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I like the German language. Well, things weren't going too well.

Prostitutes Lebork she seem like the kind of girl that would do girls? I've been rejected for lesbian multiple times by prostitutes. Dead fish experience is very common. I've had that in other countries when I've hired girls for my man. Perhaps we simply need to be more demanding with hoes, no?

East of Lebork A few ladies hanging by the woods. Big tits! On the S6. Motorcycle Trip Will be in Gdynia this weekend on my motorcycle. Prostitutes Lebork easy to drive to?

Posts: 6. I visited this fraud girl just by looking with interesting profile descriptions. They operate next to Hotel Number 1 in Prostitutes Lebork in Jaglana 6 be apartments. Don't fall for all this lusty descriptions as the girl was just a dead fish and just a mechanical job. For every request there will be demand of extra money.

So just avoid these brothel and Prostitutes Lebork for any private advertisements. Happy mongering. Avoid these fraudsters. There are no brothels here and all of the working girls on Odloty or Roksa rob and rip tourists off. You're better off Prostitutes Lebork to Germany.

Does anyone know if there's a gangbang style brothel in this area? Like everyone gets to have a go at a prostitute. I'm talking just like flat rates in Germany. Not a swing club. Gangbang brothel Does anyone know if there's a gangbang style brothel in Prostitutes Lebork area?

Last Jump to page:. The Prostitutes Lebork now is All rights reserved. The ad Prostitutes Lebork exist Prostitutes Lebork. But which hill? In which city? What's the street name? I don't want to ring the Prostitutes Lebork of a random house. That's how I will get my ass kicked. I don't know which year and how. Well, that's life. I had siblings. There were four of us. All girls. I was the oldest one. There was roughly two to three years' age difference between each next one of us, so we played together.

I played with my sister, and then Prostitutes Lebork Inwhen I was 18, the whole family got scattered. No one's left. When I was little, we lived in Moosburg [Przedecz], where my father had bought a pharmacy.

The first language I spoke was Polish. I know German well, and I can converse Prostitutes Lebork French. I like the German language. It aids reflection. I like German literature. It is something I knew before, yes. The languages spoken at our home were German and French.

There were guests you spoke French with. I also remember a landowner family, the Wiesers, with whom my mother spoke German. My parents lived in three rooms. The first one, from the front, served as a living room, a dining room, and a guest room. There was a large table there, and a library, that Prostitutes Lebork, a bookcase, a desk, and an armchair in which my father would sit when he had something to write.

And a radio, which stood in the corner. The top-of-the-range model. The most expensive, most exquisite one available at the time. There were also paintings. None of those have Prostitutes Lebork that I know of. I have a photo of myself, taken at home, when I'm three or four years old. I'm sitting on the table in a flower dress. I remember that dress. It was a white one, with colorful flower posy fancywork. The photo Prostitutes Lebork shows the living room furniture. The next room was my parents' bedroom.

In the back, looking out into the garden. From the living room you entered into the pharmacy, because the apartment was divided by it, and the third room, the children's room, was beyond the pharmacy and beyond the backroom, where they kept the equipment Prostitutes Lebork materials and prepared the medicines.

The time now is

There was a hallway in the back that you entered from the porch, and from that hallway there was a door directly to the children's room. But it was rarely used. The door was usually closed.

As I remember it, you usually went through the pharmacy. It was a small pharmacy, a rural kind of one. There was a single backroom, and the main room Prostitutes Lebork a clock in the middle. The clock was large; you had to wind it every 48 hours.

The walls were lined with cupboards with shelves for jars and bottles at the top and drawers at the bottom. The furnishings had been brought Prostitutes Lebork Berlin, as Berlin was not far away [ca. Prostitutes Lebork was always afraid to go through Prostitutes Lebork pharmacy. Prostitutes Lebork often wondered why I was afraid. It seemed to me something was clattering, shuffling in those drawers. Later, when I was older, I arrived at the conclusion there had had to be mice there.

Not rats, certainly not, but mice, and it was them that frolicked there, making all those noises. And Prostitutes Lebork also remember when someone died and I thought a ghost was visiting the house. But that was also a broader influence of the surrounding because I had girlfriends who would often speak about ghosts. There was also this Mr.

Arentowicz [Zdzislaw Arentowicz - man of letters, journalist, bookseller, bibliophile] who would visit our town from time to time. He was a bookseller by profession and kept a bookstore, but he also wrote poems about the region. Invoking ghosts was something that the Catholics did, I never heard of Jews doing it. Even in those homes that were in flavor of assimilation they wouldn't hear about it. I remember that when Pilsudski [5] died, there were whole companies of people in Lodz who'd gather to invoke his spirit.

Janka Kozlowska, her name was, a beautiful girl. When I was Prostitutes Lebork, I had all the toys Prostitutes Lebork could dream of. I was very fond of dolls. I had pretty ones. Girlfriends would visit me, kids from the neighborhood. I played with them. I was about eight when I got a tricycle. I vaguely remember that. Near our house there was a field where soccer matches were played. Prostitutes Lebork when no Prostitutes Lebork was taking place, I'd go there to ride my bike.

There was also a large yard and a porch at the back of the house where you could play. The porch was unglazed, made of wood, so on sunny days it was very nice to sit there. On rainy days, you had Prostitutes Lebork be careful, because, sitting at the edge, you could get wet. There was Prostitutes Lebork large garden by the house, but in that Prostitutes Lebork there were hares running around, and rats Because at the far end Prostitutes Lebork it was a cellar.

Country houses used to have such dugout cellars, you went down the stairs there. Sour milk, for instance, was beautifully done there. If you took it out from there in the summer, it'd be cold and Prostitutes Lebork thick you could cut Prostitutes Lebork. But there were also rats in those cellars. I know you had to put out rat poison, I remember that. Sometimes if I saw a rat there, I thought it was a marten.

And for a long time I mistook the rat for the marten. The rat has a long, bare tail, whereas the marten has a short one, and it's furry. I was terribly afraid of rats. But sometimes, when I thought it was a marten, I'd call it.

The marten, when called, came to you, but the rat didn't. Perhaps the martens were domesticated Prostitutes Lebork garden was large and very nice. There were many kinds of fruits there, Prostitutes Lebork were apples in that garden, and there were cherries. I remember how they shook those cherries.

At the far end lived the gardener. His first wife had died, and he married again, and they had a new baby each year. His wife carried water to the nearby houses using a special yoke. They were very poor. She was still a young woman. She would deliver the baby, and two or three days later she'd already be carrying the water.

The sight of that woman carrying that yoke was horrible. I don't know what happened to them. As far as the holidays are concerned, I remember them, but Prostitutes Lebork didn't pay much attention to that.

At home, we observed Pesach, as well as Yom Kippur, to remember the departed ones. I never dressed up for Purim. I never felt drawn to that. But I remember the masqueraders. Prostitutes Lebork a nice tradition. For Christmas, we had a tree at home. The tree was large, beautiful, with an arrow on top, and full of decorations. For us kids, the tree was an attraction.

I remember that you opened wide the door from the Prostitutes Lebork to the living room, and there stood the tree. During the Christmas season, the tree Prostitutes Lebork people. It was a propaganda thing [marketing gimmick], to make people visit the pharmacy, if Prostitutes Lebork to see the tree.

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It was for the public [the Przedecz population was made up by Poles, Germans, and Jews, who represented Prostitutes Lebork percent of the overall population; there was one pharmacy for everyone]. In Klodawa [9 km from Przedecz], there was another Prostitutes Lebork, owned by the Lewandowski family.

Well situated, on the [Warsaw- Poznan] road. That was our competition. I liked seder the most, because I love the Haggadah tune. This is the prayer you recite Prostitutes Lebork the seder dinner. There are verses you recite, and verses you sing. I even have the Haggadah text in Polish. In the area where we lived, the traditional seder dish was stuffed pike.

They took out the intestines, boned it, mixed everything, Prostitutes Lebork added spices. They added onion, salt, pepper. Then they cooked it and put it on a platter.

Whole, because they cooked it in an appropriately large pot. It tasted very good. I haven't eaten stuffed pike for a long, long time, because here in Prostitutes Lebork they don't know how to make it. Here in Galicia [6], they make the carp and they believe this is the Jewish art fish. This isn't true, because stuffed pike was also a Jewish dish. Another Prostitutes Lebork was pike in jelly.

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There was always gefilte fish at home, and carp. Besides the fish dishes, there were also various kinds of cakes, and a lot of eggs. Because on Pesach, when the seder evening starts, the first thing they serve, are eggs. Lots of eggs, whole platters of it, and you can eat as much as you want.

They also served kosher beef ham. The more delicate variety, Prostitutes Lebork think it could have actually been veal. Kosher ham is from the front part, because the back isn't kosher. And on Pesach you eat matzot.

You don't eat bread, but matzot. Where we lived, they baked them in Prostitutes Lebork oven themselves.

Those were rolled out matzot, they were thick, round, sort of fleshy. The dough wasn't rolled out equally. I saw how they did it, how the women rolled out those matzot. Then they put that rolled out dough on those wooden shovels, like the ones you use for bread, only wider ones, slid them into the oven, and then took them out very quickly, already baked.

There was a special basket at our home that was used solely for storing matzot. And when the holiday was over, the basket would be put away into the attic. In Lodz, there were special bakeries, Jewish ones, that baked matzot.

On Poludniowa Street. Like today, Prostitutes Lebork matzot were packed in one-kilogram packs, only the packs were larger. Because the matzot - they Prostitutes Lebork different than the ones of today.

After the war, those customs weren't observed at our home as much as they should have been. My husband and I didn't observe any holidays. The fact that I liked the Haggadah Prostitutes Lebork much caused me to attend Prostitutes Lebork each year at the Jewish community center. This year I didn't go, but last year I was there. Before the war it was only poor people who went for seder to the community center, but after the war that changed. Before the war, seder was organized for people who were religious but poor, who Prostitutes Lebork afford to eat eggs on Prostitutes Lebork night, all those good things, the fish.

Though in fact the fish had to be at every Prostitutes Lebork. Everyone would spend their last money but the fish had to be there. They organize it very well at the Cracow center, everything's all right, but these days, it's quite different than it used to be.

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In the past, when Mrs. Jakubowicz [Rozalia Jakubowicz, called the 'Mother of the Community,' mother of the incumbent community chairman, in retirement now] was still in charge of preparing seder, they served beef hams.

These days they serve canned turkey. The fish isn't fresh either but comes Prostitutes Lebork a can. And they Prostitutes Lebork square matzot, baked in a state-owned bakery in Israel.

I have the square ones at home [prior to Pesach, the community distributes kosher matzah]. And here the Haggadah is sung by a man who is ninety years old. He screeches rather than sings. And the young man who responds to Prostitutes Lebork, screeches too, he obviously learned it that way. There [in Przedecz], Prostitutes Lebork Haggadah was sung by young boys, by children, and here it's an old man. And an old man, even if he had the best voice, will be screeching, not singing.

When I was a Prostitutes Lebork, I liked virtually all dishes. The only thing I didn't like was chulent. That was prepared for Saturdays. I ate it from time to time, Prostitutes Lebork it's heavy food. Jewish cuisine is rather fat.

Before the war, they made everything with goose fat. One thing I liked to make for myself was 'Matzenbrei' [German for matzah mash].

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You put Prostitutes Lebork matzah into water for a moment to Prostitutes Lebork. Others simply poured water onto it. Then you put it on eggs mixed with salt and pepper, and fried all that in fat in a frying pan. We used to eat that with my husband, it's good. There [in Przedecz], there were some Jews, but there were also many Germans, and there were Poles.

There was no ethnic hatred whatsoever. That hatred only broke out later. Everyone spoke German there, because the place was close to the German border. So there was no communication problem. In the Pomerania region, the Jewish middle class was very pro-assimilation and very pro-German. Hitler's rise to power [7] came as a great shock for those people.

But the interpersonal relations started deteriorating only around It was at that Prostitutes Lebork, if I remember well, that the Przedecz Germans started going to Germany for some kind of training courses.

They must Prostitutes Lebork been brainwashing them there, because they came back all swaggering and arrogant. I know that also people with Polish names went there, though they must have obviously had some German roots. There were some Endeks [8] in Przedecz. The shoemakers, Poles. The so-called Nationalists. But those Endeks only raised their head aroundwhen the Germans Prostitutes Lebork going to Germany for those brainwashing courses.

That was taking its toll on the whole community. Things were getting tighter. In a small town, where everyone knows everyone, one stands out. So we moved to Lodz, which was a large city, and there you got lost in the crowd. So, two years before the war, I lost touch with Przedecz.

I remember it until roughly They had been trying to move out for several years before, which is why they sent their daughters to schools elsewhere, first in Wloclawek, where they planned to move, and then to relatives in Lodz].

Jews had lived in Przedecz for a long time [ca. The town had a very nice Prostitutes Lebork. A beautiful wooden baroque building, with superb paintings. An unforgettable interior. It was an architectural monument. The literature states that the most beautiful wooden synagogue in Prostitutes Lebork was the one in Tykocin [9].

This isn't true. The Tykocin synagogue that Prostitutes Lebork writers fawn over so much, was nothing compared with the Przedecz one. It was so beautiful! Zemelman was the rabbi there. A relatively young, intelligent man. When the Germans came, they set the synagogue on fire and forced him to sign a statement that he had set it on fire himself.

Everything burned down. There was a whole Jewish quarter in Przedecz, there were Jewish stores. I remember a Mr. Sochaczewski who ran a cooperative bank and a textile store. He sold Prostitutes Lebork wares.

His daughter studied in Grenoble, so they couldn't Prostitutes Lebork been such simple people. He was one of the first to die. There was a doctor. He fled. And there was a watchmaker. He was running away, but this guy, a Pole, blew the whistle on him, and the Germans caught him and murdered him.

And, in the end, he wouldn't have been a nuisance to anyone if he had survived. I wasn't there but I heard after the war that one day there came the Prostitutes Lebork trucks' [trucks where people were killed using the exhaust].

There came those trucks, they packed them with people, and they took them Prostitutes Lebork away to Dabie on Ner [30 km from Przedecz, 6 km from Chelmno]. That was quite a distance to cover. When they took them in the evening, they drove almost for the Prostitutes Lebork night. Well, almost until dawn. And someone told me that when those cars arrived in Dabie, they started throwing out the corpses right away.

That it was all done [10]. It was a small town, but there were three doctors there. That was a large number, I guess, as I knew places where there was only one doctor.

But in Przedecz, prior Prostitutes Lebork the war, there were three. I don't know, perhaps each ethnic group had its own. There were all kinds of stories related to the 'bris' [brit, circumcision]. I was already grown up enough Prostitutes Lebork understand that, and there were all kinds of stories. The bris was performed not by the rabbi but by the shochet, Prostitutes Lebork to the laws it is the shochet that performs the operation. Those were often, given the prewar realities, Prostitutes Lebork I saw them, so those were often rather uneducated people.

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Not all of them, certainly not. But I guess that's why there were Prostitutes Lebork cases of circumcision-related infection. There, in the Pomerania area. Either there was something wrong with instrument sterilization, or the infection took place during the blood sucking. In Lodz such things rarely happened. Such patients never went to the Prostitutes Lebork for medicines. Though this may sound strange today, that's how it was. After all, such an infection could even result in death. But such a child was already weaker.

I guess they sprayed Dermatol [disinfectant powder] over the wound. Scrofula was another frequent disease [tuberculous infection of the skin of the neck]. Those were the lowest classes, the really poor people. Babies got born that way, already with the scrofula condition [points to the Prostitutes Lebork under the chin]. Though I also saw old men with scrofula. Trachoma was also horrible [contagious granular conjunctivitis]. Those babies were often born with innate trachoma and were blind virtually from their birth.

And those eyes, all bloody, looked terribly. You don't Prostitutes Lebork that kind of thing today. Prostitutes Lebork didn't go to elementary school, I had a teacher at home. That was a frequent practice those days, still popular when Prostitutes Lebork was young, that people took a teacher. The teacher taught you, and at the end of the school year you took an exam at the public school and either you passed the year or you didn't.

That's what it was like. Then I successfully passed entry exams to a school in Wloclawek. I went to gymnasium there, because my father wanted to buy a pharmacy in Wloclawek. He was negotiating with the owner, Mr. In the end, they Prostitutes Lebork to reach an agreement, and someone else bought that pharmacy. I guess Prostitutes Lebork wanted a lot of money.

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Too much. My father didn't have that much. That Mr. Goworowski went to Casablanca and opened a pharmacy there. I also remember, in Wloclawek, on Cyganka, there was a street of that name, there was a pharmacist, Dziewanowski, who used to say 'my palace pharmacy The pharmacists are also history.

Prewar pharmacists had their traditions. Today, it seems to me, those traditions are gone. The Prostitutes Lebork world is not as it used to be.

Wloclawek was a nice town, situated on the Vistula, observant of traditions. There was even a Jewish gymnasium there, a coeducational one, but I went to a public one, the Maria Konopnicka Gymnasium. On Stodolna Street, near the Vistula. I went there for two years, to a French-language class. I have a photo of myself from that time, dressed in the school uniform.

It must have been taken about a year before the Jedrzejewicz reforms [Janusz Jedrzejewicz, minister of education, Prostitutes Lebork of school system reform], Prostitutes Lebork the uniform has the sailor collar. The reform abandoned the sailor collars and introduced the so-called Slowacki collars instead.

The pre-reform gymnasium had eight grades, and the reform introduced Prostitutes Lebork four- grade gymnasium and a two-year high school, while the former first and second grades were made part of a five-grade [Editor's note: in fact six- grade] Prostitutes Lebork school.

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I went to gymnasium about two Prostitutes Lebork before that reform. The headmaster of the Stodolna gymnasium was an eccentric lady, Ms. Degen- Slusarska.

She taught us math. I have very unpleasant Prostitutes Lebork of her. I didn't like her, and I guess she didn't like me either. She was a large, strapping woman, of the masculine type. She was a great enthusiast of Gustaw Morcinek [ : writer, former coal miner, wrote stories describing the life and work of coal miners in the Silesia region]. She'd invite him several times for reading evenings, and Morcinek would lecture us about the hard life of the coal miner.

In Wloclawek I lived in private lodgings, 'stancja,' that's what the term was, I don't Prostitutes Lebork this is how you call it Prostitutes Lebork days.

My first lodgings, if I remember correctly, were with my mother's friends who lived on Brzeska Street and had a beautiful garden. They grew only roses there. Various species of roses. There were several of us living there, girls of various ethnicities. There were Prostitutes Lebork girls, two girls, I guess, were Orthodox. Various religions.

It was, Prostitutes Lebork I'd call it, a very international home. But I lived there for a short time only because my mother got unhappy with something and took Prostitutes Lebork away from there. Prostitutes Lebork second domiciliation Prostitutes Lebork with Baroness Szablowska, in a villa on Karnkowskiego Street. It was a very nice place. And it was also a place with traditions, where they taught you good manners and made sure you observed them.

That was a completely different home than the first one. And a very religious one. She was a teacher. Her husband, a man well advanced in age, took us for walks, usually across the old bridge on the Vistula in Wloclawek. That bridge was at least one kilometer long, and when you crossed it, you were already tired, and you still had to go back. The bridge led to a suburb called Szpetal. To the left was a sugar plant, and to the right was a Prostitutes Lebork forest.

Then I returned home. Perhaps those lodgings were expensive. In any case, there wasn't much talk about money at our home. I was also ill with something. I had a female teacher at home, and then a male one. Tutor, the name was then. He taught me Prostitutes Lebork home, and at the end of the school year I took exams at the gymnasium, the Konopnicka.

That was a year, or Prostitutes Lebork and a half, of a kind of indeterminate stupor, after which I left for Lodz. I have Prostitutes Lebork, very fond memories of Lodz. That was the growing-up period. Lodz was Poland's second largest city. It had neither a sewage system [betweensome 71 kilometers of sewers were developed in Lodz, hooking up 2, buildings], nor a university.

It had the Wszechnica Lodzka Academy [founded in ] but that was below university level. But it was a wealthy city [called the Polish Manchester - major center of textile Prostitutes Lebork. There were tycoon families like the Plichals.

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They were German, I think. They made tricot clothing, and it was Lodz's only, and likely Poland's largest, plant Prostitutes Lebork the kind. Lodz's main street is Piotrkowska. When, on passing it by, you peeked inside through the window, it was a genuine fashion show. You saw how the women were dressed. No question Lodz was a wealthy city. But was it so very elegant? It seems to me Warsaw was more elegant than Lodz, but Lodz was very colorful. You could Prostitutes Lebork down Piotrkowska in broad Prostitutes Lebork and see the Hassidic Jews [11], with the payes and all.

If you were rich, you had your private hairdresser who came to your house and dressed your payes. Lodz was such a colorful city because it had four major ethnic communities. On the one hand, there was the synagogue, and a few steps away - the Orthodox church. The Orthodox church stood either at Sienkiewicza or Kilinskiego Street. I don't know whether it's still there.

The German community had its evangelical cathedral on Wolnosci Square. For the Poles, it was like that: if someone's a Catholic, Prostitutes Lebork Polish, if someone's an evangelical, they're German.

I remember there were stores in Lodz where they greeted you in German. There was a store selling sewing accessories on Piotrkowska between Glowna and Nawrot Streets. I don't remember the owner's name. That was before the war. The Old Town in Lodz was where the Jewish quarter was located. A run-down and poor neighborhood. There was a street called Nad Lodka. Lodka was the creek on Prostitutes Lebork Lodz was situated, one Prostitutes Lebork could cross on foot, tiny and very shallow.

A street called Zgierska led to the Wolnosci Square, and that was already downtown. But Zgierska itself, up to Ogrodowa, was just a slum, lined with those miserable little stores. The whole Prostitutes Lebork was really very poor. The same was true for Franciszkanska, part of which was later included in the ghetto [12], Prostitutes Lebork there wasn't a single two-story house.

The Old Town spoke Yiddish. The upper classes, in turn, were assimilation- oriented. Of Lodz's Jewish factory owners, the Poznanskis were a leading pro-assimilation family.

In fact, they spent most of the time abroad, Prostitutes Lebork in their palace on Ogrodowa [which after housed the tax office, and after the province governor's office] the blinds were always rolled down.

I Prostitutes Lebork that, people actually laughed at that, saying the place was always locked up Prostitutes Lebork if it had no owner. The factory [founded by Izrael Poznanski ] kept working, but they lived somewhere abroad. Prostitutes Lebork think part of that family was murdered during the war, but probably not all of them.

The Widzew Manufacture [declared bankrupt in and nationalized; today a state-owned enterprise] was owned by the Kohn family. In fact, the main shareholder survived the war; he was saved by the Germans [Oskar Kohn left Lodz in Decemberdied in Argentina]. For big money, what else? Everything's possible if you have money! The Widzew Manufacture was the city's most powerful corporation. They had more money than Scheibler and Grohman, Prostitutes Lebork than Geyer.

There was Prostitutes Lebork chocolate factory there, and the smell of chocolate followed you almost until the next tram stop [a couple of hundred Prostitutes Lebork. My uncle had a practice there Prostitutes Lebork was receiving patients. The waiting room was Prostitutes Lebork hallway between the apartment, the pharmacy, and the backroom.

You had to go through that hallway to get to the backroom, and the entrance to the apartment and the pharmacy was also there. I lived there for some time, soon after coming to Lodz.

And I remember that if we Prostitutes Lebork home late from somewhere, we'd ring the pharmacy bell and enter the apartment through the pharmacy entrance. There was no sewerage; you went to an outhouse in Prostitutes Lebork open air. I remember the maids taking out the chamber Prostitutes Lebork. From the pump in the back they brought water, two buckets at a time. And cooking was difficult. I can't imagine today how you can live without running water.

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The conditions at the Reymonta Square pharmacy were much better, though they didn't have sewerage there either. My father told Prostitutes Lebork that after the nightshift they washed themselves with distilled water. That's bad for health, but that's what they did. And in the backyard, there were such rats! Uncle and Aunt Brzeski had no children. They were a good couple. They had a car, which, those days, was a luxury.

I remember the Prostitutes Lebork to Stefanski's [owner of ponds and meadows on the Ner river with a board-renting business and Prostitutes Lebork restaurant], to Ruda Pabianicka for sunbathing. There was a swimming pool there, you could swim. They served the best cake in the area. Aunt died from cancer during the war.

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She had had one breast amputated even before the war, the tumor metastasized to the other one, and she died. Uncle Prostitutes Lebork suddenly from a heart condition, sometime in the Prostitutes Lebork s.

He was a doctor in Lowicz at that time.

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He was I remember this episode from my life: Aunt Klima was pretty, but she had very Semitic looks. And I had a classmate, her name Prostitutes Lebork Aurelia Jezierska. She once said to Prostitutes Lebork, 'Listen, I never go to that pharmacy, there's this kike woman there. I saw her once during the war, that Aurelia Jezierska. I stepped into a travel office and she worked there.

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When I saw her, I ran away as fast as I could, because I remembered that encounter Prostitutes Lebork school. It was very hard for Prostitutes Lebork, to Prostitutes Lebork such unjustified hatred. I don't know whether it was religious or ethnic Such attitudes were frequent among Poles.

But that's a question of upbringing. The war showed that people reacted differently. I was taken right from the street by my former classmate, of whom I'd have never expected that, Prostitutes Lebork I lived a good few years on her papers. I lived with the Dirungers. I called them Aunt and Uncle, but in reality they were more distant relatives. Imek [from Joachim] Dirunger was my mother's cousin.

The Dirungers were a childless couple. Both were teachers and worked at a private Jewish gymnasium. He was a mathematician, and his wife, Anna, taught Polish literature.

But they took them.

Anna's maiden name was Lidechower, she was born in Zloczow [until in Tarnopol province, Poland, now in Ukraine]. Her father was a doctor there, a military doctor, I think. She was roughly of my mother's age, born sometime in the s. The place was at Nawrot Street, 34, I guess, and that was my official address. We had all, my parents and sisters too, lived there for some time, I think it was The Dirungers had Art Nouveau furniture, a nicely furnished apartment.

They weren't poor, though they weren't rich either. With Imek we went every Friday night for a walk to the Jewish quarter to watch the Hassidim go to the synagogue. Imek didn't go to synagogue because he was an atheist.

There was an Orthodox synagogue at Poludniowa Street. It was a beautiful world. When I watched those Hassidim going to the synagogue, I felt a whiff of sainthood from them. Prostitutes Lebork I think of human piety, I think of nobleness, of an inability to spite others, to treat them ill.

On our way back, we'd Prostitutes Lebork bagels and bring them home. I usually went there with Imek. I was afraid to go there alone. He spoke Yiddish fluently.

I understand Yiddish but can't Prostitutes Lebork it. You hardly spotted there a normally dressed person, and if you sporadically did, the Jews said it was a Prostitutes Lebork coming [Yiddish: pejorative for Christian boy]. Many Jews there called Imek a shaygets. Prostitutes Lebork Lodka was lined with stores, usually shoe stores. You could buy cheap shoes there. But Prostitutes Lebork were the kind of shoes that if you went out in them in the rain, they'd fall apart.

Something like that happened to me once. I bought myself a pair of very nice shoes. A storm caught me outside, and as I walked in the rain, the shoes suddenly fell apart.

And they didn't want to hear about refunding the money. Another thing Prostitutes Lebork I paid 5 or 6 zlotys for those shoes, which was very cheap.

The standard price was above 10 zlotys, something like But they were so Prostitutes Lebork Nad Lodka was a very poor street. It was also very Prostitutes Lebork.

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They traded in everything there. There were the 'luftgeshafter' there [Yiddish for street vendors; literally 'fresh-air-businessmen']. A man like that called himself a trader, but his whole trade, whole shop, was in front of him: in Prostitutes Lebork box that Prostitutes Lebork carried on Prostitutes Lebork chest, selling shoelaces, buttons, or ribbons.

Those were the so-called 'luftgeshafter. And the storekeepers actually chased them away. It was said of such 'luftgeshafter' that they 'lived on tsures' [Yiddish for trouble]. Trouble was what they lived on. That was really terrible poverty. Extreme poverty. It was a pity to look at. And the rats running around. And Lodka itself was a dirty little creek. Often, during a hot summer, it was little more than a swamp.

In Lodz I went to private schools, because there was only one public gymnasium for girls there, the Szczaniecka, on Pomorska Street, and getting into it was virtually impossible. The former one had been closed down, it ran into some debts and that's why. From the Konopczynska-Sobolewska school I remember Prostitutes Lebork headmaster, Mrs.

Chorazy-Chrupkowa, as I played with Prostitutes Lebork children. They came to us to play, and we went to them to play. I even slept there a few times when it was already war. Chorazy-Chrupkowa died in Auschwitz. The whole family was taken. Her husband died too, only the children survived. The Germans came, arrested everyone present, and staged a trap there, arresting everyone who'd come. I didn't particularly like or dislike any of the teachers at Prostitutes Lebork Waszczynska school.

I remember that Latin was taught by Mrs. Fischer, who was Jewish, and another Latin teacher was Mr. Polish literature was taught by Mrs. Gundelach, the sister of the Evangelical bishop from Prostitutes Lebork cathedral church at Wolnosci Square. A typical spinster and typical German.

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She was a Polish philologist by Prostitutes Lebork. Jodkowna, of the Jodko- Narkiewicz family from Vilnius, taught geography, I think. And gymnastics was taught by Mrs. I liked the jelly very much. It was made of layers, with each layer being of different color and different flavor.

I think they cut it from a larger, multi-flavor piece. One of Prostitutes Lebork patrons was Julian Tuwim [13]. The place was on Piotrkowska, near the Cassino cinema. Then I'd board a tram, or walk back home. I had friends. I was friends with Hanka Tygier, a furrier's daughter. She was their only child. I was also friends with Mala Lastman, whose Prostitutes Lebork had a large bakery and confectionery at Pomorska.

There were three sisters there, Ala, Guta, and Mala. We studied languages, as we were interested to speak at least one or two foreign languages fluently. Besides that we talked, discussed things We gathered at Mala's, her parents were very hospitable. They always treated us to something, so that no one ever left hungry.

But all that fell apart During the war, first they were thrown out Prostitutes Lebork their apartment. They moved to the attic, wired it up to the mains, and Prostitutes Lebork it into an apartment. I remember when they received the Prostitutes Lebork to report at the Prostitutes Lebork. They were a mixed family and they had hoped they'd be allowed to stay. But they took them. They came very early in the morning and took the whole family.

All of them. I think I actually visited them once in the ghetto, but then we lost touch. We had to because I left Lodz. For the summer vacations I often went to Spala [small town 50 km east Prostitutes Lebork Lodz].

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This year I didn't go, but last year I was there. He started doing translations. But she wasn't very religious either. You Prostitutes Lebork how the women were dressed. The Orthodox church stood either at Sienkiewicza or Kilinskiego Street.
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Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Lebork

Prostitutes Lebork

Lebork, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland Latitude:, Longitude: 351.309373979

I remember vaguely that I liked to dress in her shirts. There was a whole Jewish quarter in Przedecz, there were Jewish stores.

Lębork (Lemborka, Lębork, Lãbórg, Lębork, 倫堡, Lauenburg, Лемборк)

Population 30

Timezone Europe/Warsaw

Gdynia-Sopot-Gdansk - Page 2
