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Petersburg that was historically the home of the Russian admiralty and the base of the Baltic Fleet. Titles No Longer Published by Brill.

Government-collected data on legally registered prostitutes, mediated as it Prostitutes Ar Ruseris through a series of Prostitutes Ar Ruseris and social constructs denoting what sex work or prostitution was at that particular time, can only give Prostitutes Ar Ruseris a small snapshot Prostitutes Ar Ruseris prostitution as a legal identity, social category, and daily practice in Moscow and St.

Petersburg in this period. Nonetheless it does give Prostitutes Ar Ruseris a sense of how certain important social phenomena such as urbanization, industrialization, war, revolution, and mass migration may have impacted commercial sex as a practice as it was understood by the late imperial state.

Finally, a minor point on chronology: while Moscow existed in the seventeenth century, St. Petersburg was not founded untilat which point Peter the Great made it the new imperial capital.

Thus, all reference to information about the pre period pertains to Moscow only, and after the text will note which city is being referred to at any given time. The legal, cultural, social, and philosophical definitions of prostitution in Russia, and therefore in its two capitals, St. Petersburg and Moscow, have changed greatly since On his ascension Prostitutes Ar Ruseris power, Peter the Great, ever careful about the health and strength of his military, proved much more ready to legislate against prostitution as a crime against the secular order, as opposed to a moral crime to be treated by the Church.

This paved the way for the Bolsheviks after the October Revolution, who perceived prostitution as a prime Prostitutes Ar Ruseris of the structural inequality of men and women, and its eradication as an important step on the path to gender equality.

Thus, rather than reintroduce criminal measures against Prostitutes Ar Ruseris sex or the medical supervision of women engaged in it, Bolshevik officials developed a Prostitutes Ar Ruseris whereby they sought to rehabilitate and educate former prostitutes so they no longer needed to sell sex.

Police repression of prostitution continued from the late s throughout the Soviet period. Despite this, selling sex was not actually prohibited again untilwhen it became an administrative offence during the moral regeneration campaigns that accompanied glasnost. From this sketch, we can see that the Prostitutes Ar Ruseris and social definitions of prostitution shifted over time from those constructing it as a moral crime or crime against God pre Muscovyto that of a crime of against secular public and military order under Peter the Great in particularand to that of a threat to public health under the system of regulation, — These categorizations were not, of course, clear-cut, particularly in the overlapping of moral and religious disapproval and the need for public Prostitutes Ar Ruseris.

Throughout all of this, however, context demonstrates that there were some features that these categories had in common. With Prostitutes Ar Ruseris exception of the pre ecclesiastical laws, all legal and administrative mention of prostitution made reference to commercial sex or the exchange of money, and the law recognized such actions as a separate crime from adultery more broadly albeit many social commentators did not differentiate so starkly between women who sold sex and any women who had sex outside marriage.

The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia gse provides a good source for thinking about shifts in the semi-official definition of prostitution in the twentieth century. The first reliable data we have on the labour market for prostitution comes from the mid-nineteenth century, when both the increasing reliance of professionals on statistical measures and the interest of the state in controlling prostitution in part through knowledge of it sparked a number of investigations of the brothel system in both St.

Petersburg and Moscow. Under the nineteenth-century regulation of prostitution, brothels were legal if registered, although only women could run them thus technically excluding men from the possibility of making money from the sexual labour of women.

In the former city, of 2, registered prostitutes, 26 per cent were brothel prostitutes, while 1, 74 per cent were street prostitutes. Petersburg Petersburg, whereas the geography of Prostitutes Ar Ruseris commercial sex in the latter unfolded far more publicly in the streets, taverns, and courtyards frequented by street prostitutes than in the former.

Furthermore, Prostitutes Ar Ruseris registered prostitute population of Moscow was less than Prostitutes Ar Ruseris per cent of that in St. While St. Petersburg was indeed a larger city than Moscow in this period, the difference was not immense; in the capital had a population of 1, while Moscow had a population ofThese figures are open, of course, to various interpretations. One is that the market for commercial sex was greater in the imperial capital, potentially because of a higher number of single men moving to the centre of power for employment.

However, when we look at the gender breakdown of the cities, we find that in fact it was Moscow that had the Prostitutes Ar Ruseris ratio of male to female population Petersburg which was The urban regulation of prostitution in the Russian empire was mandated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the structure of regulation itself was left up to local authorities to determine. In some cases, regulation was managed by a particular Medical-Police Committee, which was a combined force of police and civilian medical practitioners this was the case in St.

In others, it was managed under the aegis of the local Sanitary Commission or similar organization charged with the general upkeep of hygiene and sanitation methods in the city, which acted independently of the police.

This in turn could influence the availability for brothel work in particular cities, for example in St. Prostitutes Ar Ruseris where we see it was rare for a registered prostitute to work at a brothel. At the brothels in both Moscow and St. Petersburg there was considerable stratification, which influenced the availability and types of sexual labour performed by women.

In the middle tier of brothels, which employed prostitutes, he recorded a price of 1—2 rubles per visit and 2—6 rubles for a night, while in the lowest tier, employing prostitutes, a Prostitutes Ar Ruseris was 20—50 kopecks a ruble was kopecks and a night was 50 kopecks to 2 rubles.

In St. Petersburg, which, as I have noted above, had a far smaller proportion of brothel prostitutes than Moscow, the highest tier of houses charged 3—5 rubles a visit and 5—15 rubles a night, employing eighty-two women. The medium tier charged 1—2 rubles a visit and 2—5 rubles a night, with prostitutes, and the lowest tier charged 30—50 kopecks a visit and 1—2 rubles a night, with prostitutes.

Petersburg; in both cities it is between Furthermore, the statistics are open Prostitutes Ar Ruseris the critiques of underreporting and inaccuracies that plague all attempts to collect Prostitutes Ar Ruseris, particularly in the context of quasi-legality and clandestinity that pervaded sex work in the imperial period.

Petersburg before the late nineteenth century. Prostitutes Ar Ruseris information for that period, however, is quite extensive this is particularly true for St. InAleksandr Fedorov, a doctor Prostitutes Ar Ruseris member of the Medical-Police Committee, surveyed 2, registered prostitutes in St.

Petersburg in the s. Prostitutes do occasionally appear in the historical record in the period between the s and the opening up of the Soviet Union under perestroika. One example is in Prostitutes Ar Ruseris of the Gulags, where women sometimes turned to prostitution in an attempt to leverage better conditions or food.

Further, as prostitution had itself become a forbidden activity through claims of its impossibilitysome women were purportedly sent to camps as punishment for commercial sex, a practice many continued in the Gulag. Although these Prostitutes Ar Ruseris by no means scientific statistical studies, they do provide a picture of the evolving ways in which Russians were reconsidering the possibility of commercial sex in their midst.

There, prostitution was very much associated with women who went to bars and restaurants known Prostitutes Ar Ruseris be frequented by foreigners, and who Prostitutes Ar Ruseris explicitly sold sex for hard international currency.

Interdevochka tells the story of Tatiana, a beautiful, kind and plucky nurse who by night sells sex to foreign men in fancy hotels. At the beginning of the film, Tatiana is planning to leave St. Petersburg then Leningrad with a client-turned-lover, to marry him in Sweden. However, before she is able to leave, friends and family find out about her work, and after she goes to Sweden her mother commits suicide out of shame.

Interdevochka highlights the paradox of the perestroika approach Prostitutes Ar Ruseris sex work. Researchers examining prostitution in contemporary Moscow have found that the social stratification that seemed to emerge among prostitutes in the s has largely carried over into the post-Soviet period.

The most prestigious sex work is still done in hotels, serving a largely foreign or very wealthy Russian clientele.

The religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds of Russian prostitutes differed significantly between St. Petersburg, located on the far-western edge of the empire, and Moscow, considered to be in the Russian heartland. Regarding the pre-nineteenth century situation, historian Alexander Kamenskii states that foreigners inostrantsy made up the majority of prostitutes in St. Petersburg in the eighteenth century, although he does not provide an archival source to back this up.

Petersburg found that of the 2, women studied, 87 per cent were of Russian ethnicity, 9 per cent were Russian subjects but of a different nationality or ethnicity such as Poles, Finns, Latvians and Jewsand 4 per cent were foreign subjects.

However, in both Moscow province and St. Petersburg province, the titular cities had by far the largest number of registered prostitutes in the region, which means we Prostitutes Ar Ruseris draw some conclusions, albeit imperfect ones, from the data. In Moscow province, 97 per cent of brothel prostitutes resided in the city of Moscow. Also there was one Swede, one Estonian, and one black woman negritianka registered as prostitutes. Petersburg province, a slightly lower proportion of registered prostitutes in the region resided in the city itself; most of the remainder resided in Kronstadt, a small town just nineteen miles west of St.

Petersburg that was historically the home of the Russian admiralty and the base of the Baltic Fleet. Petersburg province, the prostitute population was slightly more ethnically diverse, with 84 per cent 2, of surveyed prostitutes categorized as ethnically Russian, 4.

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In terms of religion, the vast majority of registered prostitutes in both St. Petersburg and Moscow in the nineteenth century were Russian Orthodox, with Protestant and Roman Catholic distantly behind in terms of numbers. Prostitutes Ar Ruseris to Dubrovskii, of the total number of brothel prostitutes in Moscow province, 87 per cent were Russian Orthodox, 9 per cent were Roman Catholic, 3. Of the brothel prostitutes in the St. Petersburg province, Petersburg, unsurprising given the proximity Prostitutes Ar Ruseris the region to the predominantly Lutheran Baltic provinces and Finland.

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The proportion of Russian Orthodox prostitutes stayed relatively constant across the two regions around 83—87 per cent. Petersburg had the highest proportion of Jewish prostitutes, but at 0. Once again, for the Soviet period, the dearth of statistical information makes it difficult to draw conclusions about the ethnic and Prostitutes Ar Ruseris makeup of prostitutes.

Prostitutes Ar Ruseris Soviet state, officially a militantly atheist one, no longer collected information on the religious backgrounds of its citizens, which were supposedly non-existent. In contemporary Moscow, the ethnic stratification of prostitution appears to map closely onto the hierarchy within sex work itself. According to ethnographic research from the s and early s, the highest-class hotel prostitutes tend to be ethnically Russian the most privileged ethnic group generally while the lowest rung, the bomzhi in Prostitutes Ar Ruseris rail stations and truck stops, are usually non-Muscovites and often non-Russian migrants from former Soviet states.

The most common path to prostitution in the nineteenth century was by way of domestic service.

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Writing inthe doctor V. Bronner and jurist A. Elistratov claimed on the basis of the All-Russian census that, in that year, 6 per cent of domestic servants became prostitutes compared with 4. The second most Prostitutes Ar Ruseris employment background for women working as prostitutes was the needle trades, which despite requiring considerable skill and years of experience, paid barely subsistence wages women made 64 per cent of what men did in these trades.

As Barbara Alpern Engel has noted, this group was the only one in which their proportion among prostitutes was smaller than their proportion in the female workforce as a whole around 20 per cent in However, there was always a large oversupply of female migrants to the city looking for factory employment relative to the number of jobs available.

The ranks of St. Petersburg and Moscow prostitutes likely Prostitutes Ar Ruseris a large number of women who were aspiring, but had never been actual, factory workers. Concern about sex work among vagrant and homeless juveniles contributed to the notion that many who ended up prostitutes came from broken homes and financially unstable backgrounds. Dubrovskii also gives us figures on the percentage of prostitutes who were married, Prostitutes Ar Ruseris or divorced at the time of the survey.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the vast majority of prostitutes were unmarried. In Moscow province, 91 per cent of brothel prostitutes were unmarried, Prostitutes Ar Ruseris per cent were married, 2 per cent were widowed and 0.

Petersburg province, 95 per cent of brothel prostitutes were unmarried, 3 per cent were married, 1. In the chaotic years of the revolution and civil war, and the ensuing famine of the early s, observers claimed that homeless orphans were flooding the streets of the capital then Moscow in particular.

Commentators claimed that the number of child prostitutes had increased twenty-fold. Although we lack any quantitative data on the ages of prostitutes in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the eighteenth century, we Prostitutes Ar Ruseris know that the image of a very young woman with an older man was a popular trope signalling prostitution in the woodcut prints lubki of the period. In Moscow, the median age of brothel prostitutes was 23, while that of street prostitutes was slightly lower at Petersburg, the median age of registered prostitutes was noticeably higher, at 25 for brothel prostitutes and 24 for street prostitutes.

Nonetheless, it is Prostitutes Ar Ruseris to note that this excludes all clandestine prostitutes; furthermore, women and girls may well have been over-reporting their age in order to be able to legally sell sex. In Prostitutes Ar Ruseris Ministry of Internal Affairs published a circular forbidding any Medical-Police Committees from registering a woman under the age of 18, which does Prostitutes Ar Ruseris that prior to that moment this had been an acceptable practice.

An important factor in the length of time that registered women spent in prostitution was the fact of registration itself, as it was difficult to be taken off the list of prostitutes which the police kept ostensibly Prostitutes Ar Ruseris protect public health.

Formally, women had to die, enter a philanthropic shelter for reformed prostitutes, or marry to be taken off the list, a Prostitutes Ar Ruseris that could both inflate the numbers of women police believed to be in prostitution, and act as a disincentive for women to change professions in the first place. As Laurie Bernstein has pointed out, however, police records show that many women simply disappeared from Prostitutes Ar Ruseris prostitution, somehow evading inspection by starting new families or bribing officials for new documents, untainted by the shame of the yellow ticket.

The utmost Care ought to be taken for the Health of the Citizens. It would be highly prudent, therefore, to stop the Progress of this Disease by the Laws.

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Historian John T. As noted above, a perceived prevalence of venereal Prostitutes Ar Ruseris among prostitutes was the major motivating factor behind introducing regulation. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, prostitutes were consistently associated with disease and physical danger. Statistical studies of registered prostitutes in the late nineteenth century suggest the number of prostitutes with venereal diseases was reasonably high. According to Dubrovskii, inof brothel prostitutes in Moscow city, 68 per cent currently had or had previously contracted syphilis and other venereal diseases, while 91 63 per cent of street prostitutes were in Prostitutes Ar Ruseris same position.

Petersburg, 85 per cent of brothel prostitutes had or had previously contracted venereal diseases, while 63 per cent of street prostitutes had. Petersburg, something that went counter to the claims of Prostitutes Ar Ruseris such as Aleksandr Federov who saw street prostitutes as most likely to spread disease amongst the population.

Six percent of those under the age of 14 years reported such pressure, as did more than 27 percent of the to year-olds.

In contemporary Russia, the prevalence of venereal diseases among prostitutes, particularly hiv and aidshas once again become a frequent topic of discussion among public health experts. A study found that venereal diseases, in particular syphilis, were especially common amongst the lowest strata of prostitutes in Moscow, the bomzhi who work in the railway stations and truck stops a local clinic Prostitutes Ar Ruseris that 54 per cent of the sex workers they saw were infected with venereal diseases.

This situation was compounded by the socially marginal position of many of these women, as they did not have legal residence permits for Moscow.

The growth of Russian cities occurred later than the traditional chronology Prostitutes Ar Ruseris urbanization in Western Europe, although by the end of the nineteenth century, migration from the fields to the city was in full Prostitutes Ar Ruseris.

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In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Russian cities were primarily defined juridically according to their military, Prostitutes Ar Ruseris, and cultural functions.

Indeed, prominent Russian social historian Boris Mironov has argued that the second half of the eighteenth century saw a considerable decline in urban populations, as many members of the urban estates re migrated Prostitutes Ar Ruseris the countryside to work in agriculture.

Petersburg themselves constituted partial exceptions to this rule; movement to the two capitals for trade, business, or government service was facilitated by special rules which provided for temporary Prostitutes Ar Ruseris in the cities for people taking up employment. The emancipation of the serfs in raised the hope that restrictions on peasant movements to the cities would be lifted, although this was not a promise on which the reform followed through quickly.

Initially, the freed serfs were still tied to their land by crippling redemption payments and collective responsibility to the mir or village commune.

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However, the increased pull of job opportunities in rapidly industrializing Russian cities, not least of which were Moscow and St. In the mids, a series of reforms changed passport laws, easing travel restrictions and allowing individuals to move within the county uezd in which they lived without special permission for up to six months. Petersburg provinces were the two most urbanized in the country, with 75 per cent of St. The high point of Russian urbanization and industrialization would come, however, in the Soviet period, particularly during the great transformation of Stalinism.

Soviet authorities, like their imperial predecessors, were Prostitutes Ar Ruseris concerned with preventing unauthorized movement Prostitutes Ar Ruseris the cities. Unsurprisingly, these social phenomena played an enormous role in structuring the growth, geography, and practices of prostitution Prostitutes Ar Ruseris Moscow and St.

As Barbara Alpern Engel has argued, the years between serf emancipation and the Russian revolution saw an unprecedented number of unattached women travel from the village to the city. Despite rapidly growing industry, the demand for jobs far outstripped the supply, and in need of cash many women turned to casual or even registered prostitution, or a more temporary exchange of sexual services for small amounts of money, food, or warm clothing.

His information shows that, for example, of 1, prostitutes registered in Moscow inonly were born in Moscow guberniiaand were from other guberniia within Russia, while 45 were not Russian subjects. Petersburg, the difference was less striking if nonetheless significant; of 2, registered prostitutes in the city, came from St.

Petersburg province, 1, came from other provinces, and seventy-two were from outside the empire. Petersburg, but also from much Prostitutes Ar Ruseris afield.

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This was an important development particularly when we bear in mind the great distances that had to be travelled between provinces in the vast Russian Empire.

As noted above, poverty brought on by unemployment Prostitutes Ar Ruseris a sundering of ties to traditional networks of support led many women to prostitution in the late imperial period. A number Prostitutes Ar Ruseris early twentieth-century commentators attributed the apparent surge in prostitution to the comparatively impoverished position of female workers.

Arguably, the influence of pauperization and proletarianization on the sexual economy was even greater in the Prostitutes Ar Ruseris Soviet period, when the enormous upheavals of revolution, civil war, collectivization, and rapid industrialization produced an underclass of disenfranchised women who sold sex in order to survive.

At first, during and immediately after the Civil War, many women and men left the cities, often starving for want of supplies cut off by war, and returned to the Prostitutes Ar Ruseris where they could eke out a living.

Thus for example, the population of St. Petersburg fell from 2. This in turn led to a major housing crisis, as the housing in both Moscow and St. Petersburg was nowhere near sufficient for the number of people trying to live in the cities. In the post-Soviet period, high rates of unemployment for women is a frequently cited factor for a perceived growth in sex work in both Prostitutes Ar Ruseris and St.

As in the imperial and Soviet periods, Prostitutes Ar Ruseris and female poverty in the cities are strongly linked to migration, both from less economically developed areas in Russia and from former Soviet countries. A study of prostitution in Moscow found that Prostitutes Ar Ruseris all sex workers in the city were not legal residents and therefore had very few opportunities to find other employment or gain access to government services, a fact that heavily influenced their likelihood to go into sex work.

In the nineteenth century, many commentators worried that regulation of prostitution in urban centres, begun inwas failing to Prostitutes Ar Ruseris protect itinerant soldiers, and ad hoc regulation was common in barrack towns and camps. According to local lore, the famous General Skobelev who led the Russians in the conquest of Turkestan created the first regimental brothels in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century, and the well-respected venerologist Veniamin Tarnovskii recommended this as Prostitutes Ar Ruseris approach for all military units in the s.

Reflecting on the evolution of regulation in the Empire, an early twentieth-century observer credited the high concentration of local Medical-Police Committees on the western border to the similarly high concentration of military barracks on this heavily guarded frontier with the rest of Europe.

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A key example of the desire to regulate prostitution more heavily around military barracks, as well as the role of the military in encouraging sexual commerce in its environs, is the case of Kronstadt.

Founded inProstitutes Ar Ruseris same year as Petersburg itself, Kronstadt was entirely devoted to the maintenance of the navy. This can be compared with Moscow, which had a population of aroundin this period, and where the 1, registered prostitutes in thus made up 0. Despite the Prostitutes Ar Ruseris emphasis on registration around military barracks and especially in times of warnineteenth-century commentators noted the continued high rates of venereal diseases in the armed forces, a factor driving calls for even greater surveillance of women in military areas.

Insyphilis was the second most common illness in the Prostitutes Ar Ruseris, with around 5 per cent of soldiers suffering from it, constituting In the Soviet period, protection of the army from venereal diseases continued to be a major concern.

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In the early years of the Russian Civil War, from —, venereal diseases were a major cause of casualties, ranking alongside typhus and smallpox as Prostitutes Ar Ruseris most Prostitutes Ar Ruseris diseases on the front.

Much of the historical data we have on prostitution in Moscow and St. Petersburg suggests that pimps and madams were a common and central part of the organization of sex work. Madams had to be women thus supposedly protecting prostitutes from exploitation by men and different regulations across the nineteenth century stipulated minimum ages for madams, which were generally above Nonetheless, anecdotal evidence suggests it was common. In Prostitutes Ar Ruseris Soviet period, both pimping and brothel-keeping were crimes.

Studies suggest that a large number of contemporary prostitutes in Moscow and St. Petersburg work under pimps.

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The deal is struck by their pimps, former prostitutes themselves, who then summon the girls so the customers can make their choice. A steady stream of cars cruises the streets across from Russia's parliament, one of the favourite pick-up spots for Moscow's call girls.

But as darkness falls the Moscow City police force embarks on its nightly attempt to make a dent in a business that now dominates downtown Moscow. Prostitution in Russia is not a criminal offence but the government considers it an embarrassment and an eyesore.

Police make routine busts but without a law to charge the girls, have to release. The majority of the girls are from the provinces and other former republics, where unemployment is high and wages low.

They are charged with not having Prostitutes Ar Ruseris proper documents to be in Prostitutes Ar Ruseris -- an. Every evening police station sees a constant stream of prostitutes.

The girls are processed and held for up to six hours before being put back on the streets. A bribe from their pimp can see them released immediately. The head of Moscow's organised crime department says that since there is no law against prostitution, his men are powerless to get the girls off the streets permanently. In a good month a girl can earn up to three thousand dollars, a small fortune in Russia's bleak provincial towns and villages.

But with no red light district and no brothels, the job has more than its share of risks. There may be Prostitutes Ar Ruseris men waiting. Some girls have gone. Women in Russia have been hit harder than most Prostitutes Ar Ruseris the transition to a market economy. Particularly those from rural Russia where the economy is at a standstill.

The result has been a massive increase in the numbers of unemployed women who flock to the capital in search of any work they can find. Many of them turn to prostitution as a last resort. And that would suit the police, too. At a time when they are badly underfunded and faced with soaring Prostitutes Ar Ruseris, Moscow's police are forced to use valuable resources in a fight against prostitution which they can never win.

But Russia's parliament has no intention of legalizing the world's oldest profession. So until the economic situation improves, Moscow's police will continue to fight an uphill Prostitutes Ar Ruseris increasingly halfhearted battle.

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Much of the historical data we have on prostitution in Moscow and St. Petersburg was nowhere near sufficient for the number of people trying to live in the cities.
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As these men returned to their previous forms of employment, the women who had been fulfilling their occupations during wartime were forced into unemployment and then into various forms of sex Prostitutes Ar Ruseris such as prostitution. Igor S. They are charged with not having the proper documents to be in Moscow -- an. If you wish Prostitutes Ar Ruseris use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Shotlist Go to top.
In Russia's new free market prostitution is booming. Moscow's streets are packed with scantily-clad hookers who have flocked to the capital in search of a. In contemporary Russia, prostitution is an administrative but not a criminal offence, and thus operates in a liminal space between censure and. Any woman who is Slavic in the west is called “Russian” when in fact few who work in the sex trade are actually from Russia. Although a much smaller country.

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Engaging in prostitution is administratively prohibited under article 6. There were reports of trafficking of children and of child sex tourism in Russia.
