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Berglund and Barksdale came to his tavern on March 14, You're now signed up for local updates. This leaves us Prostitutes Logansport the second proposition as to whether the defendants are guilty of conspiracy as charged in Count Two of the indictment.

Holz testified he was married and had two children; that he was twenty-eight years old; that he had been in the tavern business in Kankakee from the time he returned Prostitutes Logansport military service; that he never operated a house of prostitution.

He met Linda Martin in the Club 49 in a dice game about three years ago; that he fell in love with her; that they quarreled a good deal. Prostitutes Logansport knew Linda was a prostitute. He had visited her in a house of Prostitutes Logansport.

They drove to the Kankakee police station and there Barksdale interviewed her.

She worked for him off and on at a tavern and they stayed together at the Lafayette Hotel in Kankakee; that he was at the tavern on November 18th when it closed; that they registered at the Lafayette Hotel on the morning of the 19th of November about 5 a.

His testimony indicates that he had the bellboy get them something to eat Prostitutes Logansport that he gave him a tip. He and Linda started for Chicago about a. After he left her at the station he started to drive toward his tavern on Route 41 through Prostitutes Logansport. His tavern was located at Route 1 and Prostitutes Logansport in Illinois; that he was in love with the girl and decided to drive to Logansport and meet her.

He went to the depot Prostitutes Logansport Logansport and inquired about the arrival of trains from Chicago. There was a train about 11 a. He met her and talked Prostitutes Logansport her. She took a cab and left the station between 11 and a. He met her at Walgreen's and she had her arms full of packages; she got in the car and they drove to the Arnold home.

He let her out intending to go back to Kankakee when he was stopped by the Sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney. He told the Sheriff, in response to a question Prostitutes Logansport to the identity of the girl, that she was a girl he had out. His license plates were on the back seat of Prostitutes Logansport car; that the children had loosened the nuts holding them and he had taken them off and laid them on the back seat.

He went to the Justice Prostitutes Logansport the Peace office at 2 p. Someone at the Justice of the Peace office Prostitutes Logansport him the friend he brought over had earned enough money by this time to pay his fine. He said he didn't bring her over. He then went to Arnold's house, after calling Linda, and after a discussion between the three of them about a raid on the Arnold house they decided that Linda should go back to Kankakee with him that afternoon and she did so.

They stayed in the Lafayette Hotel that night together.

May 29,  · Houses of prostitution were located in nearly every reach of the city. In , for instance, Alice McDonald was arrested for managing a house of ill fame on West Market Street where the Indiana State House was built in After the Civil War, Louisa Watson managed a “sporting house” in the home she shared with husband Jehu Morris Watson facing the canal . Dec 30,  · Detailed Top Ten Laid Cities. How We Calculated The Ranking. Detailed Table Of Data. There are a number of party hot spots in Indiana. For example, Muncie, Indiana has been called one of the biggest party towns in the nation. And you can see why. It has a large number of college kids, a very young population, and frankly, there's a huge bar scene.

Berglund and Barksdale came to his tavern on March 14, He told Berglund and Barksdale that he knew Linda and knew where she was; that Linda had called from Logansport within four days of the time they were there and told him where she was; that he would have her back the next day.

Before she called he Prostitutes Logansport know where she was. Berglund and Barksdale said they were "hot after a man in Indiana that Linda knew". He went to Logansport on March 14th and brought Prostitutes Logansport back to Kankakee. They met Berglund and Barksdale in a tavern on the evening of March Prostitutes Logansport in Kankakee, and they all went to the police station where they were interviewed.

Barksdale was called in rebuttal and said that Linda Martin told him on March 16th, in the office of the United States Attorney at Danville, Illinois that she was in Logansport early in the evening of November 18, ; that she went there on the 18th by automobile Prostitutes Logansport Chicago and by train to Logansport, and she didn't say how she got there on the 19th of November; that on the 19th of Prostitutes Logansport she got a physical examination and went Prostitutes Logansport Mildred Arnold's.

November 18th to 7 a.

Barksdale further testified that he and Berglund, the other Special Agent of the F. John Rockert, the bellboy at the Lafayette Hotel, testified that he was on duty from 11 p. November 18th until 7 a. November 19, Prostitutes Logansport When Holz and Martin came in they Prostitutes Logansport no baggage. He got something to eat for Holz between and 6 a.

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Holz had requested him to start his car from time to time to keep it warm; that the last time he started the car and warmed it up was at 7 a. The hotel records show that Rockert worked at the hotel from 11 p. Prostitutes Logansport law is that the date in the indictment, November 18th, is not material, and defendants have admitted this point in their brief.

United States, 4 Cir. There can Prostitutes Logansport no question, after hearing all of the evidence, that Harry Holz drove Linda Martin in his automobile from Kankakee, Illinois to Mildred Arnold's bawdy-house in Logansport, Indiana and arrived there about 12 o'clock noon November 19, He was seen stopping at the curb to let her out of his automobile on that date. The date of November 19, was definitely fixed by the evidence of the government.

Defendants admit that the 19th of November was the date. There are several discrepancies in the testimony of Prostitutes Logansport defendants proving the transportation by Holz. They claim they left the hotel in Kankakee in the Holz automobile at Prostitutes Logansport a. The bellboy, John Rockert, tells Prostitutes Logansport plausible story, Prostitutes Logansport they could not have left there according to his testimony until after 7 a.

In her statement to Mr. Barksdale, Special Agent of the F. It is peculiar if Prostitutes Logansport did go by train she would not remember the carrier on which she travelled. The defendant Holz, when he arrived at the Arnold home in Logansport, stopped his car and let Linda Martin out of the car.

He did not carry her baggage into the house. She had no baggage when Prostitutes Logansport went to the Lafayette Hotel the evening before. Rockert testified that they had no baggage when they arrived at the hotel in the early morning of November 19th.

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Linda Martin claims she rented the room to leave her clothes there. Holz further testified that she had some bundles in her arms when he met her at the Walgreen Drug Store. She could not have been carrying two bags. Furthermore, he Prostitutes Logansport no mention of taking her bags from her at the depot in Logansport and placing them in Prostitutes Logansport car, nor does Linda Martin mention how she disposed of her bags during the trip to see the doctor and then to Walgreen's to meet Holz.

Defendant Martin admits she had two bags when she arrived at the Arnold house. Her baggage must have been in the Prostitutes Logansport car from Kankakee to Logansport.

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The inconsistent testimony of both Holz and Martin again appears in the fact that they testified that Linda Martin Prostitutes Logansport a Prostitutes Logansport when she left the depot, but at the same time, when Linda Martin went to the house of prostitution, she rode from Walgreen's Drug Store with Holz in his automobile, although she did not want Holz to know where she was going, nor her purpose in Logansport.

Holz maintains he met Linda Martin between 11 a. According to Linda Martin's story, she arrived in Logansport and had a talk with Harry Holz at the depot. She then went to Dr.

Cooper's office and was examined; she met Holz at Walgreen's Drug Store with some packages she had acquired along the route and within one-half hour to one hour from the time of her arrival she reached the Arnold home with Holz by 12 o'clock noon. If they left Kankakee by automobile after 7 a. From Kankakee to Logansport by hard road is about miles. It is further not explained in the evidence why Holz started to drive to his place of business which was located on Routes 1 and 17 in Illinois via Route 41 in Prostitutes Logansport, when Prostitutes Logansport suddenly changed his mind and drove to Logansport.

A quick glance at a road map of Illinois and Indiana would indicate that it is a shorter paved route to travel Route 1 directly to the tavern at 1 and 17 from the Union Station in Chicago. It is more logical he would have driven directly and then have changed his mind, if he did so. We must bear in mind that if a defendant fabricates a story, that is a further fact inconsistent with Prostitutes Logansport.

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Holz' intent and purpose in taking Linda Martin to Logansport must have been for her to practice prostitution. Intent, motive, or purpose necessary for the establishment of a crime may rest in inference. Reginelli, 3 Cir. Sorrentino, D. Holz knew she was a professional prostitute. She being a professional he certainly did not think she was going to Logansport to follow any other line of work.

Fleenor, 7 Cir. When he was stopped by the officials in Logansport he told them he did not know the girl he Prostitutes Logansport out of his car at Prostitutes Logansport Arnold home and that it was a girl he had out to have some fun. There was no reason for Holz not to tell the story that he brought Linda Martin to Logansport to visit a Prostitutes Logansport if that had been the truth. His statement indicated no innocence as to the character of the girl and the Prostitutes Logansport of house she entered.

She actually went to a house of ill-fame.

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As a matter of fact, he did knowingly transport Linda Martin, knowing her to be a prostitute, knowing that her destination was Prostitutes Logansport bawdy-house in Logansport, Indiana. Citations " Myres v. United States, 8 Cir. In a Prostitutes Logansport similar case, U.

Fleenor, supra, the court held the defendant guilty of the violation of the White Slave Traffic Act. There the women testified that they went by Prostitutes Logansport from Peoria, Illinois to Evansville, Indiana. They were seen to enter the car with the defendant in Peoria. They registered at the same time at the hotel in Evansville, not a bawdy-house. Within 48 hours the wife of the defendant went to work in a bawdy-house.

The Court, after a careful review of the evidence, said F. And again at the bottom of the first column, F. She was a confirmed prostitute and he knew it. She was continually associating with prostitutes and he knew Prostitutes Logansport, and it was a natural consequence of his taking her to Evansville, Prostitutes Logansport she Prostitutes Logansport again seek work in a house of prostitution, which she did in less than forty-eight hours after their arrival.

He was bound to know the natural consequences of his acts. It is true that Judge Major writes a dissenting opinion in the Fleenor case, but at the bottom F. In the instant case we have direct proof that defendants Holz and Martin left Kankakee in the Holz' car, it being admitted in their testimony, and that they arrived in the Holz' automobile at the Arnold bawdy-house before noon on November 19th.

Beyond all reasonable doubt Holz is guilty as charged in Count One. This leaves us with the second proposition as to whether Prostitutes Logansport defendants are guilty of Prostitutes Logansport as charged in Count Two of the indictment.

Defendants have maintained that the evidence of the substantive offense is not sufficient to prove the conspiracy or agreement to commit the overt act.

Prostitutes Logansport is a correct statement of the law but is not applicable in the present case, as circumstantial evidence may be shown to Prostitutes Logansport the existence of an agreement to accomplish the Prostitutes Logansport act. In Reavis v. It is not essential Prostitutes Logansport the agreement be in any specified form or that any particular words be used.

It is enough if the minds of the parties meet and join in an understanding way to accomplish a common purpose.

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A conspiracy Prostitutes Logansport rarely susceptible of direct proof as conspirators seldom reduce their agreements to writing or make public their unlawful plans. But direct proof is not necessary.

The offense may be proved by circumstantial evidence. It may Prostitutes Logansport deduced from statements, acts and conduct of the parties. Telman v. United States, 10 Cir. To the same effect see Madsen v. Prostitutes Logansport, 6 Cir. And again in Marino v. United States, 9 Cir. From the evidence we have already shown beyond a reasonable doubt that Harry Holz committed the unlawful act.

He intended to Prostitutes Logansport Linda Martin from Kankakee to Logansport for her to engage in prostitution.

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Linda Martin admits and the proof shows that she made the arrangements to go to Logansport, Indiana, to the Arnold house of prostitution and work. Prostitutes Logansport claims she made the arrangements by telephone two or three days before, but the Prostitutes Logansport evidence indicates she was in Logansport on the 18th of November, and made the plan.

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In her zeal to protect Holz she made herself a party to the plan to be transported to Logansport to engage Prostitutes Logansport her profession. She was with Holz drinking at taverns during the early hours of November 19th and registered in a hotel Prostitutes Logansport in Kankakee at 5 a. When Holz and Martin left Kankakee they had one purpose, common design, or Prostitutes Logansport, that is, to drive to Logansport, Indiana so that Linda Martin could go to work in a house of prostitution.

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She gave her name and address to Dr. The telephone call in March Prostitutes Logansport to Mildred Arnold, after Prostitutes Logansport Martin returned to Kankakee from Logansport with Holz on the 14th of March, for Mildred Arnold to tell anyone who inquired that she came by train, would indicate that defendant Martin was not innocent. Let us help you understand the big picture so you can take the right steps to defend yourself against prostitution charges in Indiana.

Indiana law defines prostitution as the Prostitutes Logansport act of knowingly offering or performing a sexual act in exchange for money or property. In general, prostitution charges in Indiana are filed as:.

Soliciting or patronizing a prostitute is defined by Indiana law as the unlawful act of knowingly offering to pay or paying another person for a sex Prostitutes Logansport. If, however, the accused person has knowingly patronized a victim of human trafficking, Level Prostitutes Logansport felony charges can be filed. Far more serious than prostitution and solicitation charges, promoting prostitution in Indiana is generally associated with felony-level charges.

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The records of the hotel showed that the room they occupied on March 7, had a telephone call to Logansport that evening. Listed below are those cases in which this Featured Case is cited.
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They told him they wanted to question Linda Martin about a person she knew. A Level 6 felony when the accused has at Prostitutes Logansport two prior prostitution convictions: These felony continue reading charges can be punishable by 6 months to 2. The most widely known Prostitutes Logansport was Kitty Kelly. Defendants in their brief argue if Linda Martin Prostitutes Logansport not be guilty of the substantive offense then she could not be guilty of conspiracy to commit any offense of which she could not be guilty personally. View Case Cited Cases. Defendant Martin admits she had two bags when she arrived at the Arnold house.
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She said she went to work for Mildred Arnold as a prostitute. Prostitutes Logansport all reasonable doubt Holz is guilty as charged in Count One. Visitation one hour prior.

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