwhich are among the most liberal in the world.

Because of the multi-party systemno single party has held a majority in parliament since the 19th Prostitutes Gembloux, and as Prostitutes Gembloux result, coalition cabinets had to be formed. Since suffrage became universal inthe Dutch political system has been dominated by three families of political parties: the strongest of which were the Christian Democratscurrently represented by the Christian Democratic Appeal CDA ; second were the Social Democratsrepresented by the Labour Party PvdA ; and third were the Liberalsof which the Prostitutes Gembloux People's Party for Freedom and Democracy VVD is the main representative.

These parties co-operated in coalition cabinets in which the Christian Democrats had always been a partner: so either a centre-left coalition of the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats was ruling or a centre-right coalition of Christian Democrats and Prostitutes Gembloux.

In the s, the party system became more volatile: the Christian Democratic parties lost seats, while new parties became successful, such as the radical democrat and progressive liberal Democrats 66 D66 or the ecologist party GroenLinks GL. In the electionthe CDA lost its dominant position. In the electionsthis cabinet lost its majority, because of an increased support for the CDA and the rise of the right-wing LPFa new political party, around Pim Fortuynwho was assassinated a week before the elections.

The cabinet initiated an ambitious programme Prostitutes Gembloux reforming the welfare statethe healthcare systemand immigration policy. In these elections, the CDA remained the largest party and the Socialist Party made the largest gains. The big winner of the elections was Geert Wilderswhose right wing PVV[] [] the ideological successor to the LPFmore Prostitutes Gembloux doubled its number of seats.

Prostitutes Gembloux unprecedented minority government was supported by PVV, but proved ultimately to be unstable, [] when on 21 April Prostitutes Gembloux, Wilders, leader Prostitutes Gembloux PVV, unexpectedly 'torpedoed seven weeks of austerity talks' on new austerity measures, paving the way for early elections.

On 5 November they formed the second Rutte cabinet. This cabinet resigned in Januarytwo months before the general election, after a child welfare fraud scandal. The second Prostitutes Gembloux party was the centre-left D66 with 24 seats. Geert Wilders ' far-right party lost support. Prime Minister Mark Rutte, in power sinceformed his fourth coalition government, the Fourth Rutte cabinetconsisting of the same parties as the previous one.

The Netherlands is divided into twelve Prostitutes Gembloux, each under a King's Commissioner Commissaris van de Koning. Informally in Limburg province this position is named Governor Gouverneur. All Prostitutes Gembloux are divided into municipalities gemeentenof which there are The country is also subdivided into 21 water districts, governed by a water board waterschap or hoogheemraadschapeach having authority in matters concerning water management.

The Dutch water boards are among the oldest democratic entities in the world still in existence. Direct elections of the water boards take place every four Prostitutes Gembloux. The administrative structure on the three BES islands, collectively known as the Caribbean NetherlandsProstitutes Gembloux outside the twelve provinces. These islands have the status of openbare lichamen public bodies.

The Netherlands Prostitutes Gembloux several Belgian exclaves [] and within those even several enclaves which are part of the province of North Brabant see Baarle-Nassau. Prostitutes Gembloux the Netherlands and Belgium are both in the Beneluxand more recently in the Prostitutes Gembloux Areacitizens of respective countries can travel through these enclaves without controls.

The history of Dutch foreign policy has been characterised by its neutrality. The Dutch economy is very open and relies strongly on international trade.

The foreign policy of the Netherlands is based on four basic commitments: to Atlantic co-operationto European integrationto international development and to international law. Prostitutes Gembloux of the more controversial international issues surrounding the Netherlands is its liberal policy towards soft drugs.

During and after the Dutch Golden AgeProstitutes Gembloux Dutch people built up a commercial and colonial empire. The most important colonies were present-day Suriname and Indonesia. Indonesia became independent after the Indonesian National Revolution Prostitutes Gembloux the s following a war of independence, international pressure and several United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Suriname became independent in The historical ties inherited from its colonial past still influence the foreign relations of the Netherlands. In Prostitutes Gembloux, many people from these countries are living permanently in the Netherlands. The Netherlands has one of the oldest standing Prostitutes Gembloux in Europe; it was first established as such by Maurice of Prostitutes Gembloux in the late s.

The Dutch army was used throughout the Dutch Empire. After the defeat of Napoleon, the Dutch army was transformed into a Prostitutes Gembloux army. The army was unsuccessfully deployed during the Belgian Revolution in Afterit was deployed mainly in the Dutch colonies, Prostitutes Gembloux the Netherlands remained neutral in European wars including the First World Waruntil the Netherlands was invaded in World War II and defeated by the Wehrmacht in May In conscription was suspended, and the Dutch army was once again transformed into a professional army.

Since the s the Dutch army has Prostitutes Gembloux involved in the Bosnian War and the Kosovo Warit held a province in Iraq after the Prostitutes Gembloux of Saddam Husseinand it was engaged Prostitutes Gembloux Afghanistan. Prostitutes Gembloux military is composed of four branches, all of which carry the prefix Koninklijke Royal :.

The submarine service opened to women on 1 January The Korps Commandotroepenthe Special Operations Force of the Netherlands Army, is open to women, but because of the extremely high physical demands for initial training, it is almost impossible for a woman to become a commando. The Netherlands has ratified many international conventions concerning war law.

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The Netherlands has a developed economy and has been playing a special role in the European economy for many centuries. Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, agriculture, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy. The Netherlands has a high level of economic freedom. The Netherlands is one of the Prostitutes Gembloux countries in the Prostitutes Gembloux Enabling Trade Report 2nd inand was ranked the fifth most competitive economy in the world by the Swiss International Institute for Management Development in Foodstuffs form the largest industrial sector.

Other major industries include chemicals, metallurgy, machinery, electrical goods, trade, services and tourism. The Netherlands has the 17th-largest economy in the worldand ranks 11th in GDP nominal per capita. Growth slowed considerably from to with the global economic slowdown, but accelerated to 4. In May Prostitutes Gembloux, inflation was at 2. In Q3 and Q4the Dutch economy contracted by 0. Amsterdam is the financial and business capital of the Netherlands.

It is situated near Dam Square in the city's centre. As a founding member of the eurothe Netherlands replaced for accounting purposes its former currency, the "gulden" guilderon 1 Januaryalong with 15 other adopters Prostitutes Gembloux the euro.

Actual euro coins and banknotes followed on 1 January One euro was equivalent to 2. In the Caribbean Netherlandsthe United States dollar is used instead of the euro. The Dutch location gives it prime access to markets in the UK and Germany, with Prostitutes Gembloux Port of Rotterdam being the largest port in Europe. Other important parts Prostitutes Gembloux the economy are international trade Dutch colonialism started with co-operative private enterprises such as the Dutch East India Companybanking and transport.

The Netherlands successfully addressed the issue of public finances and stagnating Prostitutes Gembloux growth long before its European partners. Amsterdam is the 5th-busiest tourist destination in Europe with more than Prostitutes Gembloux. The Netherlands continues to be one of the leading European nations for attracting Prostitutes Gembloux direct investment and is one of the five largest investors in the United States.

The economy experienced a slowdown in Prostitutes Gembloux, but in recovered to the fastest pace in six years on the back of increased exports and strong investment. The pace of job growth reached year highs in The Netherlands is the fourth-most competitive economy in the world, according to the World Economic Forum 's Global Competitiveness Report.

Beginning in the s, the Netherlands discovered huge natural gas resources. The sale of natural Prostitutes Gembloux generated enormous revenues for the Netherlands for decades, adding hundreds of billions of euros to the government's budget. Apart from coal and gas, the country has no mining resources. The last coal mine was closed in The Groningen gas fieldone of the largest natural-gas fields in the world, is situated near Slochteren.

Around 35, homes are said to be affected. The Netherlands is faced with Prostitutes Gembloux challenges as the energy supply is forecasted to fall short of Prostitutes Gembloux demand by the year in the gas sector. This is Prostitutes Gembloux to the depletion of the Netherlands' major gas field, Groningen, Prostitutes Gembloux the earthquakes that have hit the Groningen region.

The Netherlands Prostitutes Gembloux heavily on natural gas to provide energy. ON, Eneco, and Delta that have significant influence over the energy policy. This means the Dutch required nearly six times as much biocapacity Prostitutes Gembloux the Netherlands contains. As a result, the Netherlands was running a biocapacity deficit of 4.

The Dutch agricultural sector Prostitutes Gembloux highly mechanised, and has a strong focus on international exports. One-third of the world's exports of chilistomatoes, and cucumbers goes through the country. The Netherlands also exports one-fifteenth of the world's apples. Aside from that, a significant portion of Dutch agricultural exports consists of fresh-cut plants, flowers, and flower bulbs, with the Netherlands exporting two-thirds of the world's total. Prostitutes Gembloux Netherlands had an estimated population of 17, as of 30 April It is the 67th most populous country in the world.

Between andthe country's population almost doubled from 5. From tothe population further increased, to The fertility rate in Prostitutes Gembloux Netherlands is 1. According to a estimate, the population was The Dutch are the tallest people in the world, by nationality, [] with an average height of 1.

According to Eurostatin there were 1. Of these, 1. Of thesehad Prostitutes Gembloux grandparents,non-western. The third generation constitutes from persons born Prostitutes Gembloux two second generation immigrants or one second generation immigrant and one person with a Dutch background. According to Prostitutes Gembloux United States Census Bureaumore than 5 million Americans claim total or partial Dutch ancestry.

The Randstad is the country's largest conurbation located in the west of the country and contains the four largest cities: Amsterdam in the province North HollandRotterdam and The Hague in Prostitutes Gembloux province South Hollandand Utrecht in the province Utrecht.

The Prostitutes Gembloux has a population of about 8. According to Dutch Central Statistics Bureau, in28 per cent Prostitutes Gembloux the Dutch population had a spendable income above 45, euros which does not include spending on health care or education.

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The official language is Dutchwhich is spoken by the vast majority of the inhabitants. In the European part of the kingdom two other regional languages are recognised under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. The first of these recognised regional languages is Low Saxon Nedersaksisch in Dutch. Low Saxon consists of Prostitutes Gembloux dialects of the Low German language spoken in the north and east of the Netherlands, like Tweants in the region of Twenteand Drents in the province of Drenthe.

Secondly, Limburgish is also recognised as a regional language. It consists of Dutch varieties of Meuse-Rhenish Franconian languages and is spoken in the south-eastern province of Limburg.

Ripuarian languagewhich is spoken in Kerkrade and Vaals in the form of, Prostitutes Gembloux, the Kerkrade dialect and the Vaals dialect [] [] are legally treated as Limburgish as well - see Southeast Limburgish dialect. English has a formal status in the Prostitutes Gembloux municipalities of Saba and Sint Eustatius. It is widely spoken on these islands. Papiamento has a formal status in the special municipality of Bonaire. Yiddish and the Romani language were recognised in as non-territorial languages.

In Prostitutes Gembloux level secondary schools HAVO and VWOthe acquisition of two additional modern foreign language skills is mandatory during the first three years. Only during the last three years in VWO one foreign language is mandatory. Besides English, the standard modern languages are French and Germanalthough schools can replace Prostitutes Gembloux of these modern languages Prostitutes Gembloux ChineseSpanishRussianItalianTurkish Prostitutes Gembloux Arabic.

Religious identification in the Netherlands [4]. The population of the Netherlands was predominantly Christian until the late 20th century, divided into a number of denominations.

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Although significant religious diversity remains, there has been a decline of religious adherence. Prostitutes Gembloux Netherlands is now one of the most secular societies in the world.

InStatistics Netherlands found that Groups that represent the non-religious in the Netherlands include Humanistisch Verbond. Catholics comprised Muslims comprised 5. The southern provinces of North Brabant and Limburg have historically been strongly Catholic, and some residents consider the Catholic Church as a base for their cultural identity.

Protestantism in the Netherlands consists of a number of churches within various traditions. Several orthodox Calvinist and liberal churches did not merge into the PKN.

Although in the Netherlands as a Prostitutes Gembloux Christianity has become a minority, the Netherlands contains a Bible Belt from Zeeland to the northern parts of the province Overijsselin which Protestant particularly Calvinist beliefs remain strong, and even has majorities in municipal councils.

Islam is the second largest religion in the state. This included migrant workers from Turkey and Moroccoas well as migrants from former Dutch coloniessuch as Surinam and Indonesia. Most of these are Indo-Surinamese. There are also sizeable populations of Hindu immigrants from India and Sri Lankaand some Western adherents of Hinduism-orientated new religious movements such as Hare Krishnas. The Netherlands has Prostitutes Gembloux estimatedBuddhists or people strongly attracted to this religion, mainly ethnic Dutch people.

In addition, there Prostitutes Gembloux about 45, Jews in the Netherlands. The Constitution of the Netherlands guarantees freedom of education, which means that Prostitutes Gembloux schools that adhere to general quality criteria receive the same government funding. This includes schools based on religious principles by religious groups especially Prostitutes Gembloux and various Protestant.

Upon the country's Prostitutes Gembloux, Protestants were predominant Prostitutes Gembloux most of the country, while Roman Catholics were dominant in the south, especially Prostitutes Gembloux Brabant and Limburg.

In the late 19th century, secularism, atheism and pillarisation gained adherents. ByCatholics equalled Prostitutes Gembloux in number; thereafter, Prostitutes Gembloux Christian branches began to decline. Conversely, Islam grew considerably as the result of immigration. Since there has been raised awareness of religion, mainly due to Muslim extremism.

The Dutch royal family has been traditionally associated with Calvinism Prostitutes Gembloux, specifically the Dutch Reformed Churchwhich has merged into the Protestant Church in the Netherlands. The Dutch Reformed Church was the only major Protestant church in the Netherlands from the Reformation until the 19th century. Denominational splits in and in diversified Dutch Calvinism. Ina Catholic became Queen consort. Education in Prostitutes Gembloux Netherlands is compulsory between the ages of 5 and All children in the Netherlands usually attend elementary school from on average ages 4 to It comprises eight grades, the first of which is facultative.

Based on an aptitude test, the eighth grade teacher's recommendation and the opinion of the pupil's parents or caretakers, a choice is made for one of the three main streams of secondary education. After completing a particular stream, a pupil may still continue in the penultimate year of the next stream. The VMBO has four grades and is subdivided over several levels. The MBO middle-level applied education is a form Prostitutes Gembloux education that primarily focuses on teaching a practical trade or a vocational degree.

The HBO higher professional education are universities of professional education Prostitutes Gembloux sciences that award professional bachelor's degrees; similar to polytechnic degrees.

An HBO degree gives access to the university system. The VWO comprising atheneum and gymnasium has 6 grades and prepares for studying Prostitutes Gembloux a research university. Universities offer a three-year bachelor's degree, followed by a one or two-year master's degree, Prostitutes Gembloux in turn can be followed by a four or five-year doctoral degree programme.

Netherlands was ranked 5th in the Global Innovation Index indown from 4th in Doctoral candidates in the Netherlands are generally non-tenured Prostitutes Gembloux of a university.

All Dutch schools and universities are publicly funded and managed with the exception of religious schools that are publicly funded but not managed by the state even though requirements are necessary for Prostitutes Gembloux funding to be authorised. Dutch Prostitutes Gembloux have a tuition Prostitutes Gembloux of about 2, euros a year Prostitutes Gembloux students from the Netherlands and the European Union.

The amount is about 10, euros for non-EU students. Inthe Netherlands maintained its number one position at the top of the annual Euro health consumer index EHCIwhich compares healthcare systems in Europe, scoring of a maximum 1, points.

The Prostitutes Gembloux has been among the top three countries in each report published since On 48 indicators such as patient rights and information, accessibility, prevention and outcomes, the Netherlands secured its top position Prostitutes Gembloux 37 Prostitutes Gembloux countries for six years in a row.

Ever since a major reform of the health care system inthe Dutch system received more points in the Index each year. According to Prostitutes Gembloux HCP Health Consumer Powerhousethe Netherlands has 'a chaos system', meaning patients have a great degree of freedom from where to buy their health insurance, to where they get their healthcare service.

The Prostitutes Gembloux between the Prostitutes Gembloux and other countries is that the chaos is managed. Healthcare decisions are being made in a dialogue between the patients and healthcare professionals. Health insurance in the Netherlands is mandatory. Healthcare in the Netherlands is covered by two statutory forms of insurance:. While Dutch residents are automatically insured by Prostitutes Gembloux government for AWBZ, everyone has to take out their own basic healthcare insurance basisverzekeringexcept those under 18 who are automatically covered under their parents' premium.

If a person decides not to carry out an insurance coverage, the person may be fined. Insurers have to offer a universal package for everyone over the age of 18 years, regardless of age or state of health — Prostitutes Gembloux illegal to refuse an application or impose special conditions. In contrast to many other European systems, the Dutch government is responsible for the accessibility Prostitutes Gembloux quality of the healthcare system in the Netherlands, but not in charge of its management.

Prostitutes Gembloux in the Netherlands can be divided in several ways: three echelons, in somatic and mental health care and in 'cure' short term and 'care' long term. Home doctors huisartsencomparable to general practitioners form the largest part of the first echelon.

Being referenced by a member of the first echelon is mandatory for access to the second and third echelon. Healthcare in the Netherlands is financed by a dual system that came into effect in January Long-term treatments, especially those that involve semi-permanent hospitalisation, and also disability costs such as wheelchairs, are covered by a state-controlled mandatory insurance.

For all regular short-term medical treatment, there is a system of obligatory Prostitutes Gembloux insurancewith private health insurance companies. These insurance companies are obliged Prostitutes Gembloux provide a package with a defined set of insured treatments. A key feature of the Dutch system is that premiums may not be related to health status or age.

Risk variances between private health insurance companies due to the different risks presented by individual policy holders are compensated through risk equalisation and a common risk pool. Children under 18 are covered for free. Those on low incomes receive compensation to help them pay their insurance.

Mobility on Dutch roads has grown continuously since the s and now exceeds billion km travelled per year, [] three quarters of which are done by car. With a total road network ofkm, which includes 2, km of expressways, [] the Netherlands has one of the densest road networks in the world—much denser than Germany and France, but still not as dense as Belgium. As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, the Government of the Netherlands initiated a plan to establish over recharging stations for electric vehicles across the country.

The rollout will Prostitutes Gembloux undertaken by Switzerland-based power and Prostitutes Gembloux company ABB and Dutch startup Fastnedand will aim to provide at least one station within a kilometre 30 mi radius of every home in the Netherlands.

Trains are frequent, with two trains Prostitutes Gembloux hour on lesser lines, [k] two to four trains Prostitutes Gembloux hour on average, and up to eight trains an hour on the busiest lines. Cycling is a ubiquitous Prostitutes Gembloux of transport in the Netherlands.

Almost as many Prostitutes Gembloux are covered by bicycle Prostitutes Gembloux by train. Busy roads have received some 35, km of dedicated cycle tracksphysically segregated from motorised traffic.

There are large bicycle parking facilities, particularly in city centres and at train stations. Until the introduction of trains, ships were the primary mode of transport in the Netherlands. And shipping has remained crucial afterwards. The Port of Rotterdam Prostitutes Gembloux the largest port in Europe and the largest port in the world outside East-Asia, Prostitutes Gembloux the rivers Meuse and Rhine providing excellent access to the hinterland upstream reaching to BaselSwitzerland, and into Germany and France.

As of [update]Rotterdam was the world's eighth largest container port handling The harbour functions as an important transit point for bulk materials and between the European continent and overseas. From Rotterdam goods are transported by ship, river barge, train or road. The Volkeraksluizen between Rotterdam and Antwerp are the biggest sluices for inland navigation in the world in terms of tonnage passing through them.

Inthe Betuweroutea new fast freight railway from Rotterdam to Germany, was completed. The Netherlands also hosts Europe's 4th largest port in Amsterdam. The Prostitutes Gembloux shipping fleet of the Netherlands is the largest in Europe. The ferry network in Amsterdam and Prostitutes Gembloux Waterbus network in Rotterdam are part of the public transport system.

Schiphol Airportjust southwest of Amsterdam, is the main international airport in the Netherlands, and the third busiest airport in Europe by number of passengers. Schiphol is the main hub for KLM Prostitutes Gembloux, the nation's flag carrier and the world's oldest airline.

Air transport is of vital significance for the Caribbean Prostitutes Gembloux of the Netherlands, with all islands having their own airport. This includes the shortest runway in the world on Saba. The Netherlands has had many well-known Prostitutes Gembloux. During the Dutch Golden Agespanning much of the 17th century, the Dutch Republic Prostitutes Gembloux prosperous and witnessed a flourishing artistic Prostitutes Gembloux.

Escher is a well-known graphic artist. Willem de Kooning was born and trained in Rotterdamalthough he is considered to have reached acclaim as an American artist. Hooft as the two most Prostitutes Gembloux writers. In the 19th century, Multatuli wrote about the poor treatment of the Prostitutes Gembloux in the Dutch colony, the current Indonesia. Anne Frank 's Diary of a Young Girl was published after she was murdered Prostitutes Gembloux the Holocaust and translated from Dutch to all major languages.

Various architectural styles can be distinguished in the Netherlands. Over the years, various styles have been built and preserved. The Romanesque architecture was built between the years and This architectural style is most concentrated in the provinces of Gelderland and Limburg. Limburg, in particular, differs greatly in architectural style from the rest of the Netherlands. The Gothic architecture came to in the Netherlands from about Gothic buildings often had large windows, pointed arches and were richly decorated.

Brabantine Gothic originated with the rise of the Duchy of Brabant and spread throughout the Burgundian provinces. This architectural style is most concentrated in the province of North Brabantsuch as St. What many know as traditional Dutch architecture is the Dutch Baroque architecture — and classicism — These style of architecture is especially in evidence in the cities of North Holland Prostitutes Gembloux, South Holland and Zeeland.

The Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens — discovered Saturn 's Prostitutes Gembloux Titanargued that light travelled as waves, invented the pendulum clock and was the first physicist to use mathematical formulae.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe and Prostitutes Gembloux single-celled organisms with a microscope. A similar Holland Village is being built Prostitutes Gembloux ShenyangChina. Windmillstulipswooden shoescheese, Delftware pottery, and cannabis are among the items associated with the Netherlands by tourists. In the south of the Prostitutes Gembloux there are some festivals that Prostitutes Gembloux or never occur in the rest of the Netherlands. These celebrations grew out of Catholic traditions, including Carnivallantern parades during the celebration of Prostitutes Gembloux KingsBrabantian Day and huge Bloemencorso.

Bloemencorsos used to occur in many places in the Netherlands, but in the 21st century, Zundert and Valkenswaard in North Brabant have taken the lead. Dutch society is egalitarian and modern. Prostitutes Gembloux Dutch have an aversion to the non-essential. The Dutch are proud of their cultural heritagerich history in art and involvement in international affairs.

Dutch manners are open and direct with a no-nonsense attitude—informality combined with Prostitutes Gembloux to basic behaviour. According to a humorous source on Dutch culture, "Their directness gives many the impression that they are rude and crude—attributes they prefer to call Prostitutes Gembloux.

Asking about basic rules will not be considered impolite. The Netherlands is one of the most secular countries of Europe, and religion in the Netherlands is generally considered as a personal matter which is Prostitutes Gembloux supposed to be propagated in public, although it Prostitutes Gembloux remains a discussion subject.

The Netherlands has a long history of social tolerance and today is regarded as a liberal country, considering its drug policy and its legalisation of euthanasia. On 1 Aprilthe Netherlands became the first nation to legalise same-sex marriage. As of the Netherlands had one of the highest rates of carbon dioxide emissions per capita in the European Union, above those of Germany, France Prostitutes Gembloux Belgium.

Despite this, the Netherlands has nonetheless the reputation of the leader Prostitutes Gembloux in environmental and population management. Sustainability is a concept important for the Dutch. The goal of the Dutch Government is to have a sustainablereliable and affordable energy Prostitutes Gembloux, byin which CO 2 emissions have been halved and 40 per cent of electricity is derived from sustainable sources. The government is investing billions Prostitutes Gembloux euros in energy efficiencysustainable energy and CO 2 reduction.

The Netherlands has multiple music traditions. Traditional Dutch music is a genre known as " Levenslied ", meaning Song of life Prostitutes Gembloux, to an extent comparable to a French Chanson or a German Schlager. These songs typically have Prostitutes Gembloux simple melody and rhythm, and a straightforward structure of verses and choruses. Themes can be light, but are often sentimental and include lovedeath and loneliness. Traditional musical instruments such as the accordion and the barrel organ are a staple of levenslied music, though in recent years many artists also use synthesisers and guitars.

Contemporary Dutch rock and pop music Nederpop originated in the s, heavily influenced by popular music from the United Prostitutes Gembloux and Britain. In the s and s the Prostitutes Gembloux were mostly in English, and some tracks were instrumental. As of the s, more and more pop musicians started working in the Dutch language, partly inspired by the huge success of the band Doe Maar.

Today Dutch rock and pop music thrives in both languages, with some artists recording in both. Trijntje Oosterhuisone of the country's most well known and versatile singers, has made multiple albums with famous American composers Vince Mendoza and Burt Bacharach.

Early s Dutch and Belgian Prostitutes Gembloux music came together in Eurodance project 2 Unlimited. Selling 18 million records, [] the two singers in the band are the most successful Dutch music artists to this day. Tracks like " Get Ready for This " are still popular themes of U. In the mids Dutch language rap and hip hop Nederhop also came to fruition and has become popular in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Since the s, Dutch electronic dance music EDM gained widespread popularity in the world in many forms, from trancetechno and gabber to hardstyle. The Amsterdam Dance Event ADE is Prostitutes Gembloux world's leading electronic music conference and the biggest club festival for the many electronic subgenres on the planet.

The Netherlands have participated in the Eurovision Song Contest since its first edition inand have won five times. Prostitutes Gembloux most recent win was in In Prostitutes Gembloux musicJan Sweelinck ranks as the Dutch most famous composer, with Louis Andriessen amongst the best known living Dutch classical composers.

Ton Prostitutes Gembloux is a Dutch conductor, organist and harpsichordist. He is also professor at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. The latter, together with his Johann Strauss Orchestrahas taken classical and waltz music on worldwide concert tours, the size and revenue of which are otherwise only seen from the world's biggest rock and pop music acts.

The most famous Dutch classical composition is " Canto Ostinato " by Simeon Prostitutes Gembloux Holta minimalistic composition for multiple instruments. Film director Theo van Gogh achieved international notoriety in when he was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri in the streets of Amsterdam after directing the short film Submission.

The Netherlands has a well developed television market, with both multiple commercial and public broadcasters. Imported TV programmes, as well as interviews with responses in a foreign language, are virtually always shown with the original sound and subtitled.

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Only foreign shows for children are dubbed. TV exports from the Netherlands Prostitutes Gembloux take the form of specific formats and franchises, most notably through internationally active TV production conglomerate Endemolfounded by Dutch media tycoons John de Mol and Joop van den Ende.

Headquartered in Amsterdam Prostitutes Gembloux, Endemol has around 90 companies in over 30 countries. Endemol and its subsidiaries create and run reality, talent, and game show franchises worldwide, including Big Brother and Deal or No Deal.

John de Mol later started his own company Talpa which created show franchises like The Voice and Utopia. Approximately 4. About two-thirds of the population between 15 and 75 participates in sports weekly.

The Netherlands national football team is one of the most popular aspects of Dutch sports; especially since the s when one of the greatest footballers of all time, Johan CruyffProstitutes Gembloux Total Football with coach Rinus Michels. Tennis, gymnastics and golf are the three most widely engaged in individual sports. Organisation of sports began at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Federations for sports were established such as Prostitutes Gembloux speed skating federation inrules were unified and sports clubs Prostitutes Gembloux into existence. A Dutch National Olympic Committee was established in Thus far, Prostitutes Gembloux nation has won medals at the Summer Olympic Games and another Prostitutes Gembloux at the Winter Olympic Games.

In international competition, Dutch national teams and athletes are dominant in several fields of sport.

In recent times, much of the Netherlands has seen a reclamation of land from what were once waterways.

The Netherlands women's field hockey team is the most successful team in World Cup history. Prostitutes Gembloux Netherlands baseball team have won the European championship 20 times out of 32 events.

The Netherlands Women's handball team holds the record of the only team in the world that consecutively reached all six semifinals of major international tournaments sincewinning silver and bronze at the European Women's Handball Championship and silver, bronze and gold at the World Women's Handball Championship.

They finished fourth at the Summer Olympics. The Dutch speed skaters' performance at the Winter Olympicswhere they won 8 out of 12 events, 23 out of 36 medals, including 4 clean sweeps, is the Prostitutes Gembloux dominant performance in a single sport in Olympic history. Motorcycle racing at the TT Circuit Assen has a long history.

Assen is the only venue to have held Prostitutes Gembloux round of the Motorcycle World Championship every year since its creation in The circuit was purpose-built for the Dutch TT inwith previous events having been held on public roads.

He was also the youngest driver to make his debut at the age of 17, and became the youngest race winner at the age of The coastal resort of Zandvoort hosted the Dutch Grand Prix from to The race returned to Zandvoort for the season after major renovations, and was won by the Dutchman, Max Verstappen, becoming the first driver with a Dutch nationality to Prostitutes Gembloux the Dutch Grand Prix.

The volleyball national men's team has also been successful, winning the silver medal at the Summer Olympics and the gold medal four years later in Atlanta. The biggest success of the women's national team was winning the Prostitutes Gembloux Championship in and the World Grand Prix in Recently cricket has made a remarkable progress in the Netherlands. They have also qualified for and T20 World Cup. Originally, the country's cuisine was shaped Prostitutes Gembloux the practices of fishing and farmingincluding the cultivation of the soil for growing crops Prostitutes Gembloux raising domesticated animals.

Dutch cuisine is simple and straightforward, and contains many dairy products. Breakfast and lunch are typically bread Prostitutes Gembloux toppings, with Prostitutes Gembloux for breakfast as an alternative. Traditionally, dinner consists of potatoes, a portion of meat, and seasonal vegetables. Prostitutes Gembloux Dutch diet was Prostitutes Gembloux high in carbohydrates and fat, reflecting the dietary needs of the labourers whose culture moulded the country.

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Without many refinements, it is best described as rustic, though many holidays are still celebrated with special foods. In the course of the twentieth century this diet changed and Prostitutes Gembloux much more cosmopolitanwith most global cuisines being represented in the major cities. Modern culinary writers distinguish between three general regional forms of Dutch cuisine.

The regions in the northeast of the Netherlands, roughly the provinces of GroningenProstitutes GemblouxDrenthe Prostitutes Gembloux, Overijssel and Gelderland north of the great rivers are the least populated areas of the Netherlands. The late 18th century introduction of large scale agriculture means that the cuisine is generally known for its many kinds of meats. The relative lack of farms allowed for an abundance of game and husbandrythough dishes near the coastal regions of Friesland, Groningen and the parts of Overijssel bordering the IJsselmeer also include a large amount of fish.

The various dried sausages, belonging to Prostitutes Gembloux metworst -family of Dutch sausages are found throughout this region and are highly prized for their often very strong taste. Also smoked sausages are common, of which Gelderse rookworst is the most renowned. Prostitutes Gembloux sausage contains a lot of fat and is very juicy.

Larger sausages are often eaten alongside stamppothutspot or zuurkool sauerkraut ; Prostitutes Gembloux smaller ones are often eaten as a street food. The provinces Prostitutes Gembloux also home to hard textured rye breadpastries and cookies, the latter heavily spiced with ginger or succade or containing small bits of meat.

A notable characteristic of Fries roggebrood Frisian rye bread is its long baking time up to 20 hoursresulting in a sweet taste and a deep dark colour. As a coastal region, Friesland is home to low-lying grasslands, and thus has a cheese production in common with the Western cuisine.

Friese Nagelkaas Friesian Clove is a notable example. Because of the abundance of water and flat grasslands that are found here, the area is known for its Prostitutes Gembloux dairy products, which include prominent cheeses such as GoudaLeyden spiced cheese with cuminand Edam traditionally in small spheres as well as Leerdammer and Beemsterwhile the adjacent Zaanstreek in North Holland has since the 16th century been known for its mayonnaisetypical whole-grain mustards[] and chocolate industry.

Zeeland and South Holland produce a lot of butter, which contains a larger amount of milkfat than most other European butter varieties. A by-product of the butter-making process, karnemelk buttermilkis also considered typical for this region. Seafood such as soused herringmussels called Zeeuwse Mosselssince all Dutch mussels for consumption are cleaned in Zeeland's Oosterscheldeeelsoysters and shrimps are widely available and Prostitutes Gembloux for the Prostitutes Gembloux.

Kibbelingonce a local delicacy consisting of small chunks of battered white fishhas become a national fast foodjust as lekkerbek. Pastries Prostitutes Gembloux this area tend to be quite doughy, and often contain large amounts of sugar; either caramelised, powdered or crystallised. The oliebol in its modern form and Zeeuwse bolus are good examples. Cookies are also produced in great number and tend to contain a lot of butter and sugar, like stroopwafelas well as a filling of some kind, mostly almond, Prostitutes Gembloux gevulde koek.

The traditional alcoholic beverages of this region are beer strong pale lager and Jenevera high proof juniper -flavoured spirit, that came to be known in England as Prostitutes Gembloux. A noted exception within the traditional Dutch alcoholic landscape, Advocaata rich and creamy liqueur made from eggs, sugar and brandy, is also native to Prostitutes Gembloux region.

It is renowned for its many rich pastries, soups, stews and vegetable dishes and is often called Burgundian which is a Dutch idiom invoking the rich Burgundian court which ruled the Low Countries in the Middle Ages, renowned for its splendour Prostitutes Gembloux great feasts.

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It is the only Prostitutes Gembloux culinary region that developed an haute cuisine. Pastries are abundant, often with rich fillings of cream, custard or fruits. Savoury pastries also occur, with the worstenbroodje a roll with a sausage of ground beefliterally translates into sausage bread Prostitutes Gembloux the most popular. The traditional alcoholic beverage of the region is beer.

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There are many local brands, ranging from Trappist to Kriek. Beer, like wine in French cuisine, is also used in cooking; often in stews. In earlyOxfam ranked the Netherlands as the country with the most nutritious, plentiful and healthy food, in a comparison of countries.

From the exploitations in the Mughal Empire in the 17th century, to the colonisations in the 19th century, Prostitutes Gembloux imperial possessions continued to expand, reaching their greatest extent by establishing a hegemony of the Dutch East Prostitutes Gembloux in the early 20th century. The Dutch East Indies, which later formed modern-day Indonesia, was one of the Prostitutes Gembloux valuable European colonies in the world and the most important one for the Netherlands.

In Prostitutes Gembloux Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, the Netherlands urbanised considerably, mostly financed by corporate revenue from the Asian trade monopolies. Social status was based on merchants' income, which reduced feudalism and considerably changed the dynamics of Dutch society. When the Dutch royal family was established inmuch of its wealth came from Colonial trade. Afterward, they established ports in Dutch occupied Malabarleading to Dutch settlements and trading posts in India.

However, their expansion into India was halted, after their defeat in the Battle of Colachel by the Kingdom of Travancoreduring the Travancore-Dutch War. The Dutch never recovered from the defeat and no longer posed a large colonial threat to Bengal Subah. Universities such as the Leiden Universityfounded in the Prostitutes Gembloux century, have developed into leading knowledge Prostitutes Gembloux for Southeast Asian and Indonesian studies.

Leiden University and in particular KITLV are educational and scientific institutions that to this day share both an intellectual and historical interest in Indonesian studies. Other scientific institutions in the Netherlands include the Amsterdam Tropenmuseuman anthropological museum with massive collections of Indonesian art, culture, ethnography and anthropology.

A specific segment of Dutch Prostitutes Gembloux called Dutch Indies literature still exists and includes established authors, such as Louis Couperusthe writer of "The Hidden Force", taking the colonial era Prostitutes Gembloux an important source of inspiration.

The majority of Dutchmen that repatriated to the Netherlands after and during the Indonesian revolution are Prostitutes Gembloux Eurasiannative to the islands of the Dutch East Indies.

This relatively large Eurasian population had developed over a period of years and were classified by colonial law Prostitutes Gembloux belonging to the European legal community.

Including their second generation descendants, Indos are currently the largest foreign-born group in the Netherlands. And they would then be charged, usually under the anti-homosexuality law. The show is about the exotic and mesmerising heritage of Prostitutes Gembloux, coupled with innovative and cutting edge technology and modern AV techniques.

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Over time, personal belief paved the way for participants to Prostitutes Gembloux to Prostitutes Gembloux that PrEP was real, since they were still HIV-negative. In Q3 and Q4the Dutch economy contracted by 0. Mark Rutte has been Prime Minister since October ; the Prime Minister had been the leader of the largest party of the governing coalition continuously since

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