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Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights

It was a close-up, cozy session with the director Vanessa and staff of Project X, and we got to break down the book and understa I picked this up for a book discussion I attended. It's time to change the law. The authors Juno Mac and Molly Smith entered the sex work industry around at the ages of

What do sex workers want? That's not something you hear asked very often. In this accessible manifesto, the strong argument for full You hear that selling sex is degrading; you hear that no one would Prostitutes Boo choose to do it; you hear that it's dangerous; that women get abused and killed. In this accessible manifesto, the strong Prostitutes Boo for full decriminalization Prostitutes Boo sex work is explored through personal experience and looking at laws around the world.

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In some places, like New York, selling sex is illegal. In others, like Sweden, only buying it is. In some, like the UK and France, it's legal to sell sex and Prostitutes Boo buy it, but not to run a brothel or Prostitutes Boo a sale. In New Prostitutes Boo, it's not illegal at all. Addressing each model in turn, they show that prohibiting the sex industry actually exacerbates every harm that sex workers are vulnerable to.

Book review: Revolting Prostitutes | New Humanist

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Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. Sort order. Aug 10, Thomas rated it it was amazing Shelves: own-physicalfive-starsnonfictionfeminismread-for-dmv-bookclub2nd-favorites. Prostitutes Boo, lucid, a masterpiece Prostitutes Boo feminist nonfiction I would recommend to everyone.

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Rathe Radical, lucid, a masterpiece of feminist nonfiction I would recommend to everyone. As chapter 5 details, in many states, penalties for purchasing sex far Prostitutes Boo those in Scandinavia — and of course sex workers themselves, along with managers, landlords, taxi drivers, and colleagues, can all be swept into prosecution.

Yet the US has a huge sex industry. When a country has no social safety net, or when the social safety Prostitutes Boo excludes some, people struggling to avoid homelessness or to pay for healthcare might well sell sex in order to get housing or medication. People who are undocumented struggle to enter the mainstream labour market or to assert any labour rights.

In these Prostitutes Boo, some people sell sex — often under conditions that are, to a greater or lesser degree, exploitative or abusive. Instead, it is to Prostitutes Boo that people have access to the resources that they need, including the right to safe migration and the right for migrants to work and assert labour rights without Prostitutes Boo deportation.

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I most loved how they incorporated intersectionality into their work. They name their privilege and they speak multiple times to how the criminalization of sex work affects the most marginalized sex workers, like sex workers of color specifically black sex workerstrans sex workers, and migrant sex workers.

Their chapter on Prostitutes Boo policing and how it intersects with trafficking and sex work blew my mind, I felt so impressed and inspired by the depth of their analysis and the connections they drew.

Juno Mac and Molly Smith call Prostitutes Boo liberal feminists and carceral feminists for advocating for solutions that, while Prostitutes Boo times perhaps good-intentioned, only serve to reinforce the degradation and devaluing of sex workers instead of actually providing them with the safety and resources they need to make a living Prostitutes Boo and take care of themselves and their loved ones.

Both of us are cisgender and white, born and raised in the global north, working in a country where the sex work we do is less crimalised, with middle-class educations and the access to power and capital that Prostitutes Boo. It is not by accident that opportunities to speak on television, publish articles, and be appointed Prostitutes Boo salaried activist positions come to us or people like us. Just as in any radical movement, a select few activists often receive unfair credit for doing the same work that more marginalized sex workers, who cannot risk being public in their activism, Prostitutes Boo doing alongside them.

There is so much we as a broad society Prostitutes Boo not know about sex work and there is no one better to learn from than sex workers themselves. Again, highly recommended to all. View all 7 comments. May 23, Michael rated it it was amazing Shelves: recs A forceful argument for the full decriminalization of sex work. View all 6 comments. Jan 11, Barry Pierce rated it it was amazing Shelves: 21st-centuryread-in Finally, a book about sex workers by sex workers.

Whilst there have, of course, been books written by sex workers about sex work in the past, they have often taken Prostitutes Boo form of memoir.

Juno Mac and Molly Smith purposefully stray from this narrative. They are not in the business of re 'On the back cover of Revolting ProstitutesSilvia Federici the acclaimed Italian theorist and radical Marxist feminist who gave us Prostitutes Boo and the Witch claims that this is the Prostitutes Boo that she has been waiting for. They are not in the business of recounting the horrifying biographies of sex workers or tale after tale of deportation, abuse, and murder. Instead they take Prostitutes Boo systematic approach to sex work, identifying why it exists, how it continues to exist, and investigating the Prostitutes Boo forms of sex work legislation around the planet.

Oct 29, Heather rated it it was amazing. I have not learned so much from a book in a long time. Please order this from your local indie bookshop Prostitutes Boo. View 2 comments. Mar Prostitutes Boo, Penny rated it did not like it. I am a sex trade survivor, and I am disgusted that - once Prostitutes Boo - two privileged white women are defending an industry that primarily preys upon Black and Indigenous girls and contrary to popular myth - Indigenous women have NO tradition of prostitution.

We need the Nordic Model, which has been adopted by the most progressive countries in the world: Sweden, Prostitutes Boo, Norway, France, and Canada among others.

We MUST decriminalize sexually exploited women and girls and boys. And sex buyers? People act as if "sex workers" are Prostitutes Boo themselves. The creeps who use "sex workers" use us to act bizarre kinks that their wives and girlfriends won't tolerate.

Revolting Prostitutes by Juno Mac, Molly Smith: | Books

We are not disposable. We Prostitutes Boo not public toilets. If you wouldn't want a woman you love doing this, you shouldn't want any woman doing this Prostitutes Boo even poor women of color.

Apr 25, Harper Sage Prostitutes Boo it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction. Prostitutes Boo want to throw this book at every politician. Oct 10, Veronika Valkovicova rated it it was amazing. I must have read dozens of papers on sex work policies and certainly a few very long books.

This one is so far the best and the most comprehensive one that is out there. Nov 07, Naomi rated it it was amazing. An exceptional piece of work. It's both radical and lucid, which is a difficult combination and one rarely achieved!

It's a perfect antidote to mainstream feminism's ongoing rejection women of colour, trans women, sex working women and queer women. Essential reading. View 1 comment. Mar 10, ash spaceyreads rated it it was amazing Shelves: social-justicechanged-my-lifefeminismworknon-fictionbooks-i-ownbook-club. I picked this up for Prostitutes Boo book discussion I attended.

Perhaps the most difficult questions raised by prostitution involve what it means to be a woman in a patriarchal society.

It was hosted by a book club that discusses philosophy, psychology, and social issues. For every discussion, they try to get the author to skype in to answer questions. It was a close-up, cozy session Prostitutes Boo the director Vanessa and staff of Project X, and we got to break down the book and understa I picked this up for a book discussion I attended.

It was a close-up, cozy session with the director Vanessa and staff of Project X, and we got to break Prostitutes Boo the book and understand it in the local context, provided by Vanessa. The book Prostitutes Boo that the discourse on Prostitutes Boo work should first and foremost acknowledge that it is work.

But although prostitution is a sin, there are many whores whose names mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the savior of this world. Discover 7 Prostitutes in the Bible That Your Preacher Does Not Tell you About. Gomer (Hosea 1) Gomer was the prostitute Hosea married when God told him “Rise! Go to the house of Diblaim in the kingdom of. copyright , Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media Jump Cut, No. 53, summer Let’s get lost: unmapping history and Reformasi in the Indonesian film Tiga Hari Untuk Selamanya. by Dag Yngvesson. From the first frames of the opening sequence of the film Tiga Hari Untuk Selamanya (Three Days to Forever, dir. Riri Riza ) there is an immediate .

It talks about the difficulty Prostitutes Boo to move the feminist movement away from what sex work symbolises - "Sex work is the vault in which society stores some of its keenest fears and anxieties.

This simple fact is often missed, forgotten, or overlooked Pathologising sex workers as Prostitutes Boo to make 'good' decisions, rather than seeing them as people largely motivated by familiar, mundane needs, can lead to disastrous consequences.

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They argue that the system perpetuates patriarchy and violence against women, and law enforcement is basically the opposite of what this movement needs. The authors argue that decriminalisation is not sufficient as the only solution, it does not address structures of poverty. The issue of immigration and trafficking is extensively discussed as well.

The book argues that no human being is legal when there are borders in the world. Anyone who crosses a border is vulnerable, and that immigration creates distinction between various groups of power differences: racial, economical, gender, and so on.

The Nordic system, where buyers of Prostitutes Boo services are criminalized and not sex workers, is often Prostitutes Boo by feminists, lawmakers, and Prostitutes Boo general public to be the best model to regulate sex work in a way that doesn't harm sex workers. However, there is evidence that suggests that this takes away power from sex workers and gives it to the system. One of such more observable Prostitutes Boo is Prostitutes Boo clients become more scarce, and those who still want to buy sex increasingly become more jittery.

Sex workers find it increasingly hard to get work, and they often have Prostitutes Boo give in Prostitutes Boo demands that they will not usually give in to if they had sufficient money for the day, such as being asked to perform her services in a dark alley rather than a motel room for fear of the client being caught.

This, the authors say, have actually made sex workers more vulnerable. There are more but these are just my thoughts on a few of the Prostitutes Boo discussed. Also, the ideas and discussion around gender issues, borders, workers' rights, discrimination, capitalism, and the patriarchy is not just applicable to the Prostitutes Boo of sex work.

It applies to the feminist movement, discourse on race, on immigration, on everything else. You will not just gain a better understanding on sex work and its politics, but a good insight into how these issues weave together in today's climate. Overall, an extremely well-written and accessible piece on such a nuanced and complex topic. The authors are passionate and they provided clear and balanced views on all the arguments you can think of for this issue.

This is a necessary read for anyone who are invested in the rights of sex workers and who identifies as a Prostitutes Boo. View all 11 Prostitutes Boo. Sep 15, Dani rated it it was amazing. Prostitutes Boo 15, Esther Espeland rated it it was amazing. So good! So glad I read this.

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Very intentionally researched and written. Really good primer Prostitutes Boo folks looking to understand the difference between legalization and decriminalization, why the Nordic model is still bad and sex work vs human trafficking.

Great truly Prostitutes Boo and systemic analysis. I just learned so much! Jan 05, Audacia Ray rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-in Such an impressive and nuanced book about sex work.

Revolting Prostitutes really sets the standard for critical analysis of sex work, and I will be recommending it and referring to it constantly in my sex worker rights advocacy work. Jan 09, Rosamund rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fictionread5-starsfeminism-sex-genderpolitics-sociology-economicslabour-anticapitalism.

I also don't happen to think that any Prostitutes Boo wanting to buy sex is inherently a monster.


What I hoped to gain from reading this book Prostitutes Boo a detailed knowledge about various laws and policies around the Prostitutes Boo, as well as learn about actual SWs' experiences.

That's what I got, and more. This book is amazing. Here are my main takeaways As stated later on in the book: 'Governments tend to use the term trafficking not to reflect actual harm, but in order to give a progressive gloss to anti-migrant and anti-prostitution policing. Obviously, malicious clients and police can leverage this law.

The chapter about the US is too devastating and wholly unsurprising to repeat here. The Nordic Model, Prostitutes Boo praised for criminalising clients but not SWs, is essentially everything wrong with white, Western feminism summed up in one policy: - SWs can be much less picky about their clients when the respectful ones are scared about getting caught, thus exposing them to greater risk of poverty and violence at Prostitutes Boo hands of malicious ones.

It thus empowers police to penalise SWs especially SWs of colour in ways that are not prosecution. On the one hand, it can punish unacceptable sex workers and seize Prostitutes Boo money.

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It needs to be implemented in conjunction with other policies that make life less precarious for marginalised SWs, like people of colour and drug users; the criminal factor Prostitutes Boo sex work is far from the only problem if the police see other excuses to exercise their punitive power Prostitutes Boo SWs. Overall, the aim of the SW rights movement is to make sex work unnecessary by providing better welfare alternatives, access to cheaper housing, etc.

We should be asking who has taken power away from them and how they can reclaim it.

Book review: Revolting Prostitutes

Mar 20, Emer O'Toole rated it it was amazing. Dec 30, Prostitutes Boo M. Page rated it it was amazing. Easily one of the best books ofRevolting Prostitutes thoroughly examines the case for labour rights for sex workers. Mac and Smith engage with arguments raised by all sides of the issue, providing a critique of all that centres the material needs of the real people currently engaged in sexualized labour. In Revolting Prostitutessex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious.

Speaking from a growing global sex worker rights Prostitutes Boo, and situating their argument firmly within wider questions of migration, work, feminism, and resistance to white supremacy, they make it clear that anyone committed to working towards Prostitutes Boo and freedom should be in support of the sex worker rights movement.

It is uniquely fit to address the destructive divisions that exist among feminists concerning prostitution. Rejecting the equally unacceptable alternatives of condemnation and glorification of sex work, the authors provide a Prostitutes Boo account of the work itself, the issues it raises, the institutional policy that shape Prostitutes Boo, all the while demonstrating that sex workers struggles are crucial to Prostitutes Boo movement for social justice.

Well researched, Prostitutes Boo written, Revolting Prostitutes should be widely read, especially, but not only, by feminists. They avoid easy answers Prostitutes Boo ask the reader to rethink sex work.

Revolting Prostitutes is key to understanding how important the rights of sex workers are, and what is Prostitutes Boo stake when policy is misguided or clouded in sentimentality and gut-feeling over straight evidence. A must-read for politicians, policy makers, and anyone keen to understand the realities of modern sex work. Smith and Mac have drawn together a radically inclusive map for liberation. By centering their analysis squarely on the issue of labor rights and upholding harm reduction as a critical benchmark, the authors Prostitutes Boo on entrenched positions in the feminist struggles over prostitution work and propose a subtle but powerful shift in the terrain of future debate.

It does so without insisting that there is nothing troubling about sex work: about the psychosexual forces that lead men to buy it, or the economic forces that compel women to sell it Prostitutes Boo It is a model of how to Prostitutes Boo about politics—or, indeed, anything.

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Rathe Radical, lucid, a masterpiece of feminist nonfiction I would recommend to everyone. One of such more observable consequences is that clients become more scarce, and those who still want to buy sex increasingly become more jittery. In doing so, Mac and Smith, and by extension their text, join the vital legacy of sex-worker voices, narratives, and resistance, such as Prostitutes: Our Life ; To Live Freely In This World ; Sex Work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry ; and Playing the Whore , titles that are essential in shaping the radical if not revolutionary sex-industry worker.
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Resistance to Criminalization in the United States
Whilst there have, of course, been books Prostitutes Boo by sex workers about sex work in the past, they have often taken the Prostitutes Boo of memoir. This is to illustrate that sex-worker organizers and Prostitutes Hilvarenbeek coconspirators are legion and these organizing efforts deserve support, amplification, and money. One thing that makes this book really special is that it introduces readers to or reminds them of a multiplicity of identities. Also, the ideas and discussion around gender issues, borders, workers' rights, discrimination, capitalism, and the patriarchy is not just applicable to the issue of sex work. Throughout the book, there are respectful and ethical discussions of drug use, dependency, and Prostitutes Boo strategies of sex-working people who use substances.
Revolting Prostitutes
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights is a book by sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith. They analyse the effects of varying sex. In their book “Revolting Prostitutes,” they argue that criminalization of sex work only further marginalizes people who sell sex, at the minimum. A rare book written by actual sex workers discussing the actual real life impact of prostitution laws, legalization and criminalisation from a worker's rights.

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Feb 13, Bryn rated it it was amazing. By centering their analysis squarely on Prostitutes Boo issue of labor rights and upholding harm reduction Prostitutes Boo a critical benchmark, the authors take on entrenched positions in the feminist struggles over prostitution work and propose a subtle but powerful shift in the terrain of future debate.

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