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It came into force on March 23, , in accordance with Article In terms of efforts to counter child labor, progress is undoubtedly being made across the world, particularly in Prostitutes Lalupon advanced countries. UNODC

In Nigeria for example, the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons NAPTIP and other anti-trafficking units within the law enforcement agencies as well as other measures have been established to combat violence against children, leading to increased awareness, rescued victims of child Prostitutes Lalupon, and convictions of Prostitutes Lalupon abusers USDOS, Despite this however, child trafficking, exploitation, abuse and other forms of violence against children remain widespread; and because of lack of political will to follow through on policy implementation, even children who have been rescued from situation of exploitation are exposed to the same vulnerabilities, especially re-trafficking.

There are varying Prostitutes Lalupon of violence perpetrated against children, which are being sustained by lack Prostitutes Lalupon adequate state machinery to prevent and combat. Similarly, several children are used as slaves, and in some cases maltreated or even killed having been branded witches Ifeakandu, This is particularly an infringement on the rights of children; and an indictment on the country, which has signed, ratified Prostitutes Lalupon domesticated numerous anti-child violence instruments to commit to the fight against THB, child labor and other forms of violence.

Protecting children against labor, particularly forced labor is important due to the ripple effect it would have on other child protection efforts. For example, traditional practices which stereotype women and children continue unabated even though laws exist that prohibit these practices; and children still face trials for capital offences. Until now, Nigerian children continue to be taken across borders and foreign nationals brought into Nigeria for Prostitutes Lalupon and worst forms of child labor Bello, Dangers arising from this Prostitutes Lalupon of moving children from Prostitutes Lalupon to place are enormous.

For example, traffickers and child abusers are likely to abandon or even kill a child or children when faced with the risk of being caught. Under s. However, children continue to be fraudulently separated from their parents by outright sale or promise of Prostitutes Lalupon better life, only for them to end up in exploitative situations, which cannot be said to be in the best interest of the child.

According to UNICEF, traffickers target vulnerable parents who are overburdened with large families and who live under the poverty line to recruit Prostitutes Lalupon for exploitation; and are able to easily lure children who are out of school and their parents with false promises UNICEF, For instance, s.

The section is the same as s. Significant aspects of the Labour Act relating to children are those that set the minimum age for employment and apprenticeships at 12 years, except for light agricultural or Prostitutes Lalupon work performed for the family ss. Furthermore, s. This practice has assumed a dangerous trend in many parts of the cities of Northern Nigeria UNICEF, awhere child vulnerabilities are further aggravated by insurgency.

These children are migrant scholars from within and outside Nigeria and can be seen in hundreds Prostitutes Lalupon the cities begging and committing nefarious acts of stealing, violence and drug peddling UNICEF, The practice of using children to assist adults with disabilities to engage in begging on the streets Prostitutes Lalupon major cities in Nigeria is also very common.


The Worst Forms of Child Labour Recommendation gives guidance to member States on the enactment of laws, which prohibit hazardous work. Some of the activities listed in s.

Despite these provisions however, it is needless to say as this has Prostitutes Lalupon been reiteratedthat the practical situation is different as under aged children are found everywhere in the country, engaging in hazardous work, Prostitutes Lalupon long Prostitutes Lalupon in farms; and carrying heavy loads which may be harmful to their physical development, especially in rural areas.

More importantly, child rights violations are rife in the rural areas because enforcement of legal provisions is non-existent. Thus, there is need to sensitize rural people Prostitutes Lalupon the rights of children, what constitutes child abuse and exploitation under the law and why it should be stopped. Apart from rural practices, the Prostitutes Lalupon is characterized by legal limitations that encourage the perpetuation of child exploitation in Nigeria.

For example, s. In the light of the above, the minimum age for a child employment needs to be changed to fourteen or fifteen years of Prostitutes Lalupon Nwabueze, ; Eso, ; Peters, Similarly, it need be provided that all children below the age of eighteen are prohibited from all work that is likely to harm their health, safety and morals to conform to the definition in Prostitutes Lalupon instruments such as the ILO Convention Prostitutes Lalupon, Therefore, while the contention in some quarters is to the effect that implementation of the CRA is hampered by various challenges; the Trafficking in Persons Prohibition Enforcement Act TIPPLEAA, can be used to protect children from child trafficking Prostitutes Lalupon exploitation as some of the most notorious forms of abuse of children.

This is so because, the TIPPLEAA addresses all forms of violence against children, including child labor, sale, slavery and slavery-like conditions etc. The apparent reality of the existence of poverty in Nigeria is not Prostitutes Lalupon exaggeration. There are Prostitutes Lalupon factors that make children vulnerable to abuse, violence, exploitation, as well as child trafficking and forced labor among others.

One prominent driver of child vulnerabilities in Nigeria is poverty. Poverty level in Nigeria routinely contradicts the Prostitutes Lalupon of affair of the country as a country endowed with huge natural resources Sofo, ; a situation which has been blamed on poor Prostitutes Lalupon of resources due to bad governance and the over flogged problem of endemic corruption Egwakhe, Recognizing it as a problem therefore, successive governments Prostitutes Lalupon the country have embarked on one alleviating programme or the other but as records show, all have abysmally failed.

However, that an attempt towards the eradication of poverty had been made at all is a tacit recognition of its existence and public acceptance of its devastating effects, especially on children; and call for all impediments that account for failure of the programmes to be removed.

This is important since Prostitutes Lalupon continued existence of poverty in the country has impinged efforts towards enhancing the rights of children; and also facilitates corruption in the country Egwakhe, Accordingly every effort must be made to ensure its reduction if the fight against abuses, violence and exploitation is to succeed. Efforts in this direction must ensure that existing economic, political and social structures are reformed to provide equal Prostitutes Lalupon just opportunities for children Prostitutes Lalupon work.

Addressing the issue of feminization of poverty and migration would benefit children more as they are usually in danger and vulnerable to all forms of violence in the absence of their mothers. This is important because of the linkages between child exploitative labor and poverty. Undoubtedly, there is increased number of children subjected to child labor in Nigeria, despite the fact that Nigeria has signed and ratified the ILO Conventions on the minimum age of admission to employment and the prohibition and elimination of all forms of child Prostitutes Lalupon in October This clearly shows failure Prostitutes Lalupon the part of government to Prostitutes Lalupon out its obligation under international law, to provide protection for children.

In that regard, the ILO, has initiated a national work plan, in collaboration with the Nigerian government to eliminate child labor in some sectors ILO, Apart from poverty, socio-cultural and religious practices also engender violence against children. For example, the Islamic alamajirici system of education is widely condemned for aggravating violence against children.

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This is because children attached to Imams religious leaders for religious teaching and instruction are normally sent out to beg on the streets to support themselves and their tutors UNESCO, Also, the traditional system of Prostitutes Lalupon fostering which allow children to live with family members other than their parents, has led to a significant number of children in Prostitutes Lalupon being subjected to child labor within the context of child labor discussed above.

Additional to these conditions are lack of access to safe, clean and affordable energy, which in turn Prostitutes Lalupon the rights of children to quality education, proper health care services, clean water, and other facilities that could aid their development Ifeakandu, Despite high prevalence of violence against children in Nigeria, they fail to attract the desired attention from Prostitutes Lalupon and those saddled with the responsibility to ensure their protection, particularly people who stand in fiduciary relationship Prostitutes Lalupon the child.

With the erroneous belief that strangers perpetuate most violence against children, acts of violence have become sustained. Alemika lent credence to this notion by making two basic assertions; a that inter-familial violence and parent-on-child violence occur more frequently in all strata of society than it is generally admitted Alemika, ; and b that contrary to the popular belief that most violence suffered by children originate from strangers, children actually suffer more violence at the hands of their parents, guardians, teachers and close relations rather than from strangers Alemika, If this Prostitutes Lalupon is correct, then urgent measures must be engaged to address this anomaly due principally to the need for children to grow up in environment of love and care Prostitutes Lalupon.

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This is so because children are likely to achieve their potentials better as part of a loving family even if such a family is a Prostitutes Lalupon foster family. In addition to condemning these factors, the international community adopted some international legal instruments to fight discrimination against all persons, including children on the basis of sex, race, age, religion etc.

Also, the CRC and ACRWC enjoin states to discourage custom, tradition, culture or religion that is repressive and Prostitutes Lalupon with the rights of the child art.

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This has resulted in the implementation of measures at international, regional and national levels to protect children.

The Prostitutes Lalupon include awareness creation through jingles, short plays and videos, films, bill boards in major cities and at strategic points; and human rights and criminal justice efforts that aim Prostitutes Lalupon effectively combat child vulnerabilities.

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In the context of Nigeria, it should be reiterated that child protection measures are still ineffective Prostitutes Lalupon child exploitation, child trafficking and other forms of Prostitutes Lalupon remain on the increase IOM, Issues relating Prostitutes Lalupon child justice administration-age of criminality, child assessment orders, trial, the minimum punishment and procedure for sentencing of children in Nigeria have been settled in the CRA ss. With capital punishment removed in the case of children s.

However, it Prostitutes Lalupon worrying that Nigeria is still unable to enforce provisions of the CRA in states, particularly in the north, which failed to adopt the Act. The effect is that children in states of the federation that practice the Sharia penal system remain vulnerable to provisions in the Sharia Penal Codes including Hadd punishments dealing with mandatory death penalty for capital offences.

Child vulnerability in these Prostitutes Lalupon is further enhanced by the fact that a child is defined by Prostitutes Lalupon rather than as a person under the age of This means capital punishment could be imposed on children in such states, particularly those under the Sharia jurisdiction. It is important to state here that child justice reforms are Prostitutes Lalupon, especially in the area of treatment of children that come into conflict with the law; and others that need Prostitutes Lalupon protection of the law from violence.

Legal provisions that punish adults that use children in criminal activities must be effectively enforced. This is to ensure that child justice practices in Nigeria conform Prostitutes Lalupon international best practices; and Prostitutes Lalupon child security and development in a way that allows emotional stability and psychological wellbeing of the child.

Therefore stakeholders must Prostitutes Lalupon extensive measures capable of guaranteeing children their right to life and survival; strengthen measures that promote understanding, tolerance and co-habitation among people; and engage comprehensive public campaigns on child rights protection.

Adults must therefore think about the impact of their actions on children, especially as it relates to inter-communal and political conflicts UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, The fact that the phenomenon of child rights abuses is of international nature is Prostitutes Lalupon.

These instruments are significant because they imbibe broad-spectrum perspective Prostitutes Lalupon child rights, and possess characteristics that make them world-class instruments.

Furthermore, both instruments dealt comprehensively with civil, political, social and cultural rights of children. The ACWRC is the most comprehensive regional instrument in Africa, with focus, inter alia on child participation, inclusion and non-discrimination. In addition to enjoining states to effectively address the problem of internal conflicts and displacement in the various states, the treaty contains provisions that Prostitutes Lalupon traditional practices that are harmful to children such as Prostitutes Lalupon genital mutilation FMG and child marriage.

Another significant aspect of the treaty is the manner in which it deals with the sore issue of the role of the family in the adoption and fostering of children as well as duties and responsibilities of the child towards the family and community.

As beautiful as the provisions of international treaties seeking to protect children are, the extent to which they have achieved their purpose remains unclear.

The discourse about child protection under international and Nigerian human laws clearly shows that several measures, including legal and institutional measures, have been adopted at international, regional and national levels to protect children. However, they have not had significant impact on the plight of children whose rights are abused and violated on daily basis.

In some parts of Nigeria for example, children are still being branded witches, leading to their stigmatization. As a result, they are beaten, maimed and killed in extreme cases; and child vulnerability has fervidly pitched at the highest level due to insurgency, banditry and other criminality that give rise Prostitutes Lalupon displacements and the establishment of internally displaced persons IDPs camps Nigerian Institute of Prostitutes Lalupon Legal Studies NIALS Failure of legal measures to offer meaningful protection is due to a number of challenges highlighted below:.

The principle of locus Prostitutes Lalupon is one of the many reasons that impede effective enforcement of the rights Prostitutes Lalupon children.

Under this principle, before Prostitutes Lalupon action could be instituted, the Prostitutes Lalupon of such a person must be considered in order to do merit to the case. The Nigerian Constitution and the Fundamental Rights Enforcement Procedure Rules reinforces the principle of locus standi by providing that before any of the fundamental rights guaranteed under Chapter IV of the Constitution can be invoked, the applicant must be the actual person whose right has been breached.

The implication is that Prostitutes Lalupon could not be filed in the name of another person Prostitutes Lalupon that of the complainant; which invariably translates to inability of the child to enforce the rights under Chapter IV due to the impediments of age limitation and other social limitations, including finance. Some cultural and religious practices, which preclude children from suing an adult or parents for a wrong done to them, also pose serious challenge.

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The attitude of the family and by extension, the society towards recognizing that children have rights contributes largely to the non-implementation of the CRA and other measures.

Areas of conflict include the prohibition Prostitutes Lalupon child and forced marriages, child begging and destitution, and the right to education, girl-child education, adoption of a child amongst others. In terms of adoption, although Prostitutes Lalupon is lawful and permissible under Part 12 of the CRA, s. The section also makes such marriage an offence, conviction of which attracts a term of imprisonment of up to fourteen years. This is because adoption is expressly outlawed in Islam due to its consequences Quaran However, there seems to be a contradiction in this regard since adoption Prostitutes Lalupon legal confines could still be safer than the almajirici Yakubu, system, which is allowed in Islam.

Related to challenge Prostitutes Lalupon by religion is the obvious omission of the jurisdiction of a State Sharia Court of Appeal in matters relating to children. Under Part 13 of CRA unlimited jurisdiction to hear and determine matters pertaining to Prostitutes Lalupon is vested in Prostitutes Lalupon family Court s. Additionally, the court has special jurisdiction in all matters relating to children as specified under the Act, even though, the Act saves the jurisdiction of normal criminal courts to try cases or offences by adult offenders as specified in part III Protection of the rights of the Child of CRA or any other law.

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Again, issues relating to jurisdictional conflicts must be well addressed and articulated since some existing courts Prostitutes Lalupon have jurisdiction over some matters involving children such as the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State which has express jurisdiction s. It is Prostitutes Lalupon to note that the survival or otherwise of any law or policy depends largely on the political will to enforce or implement.

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Many laws and child protection measures have being implemented partially. This situation is made worse by lack Prostitutes Lalupon coordination and harmonious relationship among states, mainstream ministries of women affairs and Justice, which has been said to account for why the state of the Nigerian child remains the same, sixteen years after the passage of CRA.

Between states governments and civil society groups, there is reportedly little or no cooperation and collaboration in the promotion and protection of the rights of children in the various states as they all seem to be lost on Prostitutes Lalupon importance of the complementary roles they can play in the promotion of Prostitutes Lalupon rights and welfare.

With provisions of CRA, for example, becoming so distant at the corridors of legal and judicial corridors, there is likelihood that CRA may never achieve its set objective since people who should enforce it seem oblivious of Prostitutes Lalupon provisions.

Accordingly, continuous legal and judicial education in the area of comparative human rights jurisprudence and the administration of Justice as it affects legal and other measures is imperative.

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In addition to the some recommendations Prostitutes Lalupon in the course of this discourse, some overarching recommendations are underscored below:. In that regard, cooperation should hinge on drafting and formulating policies that promote and protect the overall wellbeing of the child. Prostitutes Lalupon achieve this, government and stakeholders must demonstrate a strong political will to honestly protect children through the instrument of rights enforcement.

Violence against children is a phenomenon that should shame us all. This Prostitutes Lalupon because rather than ensuring extreme protection for children, adults have, and continue to perpetuate violence against children.

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The prevalence of child labor, increased trafficking Prostitutes Lalupon pedophilia and other forms of violence against children are undeniable, especially Prostitutes Lalupon Nigeria, which have damaged millions of children physically and psychologically. Violence against children is reinforced by numerous factors, such as poverty, bad governance, lack of educational and employment opportunities, conflicts, etc.

Recognizing the consequences of violence against children, on both the victims and the larger society, the international community adopted several measures, including legal measures. Internationally legal measures contain important provisions which have been incorporated into Nigerian laws, both to enhance existing legal provisions and to bring about a new legal order that addresses the problem of violence against children in the country UNODC, ; UNICEF, b.

The need to enhance protection Prostitutes Lalupon vulnerable children in the country arose from the prevalence of problem of child exploitation and inadequacies of existing laws on child rights protection. These laws contain extensive provisions on child protection as well as juvenile justice as already noted. However, violence against children continues relentlessly. Therefore, it Prostitutes Lalupon important for government and all stakeholders to ensure that measures on child rights protection are effectively implemented.

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