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I worked to get more and more new scientific results, and then worked with her to teach her to understand what I had done. So, having Prostitutes Lulea to make an article during 4 years of PhD study in Russia, B became co-author for, in fact, my 6 articles during 2 years. All the work was done by me, she only studied what I Prostitutes Lulea, and according to my recommendations she did some straightforward calculations forher own practice with my help.

The natural question — why I did it? It is well known that the department had problems with the budget. W, Chief of Department, always reminded me that I will be Prostitutes Lulea to lose job, since I was last employed.

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So I had always to keep this in mind. Prostitutes Lulea heard many times from this PhD student that I keep my position only due to her and so I must be Prostitutes Lulea to her.

Professor W was apparently a bit inconsistent about the work morale at his department.

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Up until Juneall emails B sent to S were grateful and happy. The situation only changed when S decided to quit writing papers for B, after having delivered six, with a seventh in the making.

Even if she never intended to resign and even sent the next day a new letter, which was simply ignored:. The secretary of the prefect confirmed that she delivered my letter to the prefect.

Then I sent this letter Prostitutes Lulea University registrator on Finally, I asked Chef HR about my case and he told that I have to leave the university in two months. After W succeeded to sack the associate professor S because she refused to work for him and his lover, two more faculty members were forced Prostitutes Lulea resign.

This was rather convenient in another respect, as S speculates:. The game consists Prostitutes Lulea an idea to announce a large budget deficit and the need to fire two employees. The husband of the E couple who resigned confirmed to me that S described the situation correctly:. But the recent events were just too much for us and we could not justify any longer our continuation at this university. But when we witnessed what was happening to [S] and saw the way that she was treated by Prostitutes Lulea and the Prefect] in Prostitutes Luleamy Prostitutes Lulea and I realized that it was time to quit.

The lying and the corruption Prostitutes Lulea this department is just off any scale. We are not willing to work for a university that allows, and even encourages, a Prefekt to rule in this way. As it seems, also the couple E were already slotted for forced removal by the Department Prefect, to free up funds. Kassfeldt namely wrote this in a protocol from Prostitutes Lulea on personnel Prostitutes Lulea will not happen. B was asked by Springer to explain what she thinks she contributed, the student however struggled there and received some help:.

The paper Prostitutes Lulea never published. With 3 faculty members Prostitutes Lulea, there is now enough budget available for W to employ his Prostitutes Lulea lover as assistant professor, should she ever graduate thanks to the papers which Prostitutes Lulea wrote.

The initial version of this article contained a second case of alleged bullying at same department at LTU. The article was updated on Note that the rector does not deny the sexual relationship between W and B, or any other events described, or that LTU faculty Prostitutes Lulea are presently commenting under this article as Robin, Ken or PEL, but declares this:.

If bias arises and is established in a PhD and supervisor relationship the supervisor is replaced. They found no ground to proceed with a full investigation. The employee Prostitutes Lulea question resigned, on own initiative, in writing with a signed document August 28, The prefect granted the notice on the same day. Did the rector make things up? If there are no records of the investigation, it means these never took place.

Hence, either the LTU rector knowingly misled the public via a false statement to a journalist, or her university has destroyed all records.

Young people, drunk people, or people who have taken drugs can be dangerous so use common sense.

Which would be a serious crime under Swedish law, and in fact more evidence points towards it. Afterwards, certain university employees started Prostitutes Lulea spread rumours about S that.

On The following document was shared with me the next day, you might notice that it bears the date of When I asked LTU to explain, they admitted today that this is indeed the date the employment was officially registered, retrospectively Prostitutes Lulea 1. Pay attention who is in Prostitutes Lulea on the screenshot below.

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The assessment is made with regard to scientific and pedagogical skills in the subject of mathematics. Particular merit is the doctoral degree and experience in teaching Prostitutes Lulea the subject.

Do you think she has a chance with this highly competitive job posting? Your generous patronage of my journalism will be most appreciated! Hot Russian chick given extra benefits by powerful men in a research institute? Happens here Prostitutes Lulea America as well. Expand that to any very attractive usually young woman that finds a good position in academia that is outside of tenure track.

That is my opinion, at least. Like Liked by 1 person. It should be noted that Prof. Also the professor couple who resigned, did so for completely different reason. True that they were unhappy with some changes, but this story had nothing to do with it. The deptatment has struggled financially for some time, and some were less interested than others Prostitutes Lulea changing the way they work.

Like Like. His home was open for colleagues and many Prostitutes Lulea students including B were happy to live there. You also hide your IP address. Stop trolling and hiding your identity. Whatever is going Prostitutes Lulea at LTU, your article and comments are reaching prime yellow press niveau. That Prostitutes Lulea surely going to help any objective account of the incidents. Total yearly daylight times incl cicil twilight are longer than those of locations at lower latitudes.

A single case hardly proves that this number is increased in LTU academics over the probably higher rate in general academics or in people living at higher Prostitutes Lulea in Prostitutes Lulea.

I mean you are just a human like anybody else in this world, so you could be sometimes right and sometimes wrong.

So, again, why?! I assume your answer is Yes here. In fact, why even it matters for you? But, just answer this question really clear and without any pre-assumption about me or whoever that talk to you.

These claims that are presented here cannot be verified because these are just one-side accusations. They might be true or not, but the most important thing is that you provide them to the public, and public cannot verify these claims. Prostitutes Lulea least, I was not able to verify them. If it might be possible to easily verify them, please tell me how. You suppose to be a scientist or science journalist.

So, you work with science. The most important thing that distinguish the scientists from assholes in church or whatever religious leaders, is that scientists just talk based on verifiable facts and bring clear Prostitutes Lulea for their claims.

Damn, I waa hoping for more of your views about why faking science to get promoted is Prostitutes Lulea and right. But here the answer to your only reasonable question. A whistleblower by definition has to fear retaliation from those in power.

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Someone anonymously repeating what the power says is not a whistleblower while attacking those who dare to speak out, is a troll, or actually rather a chicken.

The nature of tjis case makes me Prostitutes Lulea to hide, yes. Also, you seem to have little or no interest in getting the facts straight. I am not Prof. I may or may Prostitutes Lulea know everyone involved. S and the other prof. All of this can be checked from public records, 2 Prof. S reigned stating mistreatment as a reason. Change of supervisor is a right, by law, of PhD student, and there is nothing the prfect can do about it.

I have Prostitutes Lulea idea whether or not W slept with B. It would constitute a Prostitutes Lulea of interest and I would also agree it is inapropriate. However, another favt of the case is that Prof S. W did not do this, although Prostitutes Lulea am sure he was OK with it.

Your aticle comes out as a fairly one-sided Prostitutes Lulea of what S has told you. We all know who you are already, just as you know everyone else.

Are you afraid? Of what, and of whom? Of your own university which probably gagged you so you troll here? It was actually Prof W listed as contact person.

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I have these documents also. You know what else I have? Emails from B to S from up to June where she sounds very grateful and happy to have S as her supervisor. Definitely NOT as a student who is desperate to Prostitutes Lulea rid of her supervisor. Ask B if I can share those, then I can provide some quotes, in Russian original. But I see plenty of problems with the allegations you make and I have pointed to some easily verifiable facts and also ask you to provide support for your claims.

Seriously, the way you respond to me Prostitutes Lulea make everyone doubt pretty much everything you have ever written. For the record, I Prostitutes Lulea none of those involved, but I know a bit about the problems at the department.

Of course he is the point of Prostitutes Lulea once the prefect has hired B. P prior to the acceptance letter you posted. The latest version has some information relevant to the case. For all I know she might be crazy Prostitutes Lulea manipulative as hell. Prostitutes Lulea, so you agree W recruited B, and that B was Prostitutes Lulea happy with S as her supervisor until summer What happened then? Hence new study plan, new supervisors etc.

If you have any documents you want me to see, send them over. Otherwise: Do you notice that your Prostitutes Lulea are being debunked one by one? Hooray Leonid! The document I am referring to mentions only S, prof. P and the authorized signatures by appointment of the prefect. It could be W who did the initial recruiting, Prostitutes Lulea do not know, but this is not what I said, and it is not what rhe documents said.

You are the so called independent journalist making claims, you request the documents yourself.

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If S is unwilling to procvde them, email registrator ltu. While at it, you may want to ask if there is any documentation of the recruitment like Prostitutes Lulea ad, a prior scholarship or a collaboration agreement with another university. I dont know about the Prostitutes Lulea, but when it comes to the rest, you have not proven anything.

What it appears to be about to me is one associate professor S resigninh in anger because she can no longer take credit for a PhD she supervised. As much Prostitutes Lulea she did supervise and was indeed repsected, somethng apparently happened late I do not know what and you dont seem to care.

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What claims have I mad and whar have you debunked? I pointed you towards documents preceding the only Prostitutes Lulea you posted, which by the way os the Prostitutes Lulea fprmulation, sent to everyone. The head of department and the closest reposible manager are mentioned. In this case it happens to be W.

Have you even tried Prostitutes Lulea critically assess the story served to you by S? When it comes to serious allegations like the ones you make, the burden of proof is on you. I have been trying to highlight gaps in the story, but apparently you are not interested.

Not hearing both Prostitutes Lulea of a story is just shitty journalism. For others, an explanation how journalists obtain information. They Prostitutes Lulea info from either documents, or institutional statements, or named sources whom they then keep confidential. No sane journalist takes information from some utterly anonymous source who is most obviously directly involved and spews open hatred against the whistle-blowers, and most importantly, who refuses to support their claims by objective evidence.

So far LTU remained utterly silent, all my emails go unanswered even if I update them about these commentsand yet we already have two different faculty members Prostitutes Lulea anonymous comments discrediting whistleblowers. I am tempted Prostitutes Lulea believe this happens in agreement with the LTU leadership, because the alternative explanation would be that they all are too drunk to notice what is going on. Thats just confirmation of the cover up and what is exposed.

I have seen this 10s of times.

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Well, no. The university has, as far as I am aware of, not responded to any request for comments, which Mr. Schneider interprets as confirmation of the story. An assumption I think is wrong to make. The financial problems Prostitutes Lulea years ago, and Chair W. I would not so far as to call it bullying. As of the recruitment of Ms. B, I have no insight, but I Prostitutes Lulea for sure the financial problems are not due to one or more PHD students being recruited.

There are rules for recruitment, which must be followed. According to the Swedish rules there must be open position Prostitutes Lulea the best of applicants should get it. The employing of B was an act of heavy corruption since it Prostitutes Lulea done without opening position and without any competition. Moreover, it was aggravated by the fact that B directly became Prostitutes Lulea lover for Chair W.

Chair W. He also is known as one who put his name as the main supervisor for a number of PhD theses in PURE math, where he did not understand anything. I can tell you we Prostitutes Lulea some who will hunt this kind of shit down, its a disease and attack on SCIENCE itself which will not be tolerated. I dug Prostitutes Lulea the internet and I think Ive identified the Prostitutes Lulea players. What is interesting to me is that B and S are authors on several papers with B first, S last, in sort of the standard apprentice- master relationship and order on the paper.

I think its pretty common for a first author to have little intellectual contribution to a paper at least in the natural sciences if they are doing the experiments. Maybe its different in math.

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Of course, the only thing was pretty sordid and it is Prostitutes Lulea what happened to the faculty involved. Chalk another one up to male testosterone and young attractive women Prostitutes Lulea exotic lands. I had some fun investigating the actual names of B, W and S. To my disappointment I could not find pictures of B, to confirm whether she is a Bimbo or not… sigh….

In my opinion, at my institution, if some gets a tenure track position outside of the regular national search and due to knowing someone powerful and not having a great publication record, its usually a Prostitutes Lulea attractive woman. Maybe different in other places, of course….

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I also faild in finding a picture online, but I can confirm she is a very pretty young woman, not that it has anything to do with what is being discussed here. We should be Prostitutes Lulea that! Also, is there any evidence Prostitutes Lulea that the recruitment of Ms B was in violation of the regulations?

S and P both signed the admittance papers at LTU, they are fully capabel of judging a candidate.

I know Prof. Schneider, just out of curiosity, how have you verified that Ms. B and Chair W. Making such serious Prostitutes Lulea about corruption and overall inappropriate behaviour, you need to provides some independent sources that can verify these claims. I mean just a 5 years old kid that Prostitutes Lulea how to use Google, could find who is W, B, S just based on the university name and their mathematics department. Prostitutes Lulea mean why not?! I mean a 5 years old kid again would guess after this harsh abuse, the only thing will remain undone is getting rid of S as soon as possible, no matter how and when.

Careful Mike, you went from laughable to abusive.

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Towards a woman. Last warning, see comment policy. Where I used her female identity to abuse her? That void could be anyone, just a human, no matter male or female. Here is clear there is Prostitutes Lulea who is in power the chair who is abusing these powers illegal Prostitutes Lulea swedish law. It Prostitutes Lulea happened similar story or stories here in US when my best friend was studying Prostitutes Lulea his biostats MS in a not too bad university in southern part of US.

The department chair somehow brought Prostitutes Lulea Russian or some other east european regions young Prostitutes Lulea to the department first as a visiting scholar.

Then she decided to stay in US. So she started to offer course sbut no students trusted her enough to sign up. So the chair decided to help, forcing every single student to sign up on her course. Later they two turned to be lovers, extramarital or not, I forgot. I believe that in many places in US universities, things like this happened, one way or another.

I personally witnessed 2 cases in addition to the above story from my best friend. All these cases involved a Prostitutes Lulea chairperson and a much younger female junior faculty or postdoc wanting to remain in the Prostitutes Lulea. The 2 cases I witnessed involved a young lady from China and another one is a local American. If they really go through the formal selection route, none would have been able to get their positions. The age difference from their male supporters? I think that Mr Schneider, having documents Prostitutes Lulea S, should ask her about a permission to put them here.

As I already mentioned, I know about the situation, and all PhD students from abroad knew about it. I think that S should agree to put here everything she has, in order to clarify the situation. B was indeed a weak PhD student in Russia, and she finished Prostitutes Lulea time PhD study there without success, she could not produce even one journal Prostitutes Lulea.

That time B worked somewhere in Russia, not at a university. From LTU side there were S and the other two mentioned supervisors. All they were friends at that time. Of course W used two others and put his name to their papers as well as to papers of some other their collaborators, doing nothing himself in those papers.

I do agree with Prostitutes Lulea, they should not do it. But unfortunately, such behavior of Chairs as W is not rare nowadays. We do not know what drove her to it. Then, inW did a trick and he actually replaced that permission of by the contract with salary, posted here by Mr Schneider. BUT such contracts, in Sweden, may be got Prostitutes Lulea via open position and competition. Violation of these rules is regarded as an act of a corruption. As a result, B and W Prostitutes Lulea lovers.

B was twice full time Prostitutes Lulea student, in two countries, i. Only papers she has are those which were done by S. But what we Prostitutes Lulea do, there are robberies in life, so one must be careful and not go to those places where the danger of being robbed incites.

It seems to me that LTU is one of such places. Mr Schneider, please consider the matter of publishing of all materials, try to convince S that it is important. Sadly, you got my name wrong.

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Need a pair of reading glasses? I am starting to become quite irritated reading these comments. You Schneider are absolutely wrong in your assumptions. It turned out that she professor S is pretty much unsuited to work as teacher and PhD supervisor and Prostitutes Lulea she started all this mess.

You obviously have no idea what was going on at LTU and I really wonder what is driving you? This really smells vendetta long way, everyone that knows professor P knows that he will do everything be can to discredit everyone that did him wrong in his opinion. I can also imagine that you get your information from one Austrian professor, a friend of P and a person that also had his ego diminished in this process. And who are you P E L? Seems like you have an interest in trying to cover this stuff up.

You shall know that when the lawyers come in you guys will be kicked out most likely, your careers are over…there more you try to discredit the facts the more deep you will sink in your own crap. When asked for Prostitutes Lulea and evidence, Mr. Schneider keeps obsessing over the fact that some commnters have chosen to to protect their identity. For someone keen to be listened Prostitutes Lulea, Ken, it is not appropriate to leave a made-up fake email address.

I presume you are just Robin in new disguise, after Robin said goodbye. Your posts lack novelty and are just repetitive and content-free, probably like your research papers. Prostitutes Lulea back when you grow Prostitutes Lulea, W. It looks like this university Prostitutes Lulea just a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah. It would be good to make a request to high officials to check also the process of hiring at the end ofwhen S got her position. InW announced one open position.

CV of S was one of the most advanced and both reviewers put S in first place. BUT W and the prefect employed two applicants, S and J a friend of W Prostitutes Lulea, despite the fact that only Prostitutes Lulea position was opened. Now Robin and PEL, who know everything at the level of all documents, claim that W employed S by Prostitutes Lulea reason related Prostitutes Lulea love relations.

Interesting version: Prostitutes Lulea, love relations Prostitutes Lulea of the same W — indeed Prostitutes Lulea and Gomorrah look just a standards of high morality, in comparison with LTU.

At the same time, Robin, who knows everything, claims Prostitutes Lulea financial problems started much earlier than W employed B without funds for that, in Perhaps the employment of two in one open position caused a Prostitutes Lulea crisis, in ? Thus, it seems that inthe position was opened specifically in order to employ J, and W used S with her strong CV for this since J could not take first place in ranking, with his CV poor in comparison with some of Prostitutes Lulea applicants.

So S was employed with the aim of subsequently firing her since her affiliation was the shortest in the department. Bravo W and Prefect! It seems Prostitutes Lulea S was used twice in the corruption schemes of W and Prefect: first to employ J, i. The laws on prostitution in Sweden make it illegal to buy sexual services, but not to Prostitutes Lulea them. Pimping, procuring and operating a brothel are also illegal. The criminalisation of the purchase, but not selling, of sex was unique Prostitutes Lulea first enacted inbut since then Norway and Iceland have adopted similar legislation, both in You just need to find the best available girls.

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