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Similar multidisciplinary anti-trafficking task forces have been funded in 42 communities across the country with the goal of identifying, investigating, and prosecuting cases and providing the protection and services needed by victims U. The goal is to help the victim progress along the continuum that begins at crisis or the need for emergency assistance Prostitutes Aspe moves to a position of safety all within phase 1.

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When asked Prostitutes Aspe the judge why she was pleading guilty, Koeppel replied. He said his client plans to move to Dallas and will be asked to prove her employment in that area for probation officers. Koeppel was not available for comment after the Prostitutes Aspe.

Shelters that have been successful in serving both domestic and international victims of human trafficking have adjusted their programs for this population.

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User Legend: Moderator Trusted User. Plea bargain Prostitutes Aspe in Aspen pimping case News News. Support Local Journalism Donate. There are a number of programs and agencies across the country currently and previously funded by HHS and other Federal agencies that are responsible Prostitutes Aspe conducting outreach, identifying victims, providing Prostitutes Aspe, and aiding in the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases.

Therefore, these programs and agencies were targeted for discussions in order to provide the most comprehensive information addressing the study questions. Critical to this study was identifying HHS-funded programs working with victims of human trafficking that represented a range of service providers in diverse communities across the country. Ten locations and associated programs were identified, and these locations coincided with 9 of the 10 Prostitutes Aspe where HHS has regional offices.

These study locations were:. Study teams conducted in-person and telephone discussions with direct service providers Prostitutes Aspe multiple systems of care domestic violence, runaway and homeless youth, healthcare, mental health, immigration, social services, and trafficking victim services ; Federal, State, and local law enforcement; and trafficking survivors.

A total of programs and representatives from those programs across 11 States participated in this study. The information collected Prostitutes Aspe the study was primarily qualitative in nature.

Site summaries were Prostitutes Aspe to identify common themes, patterns in responses, and issues needing further exploration during subsequent site visits to other locations and programs or in follow-up discussions.

Responses were organized by the study questions and coded for similarities and unique differences across respondent groups and locations. The programs receiving Federal funding to serve victims of human trafficking appeared knowledgeable of the definition set forth in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of TVPA.

For those programs aware of domestic trafficking, respondents equated it with the prostitution of children by a pimp. However, even this was not a common connection that was being made, Prostitutes Aspe among programs working with runaway and homeless youth. It is also important to note that for many providers, trafficking was not only equated with primarily foreign-born victims but also with the movement of victims from one Prostitutes Aspe to another.

Some providers and Prostitutes Aspe law Prostitutes Aspe also continued to have difficulty making the distinction between smuggling and trafficking, especially in border regions of the country. Lastly, another problem Prostitutes Aspe reported was related to the different types of human trafficking. While for most providers, sex trafficking and labor trafficking appeared well understood, victims of domestic servitude were harder for programs to identify and classify as human trafficking.

While the definition of trafficking was not always understood or consistently applied, it was clear from this study that the victims of human trafficking that were being encountered and served by study respondents included males and females, adults and children.

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The forms of trafficking seen by the providers and law enforcement in this study included Prostitutes Aspe and labor trafficking in the food service, agricultural, and garment industries. Victims of domestic servitude also made up some of the trafficking Prostitutes Aspe by providers and law enforcement.

According to respondents, almost all sex trafficking victims they worked with were female and all of the male victims were trafficked Prostitutes Aspe labor. Characteristics that were common to victims served by providers and encountered by law enforcement were those related to poverty; victims tended to come from poor, high-crime communities, with minimal education, lacking family support, and often presented with poor self-image and low self-esteem.

Some providers worked with clients with histories of sexual abuse, mental illness, and substance abuse. Interestingly, while many of the programs and law enforcement reported coming into contact with international and domestic victims of human trafficking, very few reported working simultaneously with both victim populations.

Respondents reported that international victims were mostly being identified by local, State, or Federal law enforcement, either through tips, other investigations, raids, or referrals from nongovernmental organizations.

But some victims were being identified by health or social service providers, faith-based organizations or houses of worship, and Good Samaritans. In some Prostitutes Aspe, such as with medical clinics, immigration service providers, and domestic violence shelters, victims were being identified from among existing clients as the result of improved screening procedures.

Similar to the case Prostitutes Aspe international victims, law enforcement appeared to be the primary source of identification of domestic victims. However, in most cases, domestic victims were first arrested and charged with crimes such as solicitation, pandering, or shoplifting before being identified as victims of human trafficking.

Some shelters reported the only reason they were aware they were serving or had served victims of domestic trafficking was that the children or youth had self-disclosed their victimization during counseling sessions.

Hidden nature of the crime. While victims were being identified primarily by those in a position to assist them, this process was Prostitutes Aspe without challenges. The hidden nature of this crime was noted by respondents as the greatest obstacle or challenge to identifying child victims of domestic trafficking. Lack of awareness and understanding. The next Prostitutes Aspe challenge was lack of awareness or understanding Prostitutes Aspe domestic trafficking.

Not everyone recognized that the prostitution of children younger than 18 years of age is a form of human trafficking. Respondents reported a lack of resources Prostitutes Aspe outreach and training to address this lack of awareness.

Many noted that the majority of outreach materials developed for and by Prostitutes Aspe human trafficking field focused primarily on international victims. Additionally, according to respondents, most media attention related to human trafficking focused specifically on international female victims of sex trafficking. Lack of self-identification as a victim. Victims often do not self-identify as victims.

In particular, respondents working with female child victims of domestic sex trafficking reported that these girls often viewed the pimp or trafficker as their boyfriend and everyone else as the enemy, part of the tactic used by the trafficker to isolate and control Prostitutes Aspe girls. Contradictory laws and lack of legislation. Other participants noted existing State legislation that allows for the arrest of children for prostitution if sex is exchanged for Prostitutes Aspe, even when other laws on the books indicate a person younger than age 18 cannot consent to having commercial sex.

Additionally, the lack of State legislation specifically defining domestic trafficking as a crime is another barrier. Even in States with anti-trafficking legislation, the interpretation and application of the Prostitutes Aspe has not necessarily been included in police training programs, and the average police officer was perceived to be unaware of Prostitutes Aspe law. Legal and program mandates. Similar to the challenge associated with domestic victims, the hidden nature of the crime of human trafficking continues to be the greatest challenge to identification Prostitutes Aspe international victims and a contributing factor to many of the other reported challenges.

Fear of law enforcement and fear of retaliation. Next, Prostitutes Aspe noted that fear is a significant deterrent to foreign-born victims coming forward and being identified, specifically fear of law enforcement and fear of retaliation by the trafficker. In most cases, it was reported that victims are taught to fear law enforcement, either as a result of experiences with corrupt governments and law enforcement in their countries of origin or as a result of the traffickers telling the victims that if they are caught, law enforcement will arrest them and deport them.

Prostitutes Aspe of shame and disgrace.

According to some experts in the labor movement, the power differential between a farm worker and an employer can create a situation that may escalate into exploitation, regardless of the immigration status of the worker Bales, ; Zeitlin,

In addition to fear, international victims were reported to experience feelings of shame and disgrace for their situation. Once again, the fear that someone will find out what has happened to them, especially in the case of sex trafficking, often keeps victims silent.

Not Prostitutes Aspe domestic victims, respondents indicated that most international victims were not aware that they were victims of a crime. Prostitutes Aspe did not know about human trafficking or the U. And Prostitutes Aspe did not know that they have rights as Prostitutes Aspe of this crime. The often successful efforts of traffickers to convince victims that Prostitutes Aspe are criminals and have done something wrong further enforces this problem of victims not identifying themselves as being exploited and eligible for protection and services.

Stereotypes and misperceptions. Again, similar to the case of domestic victims, service providers reported that the initial behavior of an international victim upon contact with law enforcement could influence whether he or she was viewed as a victim of human trafficking.

According to both service providers and law enforcement in Prostitutes Aspe communities, those involved in prostitution have historically been viewed and treated as criminals. Lack of understanding of existing legislation.

While a few providers noted the lack of State legislation as a hindrance to identifying international victims, a lack of understanding existing State and Federal legislation is also a problem. For law enforcement, the lack of understanding existing laws translates into a lack of priority and a lack of resources devoted to investigating these crimes at the Prostitutes Aspe level.

Systemwide outreach and training. One of the most common and perhaps most promising strategies according to service providers was providing direct outreach to entire systems. Specifically, outreach to child welfare agencies, police departments, juvenile detention facilities, healthcare systems, congregations, youth-serving agencies, and schools or school districts was viewed as essential to increasing the identification of victims.

These are the types of agencies or systems that often come into contact with potential victims, yet do not usually have the education or training to recognize the role they could play Prostitutes Aspe identifying and assisting victims. Through outreach and training to entire systems, communities created an extended network of providers and organizations educated on the issue of human trafficking and expanded the safety net for victims through increased chances Prostitutes Aspe identification, better referrals, and expanded services.

Collaboration with local law enforcement. With regard to international victims of human trafficking, working directly with local law enforcement was viewed by both service providers and law enforcement as a promising strategy to identify more victims and connect them with services. The approach adopted by many service providers was to work with local law enforcement and have them act as the intermediary to identify a victim and bring the case forward to Federal law enforcement.

Another promising practice to conducting outreach and identifying victims includes involving members of ethnic communities in the outreach Prostitutes Aspe.

Involving survivors Prostitutes Aspe outreach efforts. Several of the organizations conducting direct outreach to victims include survivors of human Prostitutes Aspe in the outreach activities as Prostitutes Aspe as in the development of outreach materials. According to respondents, survivors provided credibility and a knowledge and understanding of the issue that was often difficult to translate through training to other Prostitutes Aspe.

They also have unique insight into where Prostitutes Aspe find potential victims and how best to approach them. However, it is important to note that survivors themselves need to make the determination of whether they are comfortable or ready to assist with these efforts. Prostitutes Aspe direct outreach to potential victims. Despite these promising ideas and strategies, direct outreach Prostitutes Aspe victims was limited; it was viewed as too dangerous for staff and too difficult given the hidden nature of the crime.

Additionally, some agencies created dual roles for outreach staff who served as case workers or managers in addition to conducting direct outreach to victims.

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In this way, the rapport and trust that was established on the street carried over into the service delivery.

The link between runaway, homeless, and thrown away youth and human trafficking was not being made by most youth programs and, therefore, potential victims were likely going unidentified. Targeting populations at risk for human trafficking. An Prostitutes Aspe to risk factors and the connection with human trafficking was occurring among some Prostitutes Aspe enforcement.

A promising strategy to identify more child victims of domestic sex trafficking was employed by two local police departments and involved focusing outreach and investigations on children who present with Prostitutes Aspe factors for trafficking e.

Once victims are identified, determining their needs is a crucial next step for law enforcement and service providers.

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For all respondents, foremost in the process Prostitutes Aspe assessing the immediate safety needs of the victim. Longer term needs include assistance accessing documentation e. A common need that cuts across both short-term and long-term needs for international and domestic victims was the need for assistance and advocacy to navigate the various systems that victims interacted with e.

Prior to passage of the TVPA, law enforcement and service providers reported that they struggled with scarce resources to piece together the comprehensive services needed by international victims of human trafficking. Adult international victims of a severe form of trafficking must become certified in Prostitutes Aspe to be eligible to receive services. This certification is carried out by ORR.

T-visas were established under the Prostitutes Aspe and allow victims of trafficking to become lawful temporary residents of the United States. Once certified by ORR, international victims are treated the same as refugees for benefits eligibility purposes. International child victims are not required to be certified to receive services; instead, children who are determined to be victims of a severe form of trafficking receive letters of eligibility from ORR for benefits and services to the same extent as refugees, similar to the services available to adults.

According to respondents, most of the services for international adult victims, both certified and pre-certified, were being provided through the HHS-funded Per Capita Victim Services contract.

While international child victims are also being served under the per capita program, respondents reported Prostitutes Aspe most services for such unaccompanied child victims are provided through the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors program.

According to service providers, for some victims certification was not an option. In particular, in those cases where victims decided not to cooperate with law enforcement out of fear of retaliation Prostitutes Aspe the trafficker Prostitutes Aspe for other reasons, service providers Prostitutes Aspe other options for victims.

These included seeking asylum, filing for a U-Visa, and accessing services under the Violence Against Women Act; for some cases, service providers reported tapping into non-Federal or unrestricted funding streams to provide Prostitutes Aspe hoc services. In the case of citizens, they are already eligible for many benefits and Prostitutes Aspe they might need.

But in this Prostitutes Aspe, respondents only reported providing services to domestic child victims of human trafficking; none of them reported working with adult U. In most cases, domestic child victims were Prostitutes Aspe services although not always adequate or appropriate through other HHS-funded or administered programs e.

Additionally, service providers reported many of the domestic youth victims received Prostitutes Aspe through Prostitutes Aspe juvenile justice system Prostitutes Aspe a result of being arrested for prostitution or other unrelated crimes e.

In a few cases, domestic youth victims had been placed in domestic violence shelters. Whether for an international or domestic victim, adult or child, all respondents agreed that the most important service for all victims was case management.

Having a central case manager was viewed by service providers and law enforcement as a critical service not only for victims but also for other service providers and agencies involved in a trafficking case. The importance of Prostitutes Aspe role is evident in the fact that most of the programs in the Prostitutes Aspe reported providing some form of case management as part Prostitutes Aspe their menu of services for trafficking victims.

Lack of knowledge and understanding.

As stated previously, sex trafficking involves the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person forced to perform such an act is younger than age

One of the most common and frustrating challenges reported by law enforcement and service providers was the lack of knowledge and understanding regarding human trafficking among service providers, law enforcement, and even victims themselves who often did not believe or understand that they were victims of crime. As a Prostitutes Aspe, victims often went unidentified and unserved.

Lack of knowledge and understanding of what services were available was an additional barrier for service Prostitutes Aspe. Limited availability of services. Even Prostitutes Aspe international and domestic victims may be eligible for various services, the supply or availability of those needed services was often limited due to long wait lists and associated fees even if offered on a sliding scale.

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According to service providers, this was particularly true for mental health services and substance abuse treatment, especially for domestic child and youth victims. Housing was Prostitutes Aspe service that law enforcement and service providers reported was limited. While finding emergency shelter for women and girls was not usually a problem, finding the same placements for men and boys was difficult.

Finally, the Prostitutes Aspe of services in general for domestic victims was viewed as problematic by some service Prostitutes Aspe. As service providers reported, it is important to understand the difference between being eligible Prostitutes Aspe services, Prostitutes Aspe availability of services, and actually being able to access services. Appropriateness of services. Prostitutes Aspe providers talked not only about the need for more culturally appropriate services, but also for gender appropriate services.

Finding such Prostitutes Aspe could be challenging, particularly Prostitutes Aspe rural communities. Additionally, service providers stressed the importance of understanding what was meant by culturally appropriate services. Recognizing Prostitutes Aspe challenges and the implications for providing appropriate services to clients was seen as critical by providers themselves, since failure to provide such appropriate services could undermine their goal of establishing trust with clients.

The appropriateness of services also extends to examining the culture of the environment in which the service is offered. For example, it is important to ensure clients are not placed in a shelter that results in re-victimization, isolation, or humiliation. Access to services. The two greatest barriers to accessing services reported for international victims were language barriers and transportation. Prostitutes Aspe providers indicated that the availability of information and access to providers who speak English, Spanish, and in some communities Korean, was not difficult.

But their clients that spoke other languages had difficulty accessing services. Additionally, transportation was a problem. For domestic victims, accessing services, including obtaining insurance e.

Most domestic victims were not in possession of their birth certificates or other forms of identification. This could also be true for international victims. Providers reported difficulty obtaining proof of identification, birth, and citizenship from consulates, thus often delaying the process of obtaining certification or work authorizations.

Length of services. Another challenge identified by Prostitutes Aspe providers and victims themselves was the length or Prostitutes Aspe of services available to victims. For example, the standard period Prostitutes Aspe pre-certification services for international victims under the per capita contract is 9 months and the period for services after certification is 4 months. However, according to respondents, the timeline to self-sufficiency varied by client. For domestic youth, shelter stays were often limited to 15, 30, or 60 days and did not allow providers enough time to establish relationships with victims or provide adequate services to meet their longer term needs.

In addition to the funding restrictions on service periods, insurance plans such as Prostitutes Aspe and others often placed limits on the number of Prostitutes Aspe sessions that could be covered during a particular period usually annually.

Service providers reported these limits were often Prostitutes Aspe to allow clients to work through their trauma. Lack of coordination of services.

For the most part, service providers acknowledged improved coordination of services for Prostitutes Aspe over the past several years. However, they saw a need for a single point of contact within each agency working with victims and a central case manager to ensure communication and coordination of services.

Lack of information sharing. Across the board, sharing client information across agencies was seen as a challenge and hindrance to service provision. Providers cited such issues as the protection of client confidentiality, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy regulations, legal concerns e.

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Offering a one-stop shop for services. While not a common practice, those agencies primarily refugee service agencies and domestic violence and sexual assault programs that were able to offer multiple services in Prostitutes Aspe single location were viewed as having a Prostitutes Aspe effective organizational structure.

They reported better communication and coordination of services and less confusion for victims.

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Mobile services. Another innovation helping to meet the needs of victims in several communities was the use of home visits that provided medical and mental health care, and basic case management. Some service providers mentioned using in-home visits as a way to introduce clients to services, almost as a trial period before transitioning them to in-office treatment.

Trauma-informed and trauma-specific services. One of the most common elements across all forms of human trafficking was the experience of trauma Prostitutes Aspe the victim. According to service providers, when victims had access to trauma-informed or trauma-specific services, they recovered from the trafficking Prostitutes Aspe more quickly and were better able to Prostitutes Aspe on other aspects of their lives, such as obtaining an education or seeking employment.

Use of pro bono services. Several agencies reported using pro bono services, particularly for legal services.

This often involved providing training to attorneys on the issue of human trafficking and providing access to victims by allowing legal counsel to interview Prostitutes Aspe. While this Prostitutes Aspe in a larger pool of affordable and appropriate services for clients, it did require significant training and monitoring according to service providers.

Volunteer programs. Some agencies established programs where their clients could do volunteer work. Several providers have in place volunteer programs where clients gain valuable on-the-job training that can then result in Prostitutes Aspe placement in a job with the same or similar agencies.

Consistent case managers. The importance of collaboration in meeting the needs of victims of Prostitutes Aspe trafficking cannot be overstated. The establishment of coalitions and task forces, such as the ORR-funded Rescue and Restore Prostitutes Aspe, was viewed as one strategy Prostitutes Aspe has resulted in the increased availability of services for all victims. Several service providers reported establishing formal memoranda of understanding with domestic violence shelters to ensure not only placement of their clients but also placement in a facility with staff trained on human trafficking and sensitive to the needs of victims.

For domestic child and youth victims of sex trafficking, it was reported that collaboration among law enforcement, juvenile and family court judges, child protection services, and youth shelters and programs was a promising and necessary practice for identifying and meeting the needs of these child victims.

Prostitutes Aspe to service Prostitutes Aspe and law enforcement working with victims of human trafficking, the outcomes for victims and the timeline for achieving these outcomes vary. Service providers reported working with each victim to set achievable goals as part of his or her service plan.

Based on information provided regarding victim goals, several common short- and more long-term outcomes could be identified. While many of the respondents were able to share stories and provide anecdotal evidence of the positive impact their efforts were Prostitutes Aspe on victims e.

While much progress has been made since the passage of the TVPA and the availability of Federal funding to provide effective services to victims of human trafficking, the evidence of this progress remains for the most part anecdotal in nature. Formal assessments Prostitutes Aspe evaluations of these innovative strategies and promising practices from the start are essential to documenting what works and what does not and providing other communities across the country with replicable and effective approaches to education, identification, outreach, and service delivery.

Department of Health and Human Services HHSwith involvement from the Office of Refugee Resettlement ORRfunded an exploratory study to document how HHS programs were Prostitutes Aspe addressing the needs of international and domestic victims of human trafficking in the United States, with an emphasis on identifying statutory, policy, programmatic, and other barriers to providing effective, comprehensive services to this population and possible promising practices to addressing these challenges.

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This final report summarizes key findings from this study. Presented below is a synthesized review Prostitutes Aspe the current Prostitutes Aspe on human trafficking into and within the United States. Specifically, this information was extracted from a comprehensive literature review [1] prepared as part of this study on the definition and scope of the problem, victims of the crime, identification of victims, service provision for victims, Prostitutes Aspe the effectiveness of these services.

It has been associated with transnational criminal organizations, small criminal networks and local Prostitutes Aspe, violations of labor and immigration codes, and government corruption Richard, ; U. Government Accountability Office, Historically, trafficking generally has been defined as the trade in women and children for prostitution or other immoral purposes Europol, Inhowever, the international community agreed upon a broader definition for trafficking in persons, found in Article 3 of the United Nations Protocol Prostitutes Aspe Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.

Congress defined and Prostitutes Aspe trafficking into two categories: sex trafficking and labor trafficking. The term sex trafficking means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the Prostitutes Aspe of a commercial sex act.

Sex trafficking can include prostitution, pornography, stripping, live sex shows, mail-order brides, and Prostitutes Aspe tourism. Labor trafficking situations may arise Prostitutes Aspe domestic servitude, restaurant work, janitorial work, factory work, migrant agricultural work, construction, and peddling 22 U. It is important to note that under this definition, emphasis is placed on the presence of force, fraud, or coercion and the differential power between the trafficker and victim.

Also, while transportation or movement of the victim may occur, it is not a requirement of the crime. The prevalence of human trafficking into and within the United States is difficult to estimate for several reasons. Trafficking victims are guarded closely by their captors, many international victims lack valid immigration documentation, trafficked Prostitutes Aspe servants remain invisible in private homes, and private businesses often act as a front for a back-end trafficking operation, all of which make human trafficking a particularly difficult crime to identify and count Kelly, According to the U.

Department of State,tovictims, half of whom are younger than age 18, are trafficked annually across national borders worldwide U. Department of State, ; U. Department of State, Approximately 80 percent of internationally trafficked victims are Prostitutes Aspe to be female and 70 percent are believed to be trafficked into the sex industry U.

The International Labor Organization estimates that at any given time, there are Other estimates of global labor exploitation range from 4 million to 27 million U. SinceU.

Government estimates of the number of people trafficked into the United States Prostitutes Aspe year have ranged from 14, to 50, with the most recent estimates on the lower Prostitutes Aspe.

The closest estimate for domestic trafficking, which is the trafficking of U. Traffickers prey on victims who live in poverty, are young, have limited education, lack work opportunities, lack family support e.

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Victims Prostitutes Aspe international trafficking may also be Prostitutes Aspe a situation where they are trying to escape from internal strife such as civil war and economic crises Aiko, These victims Prostitutes Aspe originate from poorer countries where trafficking has become a significant source of income Newman, International evidence regarding trafficking, in both developed and less developed regions including the United States, indicates that women and girls are more likely to be trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation and domestic services; whereas men and boys tend to be trafficked for forced labor in commercial farming, petty crimes, and the drug trade International Labor Organization, Children and youth, including U.

While all adolescent subgroups are at risk for prostitution, specific research conducted on a subpopulation of exploited Prostitutes Aspe demonstrated that African-American girls and women are disproportionately arrested for prostitution relative to their numbers in the population. African-American youth, in Prostitutes Aspe, are reported to be the most susceptible subgroup to be arrested because they Prostitutes Aspe to be forced onto the streets and into blatant solicitation where Prostitutes Aspe risk of arrest is highest compared to other subgroups Flowers, Despite the hidden nature of human trafficking, Prostitutes Aspe variety of frontline workers, including healthcare workers, mental health professionals, social workers, and school personnel, have the potential to encounter victims.

Additionally, community-based organizations, faith leaders, and citizens are also often in positions where they encounter victims of trafficking. As public awareness of the problem has grown, victim referrals Prostitutes Aspe these groups to nongovernmental organizations NGOs and service providers have increased significantly Caliber Associates, While there has been an increase in referrals from these service providers, the majority of referrals to NGOs continue to come from Federal and local law enforcement Caliber Prostitutes Aspe, Many documented cases of domestic and international trafficking have been the result of law enforcement task force Prostitutes Aspe.

As part of Prostitutes Aspe initiative, the FBI established task forces in cities with the most reports of prostituted youth; currently, task forces exist in 27 cities. Similar multidisciplinary anti-trafficking task Prostitutes Aspe have been funded in 42 communities across the country with the goal of identifying, investigating, and prosecuting cases and providing the protection and services needed by Prostitutes Aspe U.

Department of Justice, In addition, trafficking victims may receive a special T-visa that allows them to lawfully reside in the United States for up to 4 years, and after 3 years they can apply for permanent resident status Protection Project, Child victims of human trafficking are eligible for benefits without having to obtain either continued presence status or a T-visa from the U.

Certified international adult Prostitutes Aspe are eligible to apply for, and if determined eligible receive, federally funded services and benefits to the same extent as refugees, such as assistance with housing or shelter, food, cash assistance, job training, English language training, health care and mental health services, and perhaps even services for victims of torture if they meet the definition of a victim Prostitutes Aspe torture.

But LPR victims of trafficking who have been Prostitutes Aspe the United States for less than 5 years are not eligible for Federal means-tested benefits due to restrictions enacted under welfare reform in Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of This has resulted in Prostitutes Aspe anomaly of an undocumented international victim who is certified by HHS being eligible for a greater range of services than a Prostitutes Aspe immigrant who is a trafficking victim but has Prostitutes Aspe resided in the United States for a period longer than 5 years.

Once a child victim is determined to be unaccompanied, he or she will typically receive a full range of assistance and services from a local URM program which, in accordance with State law, will establish legal guardianship for the child.

Reunification Prostitutes Aspe parents or other family is encouraged, and attempts to trace family members are conducted in coordination with local refugee resettlement agencies.

Most children Prostitutes Aspe the URM program are placed in licensed foster homes, although some children may be placed in therapeutic foster care, group homes, residential treatment centers, and independent living programs U. Department of Health and Human Services, DUCS may receive, identify, and serve an unaccompanied child victim of trafficking on a short-term basis, but what typically occurs is that DUCS will screen children within its custody for trafficking, and those identified as trafficking victims will receive an eligibility letter and be transferred to Prostitutes Aspe URM program for long-term placement.

Similar to the URM program, DUCS facilities provide education, health care, socialization, mental health services, access to Prostitutes Aspe services, family reunification, and case management U.

Upon identification, victims of human Prostitutes Aspe often present with a number of complex needs, requiring comprehensive services and treatment representing a continuum of care from emergency, to short-term, and long-term assistance.

The goal is to help the victim progress along the continuum that begins at crisis or the need for emergency assistance and moves to a position of safety all within phase 1. With ongoing assessment and intervention to address existing and emerging needs, the victim can move to stability Prostitutes Aspe phase 2. Finally, victims now often referred Prostitutes Aspe as survivors can integrate into their environment and begin to thrive.

This continuum echoes the Exit Counseling Model developed Prostitutes Aspe MacInnesswhich illustrates the importance of beginning trust building and engagement with prostituted youth and moving toward stabilization and support.

The specific needs of victims include safe emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; legal services; medical services including dental care ; substance abuse treatment; trauma therapy; and case management and social services.

Few shelters across the country exclusively serve victims of trafficking and those that do tend to exclusively serve female adolescent victims of sex trafficking. Due to the limited availability of housing options for trafficking victims, most female victims are placed in shelter or housing programs that traditionally serve victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

In emergencies, domestic violence shelters Prostitutes Aspe provide shelter for female child victims. The availability of shelter options is even more restricted for male victims who often are referred to homeless shelters, housed in shelters run by NGOs or faith-based organizations, or placed in hotels or temporary housing paid for by service providers, if available Salvation Army, Victims of trafficking often need immediate legal assistance to handle issues related to immigration Prostitutes Aspe, a trafficking investigation and prosecution, a civil lawsuit against a trafficker, juvenile delinquency proceedings, or issues about having dependency or guardianship established Caliber Associates, ; Florida University Center for Advancement of Human Rights, Attorneys are needed to let victims know about their legal options and rights; educate them about the legal system; represent them in hearings; help them receive certification and complete applications for a T-visa, U-visa, Special Immigrant Juvenile status, or derivative visas for family members; Prostitutes Aspe assist them with gaining lawful permanent resident status and the repatriation process, if appropriate Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, n.

Additionally, attorneys Prostitutes Aspe also need to assist victims of trafficking with housing, employment, medical problems, transportation issues, and obtaining other services if they are not receiving social service support or case management through a partnering agency Caliber Associates, Service providers have reported the following needs for medical services: basic physical exams; gynecological exams; tests for Prostitutes Aspe diseases; treatment for stomach problems and headaches often symptomatic of an emotional problem ; chronic back, hearing, cardiovascular, or respiratory problems; and eye and dental care Caliber Associates, Work with torture victims indicates that Prostitutes Aspe treatment is essential to physical and psychological healing, as lingering body pains and symptoms create daily reminders of past torture.

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Limited Prostitutes Aspe is available regarding substance abuse treatment Prostitutes Aspe adult victims of human trafficking. One explanation given by a Prostitutes Aspe provider for this absence Prostitutes Aspe the belief that victims are reluctant to divulge this problem for cultural reasons as well Prostitutes Aspe concern that by acknowledging they have a problem, they may be jeopardizing their credibility as a witness in their trafficking case, their Prostitutes Aspe case, or a future custody case Caliber Associates, Likewise, research specific to substance abuse in minor trafficking victims is also extremely limited.

However, there is some general research on adolescent treatment programs that might provide some guidance about effective substance abuse services for minor trafficking victims. Most important, research suggests that adolescent treatment for substance abuse must be tailored to the unique challenges and developmental needs of the population served Hser et Prostitutes Aspe.

Additionally, the earlier Prostitutes Aspe is received, the shorter the course of substance abuse. While encouraging, the problem is that fewer than 1 in 10 adolescents with substance abuse or dependence problems receives treatment Dennis, Like torture victims, trafficking victims often experience posttraumatic Prostitutes Aspe disorder PTSDdepressive disorder, other anxiety disorders, or substance abuse, and some may display symptoms of Stockholm syndrome Center for the Survivors of Torture, n.

Specific symptoms can include sleep disorders, Prostitutes Aspe, difficulty concentrating or relaxing, experiencing feelings of hopelessness, and physical symptoms such as headaches, chest pain, shaking, sweating, and dizziness Center for Victims of Torture, n.

Trauma therapy is often a critical component to this integrated treatment approach. Trauma recovery models begin with pretreatment assessment and an Prostitutes Aspe of a victims current safety Prostitutes Aspe. Literature on adults shows that comprehensive treatment systems that provide both trauma-informed and trauma-specific services are most effective in identifying and responding to victims multiple needs.

Effective Prostitutes Aspe include culturally competent approaches with basic supports and Prostitutes Aspe, peer support, and coordinated treatment across multiple systems of care Finkelstein et al. Given their complex needs, victims of human trafficking typically encounter a range of law enforcement, and health and human service providers and agencies, which can be a daunting experience, especially for international and child victims.

In response, providers have adopted intensive case management approaches. A case manager works with other service providers and is responsible for assessing service needs, providing victims with information about their rights to services, establishing comprehensive service plans with victims, identifying and making service referrals, coordinating services, accompanying victims to appointments, advocating on behalf of victims to other providers and agencies, providing emotional and moral support, and often keeping victims informed of progress on their legal cases and T-visa and other applications e.

Coordinated care that takes a holistic approach Prostitutes Aspe treatment, while often challenging, is essential to meeting the medical, psychological, and social needs of victims Center for Victims of Torture, n. Findings from these studies have identified a number of barriers and challenges to accessing and providing services. Prostitutes Aspe the definition of human trafficking provided by the TVPA, proper identification of victims remains one of the greatest challenges; there still are inconsistencies in how law enforcement and service providers define victims and handle cases.

Once victims are identified, provider policies and practices can create additional challenges and barriers. In terms of the effectiveness of the programs and services for victims of human trafficking, little research is available.

While little evidence exists to support the effectiveness of specific services for victims of human trafficking, providers have begun to agree on some potential promising practices, especially in working with prostituted children; however, it should be noted that comprehensive evaluations of such Prostitutes Aspe do not exist A. Adams, personal communication, March ; Caliber, Associates, ; N. Hotaling, personal communication, June ; R.

Seitz, personal communication, October The promising practices identified by service providers are Prostitutes Aspe important first step in understanding the problem and potential Prostitutes Aspe.

However, much remains unknown about trafficking cases, Prostitutes Aspe characteristics of the victims and perpetrators beyond those identified by law enforcement or service providers ; the long-term impact of human trafficking on victims, their families, and communities; the effectiveness of anti-trafficking programs; and best practices in meeting the needs of victims.

What is known about victims of human trafficking is focused primarily on the trafficking of women into the United States for sexual exploitation, with little attention to domestic trafficking, child victims, and in particular, male victims of sex and labor trafficking. Findings from research and evaluations of programs serving victims of domestic violence, torture victims, prostituted children, Prostitutes Aspe exploited homeless and runaway youth have provided insight into what we might expect to find from similar studies of programs serving international and domestic victims of human trafficking.

This study is Prostitutes Aspe to begin examining the Prostitutes Aspe to which the needs of victims of human trafficking, both international and domestic, are being addressed by HHS programs.

Specifically, this exploratory study expands our current Prostitutes Aspe and understanding of the existing research and literature related to the definition of human trafficking, outreach and identification efforts, and understanding and meeting victims Prostitutes Aspe, including the availability and accessibility of needed services. Additionally, this report examines issues related to anticipated outcomes for victims, documentation of these outcomes, and any potential lessons that have been learned from the work being done by HHS programs and other service providers and first responders.

This section presents the key research questions that guided Prostitutes Aspe study, the study design, and analytic strategy to answer these key questions. This study is intended to provide a more in-depth understanding of human trafficking, the victims of this crime, Prostitutes Aspe the services provided to meet their needs by programs primarily funded by HHS.

Specifically, the following questions are addressed by this study:. The answers to these questions are intended to provide HHS, other Federal agencies, and the field of victim service providers, child welfare and juvenile justice professionals, law enforcement, and other key stakeholders in the fight against human trafficking with current information grounded in the Prostitutes Aspe of those working directly with victims, and to help inform future policies and practices.

A number of programs and agencies currently and previously funded Prostitutes Aspe HHS and other Federal agencies across the country are responsible for conducting outreach, Prostitutes Aspe victims, providing services, and aiding in Prostitutes Aspe investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases. Additionally, the study approach expanded the focus to programs that Prostitutes Aspe not trafficking-specific but likely to encounter potential victims or those at greatest risk for Prostitutes Aspe in order to further our understanding of challenges, gaps, and promising practices and strategies to improve outreach, identification, and services.

Critical to the study was identifying a sample of HHS-funded programs working with victims of human trafficking that represent a range of service providers and communities across the country. Specifically, locations with the greatest concentration of HHS-funded programs, including Rescue and Restore Prostitutes Aspe, subcontractors under the per capita [4] program run by the U. Other Prostitutes Aspe for selecting the final study sample included:. Initially, 12 geographic locations and associated programs were identified Prostitutes Aspe the possible study sample.

Specifically, e-mails and informal calls were made to points of contact for each HHS-funded program and Prostitutes Aspe sample of Prostitutes Aspe identified programs to explain the purpose of the study, verify information already collected on the programs, discuss plans for visiting the programs to conduct informal discussions with staff, and assess their willingness to participate in the study.

The feasibility assessment was also an opportunity to identify additional programs to include in the study. Based on the feasibility assessment, 10 locations and associated programs were identified. These locations were:. A map depicting the Prostitutes Aspe of programs represented in each location and a list of programs participating in the study are provided in Appendix A.

Based on the maps, the locations and programs included in the study are representative of the HHS-funded programs across the country. Study teams conducted in-person and telephone discussions with direct service providers representing multiple systems of care domestic violence, runaway and homeless youth, healthcare, mental health, immigration, social services, and trafficking victim services ; Prostitutes Aspe, State, and local law enforcement; and trafficking survivors to identify issues, themes, challenges, and promising practices related to services for victims of human trafficking, both international and domestic.

For those programs not directly working with victims of human trafficking, or those who were unsure if they were working with victims, additional areas were covered, including ability to identify and provide services to victims, anticipated challenges to Prostitutes Aspe with this population, and lessons learned from current clients that Prostitutes Aspe inform services to victims of human trafficking. A set of questions and probes were available to the study team to guide the discussions, as necessary see Appendix C for guiding questions.

According to each States law, victims receive the full range of assistance, care, and services to which all children in the State are entitled.

A total of programs and representatives from those programs across 11 States and the District of Columbia participated in this study. Very few programs reported systematically collecting quantitative data on their programs and services.

The main exceptions were programs Prostitutes Aspe funding as a subcontractor under the HHS per capita program and those receiving funding from Prostitutes Aspe Office for Victims of Crime within the U.

Department of Justice under the comprehensive services grants. Given the focus of the study on HHS-funded programs serving victims of human trafficking, data from the per capita program were obtained from USCCB, the prime contractor for this program. Obtaining data from USCCB reduced Prostitutes Aspe burden on local programs to produce such quantitative data Prostitutes Aspe provided access to data on all subcontracts and clients served under the program from its inception.

Additionally, data on the number of certifications issued by HHS for Prostitutes Aspe of human trafficking were obtained from ORR. During each site visit, a member of the study team took copious notes during the discussions.

For telephone discussions, responses were similarly retained. From these detailed notes, site summaries were prepared to Prostitutes Aspe common themes, patterns in responses, and issues needing further exploration during subsequent site visits to other locations and programs.

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Rabinovitch and Strega add, Peer-led services reduce or remove the cultural and language barriers that most sex trade workers experience when trying to communicate with those whose education about the trade has been academic and professional. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Uniform Crime Reports , across the United States 36, boys and 47, girls younger than age 18 were picked up by law enforcement and identified as runaways.
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As one service provider put it, There are few resources devoted Prostitutes Aspe helping the helpers. While not a common practice, those agencies primarily refugee service agencies and domestic violence and sexual assault programs that were able to offer multiple services in a single location were viewed as having more effective organizational structure. Several service providers reported establishing formal memoranda Prostitutes Aspe understanding with domestic violence shelters to ensure not only placement of their clients but Prostitutes Aspe placement in a facility with staff Prostitutes Aspe on human trafficking and sensitive to the needs of victims. As is commonly recognized among providers serving adult women, Making connections and building relationships have proven to be crucial first steps in moving out of prostitution Rabinovitch, Following this determination by law enforcement, victims must complete a bona fide application for a T-visa or be awarded continued presence by a U.
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Human Trafficking Into and Within the United States: A Review of the Literature | ASPE
