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From Concubines to Prostitutes A Partial History of Trade in Sexual Services in Indonesia

Two former Japanese soldiers reported that during their duties in Southern Sulawesi in they knew at least 29 brothel houses with more than prosti- tutes, including women from Toraja persons , Java 67 , Makassar 7 , Mandar 4 , and Bugis, Chinese and other girls of unknown origin Tempo Allwood G. Pershing offering a compromise: American medical authorities would control designated brothels operated solely for American soldiers.

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Only the king and nobles in Prostitutes Partille society had selir. In giving out his sisters or daughters to the regents or other high oicials, the king was motivated by the same desire to marshal power as was relected in his own acquisition of a great Prostitutes Partille of selir: that is, to strengthen his political support and to develop his grandeur and power. While commoner men Prostitutes Partille permited by the Moslem religion to take up to four wives, economics prevented most of them from Prostitutes Partille while their social status prevented them from taking selir.

In Bali a low-caste widow without strong family supports automatically became the property of the king. If he chose not to incorporate her into his household, she was sent to the countryside to operate as a prostitute.

A share of her Prostitutes Partille was to be regularly returned to the king ENI Feudal systems did not contain the fully commercialised sex industry which we associate with modern industrial societies, but they did provide the foundation for the industry through Prostitutes Partille identiication of the value of women as commodities to be exchanged and accumulated in the constant male quest for power and wealth.

The Commercialisation of Sex during the Colonial Period he more organised forms of the sex industry expanded greatly during the Dutch colonial period.

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Traditional systems of slavery and concubinage were adapted to the needs and mores of the European communities being established in port areas of the archipelago, with sexual gratiication of soldiers, traders and emissaries becoming Prostitutes Partille of the priority issues in the clash of alien cultures.

From the outset this issue posed many dilemmas for natives and Europeans alike. On the one hand, large numbers of single men brought to Prostitutes Partille by the colonial businesses and governments produced a Prostitutes Partille for domestic and sexual services, which was readily satisied by families with saleable Prostitutes Partille and women seeking material beneit from the newcomers.

On the other hand, both the native and the colonial communities perceived dangers in unregulated interracial liaisons. Formal marriage was discouraged or forbidden, and interracial concubinage was frowned upon but accepted as a tacit necessity. In this Prostitutes Partille unstable and inequitable cohabitations and outright commercial relationships were options available to European men, and tolerated by their leaders.

Prostitutes Partille his situation set Indonesian women in an invidious position and subjected them to many disadvantages with regard to the law, community disapprobation and personal Prostitutes Partille and security. If such a woman was found to have a disease she was required to cease her practice Prostitutes Partille, and be isolated in an Prostitutes Partille inrigting voor zieke publieke vrouwen established for the care and treatment of infected women.

To aid the police Prostitutes Partille the management of the sex industry, prostitutes were encouraged to operate in brothels, Prostitutes Partille much as possible. Unfortunately, the wording of the law confused many in the government and the sex industry, and in a further clariication was issued to say that the act should not be interpreted as having legitimised brothels as commercial institu- tions. Two decades later the responsibility for supervising brothels was shited from Prostitutes Partille central to the regional governments; the central government regulations were efectively repealed, to be replaced by local regulations.

Venereal disease was among the most serious of the consequences worrying regional governments, but the shortage of physicians, and the ineicacy of treatment options, made atempts to prevent the spread of disease virtually impossible ENOI Each Residency was required to establish its own detailed regulations to control prostitution.

In Surabaya at least, the resident established three brothel kampung hamlets or villages in an efort to keep venereal disease under control, and prostitutes were not permited to operate anywhere else.

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All prostitutes in these kampung were registered and medical checks carried out Ingleson Medical oicers of the third rank were to visit the public women every Saturday morning, ater city rounds, while oicers of the second rank were responsible for management of the Prostitutes Partille for sick public women.

According to most accounts, despite these regulations, the extent of prostitution increased dramatically in the 19th century, especially ater amendment of the Agrarian Laws in when the colonial economy Prostitutes Partille opened to private Prostitutes Partille Ingleson During the construction of the railway linking Prostitutes Partille Javanese cities of Batavia, Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung, Cilacap, Yogyakarta and Surabaya innot only did prostitution lourish to serve the construction workers, but also, at each major town served by the railway, the Prostitutes Partille of rail passengers increased the demand for board and lodging and also for sexual services.

Brothel complexes sprang up close to the railway stations in every city. For example, in Bandung, prostitution complexes were Prostitutes Partille in several locations close to the station, including Kebon Jeruk, Kebon Tangkil, Sukamanah and Saritem; in Yogyakarta prostitution complexes were established in the area of Pasar Kembang, Mbalokan and Sosrowijayan.

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In Surabaya, the irst red-light district was near the Semut sta- tion and near the harbour in the area of Kremil, Tandes, and Bangunsari. Most of these prostitution Prostitutes Partille operate today, even though Prostitutes Partille role of the railway in mass transport has declined, and the location of hotels in these cities has changed substantially.

As the second city of Indonesia, and the main focus of trade routes in Eastern Prostitutes Partille, Surabaya developed during Dutch colonial times as a major port city, naval base, garrison and railway terminus KuntoDick It was notorious in the 19th century for extensive prostitution.

Freighters and naval ships entering the outer harbour were quickly surrounded by a lotilla of prahu illed with local prostitutes touting for customers. Until the midth Prostitutes Partille prostitutes were allowed on board naval vessels, in the belief that it was beter to keep sailors under some sort of supervision than to let them loose on the town. Ingleson An oicial history of Surabaya stated that in there Prostitutes Partille prostitutes under the control of 18 brothel owners, but this was undoubtedly an underestimate relecting Prostitutes Partille oicially registered sex workers.

Hull — brothels in the centre of the city owned by Chinese and Japanese; — brothel kampung on the outskirts of the city; — discreet services of native female servants; — even more discreet services of housebound Dutch women for young, unmarried Dutch men; — European prostitution in organised brothels; — homosexual prostitution and pederasty.

In the second category, the street prostitutes were a group oten harassed by police. Most prostitutes lived and worked in kampung along the Prostitutes Partille Urip canal.

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In the third category were Prostitutes Partille run by Chinese Prostitutes Partille Chinese Prostitutes Partille, featuring very young Chinese women. Non-Chinese visitors were admited only on the introduction of a Chinese customer. Half the European men were living with local concubines up tilland thereater the decline in acceptability of concubinage appeared to lead to greater recourse to prostitutes Ingleson As for the Indonesian population of the towns, as many as 40 per cent of the urban workforce in the Prostitutes Partille decades of colonial rule were circular migrants most of whom were men ibid.

Prostitution thrived in this seting. Labourers in this new cash economy usually visited surrounding villages in search of sexual gratiication, and in this way young village girls were drawn into prostitution. One result was that in the areas south of Bandung, and in Subang, Garut, Sukabumi and Southern Cianjur, the location of the estates, many people have the physical characteristics of Europeans, due to the sexual liaisons between Dutch men and native women a century ago Kunto It was obvious to the government and outside observers at the turn of the cen- tury that the local government regulations were hopelessly inadequate to match the speed of development of the sex industry, or the rapidity of the spread of venereal disease.

In that pre-antibiotic age Haga dismissed the need to diagnose most sexually Prostitutes Partille diseases because the prognosis for Prostitutes Partille was so poor.

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Instead, he called on resources to treat syphilis, and suggested that information on other diseases be printed in the small booklet chart which each public woman was required by law to carry. Closing of the semi-oicial Prostitutes Partille areas in these cities drove brothels underground and weakened health surveillance, leading to serious spread of venereal disease, especially in Singapore with its highly unbalanced sex ratio Warren chapters ; Raj In part collapsing under the weight of its own irrelevance, the 19th-century model of regulation essentially Prostitutes Partille in when routine medical examina- tions were terminated through a resolution of the Governor General.

For a time, the police could not investigate brothels without the permission of the local government leader ENOI Hull of the number of prostitutes in Jakarta in was Prostitutes Partille, to 4, which he com- pared with the 2, syphilis infections among soldiers reported each year, and the 5, to 6, cases of other venereal diseases. While no reliable data were available then, or over the next two decades, the conventional wisdom concluded that the numbers of prostitutes were growing rapidly as the cities Prostitutes Partille, and new industrial enterprises atracted clusters of young workers from villages.

Prostitution was widely and publicly condemned Prostitutes Partille the community even as the number of Prostitutes Partille selling sexual services increased, and as presumably the number of client rose as well. A small example of the moralistic and condemnatory atitudes is contained in a newspaper article published toward the end of the colo- nial period by a senior indigenous government oicial in Batavia Sudibyo In addition to reviewing frightening data on the rates of venereal Prostitutes Partille, and the terrible consequences faced by those infected, Prostitutes Partille commented that one of the great dangers Prostitutes Partille society arose from the growing practice of late marriage which led males to take up with prostitutes.

In contrast the lower classes Prostitutes Partille to reproduce at a fast rate, unimpeded by these factors.

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His concerns were not isolated. In the PERTI Congress in Bukitinggi, representing national Muslim opinions considered and passed a motion calling for more efective civil laws to deal with the problems of prostitution, and particularly to Prostitutes Partille greater atention to atacking the alleged increasing practice of prostitution as an important means of controlling venereal disease.

In presenting one of the main speeches to the plenary of 2, representatives crammed into the local cinema, Dr Rasjidin detailed the terrible consequences of syphilis, gonorrhoea and the mental illnesses which he claimed to be an intrinsic aspect of the com- Prostitutes Partille sex industry In looking for the Prostitutes Partille of such a terrible turn of afairs, he pointed to the deleterious efects of westernisation, and Prostitutes Partille the practice of young members of the Prostitutes Partille intelligentsia to travel the world, partaking of forbidden pleasures and bringing sickness home as their souvenir, which they then share with their friends and family in Indonesia.

Women who were already working as prostitutes were rounded up and, ater health checks, some were allocated to brothels to serve the Japanese soldiers while others continued to operate as before.

However, this widely accepted stereotype dealt with a biased vision Prostitutes Partille the problem. With litle thought given to the reasons women entered the industry, or the dangers they might encounter there, the range of proposed legal Prostitutes Partille seemed remarkably narrow and largely misguided.

Women who were already working Prostitutes Partille prostitutes were rounded up and, ater health checks, some were allocated to brothels to serve the Japanese soldiers while others continued to operate as before. He goes on to describe the system: I gathered [prostitutes] into a segregated district and penned Prostitutes Partille in a camp surrounded by high fences.

Each man [Japanese soldier] was handed a card Prostitutes Partille miting him one visit per week. At each visit his card was punched. But this was a serious diiculty which could have created terrible unhappiness, so I healed it the best way I knew how. Everybody was very happy with the plan.

Some candidates came from higher levels of society but many were from poor families. In reality these girls never departed from the camps, but were instead forced to serve the Japanese soldiers and oicers. Similar events occurred in Solo, where more than 50 adolescent girls, mostly brought to Solo from other areas, were forced to become prostitutes Buana Minggu 26 July Others were pressed by their parents to work in this way for the Japanese, in the hope of gaining some Prostitutes Partille.

Two former Japanese soldiers reported that during their duties in Southern Sulawesi in they knew at least 29 brothel houses with more than prosti- tutes, including women from Toraja personsJava 67Makassar 7Mandar 4and Bugis, Chinese and other girls of unknown origin Tempo In these brothels, the pimps received half of the income of the prostitute.

While not slaves like the women in the camps, many of the women in the brothels were forced to work as prostitutes because they had no alternative means of survival, and because their activities were encouraged by the occupying forces. Prostitutes Partille well as forcing the prostitution Prostitutes Partille local and Dutch women, the Japanese brought women to Java from Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong to serve the oicers.

From eight in the evening until morning, they were scheduled for higher-level oicers who paid between one and ive dollars.

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Usually, one imported woman worker in the sex industry was able to serve ive to ten men per day Tempo By contrast, their memories of war- time occupation were biter, and they accused the Japanese soldiers and oicers of being both very rude Prostitutes Partille stingy.

Social Structural Change and the Sex Industry in Independent Indonesia Prostitutes Partille the late s the population of newly independent Indonesia was concentrated in the island of Java, with the vast majority living in rural areas. Generally, households in rural areas relied on multiple sources of income.

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Household survival strategies in rural areas, especially among the poorest groups, usually involved having members working outside the agriculture sector, at least on a part-time Prostitutes Partille. Non-agricul- tural work was also very common among middle level households, to improve their social status and take advantage of available opportunities.

Because of the limited employment opportunities and keen competition in rural Prostitutes Partille, many young women from poorer households migrated to the nearest cities or towns. Village social values favouring community Prostitutes Partille and in some cases dominated by religious beliefs were oten replaced by more individualistic values.

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First, the economy of commercial irms where trading and industrial activities are carried out in a relatively impersonal way, with a range of specialised jobs relating to the production and distribution of goods and services. Second, the bazaar eco- nomy which consists of a wide variety of activities governed by institutionally speciic customs and managed by groups Prostitutes Partille traders in tight competition, who communicate with each other through ad hoc transactions.

Over the colonial period, commercialised sex followed other forms of commerce, and developed as a branch of the urban economy, Prostitutes Partille dualistic structures represented by irms and bazaars.

Similar contrasts were found as workers let depressed estate complexes in North Sumatra Kuntoto pursue new lives in either the streets or the bawdy-houses of Medan. By the late s and s, the low of setlers from rural areas had an increa- sing component of women in search of paid employment in the formal sector, especially in and around the largest cities.

Prostitutes Partille the same time many migrants parti- cipated in circular lows, spending periods in the city before returning to their per- manent base Prostitutes Partille the villages. As most female migrants were young and inexperienced, with Prostitutes Partille educational atainment and limited skills, their Prostitutes Partille were restricted to low-status occupations with low remuneration.

Since the early s, the structural transformation of the Prostitutes Partille eco- nomy has been dramatic. Prostitutes Partille have opened for women in manufacturing, clerical activities, sales, hotels and restaurants, and domestic service.

However, wages in many of these activities have been very low, and the possibility of earning ive or ten times as much in the sex industry is very tempting. Mobile populations have more moti- vations and Prostitutes Partille for inidelity, and the concentration of stalls where sex can be purchased near railway stations and roadside rest-stops for long-distance truck drivers is testimony to the demand from these sources.

A survey of truck drivers on the Surabaya-Denpasar route found that 68 per cent paid for sex at Prostitutes Partille Suarmiartha et al. Concentrations of sex workers are also found near military bases, timber and mining camps, and universities.

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Government Policy And The Sex Sector Legislation on the Prostitutes Partille Industry and its Regulation he atitude of the Indonesian government to prostitution appears to have changed litle between since colonial and New Order regime times: it was largely deter- mined by health and public-order rather than moral considerations. Prostitutes Partille, too, there is no law in Indonesia that prohibiting the sale of sexual services as such.

Article Trade in women or in under-age males will Prostitutes Partille a maximum penalty of six years imprisonment. In other articles of the KUHP under-aged females are deined as being less than 15 years of age, and for Prostitutes Partille purposes the legal age is given as 17 or 18 years of age. Prostitution per se is not an illegal activity under the KUHP. In the case of the Jakarta pimp noted above, the police had received a complaint from a woman who had escaped from his brothel by evading Prostitutes Partille security Prostitutes Partille and climbing out a window, but while this resulted in one of the brothels being closed, there Prostitutes Partille no prosecution of the pimp or the brothel security staf under this provision Sinar Prostitutes Partille In theory, other articles of the KUHP could be applied to prostitutes who knowingly sell services to married men.

Articles specify a number of conditions under which zinah adultery is made illegal, and punishable by up to nine months in prison. In the criminal code the charge of zinah can only be made against a married person. Two elements make prosecution of cases of adultery diicult in relation to prostitution. First, it would have to be established that the Prostitutes Partille knew that the client was married. While these generally are not open to prosecution in state courts, they do shape commu- nity norms and atitudes, and modify the way civil laws are carried out in practice.

In the former, only a married person can commit adultery, because the purpose of the law was to support monogamous Prostitutes Partille rather than to pass judgments on premarital sexual behaviour.

In Islamic law all sexual relations outside of a marital union are regarded as adulterous. Nonetheless, the Prostitutes Partille law remained the only consistent basis for regulation of the sex industry in a secular Prostitutes Partille such as New Order Indonesia. Since prohibi- tions of the direct commercial sale of sexual services did not exist in national law, the regulation of the industry tended to be based on provincial and subdistrict government regulations and the actions and pressures of various religious and social groups in support of or in opposition to the industry.

In most regions such rehabilitation programs take one year.

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A majority of Indonesian politicians consider the subject taboo and generally avoid public discussion of the issue. At the bureaucratic level the Ministry of Social Afairs has established a Directorate of Social Rehabilitation Rehabilitasi Tuna Sosial with a sub-directorate responsible Prostitutes Partille planning and implementing the rehabilitation of prostitutes.

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Ater all, it Prostitutes Partille at the local level of administration that oicials deal with the daily reality of prostitution. Existing Prostitutes Partille such as prohibition of soliciting, migration regulations, and the requirement for citizens to report changes of resi- dence to local administration can be and are all used to control prostitutes. Oicial Prostitution Complexes lokalisasi WTS An important aspect of New Order government policy that highlighted the ambi- guous legal status of prostitution in Indonesia was the establishment of oicial prostitution complexes lokalisasi WTS.

In such complexes, a Prostitutes Partille number of brothels wear clustered together along one or a few streets and control over order and security was maintained by an integrated group of local government and military authorities. Lokalisasi catered to an almost exclusively Indonesian clientele, who tended to Prostitutes Partille poor to middle-class in their background.

In the city of Surakarta in Prostitutes Partille Java declared the kampung of Silir to be exempt from the regulation forbidding prostitution in the city. It was thought that by centralising prostitution in one small area, the city would prevent commercial sex activities from being transacted in main streets, residential areas or in the major hotel and tourist areas of the town.

Moreover, by giving tem- porary and grudging recognition to the practice, the government was able to regulate the activities of the pimps and sex workers, and atempt to inluence the behaviour of clients.

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In Napoleon ordered the registration and bi-weekly health inspection of all prostitutes. Activists Morgane Merteuil Thierry Schaffauser. Whistle-blowers have sign their Prostitutes Partille, and a distinction is made between public debauchery punished by fine or injunction to leave the premises and acts of prostitution banishment or imprisonment. The issue has been prominent on the French political agenda since the late s, responding to international pressures on child prostitution and pornography and traffickinginternational distinctions between forced and voluntary entry into prostitution rejected by the dominant "abolitionist" discourse and increasing migration. Formal marriage was discouraged or forbidden, and Prostitutes Partille concubinage was frowned upon but accepted as a tacit necessity. Prostitutes pay taxes as Prostitutes Partille independent activities.
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The issue has been prominent on the French political agenda since the late s, responding to international pressures on child prostitution and pornography and traffickinginternational distinctions between forced and voluntary entry into prostitution rejected by the dominant "abolitionist" discourse click increasing migration. The Prostitutes Partille was that some prostitutes with particularly Prostitutes Partille VD infections could charge more [ dubious — discuss ].

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