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In this case the appellant was paid from the identical earnings from said prostitution by specific agreement of all parties concerned. What did you do with this money which you took from Bob Coronado? That holding, in my opinion, Prostitutes Coronado unsound.

The People appealed, and the order was reversed, the court saying: "There is no statutory or other authority for Prostitutes Coronado presentation or consideration of a second motion for a new trial under the circumstances here shown. There was no showing that the order denying the first motion was entered prematurely or by inadvertence, as Prostitutes Coronado disclosed in Robson v.

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Superior Court, Cal. If such Prostitutes Coronado proceeding were sanctioned the results pointed out in Coombs v. Hibberd, 43 Cal. See, also, People v.

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Center, 61 Cal. Bank v. Deuprey, 66 Cal. Cunningham, 66 Cal. Superior Court, Prostitutes Coronado Cal. Greif, Cal. While the cases cited involved new trial proceedings in civil cases no authority has been noted which prescribes a different rule in criminal cases.

Furthermore, an order denying a motion for a new trial in a criminal case Prostitutes Coronado an appealable order Pen. Code, sec. The appeal from the order denying the first motion was announced in open court by the defendants immediately after the denial of the motion and prior to the pronouncement of judgment Pen.

Assuming that the said appeal was not premature it would follow that said new trial proceedings were removed from the jurisdiction of the trial court by the taking of the appeal. Prostitutes Coronado would afford an additional reason why [57 Cal. In a later case, People v. Paysen, Cal. Ingersoll, 21 Cal. Prudencio, 93 Cal. Walker, Cal. Lum, 61 Prostitutes Coronado. Fice, 97 Cal. Wessel, 98 Cal. Once a motion for a new Prostitutes Coronado has been ruled upon in a criminal case and Prostitutes Coronado order made either granting or denying such application, the only remedy for the party deeming himself aggrieved is by an appeal from such order, for the court is without authority Prostitutes Coronado entertain a subsequent motion the object of which is to change or vacate its former order.

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Yeager, Cal. Prostitutes Coronado 60 Cal. For that reason it is held that in determining such a motion an enlarged discretionary power is committed to a trial court, and that its ruling will not be disturbed on appeal unless Prostitutes Coronado is a case manifesting a clear and unmistakable abuse of discretion. Kelly, 32 Cal. Appellant's affidavit was to the effect that he had "discovered" that Gayle Prostitutes Coronado "was in truth and in fact not his wife"; that such "discovery" was made [57 Cal.

In the affidavit made by Prostitutes Coronado counsel it was merely averred that on September 30,he learned for the first time that the marriage was void, when he was informed by Gayle Coronado's attorney that a decree of annulment had on that day been granted. However, it appears from the proceedings had at the hearing of the motion on October 2,including the statements Prostitutes Coronado admissions made by appellant in open court at that time, that prior to the commencement of the trial and throughout its progress appellant had personal knowledge of all the facts and circumstances upon which he was basing his claim that Gayle Coronado was not his wife, and that at all times prior to the commencement Prostitutes Coronado the trial and during its progress the evidence relating to those facts and circumstances was available to him and could have been produced at the trial had he chosen to do so.

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It is apparent Prostitutes Coronado the nature of the evidence that had he done so it would have tended Prostitutes Coronado show that he was a bigamist. However, admittedly he made no attempt to introduce Prostitutes Coronado evidence of any kind relating to his marital status, the only excuse offered by him for not having done so being that he did not Prostitutes Coronado the legal significance of that knowledge.

A similar situation was presented in People Prostitutes Coronado. Kelly, supra, and the court there said: "The facts narrated in the affidavit do not constitute new evidence which would entitle the defendant to a new trial. To entitle a party Prostitutes Coronado a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence, it must appear that the evidence and not merely its materiality be newly discovered.

But such is not the law, for if as he claimed she was not his wife because at the time of his marriage to her he had a wife living from whom he had not been divorced, the invalidity of his marriage to Gayle could have been established by evidence showing those facts, regardless of whether a decree of Prostitutes Coronado was ever obtained. See People v. Duncan, supra, in commenting Prostitutes Coronado People v. Mock Yick Gar, 14 Cal. In [57 Cal. Obviously, therefore, he could have established the illegality of his marriage to Gayle at the trial of the present action by his own testimony or by introducing in evidence the decree of divorce, or both.

It is nevertheless void from the beginning, and the decree of annulment is merely a judicial declaration to that effect.

Therefore, having submitted the question of his guilt to the jury without disclosing the Prostitutes Coronado relating to his marital status, the law will not permit him after the verdict has been rendered against him to have the verdict set aside so as to afford him a second opportunity to submit such evidence to a jury.

In any event, it is unimportant so far as we are here concerned whether it be held that the evidence relied upon by appellant as the basis for the second motion was or was not newly discovered evidence, for the reason that under the authorities above cited the trial court was without jurisdiction to entertain the second motion.

Furthermore the statute does not provide for more than one appeal from the Prostitutes Coronado of a trial court denying a new trial; consequently, appellant having appealed from the order denying his first motion, he was not entitled to an appeal from the order denying his second motion. For the reasons stated it is our conclusion that the appeal from the order denying the second motion for new trial [57 Cal.

It is so ordered.

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This case presents a most peculiar situation. The appellant is charged with "placing" or "permitting the Prostitutes Coronado of his "wife" in a house of prostitution. The evidence produced at the trial supports the implied finding of the jury the appellant committed the offense charged, in the sense that he permitted the placing in such a house of the woman to whom he had been married, and with whom he was living.

But, after verdict, and before sentence, a judicial annulment of respondent's marriage to that woman was secured on the ground that he was lawfully married to another when he married the woman in question.

The first wife had secured a divorce from defendant subsequent to his second marriage. Prostitutes Coronado record shows Prostitutes Coronado the same judge who presided at the criminal trial Prostitutes Coronado the annulment, and, further, that the prosecuting officials knew of the pending annulment proceedings.

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No contention is made, nor is it even suggested, that the annulment Prostitutes Coronado secured improperly. In other words, had the facts upon which the annulment was secured been disclosed at the criminal trial, appellant Prostitutes Coronado not have been convicted lawfully of the offense of which he now stands convicted. We now know, as a matter of law, by virtue of the unchallenged annulment decree, that appellant did not commit the offense of which he stands convicted. I agree that, under the circumstances Prostitutes Coronado disclosed, the second motion for a new trial was improper.

The trial court Prostitutes Coronado exhausted its jurisdiction over such a motion when Prostitutes Coronado ruled on the first such motion and an appeal was taken therefrom. For that reason, the Prostitutes Coronado from the second order denying the motion must be dismissed. So far, I agree with the majority opinion. But that opinion does not stop there. It goes on to hold that, on its merits, the second motion did not present a proper case for granting the motion for a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence.

That holding, in my opinion, is unsound. While it is true that litigants should not be permitted to sit back and allow a court to go on with the trial and to take their chances [57 Cal. The present case is not one where the facts, if relied upon during the trial, would depend for their effectiveness on the credibility of witnesses. Here, it has Prostitutes Coronado conclusively established by a judicial decree as a matter of law that appellant is not guilty of the offense charged.

People v. Simpson, 79 Cal. All of the foregoing elements are Prostitutes Coronado by the evidence in this case. The woman so testified Prostitutes Coronado detail, except that she did not state that appellant Prostitutes Coronado that money for his own support. Her evidence was adequately corroborated. He admitted on cross-examination that he spent a portion of that money toward his support.

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She testified that he knew she was a prostitute; [90 Cal. Regarding his application of a portion of said earnings toward his support, the appellant testified:. What did you do with this money which you took Prostitutes Coronado Bob Coronado?

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I put some gas in my car the next day, changed the oil and stuff, that's all. You used it as you would any other money, did you not,? Why, it is money, that's all I know. You Prostitutes Coronado used it as Prostitutes Coronado would any other money, did you not?

Yes, sir.

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You mingled it and commingled it with the rest of Prostitutes Coronado money, did you not? Yes, I had a few bucks in my pocket.

The People appealed, and the order was reversed, the court saying: "There is no statutory or other authority for the presentation or consideration of a second motion for a new trial under the circumstances here shown.

The foregoing colloquy furnishes ample evidence Prostitutes Coronado appellant's support and maintenance was acquired, in part, Prostitutes Coronado the earnings of a known prostitute.

All that it requires is that he "shall In this case the appellant was paid from the identical earnings from said prostitution by specific agreement of all parties concerned. That transaction Prostitutes Coronado the requirements of the statute in that regard.

There is no merit in the contention that the appellant may not be held to Prostitutes Coronado acquired support or maintenance, in part, for the alleged reason that his income from other legitimate sources Prostitutes Coronado adequate to support him, and that the earnings of the prostitute were not applied to his necessary support or maintenance.

The Prostitutes Coronado in this case does not furnish satisfactory proof that his income was adequate to defray wholly the cost of his support. But even if it did establish that fact, the statute contains no such qualification or limitation.

The words "necessary support" are not used in the act. We assume that if such earnings are received knowingly and applied to the support of the accused person, under the circumstances mentioned in the statute, he would be guilty of pimping regardless of his wealth, possessions or legitimate income from other sources.

The suggestion that "Such statutes appear to be directed against a vagrant class of male who, disdaining other occupation, attaches himself to some prostitute [90 Cal.

That quotation may apply to the statutes of some other jurisdictions, but apparently it has no application to the California statute.

The California act Prostitutes Coronado not Prostitutes Coronado "vagrants," or infer that its provisions are limited to vagrants. Clearly, the California Prostitutes Coronado is intended to define and prohibit the loathsome practice of pimping as distinguished from the equally obnoxious practice of pandering.

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We do not Prostitutes Coronado the act was intended to favor opulent pimps over impecunious ones. Both are harmful to good morals and the welfare of society. Indeed, the former seem more objectionable than Prostitutes Coronado latter, and certainly they are more odious. We are satisfied the statute contains no such limitation of its application.

The case of State v. Kanakaris, Prostitutes Coronado Mont. The defendant in that case was charged under sections 8 and 9 of the Montana statute with two offenses. Section 8 prohibits the gratuitous receipt, "without consideration" of the earnings of a known prostitute.

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The question of whether such earnings contribute to the recipient's support or maintenance is not involved in that section.

Section 9 prohibits Prostitutes Coronado and defines "pimp" as one who "lives Prostitutes Coronado a common prostitute or who depends for his living, in whole or in part, upon money supplied by a fallen woman, whether that money be earned in legitimate business or derived from her unlawful occupation.

The Montana court did say that "By enacting section 9, the Legislature evinced a purpose to drive out of this state every vagabond. It Prostitutes Coronado immaterial.

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The judgment was reversed in that case because the Prostitutes Coronado found the defendant "guilty of the crime of living upon the earnings of a woman engaged in prostitution as charged in Prostitutes Coronado information," which was not supported by the evidence. The court said in that regard: "The evidence tends to prove him guilty of one [offense] only, while the jury found him guilty of the other one.

HOUSTON, Texas -- A teenager charged with forcing another teen into prostitution faced a judge Monday morning. Prosecutors said Denise Coronado, 19, forced a . San Juan Coronado, 40 - Solicitation Prostitution. John Shepherd, 71 - Solicitation Prostitution. Jeffrey Linder, 53 - Solicitation Prostitution, Fail to ID, Possession ID information, Forgery, Felony Warrant. Savannah Lozano, 23 - Prostitution, endangering child, LPD Warrant.

The other cases relied upon Prostitutes Coronado the appellant are likewise [ 90 Cal. We find no justification for Prostitutes Coronado contention that statutes prohibiting pimping are enacted for the sole purpose of punishing vagrants, vagabonds or impecunious Prostitutes Coronado.

Several California cases upheld convictions for pimping under this statute for receiving the earnings of Prostitutes Coronado prostitutes from which Prostitutes Coronado accused persons derived support or maintenance, in part. Unfortunately, most of those cases merely state that the judgments are adequately supported by the evidence without reciting the facts. In none of those cases was the point last mentioned discussed.

We have found no case which supports the contention of appellant in that regard. We think that construction is unsound and not supported by the language of our statute.

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The above doctrine is doubtless controlling in cases arising under that particular provision of the section which makes it a crime [57 Cal. There is no merit in the contention that the appellant may not be held Prostitutes Coronado have acquired support or maintenance, in part, for the alleged reason Prostitutes Coronado Olomouc Prostitutes income from other legitimate sources was adequate to support him, and that the earnings of the prostitute were not applied to his necessary support or maintenance. The evidence produced at the trial supports the implied finding of the Prostitutes Coronado the appellant committed the offense charged, in the sense Prostitutes Coronado he permitted the placing in such Prostitutes Coronado house of the woman to whom he had been married, and with whom he was living. Thereupon sentence was pronounced, and he appealed from the judgment of conviction and the order denying his second motion for new trial. A motion for new trial was denied.
We traveled to Playa Coronado, Panama for a 6 week stay at Sarah's Cozy Casita's. Upon entering, we notice all the hookers, call girls, prostitutes or. [1] The code section under which he was convicted bears the heading, "Placing or permitting the placing of one's wife in house of prostitution," and it. , Appendix to Penal Code, pt. 3, p. ) The charge of pimping consisted of deriving support and maintenance, in part, from earnings from prostitution of a.

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Hassler, Jr. In none of those cases was the point last mentioned discussed.

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