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Among this group were many wealthy craftsmen and members of older guilds, as well as stallholders, inn-keepers, bathhouse owners and even attorneys. Sam Charley No. Affluent members of the burgher community with ties to the source authorities were the people primarily responsible for Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie introduction of the practice Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie making pious bequests for Church institutions and the dissemination of wills as a means of enabling such religious foundations, in the first half of the fourteenth century.

The turn to experience is allegedly another hastily announced turning point in the humanities. However, in my personal opinion, it seems Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie be stable or perhaps more stable and this opinion is based on strong foundations which are material at last and not abstract — non-existent.

Experience understood as a bundle of experiences of a changeable subject, a bundle which is variable in time, is something that is most real, objective from the comparative Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. In the shape and sound of words. They are a derivative of oppression, or a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to gain, keep and spread power.

Furthermore, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of another kind is Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. But to distinguish them from each other, the prose work but not a novel of this title might be referred to as a work about language while the film a feature film? I understand crisis intuitively as a turning point, a time of verification or perfection of a previous system, or one of the ways of bringing another system into existence.

At the root of the turning point there was — among other factors — an economic crisis: the failure of the previous model based on Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie planning, full employment and primacy of public ownership, which was co-dependent and simultaneous with limited independence and a shortage of democracy. The Round Table, the most obvious result of which was the election, referred to as contract election, brought about a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie more important change: an economic transformation, the result of which or perhaps its tool, cf.

What did the process of changing ownership relations and shaping or re-shaping the elite look like? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Both works, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie book and the film, are of implicit character — they do not participate in the dispute at Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie high level of literality. The relationship between awareness and economy, partly complying with what Marx said, may be both symmetrical and asymmetrical. Let me return to the inadequate but incidentally useful abuse related to thematization.

Economy and its crises may either be its catalyst, its result, whether minimal or decisive, or may be happening beside it. However, in order to meet the theme of the monographic issue, I will emphasize them, presenting both their interaction and independence, decorativeness.

The book While one Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of readers waited for a novel dealing with the turning point in history, it seems and this is a good word to have been written for another group of readers who appeared and will appear after it had been written but also were created as a result of its having been written.

But in the end it also becomes its victim. Both a proposition and its opposition. As Ferdinand de Saussure already observed, language is self-reflexive and refers to itself. The language itself should be deconstructed, and expose its inherent contradictions and hidden ideological presumptions. Instead of analyzing what is openly expressed with language, one should analyze what is happening on the hidden plane.

Any social system is rickety: Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie is enough to analyze, say, its linguistic foundations. According to the dominant narrative, the year in Poland is perceived as a great victory in which not a single shot was fired, a model to be imitated by other nations, the beginning of the Autumn of Nations. The author does not argue with this view, nor does she claim the opposite. She proves implicitly that neither of these theses is absolute, both are simplifications, Misrepresentations.

They wage the eponymous Polish-Russki war under the white-and-red flag, which means precisely that under the same banner they wage Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie war with themselves and with one another 1920 their past and their habits. They are ambivalent: attraction is at the same time repulsion.

He lives in a detached house which was built in the age of Gierek 21 and which is surrounded besieged by blocks of flats of prefabricated concrete. His loneliness is also visible in the largest crowd scene, during a fair. Humbled by being dumped by Magda, he tries to introduce his own order, seize power over everybody in order to win his girlfriend back.

He fights against the other participants of the fair who approve of the hierarchy headed by Robert Sztorm, the sponsor of the beauty contest which Magda is expected to win. Nails, probably the son of small business owners who began to grow rich in the s, loses to a model of a businessman Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie appeared a decade later.

The interior decor reminds one about the shift from the old to the new. Wood paneling, unit furniture used as a wall to divide a room, a synthetic blanket with a pattern made to resemble the coat colour of a tiger a substitute of tiger skin, the aesthetics of a fakeclothes, particularly those of older people. The Polish Fiat The chav subculture of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie time. The aesthetics of the black BMW. The s Polish rock music playing in the background and the obligatory discopolo 23 at the fest.

Not a metaphysical one as someone might expect. A housing estate of detached houses built by a developer, with a very dense neighborhood of equally luxurious, identical houses. In other words, a goal pursued by many Poles in the first decade of the 21st century and nowadays.

Deconstruction takes place,the certainty is unmasked as something extremely conventional, but also oppressive to the individual and only beneficial to the system. In the book: this deconstruction is achieved by means of language, which has been discussed. In these circumstances I have to write everything in this machine.

The walls of the police station turn out to be made of cardboard, to be conventional. Is this what this city is built of? I am a trained dog.

The following may be meaningful: the place that seemed to be a police station proves to be the backroom of a school coalescence of the place where norms are passed and the first normative socialization occurs with the place where obedience to these norms is controlled. Everything is a matter of convention. He decides to kill himself. Or he assumes that the wall which he about to hit with his Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie is fictitious, just like the police station in which he was held.

But this second confrontation proves to be fatal. He lands in the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie department of a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie set, where various clothes are hanging they may be perceived as clothes, as disguises, as social roles one must assume for this or that occasion. The problem of narratives and their self-interested nature is emphasized in the film too.

If not, tough luck! Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie will hurt Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to bear because of their aspirations, both great and one-sided, which result from the sudden coming of capitalism, a world of advertisements, which creates artificial desires and replaces natural needs.

An irrational hunger which cannot be quenched, fueled by Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie information presented by the media, and later also fueled by the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie who have accepted it as their own.

It seems that there is also a real insufficiency. The breaking of the former social bonds, which have not been replaced with new ones based on new rules. This results from unemployment, economic recession due to a change in the markets as well as the geopolitics of trade and modes of exchange and inadequacy of educational Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie for the new requirements. The decline of the center understood as a shared set of values and the center of administration i.

The insufficiency is planned in the new system, too.

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Shortage of goods and poor organization of work are replaced by shortage of free time, theft of time, an imperative to pursue a career, and the will to have full control of the employee. And in spite of such work, it is still impossible to satisfy the desires created by the system. Just like before, the system serves itself and the individual is persecuted. The individual is trying to climb the social ladder, take a higher place, but by acting according to the methods of the system the imperative to acquire more wealth by hook or by crook and within its logic money as the most important value they simply justify the system.

What changes is only the type of hierarchy. It is impossible to make a thorough comparison Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the two. The idiomacy within conventional genres aside, they also represent genres which are absolutely dissimilar. Both works are built on Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie escape from thematization. The crisis which was mentioned above is a background in each of them, its secondary status emphasized continuously.

Comparison e. The less about it, the better. The concept of adaptation does not provide a connection between them Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. Speckled with references which dominate the original content and begin to modify it. Built on linguistic and cultural calques, which are often distorted by the plot, the chronology, the causeand- effect relations; the structure — e.

Both the book and the film are built from loosely shuffled cards of scenes. Reconstruction according to chronology is possible, but it would have an unfavorable impact on the whole the pretextual plot is purposefully weak, though it contains a few mysteries.

The main Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie was played by Borys Szyc who at that time had reached the height of his fame.

He appears in every scene, which makes the film more consistent. It seems Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the female characters are more distinct in the film than in the book. Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie are usually written in a less subtle way. Screenwriters were also looking for stereotypes which were hidden in the nuanced book to build the visible plot on.

And beneath it there is a frantic interplay of meanings. Perhaps it was the desire to find support in a convention, the need for a clear conclusion, that gave the film its ending not present in the booki. Short snapshots are more meaningful, like in a music video. The Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie campaign is another matter: it attempted to present Wojna polsko-ruska as a film for everyone, which deals with seemingly simple issues.

One would have to exhibit maximum Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to interpret it in this way. However, while the early readers of the book were young, they belonged to the elite. Further search for such comparisons would be a tautology. They do not lead to any new conclusions.

These are to be sought elsewhere. One may of course give more examples in the field of economics, but this will not change the general view, i. This also would be tautological. But Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie protagonists — and this is also important — are not aware of it.

They vacillate, they are unhappy, but it is difficult for them to find the real psychological, social, and economic causes of their state. Their subjective crisis Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie a result of the fact that they mainly see the economic crisis.

And they reduce their actions to money. In this way coming out of the real crisis Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie impossible for them. This Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie may be termed the base one. Perhaps this statement refers also to all the crises, erroneously defined as economic ones, including the current one. Except that one should be careful in drawing such a general conclusion, because as a generalization it goes against the two works discussed.

However, let us come back to the characters in Wojna polsko-ruska. Their actions are harmless and inefficient, and despite their polemic nature, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie only serve to confirm the order of things. One example is the attempt to wangle Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie from Robert Sztorm, the producer of amusement parks, king of sand. Or the ability to stand at the side oversight. His girlfriend Magda, not mature enough for a relationship, would prefer someone more influential who could help her build her modeling career the union of power and libido which was mentioned before.

Thus Nails must find a substitute. This also seems to be a sign of the times. A world in crisis has turned upside down. Starting a family is has gone out of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. What counts more is autonomous sex which is alienated from family life. Not to mention the economic and social impediments which await a young married couple.

As I keep emphasizing the economic aspect, I realize more and more how difficult it is to speak about the economic Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie alone and leave out the social crisis or the crisis of world perception; and how difficult it is to delimit when a crisis ceases to be economical in nature.

And which crisis was caused by which. Perhaps it is easier to make such a distinction in a historical paper, but not in an anthropological one. It is becoming more and more obvious that a division of the world into disciplines is arbitrary and that holism is the alternative and that the cognitive apparatus is constructed on an ad hoc basis for the sake of a single statement.

It seems that in the narratives written following the decline of realism, 34 it is not the economic aspect that is assigned the decisive role. Psychology, the need for participation, the problem of responsibility are more important. The organization of social and economic life is only one of the aspects, or it is left Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. In the background there is the question — one which is recurrent in the public debate — about the actual primacy of economy over other spheres of life or life in general, and the question about the paradigm of growth in economics itself.

The differentiation between wealth and welfare. It seems to be more adequate to speak about a crisis in general, economy being only one of its aspects. A crisis that affects us, to which sometimes war becomes a response.

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Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie student at the Jagiellonian University. Town councilor in Krowodrza, 5th quarter of Cracow. It is contrasted with subjective memory, which is close to interpretation, a carrier of meaning but only individual meaning. It might change in time through re-interpretation of events and change of importance ascribed to them.

Fransolet, M.

I recommend e. In this paper the author takes as a starting point the classic definition of epistemic truth by Thomas Aquinas and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the course of reasoning contrasts it with successive contructivist definitions. His paper has a practical bent. The author uses real-life examples to prove that truth is a construct, and memory not so much refers to the past as is subject to transformations for the benefit of the present and the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, in order to guarantee that the new actuality agrees with the interpretation of the past.

And thus the author gives an example of a product tester whose Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie changes, so that it is Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie consistent with the information gained later from a commercial the memory of an unsavory juice changes into a memory of a savory juice under the influence of an attractive commercial broadcast sometime after he had drunk the juice. The author speaks about the paradox of the development of science, which does not expand our knowledge of reality, but only produces a new image of reality, again and again p.

Surprising conclusions may be drawn from the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of the opposite, i. The author contrasts curves of forgetting, the gestalt theory of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the hypothesis of memory traceand interferential concepts of forgetting replacement of material by one of similar kind with possibilities not so much of forgetting repressing as a gradual, partial or complete loss of access to the remembered data.

Retrieval cues offer a possibility to re-gain access, if an appropriate stimulus of appropriate intensity is created. Falkowski speaks about memory as a totally personal domain in which once this, once that information takes the most important place cf. He disagrees with the idea of repressing information, and substitutes it with the hypothesis of a gradable loss of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie.

There exists a possibility of restoring access if an appropriate stimulus with an appropriate Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie is created. He points to phenomena, familiar to Western intellectual thought, such as the imagination inflation and backward framing, i. This paper may lead to the conclusion that perception and interpretation will always be instrumental in nature. But, just as with memory, it is about the question concerning the treatment of history as an objective sequence and a set of facts.

History is a narrative. It has a narrator, so it is not objective, but it serves the interests of this narrator. The monopoly of professional historians, authority figures, and also Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie publications and the catalog of the preferred forms have been weakened. I recommend a systematizing paper with rich literature:. The opposition cognitive optimism vs. For example, in law there functions the concept of material truth and also the concept of legal truth, based on the presumptions of law, legal fiction and unanimous statement of the parties.

Beck,p. Andrzej M. Legal truth not Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie consistent with the material truth may also become the basis for a legal statement. Dziennik Ustaw [Journal of Laws]Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskieitem Example Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie legal fiction: substitutive delivery which consists in declaring a letter delivered if the addressee is absent at the moment of delivery or refuses to receive the mail e. The current paper is not free from similar fictions and presumptions either, although they pertain to the field of literary studies and anthropology.

This theory assumes that what is true in one system may be at the same time not true in another. Formal criteria e. See the works of the author of this theory, e. Here one finds a great scope of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, from e. Thomas Hobbes, LeviathanCreate Space Publishing Platform,a social contract which establishes authorities, as a result of shared conviction.

Craig Calhoun et al. It may also be Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie result and tool of class struggle. Wybrane zagadnienia logiczne[Deflationary conception of truth.

Selected logical issues] Warszawa: Semper, The reason behind this footnote Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the desire to justify the methodology of my article which is close to the theories deemed minimalist especially the correspondence, coherence, constructivist, consensual, redundancy and semantic theoriesand the so-called truth in context in relation to humanities. Examples of source literature:. Semiotics], p.

By means of the narrative he also shows the way in which he perceives the world and, what is more, the way in which he perceives himself. One may relate this statement directly to the examples of artistic expression in which the form is of primary importance. Seemingly they are Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of place in a research paper and outside the working problematization Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie this paper. However, this will be settled in favor of this paper in Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie last footnote.

Justification: discussing both these works in Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie way they have been Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie would lead to conclusions which have already been reached. Yet these works discuss issues which are rather new and do it in a new way, additionally trying to negate some ways of thinking, and the existence and rank of some social phenomena. Although only Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie or implicitly, they propose new theses, which were vague in the language used before.

Or in the extensive version they engage in polemics with many former ones. Thus it seems justified to use more adequate methods, including ones constructed in the course of discussion.

Ones that refer to straightforwardness and oppose the tendency to classify. Hence the essayistic mode, leaving out linearity and straightforwardness. Because of the brevity of the present study, this method must partly explain itself using examples in the course of implementation.

In academic disciplines known as humanities, particularly Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie anthropology, e. All the quotations from these Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie were translated for the sake of this paper by Agata Jankowiak. Idiomaticity excludes the scientific dimension of comparison but not the educational one. Daniel R. Carl Sanders Oxford University Press, It is perhaps that what is inhaled is red borsch, red being the color of the October Revolution. The genre resembles the earlier italo-disco, which emerged in Italy, and its development was simultaneous with that of Balkan turbo-folk, although the Polish music does not feature nationalist elements, as it was the case in Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslavia during the civil war and after it ended.

It breaks down towards the end of the book and causes a complete destruction of the house and its inhabitants. Comparative studies is one of the most important trends in literary studies. It was used with reference to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of works created in various languages and cultural environments. In the International Comparative Literature Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie was established. A question which is akin to the above is the considerations concerning the original and its copy, travesty, pastiche, as well as interdisciplinary research, e.

Nowadays the so-called crisis of comparative studies is being observed as mentioned in the previous footnote. The parallel fall of structuralism a belief that the whole Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie is constructed on the basis of the same rules, everything is interrelated and one thing results from another was also of some importance. When it was decided that structures are nothing else than a contractual artificial construct, the ontological basis for comparability of particular works disappeared.

This metaphor is often employed e. And also Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie its adaptations, e. As I wrote before, by analogy to sonorism an approach to composition in contemporary music contemporary art is dominated by the reflection on language itself, and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie on the aspects of the world subject to description.

Reflection on language, on construction, on imagination as such. The aim of the so-called narratives of memory and of fiction is not the past nor theory but the reality and consistency with the present state, artificial unification. Memory is subjective.

It is in the service of the present and the future. The present attempt at interpreting both works and the conclusion about its impossibility cannot deviate from the current non-fictional situation of the reader and spectator, including the one who is writing these words. In research into memory, construction of history, typologies of truth, in considerations of cognizability and comparability, one can see a constant opposition of classic and constructionist relativizing approaches.

This article, which is developed both in the main text as well as footnotes and written in two different languages, is only an attempt to discuss this opposition. At the same time it is an attempt to speak about crisis narratives and the changing approaches to the possibility of remembering in general.

The end of this footnote may be considered Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie be the actual ending of my paper, developed in two dimensions, the impressionistic essayistic one and the scientific one in the footnotesand which also constates similar undecidabilities, and ways of coping with them. In this article we address a research problem bordering on sociology and history — the emotional climate in Poland in the 80s in the light of personal documents.

We will describe the most important problems connected Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the chosen perspective — we intend to apply the achievements of the history of emotions and the sociology of emotions. We will then present the theory of emotional climate by Joseph de Rivera and an untypical source that we are going to use: letters intercepted by censors. Finally we will present a sample of what can be understood from those letters about the emotional climate. White published an article entitled The Anthropology of Emotions Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie summing up the last decade of anthropological studies of emotions, the cited works, including mostly by American anthropologists, amounted to Sincein cooperation with The International Society for Research on Emotion, established inan interdisciplinary quarterly magazine Emotion Review has been published.

Straczuk, Rajter 7—8. The words above were written by the author of the Polish issue of an anthology of the most important Western texts on social studies of emotions. Since the s there has been a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of the sociology of emotions: a subdiscipline considering emotions to be a key component of social life.

Works of authors such as Arlie Hochshild are a breakthrough leading Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the development of a new way of talking about emotions and liberating the subject from the dominance of psychology. What are the assumptions of the sociology of emotions? First of all the fact that emotions constitute the central element of human experience. Social institutions such as family, church and authority gain power thanks to the emotional engagement of people. Emotions have the power to create bonds and structures.

They are social by nature and are evoked by stimuli of a symbolical character. The interactive course of emotions is also a social event. Emotions have structural conditioning, they are connected with the learning process, they can be passed on in a society, differ based on gender, age, education, social class or layer, affiliation with subcultures.

They are connected with fulfilling social roles: the actor is expected to show emotions adequate to the models of his or her role. Social and cultural factors can be found in emotion-triggering elements, the motivational function of emotions, the expression of emotions. The apparent spontaneity of our emotions is usually the cultural form of what was imprinted in us Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the process of socialization and what was practiced by us numerous times.

The phenomenon of social control can refer to the emotional plane, as emotions can be a tool of inclusion and exclusion, also in the relations between groups.

The emotion work is most visible when the rules of a culture go against our personal beliefs, which is perfectly fitting to researching life in non-democratic systems. Facilitating the perspective of the sociology of emotions leads to a conflict between the vision of the emotional and the rational human being. The sociology of emotions should not be perceived as an approach competitive to the theories dominating up to now in sociology, such as the theories of rational choice, interest, functional theory, exchange theory Pawlik Human activity can rarely be explained in just one way, it is often surprising, irrational, violent, it can defy reason — therefore the sociology of emotions can explain what is otherwise unexplainable.

Studying emotions can go back to the past, as changes in the content of emotional experiences have a historical character and are a reflection of broader social, cultural and economical changes. The history of emotions develops on a larger scale similarly to the sociology of emotions — from the s. Historians look for emotions in the past to capture the emotional styles Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie for a given epoch, as seen in the documents. Peter and Carol Stearnsamong others, postulate that historians use the theories and notions worked out in this field by social scientists.

The area of study for historians can be both individual and collective emotional experiences, as well as the aforementioned culture of emotions. The works of Jean Delumeau or Carlo Ginzburg inspire not only monographs of various aspects of emotional life of the previous centuries, but Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie interesting theoretical proposals Reddy; Rosenwein The history of emotions is beginning to enter Polish science as well.

Meanwhile, the s in Poland are a very interesting period for a historian and a sociologist of emotions. People experienced unusually strong emotions in the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of important political events and a dynamic situation. At the same time the discourse concerning these emotions was almost absent in the public space. For instance, there was no advertisement market using emotions as the basic Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of communication and persuasion; formalized and censored state media did not operate like the contemporary tabloids or gossip websites which use emotions for profit.

Moreover, the specificity of social life did not encourage untamed honesty. However, let us first examine the theory of Joseph de Rivera, which is critical for our research. Poles were on an emotional rollercoaster after World War II; periods of social optimism and hope were intertwined with weeks of mass depression, the nose-diving of moods.

The events of Polish October in contributed to publicly manifested enthusiasm. Ten years later the feeling of discouragement and dissatisfaction got the better of everybody.

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The existing social order generates a specific system of experiences for individuals living within its scope. This system may be called the emotional climate. A socialist government and an inadequate economy created a specific climate.

De Rivera distinguished Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie few types of climate. The Climate of Fear was described in reference to the dictatorships of South America: Argentina, Chile and El Salvador, where the recurring waves of violence were used to obtain and retain power by the military.

Fear causes the bonds to weaken, it fosters atomization, increases distrust. People avoid voicing their opinions in a climate of fear. A long-lasting lack of the sense Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie security may interfere with the moral compass, lead to gradual acceptance of the world-view imposed by the regime, submission, decrease of a tendency for nonconformist behaviors.

Its opposition is the Climate of Security which makes people trust each other and eagerly engage in social activities. The Climate of Insecurity can be observed when people cannot predict what will happen in the immediate future: political or economic.

They do not know if their money will retain its value, if there will be products in the shops and therefore which strategies they should adopt. The Climate of Trust or optimism and its antonym: distrust, a dominating sense of pessimism, are treated by the contemporary economy as an important economic indicator. Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie economy thrives in a climate of trust, conflicts between groups lose significance, optimism among individuals increases along with the tendency to show individual initiative also towards shopping.

The Climate of Dissatisfaction is created on the basis of relative deprivation: people Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the discrepancies between the level of their aspirations and the level of their actual realization and at the same time feel that they have a right to possess what they want. Some level of deprivation is socially acceptable. It provokes a feeling of frustration that is reflected by collective defiance and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie behaviors.

The Climate of Hostility can be defined as another level Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the climate of dissatisfaction, when Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie strong sense of frustration is aimed towards other groups, often ethnic. In such a situation they are able to sacrifice themselves for the common good Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie feel proud of the sacrifice made in its name.

Upholding such a climate for more than a few years may require unity in face of a threat, usually external. The Climate of Hope is characterized by a high level of expectations for the future. The typology presented above is not exclusive. We should rather discuss mixed climates with a given dominant. Differentiation of contemporary societies presents a problem to the research: some groups may feel satisfaction while other are frustrated.

These distinct features may stem from local specificity regions at risk of unemployment. We should also consider the cultural boundaries of a given country and historical experiences of its inhabitants. De Rivera points to emotional culture being superior to the category of climate.

The Centre for Public Opinion Research has monitored the level of optimism in Poland since the s. However, the quantitative research Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie not able to precisely describe collective emotions. Private letters had been read since the end ofwhen the Military Department of Censorship within the Department of Public Safety was created. Besides being used for typical operational objectives, the letters were used to analyze public mood.

Those deemed interesting by the censors were cited and later gathered in special reports. It is hard to recognize this as a representative source, even considering the considerable amount of correspondence processed in this manner. Those are, however, private letters written without awareness of the interference of censorship, so we can assume them to be a more authentic sample of human emotions than, e.

From the second half of the s the whole collection of information with extracts from the letters attached therein has survived. The first reports are from January and the last — from April It was also easy to lose access to scarce goods, and a secure position in the hierarchy. It was heavily noticeable in — and it peaked during the Stalinist times.

It softened during the Polish thaw to remain mostly only Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the memory of society after October The fear redoubled during the first months of martial law. The highest level of fear lingered until the end of December.

Martial law deepened the gap between the supporters of the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie and its opponents, it created a wall which seemed insuperable. But those are the reds, and they can cook up all the worst things a mind can create.

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A writer from Police, a town in Pomerania, sent a recipe for a bomb to his friend:. In Belfast they plant bombs, for example. That is all from me from now. In the next letter, if you wish, I can give you a detailed description of the technological process of making home-made Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. The equipment has to be lifted Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie a school. This is why the Solidarity underground did not manage to carry out an Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie Poland-wide strike.

After the brutal pacification of demonstrations by the militia on 3rd May and 31st Augustpeople grew less eager to manifest their views in the streets. Parents wrote to their daughter:. Our and your aim is for you to finish your studies. Let this goal be imperative in your every action. On the other hand, the sense of danger lead to accepting the vision of conflict imposed by the regime.

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According to Seymour Martin Lipset, one of the factors predestining lower classes Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie authoritarian rules is a relative lack of economic and psychological security. I am full of appreciation for WRON and the leader general. He introduced long awaited peace and order. This is the end for anarchists and the enemies of socialism. The beginning of came with the rapid impoverishment of Poles.

Ration cards for meat were introduced on 28th February. Immediate repression fear, job loss affected a relatively small part of society during the period of martial law, but everybody felt the burden of price rises. And our pension remained Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie PLN for two sick people.

What can we buy in this situation? I am supposed to like and support our government which simply makes me die of starvation and poverty. In spring the supply slightly improved, people were able to buy cheese, butter and eggs. The climate of uncertainty made people employ various strategies. They mostly stored things. They stockpiled of soap, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie paper, flour and sugar in cupboards and basements.

Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie homemakers made jam and preserves; they pickled cucumbers, paprika, mushrooms. Big Soviet freezers became popular, as they could store meat. People depended on their families above all. Their members were sent as scouts to scour the area or to stand in line and get scarce goods. Retreat to the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie realm also stemmed from the fact that the outside world after the 13th December became, if not hostile, at least uncongenial.

At the beginning of martial law military commissioners appeared in workplaces and imposed often absurd norms Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie work discipline. Workplaces were reorganized, there were staff reshufflings, Solidarity activists were laid off.

Increases in prices meant that work ceased to have material Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, and its other benefits faded in an atmosphere of suspicion and no prospects. After a few years, the fear gradually decreased.

The communist government did not use the most drastic methods, those so eagerly practiced by military regimes in South America: they did not go as far as mass genocide, did not kidnap children or employ torture. Poland also did not experience intervention by the USSR. After martial law was introduced, there was no mass emigration of the elites, as was previously the case in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

Poles did not feel abandoned like their neighbors did in and — they had their Pope. Moreover, a new generation of youth entered public life in the s and had their own ways of rebelling People were gradually coming to terms with the situation.

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The authorities became ridiculous. The fear was Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie by laughter. A sense of grotesque paranoia appeared. Simultaneously, the authorities gradually stopped using force in situations that would be previously resolved with violence. On Sunday On one of the streets the march was photographed by a tourist from West Germany and the participants of the march raised their hands showing victory signs.

People were interested in the march, they stopped in the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie and watched it from their windows. From the mids the sense of fear was replaced by a pervasive sense of absurdity. It can be said that a new climate was born: a mixture of boredom, absurdity and despair. This climate was shaped as an effect of everyday experience.

Correspondents pointed to bad work organization and hidden unemployment, i. The letters cited below were written in January I know nothing about it.

My ladies are not here because either they or their children are sick. I already had Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to gossip, put on make-up and, most importantly, take out papers to keep up appearances.

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Aside from the already well described hardships of the economy of scarcity queues, shortage of essential supplies25 inflation proved to be onerous. Constantly rising prices crushed dreams of financial stability, a fair standard of living, a happy retirement. It made work lose its previous meaning. Hundreds of letters describe how Poles were fed up with inflation and how they lost hope for an improvement in the situation.

When will we be able to finally live like normal people in other countries? We only get rising prices, the worst of which are the unofficial ones nobody talks about.

Since February some products have gotten more expensive a few times already. There is no chance for a better living situation. I am heartbroken and I see no point in doing anything. Our firm Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie making financial losses and the facility I work at is in a deplorable technical state.

People generally do not do their job, there are incidents like theft, drinking at work. This is the way our socialist reality looks.

To recap, we Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie say that the situation in our kolkhoz is a miniature image of what is happening in our country. One gets Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie sense that everything goes on because of some momentum with no control. An atmosphere of discontent had been mounting in Poland since the end ofwhich was later manifested in strikes beginning in the middle of the next year.

Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, from Autumn the letters started to show the first signs of optimism. An improvement in the emotional climate was caused by information Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the Soviet Union about perestroika.

Evolution towards a more optimistic Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie caused people to organize themselves on political, educational and cultural fronts. Researching emotions in a historical perspective is subject to high risk.

It is so primarily because of the specificity of the research — on one hand, emotions are something intangible that cannot always be recorded. There are numerous difficulties: because of the fact that this subject was for many years exclusive to psychology and social psychology, historians find themselves having trouble with terminology and naming the object of the study. There is still a shortage of proper tools, even when considering the most recent history.

When we facilitate the method of biographical interviews, oral history, emotions from the old days are recreated in retrospect and therefore they may not be well remembered, or distorted, hidden from the researcher and rationalized, especially when it comes to sensitive subjects. Studying the existing materials, including personal documents such as letters written by authors not suspecting that anybody other than the addressee would read them, seems to be a safer choice.

They are an act of communication, contact with another human being, to whom the sender may also not wish to reveal all their emotions. A social contract is important as well: standards for writing letters, describing experiences, an accepted level of unveiling of oneself, as well as the self-awareness of the writer — all these factors condition the effect of studying emotions on the basis of letters.

One has to read them carefully, as the subject of emotions often appears in passing Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie is not necessarily an autonomous subject. An ability to transfer an individual perspective into the collective one and to generalize without simplifying Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie important as well.

It is worth making this effort not only to understand an earlier era. The aforementioned fear, discontent, boredom, sense of absurdity and the emptiness in the public sphere did not disappear from the collective consciousness in Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie still observe it in the fact that a great number of Poles retreated from the public life into private, family life.

Some researchers have already use the tools of psychoanalysis to decipher hidden patterns of passing down traumas and psychological scripts Leder The authors of this article believe that by understanding the emotions of Poles from the s, we will be able Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie better understand Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie Poland.

Marta Cobel-Tokarska. Marcin Zaremba. Historian and sociologist, lecturer at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw. Polska — Poland of — It was found by Professor Andrzej Paczkowski, for which I would like to thank Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie sincerely. Jednostka wobec systemu. Studia z socjologii emocji Opole: Uniwersytet Opolski. Lipset, Seymour Martin Homo politicus.

Paczkowski, Andrzej Wojna polsko-jaruzelska. Reddy, William M. Rosenwein, Barbara H. Stearns, Peter N. Wierzbicki, Marek Ostatni bunt. The reflection in the article revolves around the following thesis: Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie crisis phenomena of the past can be differentiated and compared, the possibility of such a comparison is linked to a specific consciousness.

This consciousness can be referred to as the modern consciousness of crisis. The article will discuss the emergence of the modern consciousness of crisis, its historical conditions Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie well as Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie main characteristics.

The focus will be on defining this relationship, while keeping a certain distance to historicization Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie default. Even though historicist comparative analyses seem reasonable, they have to be carried out with specific historical meaning criteria in mind. In all times people probably experienced collective fears and anxieties related to crisis. However, those fears and anxieties were, obviously, anchored in various conceptions of order, which had a spatial, temporal, transcendental or political origin.

Therefore, the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of the modern consciousness of crisis will comprise the following dimensions: the categories of time and space 1the replacement or reinforcement of religious, salvation-historical or cosmological worldviews 2 and the dimensions of the political ability to act 3.

Ever since people began to think, crises have ruled the world. At nearly all times there have been attempts to avert imminent decline, near or distant disaster.

Modern and contemporary history is also shaped by diverse crisis experiences and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. Inclimate change was considered a central topic in the public discourse — until it was replaced by the financial and economic crisis. This brought up old and new questions and doubts about current growth models.

Although discussions and critical reflections about current crises may appear to a concerned observer as very topical and therefore urgent, historical references are not as unambiguous as one may think.

Economic crises are, just as other forms of crisis, often discussed in their historical context. Let us just think about the beginning of the Wall Street Crash on Black Tuesday inwhich triggered the Great Depression within a short period of time.

The crisis had very serious consequences: it caused the seemingly deepest structural collapse in the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of Western industrial capitalism — an unprecedented failure, which affected especially Germany and, as we well know, led to a general depression and the rise of nationalist, chauvinist and social Darwinist ideas.

However, a historical comparison that we may try to draw and use to avert current social disasters will not be very effective here. Another question seems more interesting, i.

Simply put, the text will discuss the emergence of the modern consciousness of crisisits historical conditions and main characteristics. In the paper, there will be an attempt to define this relationship, while at the same time keeping a certain distance to, frequently default, historicization.

Admittedly, historicist comparative Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie are sensible but they have to be carried out with specific historical meaning criteria and realms of experience in mind. From the point of view of contemporary history, one that includes crises, upheavals and violent events, the notion of modernity is disputable. On the surface, a social and political goal may be formulated.

If we understand modernization as an ongoing process that is based on specific basic processes and aimed at economic growth, structural differentiation, value shift, mobilization, participation and the institutionalization of conflicts, such an approach will probably not be questioned. However, what one may describe as a typically modern pattern in a certain period of time in Western Europe does not have to be understood in the same way in other regions or societies.

Modernization, seen as a normative project that promotes mass democratic and welfare-oriented developments and too quickly leads to rationalization, economic growth and secularization, is not subject to any unilinear development logic. On the contrary, it has to involve detours. Furthermore, we will discuss how the ambivalences and dissonances of the modern are reflected in society. Let me provide you with just one example: the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine in It was not clear whether it actually had the characteristics of a revolution.

The euphoria over its supposed victory did not last long, as we know. It died out in the clouds of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie from incendiary materials and burning cars, among the masked people with cobblestones and stun grenades that shaped Maidan Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in the recent past.

Hope, attached to once revolutionary moods, gave way to disillusionment. The complicated nature of the actual social relations means that this division into layers is something of a simplification, but it allows us to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the vertical structure of wealth in urban society and the significant differences in terms of the level of affluence among these particular groups, which are traditionally referred to as patricians, commoners and plebeians.

The divisions between the rulers and the ruled, as well as between large-scale trade and small-scale handicraft resulted in enormous differences in wealth among Krakovian burghers. With some exceptions Jews or foreignersmaterial conditions always take precedence over social status, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie levels of respect or contempt.

With certain periodic exceptions, money makes it possible to move from craftsmanship to the world of business, to gain entry into the Hanseatic League, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie markets, to a place among the rich, and finally even into the ranks of the city elite.

In the late medieval Kingdom of Poland, it was even common for the wealthiest Krakovian burghers to be raised to the rank of nobility. The lack of a source base allowing for easy comparisons means that in principle the only type of sources enabling an even fragmentary reconstruction of the social structure in the city are records reflecting marital contracts that were concluded there, i.

It is assumed in the literature that these records provide a relatively faithful picture of the economic situation of the spouses involved, smoothing out short-term rises and falls in the wealth of the townspeople or their exemption from rent payments, which could affect, for example, the szos register for particular years. In municipal sources from Krakow we find only occasionally entries concerning the means for securing the money promised to future wifes.

For the years —, only eighty bequests of this type were found in municipal books both in books of the bench court and city council. At the same time, most of these dowers were very high — grivnaProstitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in some cases dowers were given in the form of real estate, a house, a stall or a garden or part of onewhose value is difficult to estimate precisely. A lack of sufficient sources Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie it impossible to conduct detailed research on the social structure of Krakow.

Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie seems, however, that dower bequests fulfilled a function similar to that of burgher wills. Confirmation of the amount of the dower promised to a wife and the rules for the division of property between spouses and their descendants in the event of the death of one of them — evidence of marriage contracts that had been concluded — constituted a frequently occurring element in burgher wills.

The fact that the municipal authorities merged these two forms of documents is evidenced by, among other things, information that in the Krakow municipal council established the first, now-lost book of wills, referred to as Liber Testamentorum et dotaliciorum — the book of wills and dowers. Limitations related to the statistical use of dower bequests for assessing the wealth, and thus the social position, of testators can in part be compensated for by prosopographic research on selected individuals.

The emotional relations between them greatly influenced the final dispositions made to one or both of them. An example of this is undoubtedly the frequently enlarged dowers, so-called dotaliciumwhich sometimes increased the amount due to the wife after the death of her husband by two- or three-fold.

However, the institution of the dotalicium itself shows that the initial amount of the dower, which was a very important part of the marriage contract, was remembered and probably sometimes secured in writing, and any increase was usually added to the initial amount.

The aim of this exercise was to determine the wealth and, consequently, the social position occupied by this group of testators. In this group, however, there are very few people whose dowers were less than ten grivna, which would qualify them as belonging to the poorest group of Krakovian burghers. The wealth of Krakovian testators, and thus the social class they belonged to, was examined above in the case of the one quarter of those whose wills contained dower bequests. A closer examination of the almost testators whose wills have survived to the present day required, however, more detailed prosopographic studies.

When assessing the wealth of each individual, the most important criteria, apart from the above-mentioned dower bequests, included: Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of money and rent made in wills, properties owned and their location within the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie or outside of it, the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie performed on the municipal council, family and geographical origin, occupation and other sources of income.

On the basis of the collected data, the testators were divided Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to the previously adopted six-part division, into groups conventionally named the very rich corresponding to the upper upper-income groupthe Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie corresponding to the lower upper-income groupthe moderately well-to-do upper middle-income groupthose of modest means lower middle-income groupand the poor upper lower-income group. As the above analysis of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie dower bequests shows, during the period under study, nobody from among the poorest burghers those from the lower low-income group are found among Krakovian testators.

Such poor burghers do not, however, appear among Krakovian testators — at least from what is possible to determine on the basis of surviving wills. As can be seen from Graphs Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie and 9, estimates of the assets of all the individuals whose wills have been preserved largely coincide with the calculations made for the persons who mentioned in their wills Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie sum of the dower they bequeathed to their wives.

At the same time, the assets of all testators are undoubtedly somewhat underestimated due to the caution Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in analysing Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie source references, which in many cases have been preserved in a fragmented state. The data collected largely confirms the elite social status of Krakovian testators. The vast majority originated from a narrow circle of the richest Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie burghers, from among people whose entire estate is difficult to value, but who made dower bequests to their wives many times greater than those of middle-income and lower-income burghers.

The income diversity seen among the testators extends along a wide scale, ranging from ten grivna to florins about grivna.

It also indicates a growing stratification in terms of wealth among Krakovian burghers. In the first half of the fourteenth century, the largest and only dower bequest was grivna; over the next 50 years, grivna; in the first half of the fifteenth century, grivna; and in the latter half of this century, it reached the aforementioned florins, or grivna. Changes that took place among testators during the analyzed period are presented in the chart Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie.

The initial dominance of wills made by the richest Krakow burghers, usually city officials, council members and aldermen or their close relatives, can be seen here. Over the next fifty years, this initial bias towards wealthy burghers is balanced by a growing Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of middle-class testators.

Interestingly, Graph 10 clearly shows that, starting in the latter half of the fourteenth century, there is a gradual increase in the number of lower-income testators. Although on a personal level, the making of a last will was decided primarily by individual factors, the collected data testifies to the gradual dissemination of written last will dispositions in wider circles of urban society.

Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie breakdown of the wealth of female testators seen in Graph 11 and 12 below, is likewise interesting. These represent members of the same social groups as male testators, but they are to a much greater extent middle-income, and less often very rich burghers. A small shift of just a few percent can be seen over time in each of the three richest social groups. Both the need to dispose of part of the property owned Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the married couple and the limited possibilities for capital accumulation by unmarried widows were conducive to their pauperisation if they did not re-marry.

It can therefore be assumed that in many cases the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie position Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie a widow-testator did not reflect her real social position. Only ten testators Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie records of their last will have survived to this day have been classified as poor burghers, i. Amongst the men, there was a butcher, a baker, a stallholder, a bricklayer, a shoemaker, a fustian cutter, a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie at Wawel Castle, and in one case, no information has survived to indicate his occupation.

Four of these male burghers made dower bequests in their wills: three for ten grivna each Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie one for fifteen grivna. The possessions of the remaining four male testators were estimated on the basis of their bequests and a small number of entries in municipal books. The baker Piots Ossuch, who made his will during an illness innoted that Barbara, his daughter from his first marriage, had already been married off and should get one third of the proceeds from the sale of his house, but only if she so requested, while the remaining proceeds should go to his wife and his daughter Martha.

According to his will, written on a piece of paper, he also had a relatively valuable estate. He left to the guild a sword and six silver skojecs worth together eighteen florins, thirteen silver grivna and all his clothes and other things, which in the event of his death were to be divided into three parts between his brother, sister and pious deeds.

This will proves that even the goldsmith Johnny, who had not yet started a family, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie did not have a house in the city he probably lived with his masteralready had assets worth at Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie 30 grivna. They made dower bequests in the region of 20—30 grivna, which is two or three times higher than the amounts recorded by burghers who belonged to the poor, but also two or three times lower than those characteristic of the more affluent burghers of average means.

Among twelve of the 32 individuals It seems that the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of these provisions was conducive to the disclosure in the wills of only part of the property owned, the rest having to be spent on travel expenses. John Street opposite St. They were to be the final heirs to the house and the shoemaking bench, as well as to other movables, clothing and weapons.

A year later, Catherine, who was now married to Nicholas Mikulka, received the house on St. Among moderately well-off testators corresponding Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the upper middle-income group were burghers whose assets and social position placed them above those representing the statistical civis medianus. They made dower bequests of between 31 and 60 grivna, which was two Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie three times the amount pledged by lower-income burghers.

Among this group were many wealthy craftsmen and members of older guilds, as well as stallholders, inn-keepers, bathhouse owners and even attorneys. Among the testators who left relatively numerous entries in municipal Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie along with three versions of his last will was Nicholas Topler.

In the will he made inhe divided his personal belongings between his mother and wife Catherine; these included his most valuable clothing fox fur-lined coats, two newly-dyed tunics and two belts, one of which was gold-platedcloth 20 Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie and four silver spoons and bowls. He ordered the remaining goods belonging to him to be given after his death to his relatives. His first wife died shortly after his return to Krakow, and in he made a mutual bequest with his new wife, Margaret.

Florian Street. The siblings had inherited these valuable properties after the death of their mother as Nicholas explains in another document.

Before setting off once again, he Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie his sister and her husband Kacper with the care of his only child, his daughter Ursula, and financially secured the future of his third wife Catherine, bequeathing her a dower of 60 florins 45 grivna and noting that when he took her for his wife, he received 50 florins from her, of which he still owed her 34 florins. Nine years later, Nicholas made a third version of his will, written before councillors when he was lying in a state of infirmity.

Nicholas ordered that two silver spoons and a silver belt Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie given to St. It can also be assumed that although he had a relatively large estate, he did not achieve much professional or social success in his life. In this group, one can already find many aldermen, especially those who had not yet been able to join the city council. There were also many rich guild masters in this group, mainly representatives of profitable professions, such as merchants, goldsmiths, stallholders, furriers, innkeepers and fish merchants, but there were also pressmen, tailors, butchers, shoemakers, captains, wheelwrights and archers.

A typical example of a rich burgher is the goldsmith Nicholas Brenner. His identity was certified by Krakow guild elders, and he paid a significant fee of one grivna to become a citizen. He donated his Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie property to his son Lorenzo. This brief bequest for his family was preceded by a detailed list of all the debts and receivables he had not managed to settle before Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie death, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie which he left to his wife.

Among the factors proving their financial and social position, we can first mention the public functions they served on the municipal council and the municipal bench court, the bequests of dowers of considerable size from to grivna in the case of the richest of them, John Sweidniczer and real estate located Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie prestigious plots near the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie market square and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie its vicinity.

This group, due to its elite character, seems to be the most interconnected. Its characteristic feature was its participation in the culture of writing and wide reception of the practice of preserving a last will in writing. In many cases, wills made by a husband, his Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, his son or daughter have been preserved.

Since the first wills appeared in Krakow, female testators have Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie found among those who made them. This continuing dominance of male testators was natural in the medieval city, reflecting the culture and social dynamics of the day, according to which a married woman was subordinated to her husband, who managed their common property.

Nevertheless, the comparison of the number of female and male testators from the period — brings interesting results. These results are based on the source database of municipal bench and council books, both of which have survived for this period.

It is a valuable testimony of the similar participation Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie usually wealthy men and women in the group of Krakow testators. On this basis, it can be concluded that in the period of relative dissemination of wills among Krakow burghers, gender seemed not to play a major role.

It is worth noting, however, that this refers to the population of the city as a whole, which itself was highly diverse in every respect, including in the fertility and mortality of its members. Studies of the development of pre-industrial cities point to a fundamental difference between two categories of inhabitants, permanent residents Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. It can be assumed, however, that it was mainly difficult living conditions, a problem experienced by the majority of both newcomers and permanent residents of cities, that had the greatest impact on this phenomenon.

Despite this, in the fifteenth century, the origins of burghers who had come to Krakow from elsewhere is sometimes indicated by their surname, e. Of the fifteenth-century male testators whose wills have survived to the present day, as many as 87 i. What is more, among the group of 89 burghers, as many as 17 of them served as Krakow councillors. Social capital, in turn, was usually acquired by newcomers by marrying Krakow citizens belonging to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie elite.

Although books of records of new citizens are a very valuable source for research on the medieval society of Krakow, they Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie us only about a certain Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of the people who came to the city. While the purchase of a house was not officially required to obtain citizenship in Krakow, and sometimes even members of the poor were allowed to receive such a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie cases, the councillors granted them exemptions or reductions of fees only a small percentage of all immigrants to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie were interested in obtaining citizenship in the city.

The greatest interest was expressed by those who would benefit directly from such a change. These were most often merchants and craftsmen, for whom citizenship in the city would give them the right to join a guild or be granted trade privileges made to Krakovians.

Again, the rich and very rich — representatives of the upper class — constitute the vast majority of all 87 testators considered here. Similar conclusions can be drawn from an analysis of the fees paid for Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. Among the 87 testators who obtained Krakow citizenship, in 27 cases we know the amount of their fees.

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These were in the range of sixteen to 72 groszy, with an arithmetic mean of Newcomers to Krakow had to work hard to build up their social position from scratch, unless a foundation had been laid earlier by previously existing trade or family contacts which appears Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie have been the case for at least some of those who came to Krakow from the surrounding area and for merchants engaged in long-distance trade.

For many immigrants, the easiest way to assimilate Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie make a career in their new environment was to get married. While married burghers such as John Raczko de Brunen brought their wives to Krakow from their hometowns, poorer immigrants who lacked the support of relatives, friends or co-workers in the city had a harder time finding a marriage partner than the cives who were born in the city.

However, it can be assumed that the majority of newcomers were men who were expected to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie more mobile than women in a traditional society such as this Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie.

Even if he possessed the same level of property as a local burgher, the immigrant did not have the same network of contacts or the same opportunities for employment, admission Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie a guild, or participation in public life as the native-born, who put before him all sorts of legal and practical obstacles.

Some married rich widows, such as Paul Newburger, the future Krakow alderman and councillor, who took Krakow citizenship after marrying the widow of councillor Tilman de Bruch.

Uranium: Mineral information, data and localities.

The time immigrants spent in the city before they wrote their wills also testifies to how rooted they had become in the city. The differences in this respect are, of course, enormous and depend on many individual factors, ranging from whether the wills Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie made a few years before obtaining citizenship or made a few decades later.

However, both the arithmetic mean and the median in both cases amount to as much as a year difference between acquiring citizenship and the writing of a will, which indicates both the old age of a large portion of the testators Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the long years they spent in Krakow.

Despite the testators having lived in Krakow for many years, in many wills one can find traces of old family ties, whether professional or purely emotional, connecting testators with their former home towns.

Signs that testators maintained attachments to religious communities to which they once belonged are present in many other cases, as well. Although the numerous churches in Krakow are usually the primary beneficiaries in their last wills, burghers also made donations to former parish churches and hospitals in their hometowns.

This was the case with John Sweidniczer, who obtained Krakow citizenship in The rich stallholder Martin Streicher, who came from Brzeg, and John Schultis also known as Thob Johanone of the richest patricians in Krakow, both Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie generous bequests.

Streicher bequeathed an annuity of three grivna to the local hospital in Brzeg. Some testators also mentioned their native cities because they still owned property in them, presumably inherited from their immediate families.

This was true in the case Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie John Reinczka, who came from Olkusz. Four years after he obtained Krakow citizenship infollowing an illness he made a will in which he stated that his wife could live in their Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in Olkusz until her death if she remained a widow.

Often, however, a testator and his closest relatives were also able to leave their hometown in search of opportunity both closer and farther away. On the basis Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the examples given above, it can be seen that the strong ties connecting Krakow and Silesia in the first half of the fourteenth century continued to be maintained later. These wealthy and influential burghers were also most interested in maintaining ties with their former towns, where their property, family members and former parish churches, as well as the remains of their ancestors, still remained.

However, there is also no shortage among the testators of influential Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie burghers coming from other, often quite distant population centres, such as John Raisser from Bavarian Memmingen, Erhart Eigilwart from Augsburg, or Gotfrid Fattinante from Genoa. Behind the rapid social advancement of wealthy immigrants in large cities were undoubtedly previously established business contacts and considerable wealth. However, Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie cannot ignore a less obvious factor: their cultural capital.

While first generation immigrants from villages and small towns who came Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie Krakow had to assimilate many of these rules and certainly would not have felt comfortable, the more sophisticated citizens of large German or Italian cities who came to Krakow could use their cultural capital Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie their relations with the citizens of Krakow and in their efforts to penetrate its elite social circles.

This was probably the case with Italian newcomers, who initially took lucrative positions as royal miners, served the king, and engaged in large amounts of international trade, as well as the Rhineland Germans, who from the mid-fifteenth century eagerly came to Krakow. The same rules seemed to apply elsewhere. The history of his career, however, shows how easy it was to make a career in a city like Poznan for an important newcomer who had come from a big city center.

It seems that, soon after their arrival in Krakow, less wealthy burgher-testators tended to engage in the crafts, and not trade, and often lost contact with their hometowns. It can also be assumed that most of these immigrants came from nearby cities, towns and even villages — from these places wealthy Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie youths, the sons of members of the rural elite, came to Krakow. As a large city — with a market, hospitals and almshouses — it offered greater chances of earning money and food than could have been expected in the countryside, even in periods of food shortages.

However, these sorts of immigrants did not usually try to obtain Krakow citizenship, to which they probably did not even aspire.

It is even less likely that Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie would write their wills in Krakow, relying instead on the traditional rules of inheritance of property, or giving only oral instructions concerning their assets. Only those who stayed in the city for more Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie ten years had a chance to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie higher material status and move to a higher tax group.

From what we know about the composition of the Krakow municipal council, a large amount of economic capital was a conditio sine qua non for applying for a seat on the council. Three main thresholds can be distinguished: up to grivna — nine bequests most of them before the s ; from to grivna — thirteen bequests from the s to the end of the century and from to grivna — four bequests.

It should be noted, however, that the table above includes the largest dowers present in the wills made by each individual. When he made his first will before councillors inProstitutes Zabkowice Slaskie John Sweidniczer left his wife Anna grivna, as well as grivna for the dower promised to her before their wedding which probably took place aroundwhen he obtained city citizenship and an additional grivna as an expansion of the dower.

Therefore, after his death she was to receive florins secured by all his assets, with no objections permitted from his relatives. However, it Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie also worth noting that testators and notaries writing down their wills usually tried to adhere to the principle of indicating both the amount of the dower promised before the marriage and the amount that had been added to it in Polish przywianek.

On the other hand, among Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie testators, we find many burghers whose large dower bequests and considerable wealth were still not enough to qualify them for a seat on the municipal council.

In Graph 15which lists the amounts of the dowers bequeathed by wealthiest Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, we can see that the group Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie very rich burghers included, apart from the aforementioned 26 councillors, 32 other Krakovian burghers.

Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie figures do not provide a basis for estimating the total Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of these groups, nor for assessing what part of them were Krakow councillors, but they do point to the existence of a relatively broad and varied group of very wealthy Krakovian burghers who were never officials in the municipal government.

In most cases, the dowers contained in the wills of non-councillors are similar in size Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie those of Krakow councillors. The vast Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of non-councillors 27 individuals bequeathed between and grivna, while only five of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie left their wives more than grivna compared to ten councillors who Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie such provisions.

While in the case of the non-councillor burghers we are dealing with a fairly homogeneous group, in most cases they were no less wealthy than the group of councillors. The most prominent people in the non-councillor group are the five individuals whose Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie amounted to more than grivna. In order to better illustrate their social position, references to them contained in municipal books are presented below:.

In he was entered into the municipal book as elder of stallholder guild senior institorum. The preserved will was made by Eigilwart while ill in Inhe was among those few who paid the special royal tax for the armed expedition to Lithuania he paid the relatively small amount of four grivna. In he was elected the commander of the tower above the New Gate in Latin Nova Valva on the city walls. After his death, he was entered into the Book of the Dead of the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of the Blessed Virgin Mary as was his son John, who also left a will.

Sylwester Sweidniczer, brother of John Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, was one of the richest fifteenth-century Krakovian burghers. He obtained Krakow citizenship inafter paying an entrance fee of one grivna, backed by his father-in-law Nicholas Scholwicz, a Krakow councillor. Inwhen he was ill, he raised the amount of dower florins. He owned a house at the market square. He was a cloth merchant. Eustace Statschreiber became Krakow deputy notary inProstitutes Zabkowice Slaskie obtained citizenship only in and was then appointed the municipal notary.

He traded in lead from Olkusz. Inin a mutual bequest, she gave him all the rights to the inheritance from her parents and sisters, while he secured this inheritance with Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie own estate and left her a dower as well. In it, he included many carefully thought out pious bequests and divided his property between his daughter Dorothy and second wife, also named Dorothy, who was pregnant at the time. Florian Street, and half a pharmacy. In his will he also made many pious bequests.

He entrusted guardians to settle all his liabilities with the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of his accounting book and other notes. After his death, in order to validate his will, it was entered into the Liber Testamentorumand his son, also called Peter Schepcz, confirmed its validity. Of these five Krakovian burghers, all with considerable estates, none were councillors. Three were aldermen two of them only Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the position for 2—3 yearsone was a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie notary, and one was a brother of the very influential councillor John Sweidniczer.

Peter Schepcz and Eustace the notary had connections with the families of councillors. But the most notable thing they had in common was the fact that they were all engaged in long-distance trade. Although they were not members of the municipal council, and did not belong to the Krakow elite, they were nonetheless part of the same social circle. It is possible that what prevented them from becoming councillors was the fact that they all appear to have come from outside of Krakow: Apart from Peter Schepcz, whose origin is unknown, the remaining four testators came from other cities and had to build their social capital from scratch when they relocated to Krakow.

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The council, like the entire town population, had its own structure. The council was led by Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie few of the most influential individuals, notable for their wealth, business transactions and connections. The remaining councillors comprised a less diversified group, similar in wealth to other prosperous Krakow residents. This confirms the assumption that wealth economic capitalalthough an important factor determining the social position of testators, was certainly not synonymous with a place on the council.

It seems fair to assume that this kind of social advancement was determined by other factors, which, in the language of Pierre Bourdieu, can be described as cultural, social and symbolic capital.

Although members of the Studium Generale enjoyed great authority, because they were subject to church law they were considered to be more like clergymen than townspeople.

However, apart from these high stations, Krakovian Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie also held other, less frequently mentioned city offices, that likewise testified to their social capital. This is indicated by the above-mentioned entry, which states that particular Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in each quarter of the city were the responsibility of specific people. Their task was to adjudicate simple disputes related to urban plots of land, the buildings on them, and the walls and canals that separated them from one another.

In addition, it has been possible to identify the names of six quarter captains who made separate Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie bequests for their wives, six who made mutual bequests with their wives, one who made a bequest to his wife, and one who made a pious bequest.

All in all, the above-mentioned group accounted for nearly half of all the people we know who held this function. Among them were 32 Krakow councillors those sitting at the time on the municipal council or as aldermen on the bench courtfourteen further aldermen and 20 Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie influential burghers, most Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie whom were recruited from among wealthy Krakovian guild elders.

As a group exercising certain judicial powers, quarter captains were chosen from among rich and influential burghers, including both those who also sat on the municipal council and bench court, as well as others who were not members of these bodies.

Initially, capitanei quartalium may have been meant to represent the citizenry of Krakow as a whole. For example, among all those serving as quarter captains intwo acted as representatives of the Krakow community as opposed to the city council in after an anti-Jewish pogrom. In the first case, in63 people are listed two of these have been crossed out as having been entrusted with padlocks to the chains securing particular streets in the city.

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This group includes both councillors and aldermen, as well as people who did not hold these positions including some of the above-mentioned quarter captains. Valuable information has been preserved in council books about commanders of city towers and gates capitanei turrum et valvas Civitatisincluding lists of commanders of city towers from the yearsProstitutes Zabkowice Slaskie,and It is worth noting that although in the census current or former councillors constitute the vast majority of such individuals, they are only found sporadically in later censuses — for example, in there were four councillors, and in none.

However, in each of the five preserved entries, one can easily find many people who Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie wills or other types of bequests in the event of their death.

The administrator Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie this church was the alderman Michael the goldsmith Michil goltsmed or Michael Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskiewhose will has Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to our times. The very wealthy burgher Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie Melczer, one of the administrators of the Holy Spirit Hospital, who in also served as its treasurer, also made a testamentary bequest to his wife and stepdaughter.

This was connected, on the one hand, with the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie independence of the municipal authorities, and, on the other, with the perception of the city community and its market, stalls, gates, and churches as a single organism, whose functioning the councillors worked to ensure and maintain. Statistical research on the wealth and social position of testators enables a better understanding and characterisation of the group of Krakow burghers who for various reasons showed the most interest in drawing up an act of last will.

Only a closer look at individual wills and an attempt at a partial reconstruction of the lives of those who made them can reveal the weaknesses of using dower bequests as the sole means for determining the social status of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie burghers. Both quantitative and qualitative research have their limitations and weaknesses, so it seems that only a combination of these two research methods will allow us to obtain a richer and more nuanced picture of the social reality of late medieval Krakow.

Although in most cases dower bequests seem to provide a good indication of the financial situation of Krakovian burghers, like other types of sources, they cannot be approached uncritically. The will was confirmed by his wife Margaret, son Gabriel and daughter Justine, together with her husband George Fleischenbrot. The forty-three years that had passed since then and information we Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie about his life testify to his social and economic advancement, while the actual bulk of the inheritance his wife Margaret was to receive came from the third of the estate that she was to be given.

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This was a notable year because during it Krakow was stricken by plague, which sowed Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie among its inhabitants. John Specht, most likely out of a fear of dying — though he was apparently not ill himself — decided to write his will before other councillors. However, he bequeathed only 20 grivna to his wife, Margaret, and did not mention any other relatives save Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie his nephew, Melchior the shoemaker Malchar des schusterwho he made an executor of his will.

One year after the epidemic ended, however, he revoked the will on account of having sold the house on Hospital Street to the alderman and later councillor Paul Ber. This time, however, after the sale of the house, his pious bequests were much more generous.

He also donated to the Bernardines 40 florins for foodand the Bernardine Sisters from St. Agnes 10 florins for Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. In this version Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the will he also included the children of his nephew Melchior, to whom he bequeathed 20 florins, provided that Melchior would Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie him and work for him her dy notczen und do mitte arbitten sal. Other relatives were excluded from the inheritance. Having married once again, this time to a woman who was poorer than himself, John Specht was legally obliged merely to secure for her a relatively modest dower which corresponded to the dowry she brought to the marriage.

It can be assumed that due to a lack of strong emotional ties Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie his new wife, he chose to focus his bequests on Church institutions and his more distant relatives than to use his money to secure the economic situation of his wife after his death.

Due to the nature of the dower itself, as a form of compensation and security for the dowry provided earlier by the wife, a new marriage to either a better- or poorer-situated spouse could change its amount. However, there is no shortage of examples where even in the case of a marriage to the same Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, especially in the absence of offspring — the natural heirs to the estate — the size of the dowry Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie be increased Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie.

A good example of this is Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie figure of John Lode, who made his first will in before going on a pilgrimage to Rome. He donated the rest of his property to St. Of the previous pious bequests, there remained only the donation of ten florins Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the Krakow hospital. In the case of those testators for Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie prosopographic research yields a larger volume of data, one generally sees changes in their social position over the course of their lives.

Social advancement Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie be seen, for example, in the case of the poor oil seller John Noga. Inhe bought from Peter the oil seller a house behind St.

Szymek from Jewish Street can also be counted among the group of Krakow burghers who became wealthy as a result of their own labour. This significant increase in the size of the dower melioracio dotalicii was justified by the fact that her money helped to pay off the house rent of two grivna, with which it had been burdened. Szymek bequeathed 20 grivna to each of his three children, who were also to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in equal parts what remained after the sale of the property.

The testator, despite his initial low social status which may be indicated by the ten grivna he originally bequeathed as a dowersignificantly increased Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie estate, since in his will he had assets worth almost grivna of which his wife was entitled to The increase in her dower was equal to the amount needed to pay off the rent. This will is undoubtedly an interesting example of how successive marriages could contribute Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the accumulation of economic capital, even among relatively low-income burghers.

While entering into a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie marriage could significantly influence the social advancement of even a not-very-wealthy burgher, in the case of wealthy individuals Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie to the social elite, it must have had an even more significant Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. Analysing the wills described above, we see the dynamic and complex nature of the position occupied by an individual within a social group and the many elements affecting this situation which are difficult to discern by means of quantitative research.

A highly significant factor influencing the accumulation of economic capital among burghers was their successive — very often two or three — marriages.

A variety of testamentary practices, including securing marriage contracts, management of goods accumulated during lifetime, disinheriting distant relatives, as well as Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie reciprocal clauses between spouses, allowed and supported the accumulation of goods within urban families. All of these testamentary practices had an impact on a general social mobility in the city. In only a few cases have several versions of the wills written by a single burgher been preserved; more cases like these would have made it possible to better understand both the circumstances surrounding the writing of wills in this period and the changes in the economic and social situations of the testators involved.

Antoni Prochaska Krakow: Acad. Literarum,—, — Quia civitas dicitur civium unitas, quam unitatem Christus summe dilexit et nunc diligit. Sermones dominicales et festivales z tzw. Anatol Lewicki Krakow: Akad.

Jacques Le Goff, trans. Jacques Le Goff, Seuil ; cf. Halls New York: Routledge, Bluntschli and R. Country people know little of it. On the other hand, everyone who praises rural life has pointed to the fact that people there have a stronger and livelier sense of Community. Community means Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie, enduring life together, whereas Society is a transient and superficial thing. Thus Gemeinschaft must be understood as a living organism in its own right, while Gesellschaft is a mechanical aggregate and artefact.

KDMKProstitutes Zabkowice Slaskie. Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quintivol. Nowe badaniaed. Programy badawcze i ich rezultatyin ibidem—; vol. Aron J. Explaining this imitation is rather more difficult. Jerzy Wyrozumski, Dzieje Krakowa. Jerzy Rajman Krakow: Wydawn. Barbara Ostrowska Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna,33— Hedwig in Stradom; five florins for food for lepers, men and women, both at St. LTfol. She was already married to him in when she bequeathed her hereditary possessions to him before the municipal council, and in turn, provided for a dower for her in his will before the court; SCAB.

The testator even specified which of the silver cups and spoons should be given to the wife and which to his children; LTfol. Proving particularly useful were annual censuses of guildmasters recorded on the pages of council books. The first, incomplete list of guild masters from included only the guilds of butchers arvinatorumweavers textorumcutlers cultellifabrorum and belt makers cingulatorum ; CONS.

Wives and widows of members of these professions were also included in the respective categories. In the course of the study, testators who were Krakow burghers were identified.

Among those there were also several foreign merchants who decided to make their wills in the city due to illness or other life-threatening circumstances. However, 11 people were excluded, since their short mutual bequests or donations, made e. There were also 10 excluded wills of clergymen who left their wills in town books through their roots, connections and family ties.

At that time, bakers, brewers and representatives of leather crafts mainly furriers gained importance and wealth; vol. Francis for the brotherhood; two grivna to the main hospital for the poor for food; 10 florins to St. Hedwig for the sick; 10 florins to All Saints for construction; 10 florins to St. Francis for construction; 12 florins to St.

Valentine for food for the sick; 10 florins to St. Leonard for food for lepers; 20 florins to Corpus Christi in Kazimierz for construction; four grivna to St. Stephen for construction; 10 florins to St.

Among the items pledged with him he mentioned a gold-plated belt, two gold rings worth altogether 12 florins, 12 silver spoons pledged for eight florins and a chalice from the so-called Hungarian chapel [! Bernard for their needs; and another 20 florins to build their monastery; 10 florins to St.

Francis for construction of the monastery; and I give 20 florins to my relatives who will come within a period of a Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie and a day, in accordance with the law of next of kin. If none of the relatives comes during this time, the 20 florins will be added to the sum for construction of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church; 10 florins for czu wegin und czu stegin ; two grivna to St.

Valentine; two grivna to leprous women; two grivna to leprous men at St. The example of John Sweidniczer clearly shows just how misleading the simple classifications of the professional activities of burghers based on their nicknames or their guild functions were. His will of alone provides evidence of the great variety of financial and trade activities undertaken by this wealthy townsman. His most important sources of income included international trade in lead, cloth, iron, copper, wine and salt; cf.

Martinus Weyner, LTfol. They both wrote their wills in ; LTfol. She was supposed to be paid these grivna by the children of the testator probably from his first marriageand until they did, they should pay her rent out of that amount; CONS.

Sztuki Polskiej Akad. Nauk, They Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie initiators or participants in the majority Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie revolts against the municipal authorities and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie supporting them, e.

Together they bequeathed as many as grivna 50 each for the salvation of their souls. Senior pellificum, CONS. Matthias Hutter had a house on St. Senior gladiatorum, CONS. For example, in he belonged to the guild: Cuprifusorum, cantrifusorum et messingsloerbut in Cantrificum Rufifusorum and in Cantrificum Ruffifusorum ; CONS.

A version of his last will and testament from is kept in the archives of Jagiellonian University; cf. Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie diplomaticus Universitatis Studii Generalis Cracoviensisvol.

Liferovich, R.

Problemy i konteksty badawczeed. On the earnings, sources of income and social status of municipal notaries cf. In his will ofhis bequests do not yet indicate his wealth; only entries in the books of the bench court made 38 Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie later indicate the significant wealth he had accumulated over the course of his long life; SCAB. The phrase of dem hawse was also used Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie relation to the Higher Court of Magdeburg Law at the Krakow castle and, for example, to vicars of the Wawel Cathedral vicarien of dem hawse Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie cf.

For example, Stephen the furrier, who left two versions Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie his will, served as an elder of the guild of Krakow furriers in the years, and ; cf. Nicholas Czeginkop was an elder of the guild of German shoemakers in the years and Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie cf. It is probably the garden next to St. Since the mid-fourteenth century, they had been a permanent part of Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie life in Central Europe. They started brawls over their place in processions […].

The statutes of their guilds often mention the importance of a decent appearance and proper clothing. A judgement of this kind also included Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie in the size of the plot, and its enlargement or reduction in relation to its original size. The tax depended on what part of a standard urban plot they constituted noch deme das erbe kleyn ader grosz were.

Neither the size nor the structure of the house on the plot were taken into account. The rules for assessing the szos there was like those used in Krakow. They included taxes on real estate and property, but the profession declared by burghers was also taken into account.

As in Krakow, taxed goods did not include household appliances, clothes, jewellery or weaponry, as well as reserves of food, meat, beer and grain stored by the owner for their own use. According to the tax tariff, merchants were to pay 24, innkeepers 12, stallholders 6, butchers 12, bakers, weavers, shoemakers, tanners, maltsters, coopers, blacksmiths, tailors, spinners, hat makers, bathhouse owners, glaziers 6, furriers, purse makers, cobblers, cutlers, locksmiths, belt makers, linen merchants 4, and other crafts 2 groszy each; ibidem.

Considered was taxable property, without the above-mentioned tax exemption, which meant, in the case of e. A comparison of estimated numbers of both categories of taxpayers — about representatives in the higher Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie group citizens and about taxpayers, men and women, in the lower group 6. An Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie wealthy burgher paid almost 17 times higher taxes than their average fellow resident from a lower tax class, while the differences between the their property Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie income must have been even higher; ibidem The upper lower group was included in the wider middle stratum.

Rossiaud, Le Citadin. This phenomenon is indicated, for example, by szos registers from Kazimierz in Krakow from the years —, whereand people paid the szos tax.

Also in Olkusz, in the years —, there were and szos taxpayers. Significant differences in the number of burghers taxed were also found in Lviv in the years —; cf. Registra perceptorum et distributorum civitatis Cracoviensis annorum —, — nec non —ed. The fact that the book was still in use in is proven by an entry in the council book; CONS. Each of them was divided into a higher and a lower group. It defines the tax rates applicable in particular zones, as well as their limits.

The first zone included the houses located at the market square, where the tax rates were the highest. The second zone consisted of buildings situated at the market blocks, but separated from the first group by currently non-existant streets running among them, and from the third one by major crossstreets.

There the rates were slightly lower. The third zone included the area stretching from the so-called first junction das erste kreuczei. He gave her his yellow marten-lined coat de coftir toward repaying this amount, and he was supposed to Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie the rest if he came back from his pilgrimage. The hierarchy of professions in the discussed group of crafts Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie similar to that in other towns of the region.

From spoons and plates to gold-plated belts and stripes to crosses, monstrances and chalices; LTfol. Similar proportions are found in medieval wills from other towns in the region, e. In Graph no. The temporary immigrants who came to the cities, on the other hand, were preponderantly artisan journeymen and servants, and people of that status could seldom marry by the Prostitutes Zabkowice Slaskie of early modern society.

In some cases, there are some doubts as to whether the note in the Book of Admissions relates to a given testator or just a person with a similar name and nickname. This problem mainly concerns townspeople with popular names, such as John, Peter, Matthias or Nicholas, with nicknames indicating their occupation. The concept of economic, cultural and social and symbolic capital was developed by Pierre Bourdieu; cf. Naukowe, ,

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