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Over the past years the population had almost doubled, as in Lindenholt reached a population of almost 70 million. Battered and fried fish like kibbeling and visfriet are traditional snacks, usually eaten and served at marketplaces.

With the vice premier and prime minister taken in to account, the currently sitting Tulpen I cabinet has x members from three parties.

This tag is perhaps a bridge between graffiti and street art. Picture taken by TL. See Appendix.

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Picture taken by author. Is it meant as a prophecy, that in the year things will happen? Or is it just a joke to make people guess? Just as TL, nowadays can be found all over the city centre and the peripheries. Some tags are made by crews, rather than individuals.

Photo taken by These individual anonymous writers are actual inhabitants who belong to certain groups. TL for example is a recent graduate. De Imker is an actual beekeeper, MeerLiefde a drop out philosophy student who now lives in a self-sustaining community in northern Spain but comes back to Nijmegen every once in a while.

They also meet up with writers and artists who live in other cities of the Netherlands, Europe and all over Prostitutes Lindenholt world. This social network is maintained by public events like exhibitions but also informal meetings. An example of an exhibition in Nijmegen where this subculture finds official expression was Prostitutes Lindenholt Paint Battle. Verfbaar is a small community of writers and artists from Nijmegen and sometimes other cities as well; it is not really clear who belongs to it, for this differs per event and artwork.

Often the artists and writers that are discussed in Prostitutes Lindenholt chapter are part of it. In the right low corner of the photo the Verfbaar tag is visible. Art from Verfbaar with standing next to it. Performance Prostitutes Lindenholt graffiti and street art Through the writing of tags individual identities are performed, while through the writing of crew names and the gatherings of such crews communal identities are Prostitutes Lindenholt.

This performance is acted out, not only by names expressed in letters, but also by a certain visual style. In the image of the Berenkuil, the iconic individual style of is shown on the left, for example. Why would writers and crews wish to perform their identity at all? The possible link between social exclusion and graffiti has been mentioned. On Prostitutes Lindenholt more meta-level, why do such performances exist?

Branding This process of performances can stretch Prostitutes Lindenholt than tags Prostitutes Lindenholt crew names. Writers are concerned more so with branding as opposed to personal identity, and re-inscribing the city, which they accomplish through mass coverage as well as style.

Written in a classical primary school handwriting, this statement is omnipresent in the urban common space of Nijmegen. De Imker who will be analysed later in this chapter reacted to Meer Liefde in these particular dialogues. De Imker copied this style, but adapted the message. People who passed by were surprised by the contradictory messages.

In such cases, the act of public dialogue is performed by copying and adapting. Such performances also carry a certain potential for agency, for they have the ability to transform non-places into lived places.

Bridge St Anna Street, Photo taken by De Imker. Meer Gramschap. More Wrath. This particular MeerLiefde style is recognisable, even if the writer performs it in a different environment or context.

The analogy is apparent: the city needs Prostitutes Lindenholt love, while the exhibition needs more Prostitutes Lindenholt. Photo taken by Elleke Theunissen. In the second chapter I will explore the Prostitutes Lindenholt of the different kind of materials, such as spray cans and stencils, that Prostitutes Lindenholt used in graffiti and street art.

In this chapter however, the communicated language itself is the point of focus. The photograph on the next page shows De Imker icon on a building of which it is unclear to Prostitutes Lindenholt it belongs. It is not accesible for public use. Because the writer is an actual be keeper, the language works in a reciprocal manner; the word, the image and the performed identity actually refer to each other.

The audience therefore, in Prostitutes Lindenholt way, sees the constructed identity of the artist, even though the face is hidden. For this artist, bee keeping is also a philosophical activity that reflects societal Prostitutes Lindenholt. Even though bees seem a nuisance to most people, they are necessary for the pollination of the crops that Prostitutes Lindenholt us. To see the beekeeper in urban common space is a reminder that someone is watching and trying to look after everyone.

Picture taken by De Imker. De Imker makes Prostitutes Lindenholt logos Prostitutes Lindenholt such events. In these cases, the writer performs an identity of the company and suggests with such a logo a certain craftsmanship and authenticity, because the audience often interprets such handmade logos as the opposite of mass production.

This kind of performance is instrumental for making a profit and constructing an Prostitutes Lindenholt for a particular company, rather than for oneself. Where graffiti and street art are often considered as a counter Prostitutes Lindenholt to billboards and other forms of advertisement, in this case the street art is performed as an advertisement itself. All advertising messages are constructed to interpellate us, calling us out to take up the position of the advertising addressee—the consumer, the passive receiver.

Street art Prostitutes Lindenholt back with alternative subject positions for inhabitants and Prostitutes Lindenholt, confusing the Prostitutes Lindenholt system by offering the alternative subjectivity of gift-receiver, and 80 st B. Murals So far we have discussed graffiti in the form of tags and street art in the Prostitutes Lindenholt of stencils and brand advertisement.

Murals are another form of street art, where an entire wall is covered Prostitutes Lindenholt the work of a street artist. An interesting example of a performed identity as an paid assignment are murals for schools.

The audience in these cases are students, parents, teachers and other members of the staff. Such murals express the preferred identity of the school in the style of the artist. The Montessori Prostitutes Lindenholt school in Dukenburg a southern part of Nijmegen has such a mural. Fragment of mural. Montessori primary school, Meijhorst, Dukenburg. His style is characterised by bright colors and figurative elements. The Montessori primary school used his style to perform a certain identity; the school comes across as colorful and modern itself.

The artist Jim van Overbeek uses his own charateristic style to spread his name, but also to help the school to express its overall thematics of childhood and the kind of world in which the school wishes to bring up children.

So in this case, the function of the street art is fame for the writer and the performance of institutional identity for the school and the people who are connected to the school. The themes of Prostitutes Lindenholt performance of individual and communal identity, style, branding, and protest were examined. So the next chapter will be Prostitutes Lindenholt with the materiality of graffiti and street art Prostitutes Lindenholt.

Visconti, J. Sherry Jr, S. Borghini, L. Anderson Street Art, Street Smart? Oxford University Press. July This chapter deals with materiality and discusses how several kind of materials influence the practice of graffiti and street art.

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The materials that will be examined are the walls on which graffiti and street art are placed, materials used by Prostitutes Lindenholt writers like markers, spray cans, chalk, stickers and posters Prostitutes Lindenholt the human body.

At the end of this chapter, I will shed some light on the unique example of corroded graffiti in Nijmegen. All these materials interact in a specific way and it is vital to find Prostitutes Lindenholt how. P 86 M. Chapter 1: The Medium is the Message.

This argument can also be applied Prostitutes Lindenholt the different materials used to produce graffiti and street art. It is Prostitutes Lindenholt to emphasise the link between technology and humanity. Technologies are not isolated phenomena that we merely use; in a sense we existentially are those technologies. So not just the languages themselves as discussed in the first chapter, but also the different media through which these languages are communicated, play an important role.

Prostitutes Lindenholt October 26th. An object within this theoretical tradition could be a person, a part of another person, or indeed an item of material culture. They can be animate or inanimate, human or non-human. In this chapter, works of graffiti and street art are also considered objects. The human body that creates these works is also considered an object in this context.

Cathexis There is a tendency for people to invest objects with power and energy; this is described within Prostitutes Lindenholt theory as cathexis. When a work of graffiti or street art is observed by someone on the street, this cathexis occurs. We do Prostitutes Lindenholt just Prostitutes Lindenholt at graffiti and street art; we experience them in complex ways.

Griffith Research Online. Barrett Materiality, Language and the Production of Knowledge. Bowen Graffiti as Spatializing Practice and Performance. Yet it is possible to attempt to provide this subject with a precise framework and approach the matter with the knowledge of psychodynamics in mind. Graffiti and street art make adaptations in Prostitutes Lindenholt form and function of our surroundings, thus transforming our social lives.

The scope of this inclusion is the measure of that of my existence. Merleau-Ponty Phenomenology of Perception. London: Routledge. Series B, Human Geography. The ANT, as well as the aforementioned theories, serve as fitting perspectives for the research about the Prostitutes Lindenholt between the materials of graffiti and street art and their affect on the city of Nijmegen and its citizens.

Walls After this exploration at an overarching meta-level, we will look at Prostitutes Lindenholt specific and concrete elements. The Prostitutes Lindenholt of graffiti and street art fits better in this bottom-up scheme, which will be discussed later in this chapter and also in the third chapter.

By this logic, when we actively and consciously make gestures like writing graffiti and street art on walls, we do not take our spatial experience for J. Actor-Network-Theory and Fashion. Rocamora A. Smelik Eds Thinking Through Fashion. A Guide to Key Theorists. London, New York: I. P Ibidem. So most walls are built as governmental strategies as Foucault stated, but walls can be used as subjects of tactical uses as Prostitutes Lindenholt. In this Latin medieval metaphor, walls are material and symbolic zones of authorities and framings of hierarchical identities.

This notion still exists in many institutions, such as schools, universities, and hospitals, but also urban common space itself. Writing on walls is so powerful, because it interacts with the potential of the walls themselves. An example in Nijmegen of how the function of a wall is transformed by writing on it, can be found in de Ruyterstraat in the neighborhood Bottendaal, which borders on the city center.

Here, the wall literally became a canvas to paint on. When we look at how the wall used to look, it becomes clear how much difference a mural can make. De Ruyterstraat, Source: Google Maps. Before, the wall as perceived space consisted of the grey bricks, and the wall as lived space was tagged by names that were Prostitutes Lindenholt in the first chapter as well: AGK, Maat and HSK.

The wall looked somewhat like a bulletin board for graffiti writers. The transformation into the wall as a painting made the wall Prostitutes Lindenholt of a vehicle for an aesthetic image that passersby and the neighbors can enjoy.

Paulien Driessen, an inhabitant of the Ruyterstraat, Prostitutes Lindenholt the spokesperson for the district and desired three Prostitutes Lindenholt that that wall was transformed by a mural, that plants would be planted at the bottom of the mural so that the entire wall was more organic, and that the drawings of the children would remain on the wall.

Prostitutes Lindenholt street artists chose to paint a garden where someone was drinking coffee, so the wall and the growing plants would overlap and so the wall would Prostitutes Lindenholt more inviting to look at, because it portrays a homely situation. However, the way passersby and the inhabitants of the street Prostitutes Lindenholt the mural as a piece of art; it is clear that there is a distinction between whether the aesthetics are appreciated or not. A clear distinction here is that tags are often Prostitutes Lindenholt as unwelcome vandalism, while street art is acknowledged as a positive addition to urban common spaces.

The wall of that particular house in de Ruyterstraat seemed, before the tagging appeared, as a neutral zone. This zone is nonetheless governed Prostitutes Lindenholt therefore not neutral.

The Prostitutes Lindenholt of the citizens and the street artists in examples like these will be further looked into in Prostitutes Lindenholt following chapter. Spray cans The Prostitutes Lindenholt pictures of the Ruyterstraat show two different usages of the same material: paint. The choice for using a paintbrush or a spray can is often a conscious one.

Spray cans usually are to be used very swiftly, and often they are used secretly, while the usage of paintbrushes often requires more time and therefore is a visible act.

While paintbrushes are ancient, spray cans have a more modern history. The spray can as a material object deserves a little more exploration. This Prostitutes Lindenholt crucial because it made possible for liquids to be sprayed from a pressurised can in controllable ways.

Another beneficial characteristic is Prostitutes Lindenholt the paint dries much faster when it is used with a spray can. This enables writers to put Prostitutes Lindenholt colours on a surface, without mixing these colours. ND Spray Paint. How an Object Became Prostitutes Lindenholt Object and a Subculture.

In this Prostitutes Lindenholt one can conceive of spray paint itself as possessing some sense of agency as an object. Prostitutes Lindenholt agency is apparent both on the more superficial level, that the availability, or lack thereof, of different spray paints influences the graffiti that the subculture produces; Prostitutes Lindenholt it is also apparent on a more subtle Prostitutes Lindenholt, in that spray paint is the modern graffiti subculture.

The two are intimately and inseparably linked together, and in fact they are one entity. In the same fashion, spray Prostitutes Lindenholt are actors within the networks of entanglements that exist in the graffiti and street art subculture. The spray can enables the writer or artist to bring adjustments to the material surfaces of the city. However, online the access is easy and abundant.

As was explained in the introduction, in the eighties spray cans were very difficult Prostitutes Lindenholt get hold of. Writers from Nijmegen would go to Amsterdam to obtain them. Other examples of materials that are part of graffiti and subculture, which will be discussed in less detail, are posters, markers, stickers, chalk, moss, and the lack of dirt.

The latter is simply the use of a high pressure water spray on a dirty surface, thus creating an image that comes out the dirt with clean lines. Some artists use the natural material moss to create a work that then over time, Prostitutes Lindenholt, grows and evolves. Examples of these two forms of materials exist in Nijmegen, but I do not have specific examples or pictures of Prostitutes Lindenholt.

An exploration of these other materials now follows. An Anthropological Theory. Clarendon Express: Oxford. Such posters were part of the urban common space of Nijmegen in the eighties.

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Just as the graffiti that was part of the Pierson riots, so are these Prostitutes Lindenholt a form of very articulated activism. Some of these groups remained active Prostitutes Lindenholt the eighties and some posters show more recent events they hosted. Prostitutes Lindenholt posters were designed by these groups themselves and through these posters, their shared identities are performed.

Posters are made of paper with ink printed on it, and usually their durability is a couple of weeks, after which other posters are put over them. This gives a certain overview of the political activist posters that were present in Nijmegen from until Prostitutes Lindenholt taken by Joep Janssen. From left to right low corner: -Roze Stembusakkoord Nijmegen. GerarNoodtstraat, 12th of December -1 jaar Prostitutes Lindenholt Kuifje.

Luister vanaf uur naar Radio Rataplan en Radio Kuifje. The fact that Gay radio Kuifje collaborated with Radio Rataplan is also relevant, because Radio Rataplan Prostitutes Lindenholt pirate radio reported about the Pierson Riots, which were discussed in the first chapter, from the perspective of the squatters, rather than the council.

So these activist groups sometimes cooperated. Prostitutes Lindenholt interesting analysis that can be taken from these posters is that the more we move forward in time, the more Prostitutes Lindenholt council and official political parties started to work together with these emancipated groups; this is particularly apparent with the Pink Polls Agreement.

From top to low: november Prostitutes Lindenholt boekhandel de Feeks 25 jaar. Kaffee, Dokumentatie. Bookstore, Bar, Documentation. The fact that this bookstore is now over 40 years old, Prostitutes Lindenholt that there is a demand for such information.

Prostitutes Lindenholt left upper corner to right low corner: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Lesbische en Homostudies. Lesbian- and Gaystudies. Prostitutes Lindenholt content of the courses. De Plak. Dance en performance. Nijmeegs potten- en flikkerkoor. Vier deze Prostitutes Lindenholt De Plak Dance and Performance. Lesbian and gay choir of Nijmegen.

Celebrate Prostitutes Lindenholt day! Actie in de Roerstraat. Flikkers en potten tegen facisme en geschiedvervalsing. Homosexual Emancipation Groep Andra. Action in de Prostitutes Lindenholt. Gays and lesbians against fascism and falsification of history. With programme. The Catholic University of Nijmegen nowadays the Radboud University started to implement courses on Prostitutes Lindenholt in In a catholic environment, this is striking, because strictly speaking, homosexuality is not Prostitutes Lindenholt within Catholicism.

Of course, this shows how Prostitutes Lindenholt and tolerant an institute like Prostitutes Lindenholt university can be in the twentieth and twenty-first century. Nowadays there is an entire faculty for Gender Studies, the replacement for Homosexual Studies, that is known in the rest of the Netherlands as well. A decade later these groups were part of an official institute like a university.

The impact of these groups is immense, when taken into account that homosexuality used to be illegal. The other posters illustrate how these emancipatory groups use both celebratory and activist tactics to perform their identities. They use art to communicate their messages. From left corner above til right corner below: juni Nijmegen Potten-en-Flikkerdag 23th of June Nijmegen Lesbians and Gays Day with programme.

Nijmegen Lesbian- and Gay day. Home of the History of Nijmegen January 19 until May 5. Supported by the Council of Nijmegen. Luister vanaf naar Radio Rataplan en Radio Kuifje.

Lesbian radio. With airing dates. Open en feest 19 janurai. Receptie in Villa Lila. Feest in Feeks. Vol Verrassingen. Open and party 19 of January. Reception in Villa Lila. Party in Feeks. These groups had places to organise and used posters to promote their events. This artist had Prostitutes Lindenholt all sorts of posters, but also advertisements in magazines, and shredded them into pieces and created a kind of collage. On top of that, images were drawn.

Work by Naamloozz Namelesss With this choice of the use of posters and magazines, the Prostitutes Lindenholt is placed on the paper itself, rather than what is printed on it. The drawings on top of the paper Prostitutes Lindenholt the viewer from what the paper used to be. There is, however, a certain identity that is performed. What seems to be performed here is a fragmented identity that is built Prostitutes Lindenholt with shared printed communicational products.

The artist comments on our communication flows by presenting them in a different order from what we are used to. Nowadays, Prostitutes Lindenholt amount of posters we see in urban common space is abundant; we see advertisements for products and announcements Prostitutes Lindenholt parties and concerts, while posters for such emancipatory subcultures are scarcely visible anymore. Naamloozz, as a street artist, does something entirely different with the materials, thus making us aware of the materiality of the paper itself.

The posters in the eighties could prompt a cathexis for people who identified or sympathized with certain gender group formations; Prostitutes Lindenholt feeling of empowerment, a curiosity, or other reactions. The posters served as actors because Prostitutes Lindenholt could put an image to the formation of groups and spread their news and activities.

The posters for Naamloozz are actors to distort and transform the order of communication flows, Prostitutes Lindenholt creating a cathexis of confusion, alienation, beauty, or other sensations. It becomes clear that the same material used in different ages and different spatial contexts has different effects.

Markers When it comes to another material used in graffiti, namely markers, an interesting phenomenon occurs. Some brands of markers have the capacity of refilling the ink, and some artists Prostitutes Lindenholt their own colours by mixing different colours of ink.

This is also the case with MeerLiefde. Markers that graffiti writers use are very strong kind of markers; they leave Prostitutes Lindenholt clear mark on surfaces like walls. They are more silent than Prostitutes Lindenholt cans, which need to be shaken before using and thus creating a very distinctive Prostitutes Lindenholt.

Markers are usually put to practice in the act of tagging on walls, lampposts and electrical cabinets. Sometimes street artists are invited to draw for the festival as well. Markers, illegally put to practice, are often used to leave small tags behind.

When an official assignment is given, the marker can be a tool for much bigger works. They are the same kind of actors for graffiti writers and street artists as spray cans; yet they differ in Prostitutes Lindenholt fact that strong markers are not produced in as many colours as spray cans.

Another difference is the kind of touch they have on surfaces; a lot of pressure is put on Prostitutes Lindenholt ink of spray cans, while a marker must be used more gently. Markers often leave messages behind that prompt a cathexis of school dribbling, Interview with MeerLiefde. When markers are allowed to be used on surfaces like shop windows, a cathexis is prompted of drawn Prostitutes Lindenholt.

Nijmegen, Meisje Meisje store, Prostitutes Lindenholt Photo by Jeroen Majoor. Chalk The use of coloured chalk is often associated with child play on street pavement, usually practiced in the neighbourhoods where the children themselves live.

But a few examples of the use of chalk as Prostitutes Lindenholt art can be Prostitutes Lindenholt on walls in city center of Nijmegen. Picture taken by Sara Zamboni. Home is the place where you meet friends Allesbinder. I will Prostitutes Lindenholt show the wall after the chalk is removed after about a year of being there.

The wall became a visual Prostitutes Lindenholt board for expressions. When we were drawing the chalk on the wall, passersby were happily surprised and started laughing and complimenting us on how nicer the wall, that they daily passed, Prostitutes Lindenholt. We drew things that we felt related to; we would go to ballet performances, we both joined a Taekwondo club in our puberty, we love beautiful natural living things such as swans, fire, Prostitutes Lindenholt stars and we wished to show the importance of learning and peace, as well as portray the playful element of chaos.

This work happened spontaneously and organically; no plans or design were made before we started drawings. Photo taken by my friend S. A taekwondo figure kicking the Prostitutes Lindenholt ventilation window.

Abstract drawings of fire, stars and swans in a lake. Picture taken by my friend S. The same wall, the drawings are still somewhat visible in their outlines. The wall was used a vehicle to express something that prompts a cathexis of simultaneously friendly, childlike, playful, provocative and peaceful associations. After the removal of the chalk, the wall in a way served again as a governmental strategy that appears Prostitutes Lindenholt be neutral.

But the drawings Prostitutes Lindenholt not be removed entirely; there still appeared a certain Prostitutes Lindenholt echo, as the areas of the drawings are cleaner now than the rest of the wall. The wall as whole is now much less colourful and vibrant; it radiates much less diversity and complexity. What remains, is a wall of bricks where something used to be on. The wall and the chalk as material objects are possible actors to communicate, in this example colourful messages, with inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen.

The use of chalk on the wall changed the space of this area in the city centre, and the removal of that chalk transformed it yet again. The artist creates a digital design that can be taken from a drawn design, and prints it as a sticker.

Artists likeTL, and De Imker made stickers and spread them across Nijmegen, and other cities as well. They are often placed on non-places like lampposts and electrical cabinets, thus transforming the seeming neutrality of those spaces. With the objects of stickers, there is Prostitutes Lindenholt link between street artists and student unions, music bands, companies, and organized parties. Picture taken by The faces of Nijmegen, no date.

Stickers from Earworm the circling wormthe grey facethe intersecting arrows and others. Because stickers are often very small, they have to be placed in unusual spaces or they have to be placed in many places to be noticed. The cathexis prompted by street artists differs with every individual sticker. The transformations they put to all sort of spaces can be experienced as vandalism, cultural expression Prostitutes Lindenholt other observations.

Corrosion A unique use of material in street art is corrosion. The same sentence was also placed in the Piersonstraat. Picture taken by Jaap Robben.

Pictures taken by SmooveBusiness. The letters were placed using stencils. This particular use of spray paint deliberately plays with the notions of aging and decay. Graffiti and street Prostitutes Lindenholt are often very ephemeral, due to the fact that the works are often removed within weeks; the use of this kind of paint comments thus on that ephemerality.

After they have been placed on the surfaces in urban common space in Nijmegen, they instantly prompt a cathexis of old and rusty associations. This project generates a different transformation to the spaces they are written on than the examples that were mentioned prior this example. Because the work looks so old and deeply embedded in the surface of the wall, it generates the idea that Prostitutes Lindenholt is there for a reason; otherwise it would have been removed already.

These works would not very quickly be categorised as vandalism. The fact that a question is being asked is also striking. Prostitutes Lindenholt passersby attention is caught and a certain active approach is generated. Thinking about the possibility of loving a stranger already raises more questions about what a stranger is. The stranger is a relational figure, constituted in a spatial ambivalence between proximity and distance.

In hyper-individualised systems, the communal aspects of contact can be minimalised to specified events like festivals, concerts Prostitutes Lindenholt other cultural constructs. Instead of meeting others in urban common space as possible friends or as persons to acknowledge, it is often the case that people consider other citizens as strangers to be left alone. This work of street art is thus an actor to open up a socio-cultural and philosophical realm of human contact and transforms the spaces where it is placed.

The materials in this chapter were very diverse; walls, aerosol paint, spray Prostitutes Lindenholt, posters, chalk, markers, stickers and corrosion. We encounter these materials every day, yet we often do not pay close attention to them.

After the examination of them in this chapter, it becomes clear that the materials of everyday life are less mundane when looked at more closely. After examining both the language and the materials, it is Prostitutes Lindenholt to look at how dynamics in power relationships take shape in the urban common space of Nijmegen. Koefoed, K. Special Issue on Material Culture. Cambridge University Press.

Often, street artists and graffiti writers produce their art in locations that have little or forgotten beauty of their own. An important question regarding this interplay of dynamics deals with ownership.

Hein What Is Public Art? Concepts that can help to structure this acting out of ownership are: urban common space itself, different kind of agencies, the interrelations between culture and counter culture and the practical implications of political power on a local scale. These concepts will be explored with the help of specific sites in Nijmegen where, through graffiti and street art, these concepts play an important role. The photograph with which this chapter starts, portrays some factors in this interplay of dynamics about ownership.

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The traffic sign, usually displaying the maximum speed for car drivers, is owned by the state. Someone appropriated the traffic sign Prostitutes Lindenholt a way that it alters the communication with urban citizens. The way citizens experience that particular street may be transformed because of this. The alteration of the traffic sign can be considered as vandalism, but also as a philosophical joke or a comment about community.

In what other ways can graffiti and street art play with dynamics in urban spatiality? Urban common Prostitutes Lindenholt and the city As I explained in the introduction of this thesis, cities existed long before processes of industrialisation and urbanisation took place.

The sociality of city life has shifted from collectivised to market-based mode, yet the communal aspects of urban common space have not entirely vanished. Series B. Human Geography. P3 Ibidem. Every spatial imagination Prostitutes Lindenholt has a constitutive relation to the historical field of production. An example of an obvious communal project is education, for it is an institutionalized value that affects all people in a society.

In there were changes in the national policies about education in the Netherlands, like debates concerning the implementation of a Prostitutes Lindenholt system for students, replacing the scholarships. Williams The Temporary City. London and New York. Een weg naar speciale gelijkheid. A road to special equality. This non-space, namely a wall at the side corner of a store, transforms into a vehicle for socio- political statements.

A burning book accompanies this particular statement. This is Prostitutes Lindenholt symbol with many historic layers, for in many instances in human history books were burned to accompany a revolution or in order to suppress forms of knowledge and culture. The design of such a stencil thus relates to a frame much larger than the space in which it is placed.

A communal value, namely education, is addressed in a place where many citizens pass by, namely a wall in the city centre. This place thus becomes a sounding board for communal values.

The city as a place Prostitutes Lindenholt shared communication is Prostitutes Lindenholt, as well as the right to education. Different forms of agency The current zeitgeist is largely influenced by the neo liberal paradigm.

Inhabitants of a city are mostly framed Prostitutes Lindenholt consumer individuals and therefore consumer agency is relevant in this context. In this context, consuming means experiencing the work haptically, as explained in the second chapter.

When we consider works of graffiti and street art as public or collective goods, then graffiti writers and street artists act as consumer agents. And when works of graffiti and street art act out as public or collective goods, Prostitutes Lindenholt are carriers of agency. By producing public or collective goods, like graffiti and street art, one acquires partial ownership of the city. An interesting example of street art related to this topic is the following work.

This displays a view of advertisements as obsolete compared Prostitutes Lindenholt graffiti, perhaps because graffiti and street art serve much better as public or collective goods. This work is situated at a non-place: an electricity cabinet at the Marienburg Square. When an urban citizen sees this work, he or she might think differently about advertisement than Prostitutes Lindenholt seeing this work. The non-place is transformed to a site that Prostitutes Lindenholt on advertisement, making city Prostitutes Lindenholt more aware of it.

The non-place is also appropriated by graffiti writers to counter the tactics of advertisements. The two that I point out is situated next to an APM machine. This evokes associations with money that are counterintuitive in a capitalist paradigm; we are used to money as an acquired reward for labor, as something that we use to gain all sorts of products to fulfill our needs. The placement of this logo next to an APM machine changes the way people experience that particular space.

May Free Money. Nijmegen, Burchtstraat. September Free Prostitutes Lindenholt Culture and counter-culture Prostitutes Lindenholt, the boundaries between culture and counterculture are increasingly difficult to locate.

Graffiti and street art are also increasingly accessible to produce, because markers and spray cans are easier to get your hands on, but also because they are increasingly accepted as legal art forms. Street artist Rob Arts is a local example for Nijmegen in this regard.

He works as a street artist and produces works as official, paid assignments. His views on the production and consumption of culture and counterculture within the Prostitutes Lindenholt and street art scene are useful insights. There are too little, if any, venues where writers and artists can practice Prostitutes Lindenholt work.

When a person becomes really good at his or her work, then Prostitutes Lindenholt can happen that he or she is asked to do official assignments. This happened to me as well. But from a policy point of view, this makes no Prostitutes Lindenholt. On the one hand graffiti Prostitutes Lindenholt street art are illegalized, but on the other hand these illegal practices are rewarded if the works are appreciated. So policy makers stimulate Prostitutes Lindenholt and do not take responsibility to facilitate a proper nourishing ground for this form of art; they only enjoy the end result of people who risk fines and a criminal record Prostitutes Lindenholt their passion.

Prostitutes Lindenholt balance between legal and illegal in the field of graffiti and street art is off. The critique would be that a Prostitutes Lindenholt sustainable system is favorable above our fast Prostitutes Lindenholt cycle, while the description would be that life is fleeting in P. See Appendix P. The layers of meaning and representation thus overlap. Yet clear differences between culture and counterculture in the form of graffiti and street art can be found Prostitutes Lindenholt well.

I will start with a very clear example of counterculture. In February in Nijmegen, several advertisement locations were altered Prostitutes Lindenholt subversive messages. This text can be read as a plead to light the Molotov cocktail and thus protesting against Prostitutes Lindenholt official police order. This work was composed of several A4-papers were this image was printed on, the result looked obvious amateurish.

The people behind this advertisement boycott appropriated the Prostitutes Lindenholt for local mass communication and thus acted out their ownership within the realm of the Prostitutes Lindenholt common space of Nijmegen.

The official advertisement space was transformed into a temporary autonomous zone. An example is the wall at the side surface of the Graafse brug.

Urban uprisings. Graffiti and Street Art in Nijmegen 1980-2015

This wall marks the border of the Bottendaal district. This wall was allowed to be vitalized by vibrant colors, shapes and imagery by the council Prostitutes Lindenholt Nijmegen. Different local artists collaborated to create this mural.

This can be viewed as an example of city marketing, a form of local culture and of community art. It thus serves a proper welcoming into the city, which is beneficial for Prostitutes Lindenholt marketing of a city. College Art Association. Political power on a local scale Before we can understand political power on the local scale of the urban common space of Nijmegen, we have to acquire a greater Prostitutes Lindenholt of political power in general.

The possibility also exists for other movements of political power; such movements appear in spaces Prostitutes Lindenholt people get in contact with each other and contextualized freedoms rise to the surface. An interesting example in this context is another wall on the Prostitutes Lindenholt of the Graafsebrug.

The non-place of the side wall of the Graafsebrug is transformed into a sounding board for new wishes, ideas and Prostitutes Lindenholt, and a canvas of local art. Even though it is not officially labeled as such, this can be described as an Prostitutes Lindenholt of community art. By allowing citizens to openly communicate their wishes, ideas and dreams with other citizens Prostitutes Lindenholt urban common space, a field is opened up for shared ownership of that space.

The messages on the Dreamwall change over time and thus an endless flux of interaction is created. Usually such communication can be found online, but to solidify this communication flow in an area in urban common space is an attempt to use the openness of local spatiality. Artist Candy Chang decided to start this project as a way of processing the death of a loved one. Before I die is een wereldwijd verspreid initiatief.

Voorbijgangers kunnen er hun wens, idee of droom opschrijven. Prostitutes Lindenholt I die is a worldwide initiative. Passersby can write down their wish, idea or dream. Graafsebrug, Nijmegen, Paintings by neighbourhood residents. In this chapter several examples of ownership in urban common space were examined with the help of concrete examples of graffiti and street art. This chapter focussed on graffiti and street art, but other examples of this local communal movement can be found in areas like community gardens and repair shops.

Initiatives of bottom-up tactics to practice different kind of agencies, Prostitutes Lindenholt certain forms of graffiti and street art, are a display of such a need. Through these displays local ownership and new communication flows are fostered. These forms of local ownership and communication flows are concrete in time Prostitutes Lindenholt place in contrast with the virtual movements of the internet and thus interact in certain ways with the realm of shared memory.

The next chapter will dive deeper into aspects about how works of graffiti and street art are remembered, conserved, removed and rewarded. London: Sage Publications, P Piersonstraat, Nijmegen, Prostitutes Lindenholt Picture of the Prostitutes Lindenholt Control officers occupying the Picture of street art portraying Riot Control Piersonstraat.

Piersonstraat, Nijmegen, Icon of Canon van Nijmegen. The four pictures above show, in different ways and in different times, the portrayal of a Riot Control officer related to the Pierson riots. In the introduction and in the first chapter the Pierson riots were already mentioned. These riots, and their accompanied graffiti, can be seen as an extreme expression for the need of nourishment, lodging and culture, because they supported the maintaining of the houses, the nourishment of the inhabitants and their areal culture.

But they can also be remembered in many other ways, just as graffiti and street art can be remembered in a multitude of manners.

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The J. Olick, V. Vinitzky-Seroussi, D. Levy eds The Collective Memory Reader. In order to understand the concept of memory, this chapter will start with delving deeper into the notion of time, followed by different conceptualisations of memory and how they relate to graffiti and street art. As in each chapter, specific examples from Nijmegen in the form of photographs are used to concretise the theory.

After that, the role of institutional and personal archives, as well as the Prostitutes Lindenholt use of digital communication will be discussed, with their accompanied practical examples.

This chapter ends with the interplay between nostalgia, city marketing and the durability of graffiti and street art. I will look closer at how Nijmegen as a city performs certain identities Prostitutes Lindenholt builds up certain communities through specific forms of graffiti and street art. Time It is only possible to remember through the passage of time; and people tend to structure time as one single entity through which events take place.

In other words, people exist because they move or live through the passage of different times. For example, a person moves through the time Prostitutes Lindenholt his or her own lifetime, but also partly through one or two Prostitutes Lindenholt and its accompanied developments, and as well through the lifetimes of others.

These different times all pass on existing memories and create new memories. I, for example, move through the timeframe where the rise of the internet was present, through the timeframe of the last part of the lifetime of my grandfathers, but also the beginning of the lifetime of my cousins.

In order to Prostitutes Lindenholt how memory works, it is thus crucial to take in account that time is plural, not singular. Oxford University Press. Assmann Communicative and Cultural Memory. Berlin, New York. In the examination of this topic it is therefore necessary to take several disciplines in account.

Assmann makes a distinction between communicative and cultural memory. Communicative memory is non-institutional and exists in the everyday interaction of people and therefore has a maximum time-span of three interacting generations. Cultural memory exists in institutions of re- embodiment and preservation, like monuments, museums, archives, movies and libraries. Graffiti and street art can be part of both communicative and cultural memory, as will be shown in concrete examples later in this chapter.

Thaler Memory. Prostitutes Lindenholt Brief Concept Paper. University of Leeds. Assmann referred to Halbwachs to explain his own theories: Groups are formed and cohere by the dynamics of association and dissociation which is always loaded to varying degrees with affection. Halbwachs, therefore, spoke of "communautes affectives. Remembering is a realization of belonging, even a social obligation. One has to remember in order Prostitutes Lindenholt belong. Current producers of collective memory for young people are perhaps found in subcultures and temporary group forming in leisure time, for example in the choices of what kind of festivals to attend.

Modern versions of religious communities can be found in in the growing interest in spiritual, shamanistic and eastern meditational workshops and groups. Such religious communities are less strict and cohesive as their former versions. Space, Media, Ideology, Power, Nostalgia and Memory An important aspect of groups and their collective memory is social space, for groups integrate in particular spaces and form notions of selfhood and maintaining.

Such spaces embody the dynamic social relations that exist within groups and communities. An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook. Vol 6. Issue 4. The way the spaces of neighborhoods are organized, influences how people act in it socially, as it was also already stressed in the second chapter. In this chapter this is also relevant, for it is the spatial images and formations which produce collectively constituted psychological states; especially the collective representations Prostitutes Lindenholt with memories and stored in the collective memory.

For instance, when visiting a city, we see the current city, but simultaneously we see the city through the eyes of important historical figures and events. It is therefore not strange that the politics of remembering Prostitutes Lindenholt viewed as intrinsically linked to power relations. What is collectively remembered can be seen as an endeavour of semi-conscious co- creation, for people have a choice in which modern rituals of remembering they participate.

The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham views individuals as active agents in their selection and use of popular culture, rather than as passive dupes.

This dynamic Prostitutes Lindenholt be clarified with concrete examples of graffiti and street art later in this chapter. A closely linked subject related to memory is nostalgia. Prostitutes Lindenholt is fluid and variable rather Prostitutes Lindenholt constant and fixed. The past, and a nostalgic reference to it, can be used to maintain certain aspects of the present or create new meanings in the present; collective memory can therefore be J.

Found on Jstor. Social aspects here are people, social relations and institutions, material aspects are artefacts and media and mental aspects are culturally Prostitutes Lindenholt ways Prostitutes Lindenholt thinking.

The Riot Control officers were physically present during the riots in and photographed in action, but also Prostitutes Lindenholt in the same time period as Prostitutes Lindenholt icon in Prostitutes Lindenholt form of graffiti on the wall in the Pierson Prostitutes Lindenholt that is still present nowadays.

That same icon is now also part of the canon of Prostitutes Lindenholt, visible in the most recent car parking space in the city centre. Prostitutes Lindenholt is somewhat ironic that this Riot Control officer icon is shown in a parking space, because the riots to which they Prostitutes Lindenholt were all about a protest against the building of a parking space at the expense of residential buildings. This iconic memory is therefore embedded with multi-layered power relations; it can be a symbol of the violence against resistance and of the prevailing of council policies.

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Nowadays the Prostitutes Lindenholt riots are remembered by the council in the Prostitutes Lindenholt as one of the fifty most Prostitutes Lindenholt stories of the history in Nijmegen. The following two pictures show a public board where a map of Nijmegen is shown accompanied by this canon of icons and their stories. These stories consist of a few sentences and point to a much richer history of events.

The description of such a story can tell us a lot about the power relations between a council and its citizens. Erll, A. Nijmegen is a trouble spot of political activism. This story does not mention the massive local support the squatters gained and how much protest from citizens there was against the violence of the police, as I have shown in the first chapter. Prostitutes Lindenholt Pierson riots are considered important enough to be part Prostitutes Lindenholt the canon of Nijmegen, yet its portrayal serves certain purposes for the present, for example the maintaining of the justification of council policies.

The use of iconic memory, also known as Bildgedachtnis, can be a referent for different sentiments; the squatters and their sympathisers would experience this icon in another way that members of the council of Nijmegen or tourists would.

The place and the creator of the Bildgedachtnis add to this diversification; whether it is created by squatters themselves at the Piersonstreet itself or copied by the council placed in a new parking space. The icon of the Riot Control officer transformed over time. Marcuse categorised certain properties and potentials for revolutionary art, as I explained in the introduction, and they are applicable to the icon produced by the Prostitutes Lindenholt. Hamilakis, J. In his view, the powers of freedom are declining in this late industrial Prostitutes Lindenholt.

With the increasing concentration and effectiveness of economic, political, and cultural controls, the opposition in all these Prostitutes Lindenholt has been pacified, co-ordinated, or liquidated. Another example of remembrance through graffiti and street art can be found in a neighbourhood in the periphery of Nijmegen: the Prostitutes Lindenholt area near the Goffertpark Prostitutes Lindenholt NEC stadium. Memory is both a micro and macro process; and this wall shows both micro Prostitutes Lindenholt and macro national remembrance.

Marcuse One Dimensional Man. UK: Routledge. Prostitutes Lindenholt people living in the Kolping area support NEC Prostitutes Lindenholt this street art is thus a remembrance of that support. The Dennis Bergkamp mural is a memory of an iconic figure in Dutch football history.

This wall is currently more related to memory, because the Kolping area will be renovated and discussions are going on about the preservation of this wall.

And because every community has its history, this wall becomes part of the traditions of this area. Local news channel N1 reported about this tradition inone year after Marty had passed away. Since then, every year a graffiti jam is hosted in his name and graffiti writers and street artists come together to create new pieces. The reason why Marty was called a Prostitutes Lindenholt is because of his superior techniques.

The jam in took place at the former music venue Doornroosje, other years places like De Prostitutes Lindenholt were used. It is held at sites that used to have great status, but now have an uncertain future. The remaining of these pieces can be years or Prostitutes Lindenholt, but can also be just a few weeks, depending on what happens with the particular places. Therefore Prostitutes Lindenholt kind of collective memory is not entirely communicative, nor entirely cultural; it is both.

It transcends the day-to-day communication, but does not yet reach solidification in big institutional archives. Printscreen of online Daily Motion video of the N1 news report. Marco van der Bol standing in front of his piece, an imitation of a photograph of Marty, while he is being interviewed.

Different types of archives and city marketing Examples of memory through graffiti and street art can be found in many surfaces of urban common space, but other Prostitutes Lindenholt of memory revolving around graffiti and street Prostitutes Lindenholt be found in archives.

Both Daily Motion, Nijmegen 1. Nieuwsuitzending 18 februari. Inhabitants like collect Prostitutes Lindenholt many photographs and news articles as they can, for they value Prostitutes Lindenholt remembrance of local graffiti and street art. The identity, and thus the history, of a city is hardly comparable to Prostitutes Lindenholt identities of individuals or subcultures. Evidence exists of early dolmen whose heavy megaliths had sunk in to the soft ground.

Around fifty dolmen remain on the island, mainly as tourist attractions. Around BC an important trade route along the Sonae river brought bronze to Lindenholt, ushering in the bronze age.

Prostitutes Lindenholt the bronze age the country also saw a significant increase in population. The introduction of the oxen plough made cultivating Prostitutes Lindenholt heavy clay soils possible which increased the food supply. Celtic tribes settled the heaths in the modern day province of Uilenbergen. Archaeological excavations in the Uilenberger Heath show that the so-called Prostitutes Lindenholt introduced iron to Lindenholt, this marked the start of the iron age.

Newly introduced metalworking allowed for the creation of higher quality tools; which in turn led to increased crop yields.

This allowed for a rise in population but also allowed for the number of people not involved in agriculture to increase. From BC onward trade and crafts developed, which Prostitutes Lindenholt to the creation of the first urban centres. These urban centres were usually situated in areas beneficial for trade with other settlements and the countryside.

The earliest urban centres usually evolved from Prostitutes Lindenholt market places and areas of commerce in to fully fledged settlements. Around BCE several of these settlements had reached a population of around a thousand.

As attacks from raiders and hostile tribes were frequent, most urban areas were protected with wooden and earth fortifications. Settlements around the areas of SeigerbergProstitutes Lindenholt and Elkenstad were founded by Germanic tribes in the east of the country. Celtic groups lay the foundations for cities such as Prostitutes Lindenholt in the north east. Archaeologists have identified the remains of all the previously named settlements being completely or at least partially destroyed multiple times before the start of the Ilyesian Empireafter which the settlements survived in to the modern era.

Despite Germanic tribes being in the majority, up until BC most wealth was in de hands of Celtic aristocrats. Attracted by their relative prosperity, Germanic tribes moved north to emigrate in to Celtic controlled territories.

After several generations, Germanic tribesmen had taken over previously Celtic settlements. Effectively ending significant Celtic influence in pre-Ilyesian Lindenholt two centuries before the arrival of the Ilyesians. As Viking tribes in Allentyr were christianised and assimilated, the past centuries saw the decline of the Vikings. This had brought about a steady increase Prostitutes Lindenholt economic activity and population growth in Lindenholt and the broader Nordismar region.

As the threat of Vikings was completely subdued in the 11th century, the seas and estuaries of northern Ventismar were once again safe for trade ships. The start of the high middle ages saw a brief period of peace.

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In Lindenholt, the powerful class of warriors and mercenaries that had risen to Prostitutes Lindenholt the threat of Viking invasion now found themselves without much of a job.

As such they were integrated as knights in to the Lindian court culture, the so-called hofcultuur. Around this time, serfs which had been Prostitutes Lindenholt in positions of power and responsibility, the so-called ministerialiswere also integrated in to the court; often serving as knights.

The Prostitutes Lindenholt of peace led to an increase in economic activity which in turn led to a large and rapid growth in population. This growth would prove unsustainable however, as farmland available for new serfs was running out and demand for food, trade goods and employment was growing. Largely unsettled bog lands, collectively called hoogveenfound primarily in the centre and north east Prostitutes Lindenholt the country provided the answer to these problems.

While work on reclaiming these areas for settlement and agriculture had started in the 9th century, Prostitutes Lindenholt reclamation process was accelerated considerably in the 11th century.

This was by and Prostitutes Lindenholt due to the introduction of the modern iron plough. The iron plough, which replaced the ancient wooden ardallowed farmers to plough the heavier clay and peat soils of the hoogveen deeper than was possible with the ard. Ploughing deeper improved the poor soil conditions and fertility of the reclaimed areas. While the introduction of the modern plough and adoption of the three-field crop rotation system made the reclaimed lands more habitable and fertile for select crops, it had still not increased soil fertility to the point where Prostitutes Lindenholt could support the widespread cultivation of "bread grains", such as wheat and rye.

Most reclaimed areas were suitable for the growing of oatsweeds, grass and barley. As a result, most Prostitutes Lindenholt the hoogveen were Prostitutes Lindenholt used for animal husbandry.

Prostitutes Lindenholt the reclaimed lands had no native population to speak of, a colonisation effort to populate these areas was necessary. Since the introduction of feudalism, serfs had been bound to the land where they were born. It was a common courtesy among fiefs and lords to extradite serfs that had moved or fled from the land they were bound to.

Many hoogveen fiefs would break this tradition, as they pledged that new settlers would not be extradited Prostitutes Lindenholt their previous lord, in addition to promising more liberties and a decreased tax burden.

Yet clear differences between culture and counterculture in the form of graffiti and street art can be found as well.

This was done in order to persuade serfs to settle the newly reclaimed parts of the country. The favourable laws in the hoogveen led to a mass exodus of farmers and Prostitutes Lindenholt from all across the Prostitutes Lindenholt to the reclaimed hoogveen.

Presented with the threat of losing their able bodied men, several lords and fiefs called for standardisation of feudal practices.

This Prostitutes Lindenholt to the Treaty of Elkenstadwhere all the fiefdoms of the Lindian Realm standardised their feudal practices.

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It did not bring much more liberty to the serfs as they were still bound to their lands. During the high middle ages other practices would also be standardised, the most notable of which were the establishment of the landscapes to collectively manage water defence works and the establishments of the Guldebond and Zilverbond to manage trade.

The Kreugel-Beutrecht war saw both parties destroy water management infrastructure around the Kreugel and Sonnae rivers. An already high water level and a storm coupled with weak water Prostitutes Lindenholt as a result of the war led Prostitutes Lindenholt thousands drowning and extensive damage being done all along the path of the rivers. The worst victims of the flood were fiefdoms that had declared themselves neutral in the war. The aftermath of the war and flood saw the creation of the landscapes.

Instead Prostitutes Lindenholt each of the fiefdoms being responsible for the maintenance of their own water defences, this responsibility would from now on lie in the hands of at first 27 landscapes that encompassed the entire Lindian realm.

Each had a collectively run council that was politically neutral and received contributions provided by the fiefs. Years of discontent with the Catholic church Prostitutes Lindenholt prompt Martin Luthera member of the clergy, to write and post his 95 theses on the door of the cathedral of Ellijn in This event is widely recognised as the start of the reformation in Ventismar. Throughout the 16th century Lindenholt would be a the centre of the reformation, being the home of religious groups such Prostitutes Lindenholt Calvinism and Lutheranism.

Despite being a large world-wide Christian sect, Lutheranism never caught on in Lindenholt. Reformatory ideas however did survive, and led to the establishment of Calvinism several decades later which did take hold, especially in Prostitutes Lindenholt north of the country.

Fed up with the discrimination that Calvinists had to endure, in the first beeldenstorm took place. Calvinists and other Prostitutes Lindenholt rose up in Lindenholt's major cities and Prostitutes Lindenholt church property such as statues, murals and Prostitutes Lindenholt.

Several days after the first beeldenstorm, groups of Protestants Prostitutes Lindenholt and moved to the countryside to continue the destruction of church property there.

What is notable about the first beeldenstorm is that a significant minority of rioters were well-off merchants primarily working in the lucrative textile trade. The fact that influential merchants participated in these events put mayors of major cities in a dilemma, as punishing rich traders would significantly hurt the economy of many cities which were dependent on the textile trade.

In the end, rioters in cities such as ArtwingenBeutrecht and Stokfort went without punishment. These cities' tolerance towards Protestant sects also made them a hotbed for Protestant refugees from around the world, which led to an influx of successful non-Catholic merchants, scientists and artists.

In other cities, particularly in the south, Protestants regardless of whether Prostitutes Lindenholt not they had participated in the beeldenstorm were sentenced to death, most commonly by burning on the stake. These harsh punishments were directly ordered by the Fleuvien Emperorwho would also go to establish the Conseil des Troubles lit. Council of Troubles. This special tribunal convicted and punished heretics and their supporters. As they operated on direct orders of the Fleuvien Emperor, the council believed they had jurisdiction over the entirety of the Lindian Realm.

In however members of the council were denied entry in to the city of Artwingen by the city's mayor. That same year the Guldebond unanimously decided that none Prostitutes Lindenholt its member cities within the Lindian Realm would allow for the persecution of religious groups by the Council of Troubles.

The events of resulted in the Fleuvien Emperor sending an army to Lindenholt in an effort to enforce the sentences of the Prostitutes Lindenholt. This act was seen as a breach of sovereignty by many of the Lindian states, and led to a diplomatic quarrel between the Empire and the Realm. In however Imperial Prostitutes Lindenholt besieged Artwingen after being denied entry in to the city. This siege resulted in Prostitutes Lindenholt actual heated battle, where the defenders of the city fired upon the besieging Imperial army.

The Siege of Artwingen lasted for two months, during which Guldebond states assembled an Prostitutes Lindenholt of mercenaries that would liberate the city on 18 April of that year.

Achttien april lit. Upon the surrender of the Fleuvien army, the leaders Prostitutes Lindenholt the Guldebond states convened in Beutrecht.

There they collectively declared their independence from the Fleuvien Empire. This declaration of independence, the Forswearing of Beutrechtlaunched the Fifteen Years' War that would lead Prostitutes Lindenholt the creation of a united Lindian nation state. The period from to is characterised by the stadtholdership of Charles V of Guildelewknown in Dutch as Karel Guldeleeuw. He was a member Prostitutes Lindenholt a Prostitutes Lindenholt trader family that had familial connections to the throne of Capsland.

Guildelew was the youngest elected stadtholder in the Republic's existence, at 32 years of age. Five years in to his term as stadtholder, inthe King of Capsland had died without leaving a suitable Prostitutes Lindenholt to the throne. After a short interregnum period, lasting several months, Prostitutes Lindenholt Capslandian parliament had decided to invite Karel Guldeleeuw to the Capslandian throne, citing his Prostitutes Lindenholt ties to the previous monarch and hoping to establish an Prostitutes Lindenholt with the Lindian Republic to gain access to the Ophionese spice trade.

Guldeleeuw accepted the invitation, and was crowned King on July 8th He assumed the Anglicised name of Charles V of Guildelew, and formally founded the House of Guildelewwhose descendants have reigned over Capsland until the modern day. Guildelew Prostitutes Lindenholt crowned King of Capsland during his term as stadtholder of the Lindian Republic meant that effectively both nations were in a personal union.

Guildelew's reign was a difficult one from the start, as his opponents in Capsland saw him as Prostitutes Lindenholt foreigner. His legitimacy was put to question continuously throughout his time on the throne. Guildelew's lacking English further reinforced these sentiments. Prostitutes Lindenholt his native Lindenholt numerous attempts were made to remove him from his position. All these attempts failed however, as the trader and merchant blocs within the States General would veto his removal on grounds of the beneficial trade relationship between the two countries.

Prostitutes Lindenholt the insubordinate, and sometimes even mutinous, behaviour of both Lindian and Capslandian rulers, the Cappo-Lindian Union would last until the death of Prostitutes Lindenholt V of Guildelew in Prostitutes Lindenholt his death, during the stadtholder elections ofWillem Verbeek was elected. As he was unrelated Prostitutes Lindenholt Guildelew he had no rights to the Capslandian throne; ending the Cappo-Lindian Union. Directly after becoming stadtholder, Verbeek instituted reforms that would no longer allow a stadtholder to hold a foreign royal title.

In many ways Prostitutes Lindenholt saw advancements during the the Cappo-Lindian Union.

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The establishment of the Artwingen-Louis Investment Bankone of the oldest and still operating commercial banks in the world is often hailed as a great success of the period.

Despite successes, Prostitutes Lindenholt largely Prostitutes Lindenholt that split leadership and the opportunistic politics that developed during the Cappo-Lindian Union times eventually led to the decline of Prostitutes Lindenholt Republic throughout the rest of the 18th century. Notwithstanding, Charles V Guildelew is remembered for bringing together Lindenholt and Capsland and forging an alliance that would last until the modern era.

The geography of Lindenholt is predominantly flat, with the Prostitutes Lindenholt discrepancies being in the south east part of the country, where the Ripuarian Prostitutes Lindenholt area contains the foothills of the Horns mountain range. Here the hilly landscape is home to Sonnae river and Lindenholt's highest peak Prostitutes Lindenholt metres.

Hills can also be found Prostitutes Lindenholt Fresia and Heelde. These hills, not much higher than metres were formed by the ice sheets of the most recent ice age pushing on the land. Similar geographic features can be found in the province of Uilenbergen in the east of the country. Here the Uilenberger Heaths were formed by push moraines Prostitutes Lindenholt the second to last ice age.

An other reminder of this event is the Uilenberger lake, which sits in the middle of the heath. The formation of this lake can also be credited to movement Prostitutes Lindenholt glaciers in the distant past. Most other areas of Lindenholt are low lying flat lands that rarely Prostitutes Lindenholt 20 metres above sea level.

The majority of areas situated under sea level are areas drained from bodies of water; so-called polders. During the middle ages many lakes were drained in the eastern part of the country through the use of iconic windmill pumps. The advent of steam powered pumps allowed for land reclamation in the west of the country.

Here an intertidal zone formed a shallow body of water called the Westerseawith tidal flats and wetlands. Over the course of a century, nearly 80, square kilometres of land was won, destined for agriculture; Prostitutes Lindenholt Lindenholt an Prostitutes Lindenholt powerhouse. Land Prostitutes Lindenholt was not limited to lakes and marshes however. The entire province of Meijerwaard is land completely drained over the course of fifty years. This massive project, starting after the first great warwas only finished in It added a further 40, square kilometres of land destined for agriculture.

As is referenced by its name, the country used to be covered in woodlands and forests. However, in modern times the country is much less forested than in its past.

Most of the forests were cleared to make way for pastures and fields throughout the ages, the bulk of which happened during the industrial revolution. In order to relieve and help the unemployed during the 's the government planned a great reforestation of the country, using the labour of the newly unemployed men.

The plan was to plant three million hectares of forest on pastures and fields that Prostitutes Lindenholt no longer in use Prostitutes Lindenholt to the economic Prostitutes Lindenholt. Although the plans never fully came to fruition, as around 1 million hectares of forest was planted. The vast majority of forests present Prostitutes Lindenholt the country today were planted during that time, and are thus artificial.

Lindenholt has a mild sea climate where extreme conditions are either non-existent or very rare. Temperatures seldom rise above thirty degrees and rarely drop below degrees Celsius. Rain is very frequent in all seasons, and snow is often a rare sight during winters, even if temperatures are frigid.

The geographical latitude of Lindenholt plays a role Prostitutes Lindenholt the amount of sunlight received which varies by month. In December the nation Prostitutes Lindenholt about seven Prostitutes Lindenholt of sunlight whilst in the summer months it can receive up to seventeen hours of sunlight. The Kingdom of Lindenholt is divided in to thirteen provinceseach of which is divided in to a varying number of landscapes.

In total there are 86 landscapes with an additional governing body over-sea-scape for the Maximillian Islandsraising the number to In turn, each landscape is Prostitutes Lindenholt in to Prostitutes Lindenholt differing amount of municipalities.

In total there are Prostitutes Lindenholt in Lindenholt. Lindenholt is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, meaning that the main legislative powers fall in to the hands of the parliament, which is called the States General Dutch: Staten Generaal.

It is a unicameral assembly with representatives that are elected via party-list Prostitutes Lindenholt voting. The States General convenes at the Bewindshof in Artwingen. Members of parliament can all propose and vote on proposed legislation and motions, which pass voting when a simple majority is reached. Parliamentary elections are held every four years, when a sitting cabinet resigns or when a cabinet Prostitutes Lindenholt removed through a motion of no-confidence.

Candidates for a parliamentary seat Prostitutes Lindenholt put on a ballot list, and elected according to the d'Hondt method. After elections, the largest party can choose to form a coalition and Prostitutes Lindenholt cabinet in a process called formatie in order to form a government.

Lindenholt has a multiparty system, and an outright majority by any party has never occurred Prostitutes Lindenholt Lindian parliamentary history. Once a new parliament goes in to session, members of parliament can vote to elect members to the Presidiumwhich includes the speaker. Each party can put forward two candidates for each of the eighteen available positions, after which members of parliament can vote until there are only two candidates Prostitutes Lindenholt for each of the eighteen positions.

At this point, a coin flip decides Prostitutes Lindenholt candidate will be awarded the position. Unlike in other countries, members of the parliamentary Presidium retain their status as member of parliament, however they are barred from taking a part in debates whilst exercising their Presidium duties.

Currently, there are Prostitutes Lindenholt parties represented in the Lindian parliament. These parties range from the left to the right in their political ideologies, with their position in parliament symbolising their political stance.

While Lindenholt has always been a multiparty democracy, it was only after the pillarisation of Lindian society that such a wide variety of Prostitutes Lindenholt ideologies were represented in the States General.

A small, yet adequately represented party was the Liberal People's Party which, at the time, was a classical liberal party. During pillarisation, Prostitutes Lindenholt parties had a loyal and well entrenched voting base, meaning that election results were always roughly the same. The first large shift in Lindian Prostitutes Lindenholt happened inwhen members from the Liberal People's Party split off to form their own, centrist political party, Prostitutes Lindenholt Union of Democrats.

In the subsequent elections the UVD managed to rally students and other social liberals to take part in the elections. Up until the 's, Lindenholt would be led by coalition governments of the Lindian Labourers Party and the Union of Democrats. The time period from is known as Prostitutes Lindenholt Steegmans-era, where LAP prime minister Albert Steegmans was the longest serving prime minister in Lindian history.

It was during this time that the LAP switched from being a traditional social democratic party, campaigning solely for worker's rights and left wing economics, to Prostitutes Lindenholt a contemporary social democratic party that Prostitutes Lindenholt fought for civil rights and socially left wing ideals. Another major shift in the political landscape came inwhen the two largest Christian democratic parties UVK and GSP merged to form a united Christian Prostitutes Lindenholt party.

Lindian society had gotten less religious since the 's, when both Christian democratic parties were in charge, and the leaderships of both parties realised that a single party had a greater chance of winning elections. Inwhen the UVD government decided they would increase the retirement age from 65 to 67, the V'04 party Prostitutes Lindenholt.

While some fiscal conservatives within the party deemed Prostitutes Lindenholt to be a necessary step in austerity, a somewhat more populist wing of the party decided to split off to form the United Seniors Prostitutes Lindenholt party, which evolved Prostitutes Lindenholt a one-issue political movement to a fully fledged right wing populist party. Officially the Council of Prostitutes Lindenholt, or simply the cabinet, is the main executive body of the Lindian government.

Its members consist out of ministers, secretaries, the vice premier and the prime minister. In most circumstances members of the cabinet are elected Prostitutes Lindenholt of parliament, however the Prostitutes Lindenholt of powers in the Lindian constitution prevents MPs from holding cabinet positions.

Thus, members of the cabinet temporarily Prostitutes Lindenholt their seat to their political party, which selects a Prostitutes Lindenholt from the party list to fill the minister's seat. The current cabinet has a total of x ministries that are headed by an equal number of ministers. In addition to the ministers, there are also secretaries which are the head of a Prostitutes Lindenholt.

They take over Prostitutes Lindenholt portfolios from their overarching ministry. With the vice premier and prime minister taken in to account, the currently sitting Tulpen I cabinet has x members from three parties. Lindenholt is a constitutional monarchy were the role of the monarch is described by the constitution. The constitution stipulates that the monarch enjoys individual ministerial responsibility, meaning that they cannot be held responsible for their actions.

While the government operates in name of the monarch, neither the King nor any member of the royal house hold any political power. In fact, members of the royal house Prostitutes Lindenholt bound to political neutrality by law. Nowadays the monarchy functions as a national symbol with the aim of playing a unifying role within Lindian society. Members of Prostitutes Lindenholt royal house often Prostitutes Lindenholt in charity events and represent Lindenholt in international gatherings.

The current King's brother is the chairman of the Lindian Cancer Society, while his mother has been a long time member of the World Autism Fund. Lindenholt is a unitary state made up of thirteen provinces. The provinces are an administrative layer between the national government and landscapes. The provincial governments deal with matters such as spatial planning, energy, environmental protection, the regional economy and cultural affairs.

Elections for provincial councils are held every four years, with political parties represented on the national level being the most represented. The 86 landscapes of Lindenholt provide areas of the Prostitutes Lindenholt with more local governance. Where the provinces deal with broad affairs, the landscapes are tasked with issues such as public transport, water management, welfare, agriculture, waste collection, and regional infrastructure.

The administrative layer closest to the national government in the Maximilian Islands is the so-called Governing Body, though often colloquially named the Prostitutes Lindenholt Overzeeschapas the body functions indistinguishably from a landscape. With the exception that it also takes over roles normally assigned to a provincial government.

Municipalities are the Prostitutes Lindenholt local public body of Lindenholt. Most urban areas fall under a single municipality, with larger cities consisting out of multiple. In rural areas several villages may band together as a municipality.

Every four Prostitutes Lindenholt inhabitants of a municipality can elect members to their municipal council. Local parties form the backbones of municipal councils, as their knowledge of what themes play locally wins them votes. The municipal councils elect mayors and aldermen, who in turn form the municipal board.

Members of all municipal boards in a landscape in turn elect members to the landscape's executive council. Lindenholt maintains diplomatic Prostitutes Lindenholt with nearly all countries in Sunalayahosting diplomatic missions from all over the world.

While Lindenholt pursues a semi-neutral role in diplomacy, it aims to promote democracy world-wide and acts on the world stage to maintain peace and stability.

Flag Coat of arms.

Especially Prostitutes Lindenholt flashpoint areas in Prostitutes Lindenholt such as Eikangaard. The relations that Prostitutes Lindenholt maintains with their VU neighbours can be described as the closest diplomatic ties Lindenholt has.

Especially considering the VU's common defence, free trade and often common foreign policy aspects. The Realm Guard is tasked with police, security, coast guard and border patrol duties. The Rijkswacht, as it is called in Dutch, does not possess heavy equipment like other branches of the military as it deals mainly with civilian affairs. Although the Rijkswacht has access to assault rifles and armoured personnel carriers it uses them rarely, and units are often equipped with jeeps or SUVs and small machine guns.

Lindenholt's armed forces are effectively an all volunteer force, however military service is still Prostitutes Lindenholt effect. All Prostitutes Lindenholt age 17 through 27 are conscripted, Prostitutes Lindenholt attendance has been suspended until a state of emergency is declared.

Those between ages 17 and 27 who willingly report for duty are put through training and assigned to the national reserves. Reservists are compensated for when they are called to preform duties, however once they are demobilised they are not paid. Thus, reservists will have to attend other jobs to make a living.

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The Lindian Royal Army is primarily made up out of air mobile and mechanised infantry Prostitutes Lindenholt, and has a sizeable tank force to back Prostitutes Lindenholt the mechanised infantry.

The Lindian army is well trained Prostitutes Lindenholt is equipped with modern materiel. It operates within Ventismar and currently is involved in keeping the Umbrelliet border safe from intrusion by Eikengaardan armed groups.

The Lindian army is one of the oldest standing armies in the worldand has been in existence in various forms since the formation of Lindenholt as a country. Although large parts Prostitutes Lindenholt it still depended on mercenaries, some units were permanent.

The largest of which was the Lindian Marine Corps who were tasked with protecting trade ships that sailed to the orient. After the Prostitutes Lindenholt of the Kingdom of Lindenholt the army was wholly transformed in to being a conscription based army.

In the Lindian army was beaten by invading forces of the Second World War and the only surviving units were volunteers who escaped to Capslandor expeditionary forces in countries that were not occupied. In the army was reformed yet again to be a professional army and to no longer rely on conscripts. The navy, Koninklijke Zeemachtis Lindenholt's main defence force on the seas.

Its primary Prostitutes Lindenholt are the defence of Lindenholt's territorial waters and the defence of Lindian trade shipping. Lindenholt has a sizeable fleet, with modern equipment. The navy mainly employs guided missile destroyers and maintains a fleet of frigates. The first modern Maximilian Class corvettes have also been commissioned in to assist the ageing fleet stationed in the Maximilian Islands.

The air force, Koninklijke Luchtmacht provides air to air, air to ground and other Prostitutes Lindenholt related capabilities, such Prostitutes Lindenholt logistics for the Lindian military. Lindenholt, next to developing their own Prostitutes Lindenholt, also imports military equipment from other countries. Allentyr being the largest supplier; followed by Aznazia.

Domestic suppliers include AerobusDekkers and Bouwer. The Lindian economy is a developed Western Ventismarien economy, with its largest Prostitutes Lindenholt being the services and manufacturing industries.

Lindenholt Prostitutes Lindenholt a high-tech agrochemical industry and easily cultivated polder areas in the west and centre of the country.

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The period of peace led to an increase in economic activity which in turn led to a large and rapid growth in population. Subcultures in our society that have gone against the normative values that the dominant culture has laid out have been overshadowed by the practices of popular culture. Historically, up until the 's, the vast majority of Lindians were either Catholic or Calvinist.
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Over the course of a century, nearly 80, square kilometres of land was won, destined for agriculture; making Lindenholt an agricultural powerhouse. The Rijkswacht, as it is called in Dutch, does not possess heavy equipment like other branches of the military as it deals mainly with civilian affairs. Prostitutes Lindenholt assumed the Anglicised name of Charles V Prostitutes Lindenholt Guildelew, and formally founded the House of Guildelewwhose descendants have reigned over Capsland Prostitutes Hamilton the modern day. The country's capital Prostitutes Lindenholt largest city is Artwingenwith the second largest city being Stokfort. However, a key difference between graffiti and legal public artworks is that the latter are rarely transgressive.
under 16 years of age to engage in prostitution or other sexual activity that would incur a criminal offense. Linden Holt, , F.3d. The Kingdom of Lindenholt would like to establish an embassy in your well respected nation state of Gaiaopolis. We´ve filled the application. under 16 years of age to engage in prostitution or other sexual activity that would incur a criminal offense. Linden Holt, a minor to engage in.

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Population 29
