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Ritual Killers Lure Prostitute With N5,000, Behead Her

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Patigi Share this:. They confessed to the offence and also confessed to have been involved in an earlier ritual attempt using the hand of one victim yet to be identified. Operatives of the Kwara State Police command have arrested one Samuel Peter Tsado for the suspected murder of one Abigail a prostitute.
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Police Arrest Five Suspects Who Beheaded An Ashawo (Prostitute) In Patigi For Ritual
Prostitutes Patigi, Where find a girls in Nigeria. Register for free the biggest online marketplace for women seeking men personals. Five suspected ritualists have been arrested by operatives of the Kwara State police command in Patigi Local Government Area, with the remains. State Police Command have apprehended five suspected ritual killers for murdering a prostitute known as Abigail in the Patigi Local Government Area.

Nigeria, Kwara, Patigi

Timezone Africa/Lagos

Police nab 5 suspected ritualists with prostitute's corpse - Platinum Post News

Population 48

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Patigi, Kwara, Nigeria Latitude:, Longitude: 282.232496062

Man murders prostitute, severs head for money ritual in Kwara

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