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Note however the messer Boninsegna above, at note 19, and the "poor knight messer Bonsi" who led the guastatori in ; Pucci, Guerra, p. It Prostitutes Ivrea be done by dismissing the lie that authority can be honorable without dishonor. First, on October Prostitutes Ivrea,Castruccio Castracani of Lucca staged a series of races at the gates of Florence; Florence then revenged these insults in like form at the gates of Lucca on October 12,

In one case the Florentines invited them to do so, and a significant number of deserters came through the walls and joined in the race Prostitutes Ivrea their erstwhile residence There they joined the other allies of the aggressor-in-chief, each ready to race for the palio, each anxious to be knighted for that victory by a grateful ally. Knighting, that other central form of military insult in the magic circle of the encampment, was often related to the palio, a bona fide hero being made its fraudulent winner, or the winner.

For the youth who won these contests, knighting Prostitutes Ivrea an enduring memory Prostitutes Ivrea military engagements that were often not true victories.

Thus the meaning of these mounted demonstrations was certainly political : such insults did increase the reputation of one city and decrease that of another. But the palios must Prostitutes Ivrea be described in terms of the ages of the participants. The ages of players mattered.

Rather the mounted prostitutes had humiliated the enemy in sieges and incursions short of conquest, and humiliation of the helpless is what men in the city did to footed women or what one class visited on another.

If we picture the scene, we can appreciate the generational message of Prostitutes Ivrea theatre of noble riders. Outside were young aggressors performing war games that humiliated less the youth of the victim-city than its governors, whose walls and spaces were being defiled.

Machiavelli was far from first to characterize such games as childish, and the Perugian historian cited Prostitutes Ivrea was not alone in recognizing that the shame and humiliation belonged to the " men of the city of Arezzo " more than to its youth. The meaning of the Palio in Prostitutes Ivrea field is not exhausted by the diplomatic and political terms all but exclusively emphasized by the chroniclers. Watching the scene, Prostitutes Ivrea see that the young Prostitutes Ivrea the old.

The grave men who governed such cities, being of more advanced age, obviously did not ride.

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That would have been comic, and for all its derisive Prostitutes Ivrea, the horse race was a serious matter. Thus the horse palios run as insults during the siege or incursions expressed their political and diplomatic meaning in generational terms. Marshalling their youth, who at home were denied political personality, the elders of Prostitutes Ivrea aggressor city thrust these dependents in the face Prostitutes Ivrea the elders of the victim city.

Thus the superiority of one city over another was most decisively shown in Prostitutes Ivrea field by the ability of disadvantaged young men to insult the old men governing the victim city, without these elders having any recourse.

The equestrian games, insulting at their core, coded and glossed diplomatic and generation relations. The Prostitutes Ivrea games to which we now turn did the same Prostitutes Ivrea social relations. These were the games of Prostitutes Ivrea infame, run, as I have said, in the middle third of the fourteenth century. We beging the study of these games as they were run in the field.

But just as the Prostitutes Ivrea of the mounted racers has directed attention to Prostitutes Ivrea between the generations in the city, so a careful study of these less honorable races will ultimately propel us back to the social relations in these aggressive communes. Two sets of events involving the armies of Florence, Lucca, and Pisa allow us the best overview of these nonequestrian races through their superior documentation.

First, on October 4,Castruccio Castracani of Lucca staged a series of races at the gates of Florence; Florence then revenged these insults in like form at the gates of Lucca Prostitutes Ivrea October 12, Giovanni Villani says that Castracani's theatre involved a Prostitutes Ivrea race, one on foot, and one by whores A contemporary Aretine chronicler offers further elaboration, saying that the Luccan general "had the women ride on little donkeys up to the gates of Florence " 69, while a later Sienese historian, otherwise copying Villani, adds that the foot race was "with the donkeys" When then Villani recorded Prostitutes Ivrea tit-for-tat Florentine action ofhe supplemented that report by saying Prostitutes Ivrea the women in the races were prostitutes, and that the men were the foot soldiers of the army Because the action was meant to pay back.

Presumably, the former rode on donkeys while the Prostitutes Ivrea, though on foot, were associated to donkeys.

The second series of races occurred on June 24 and July 19, They were both performed by Florentine armies, respectively near the gates and in the contado of Pisa. As far as can be determined these races did not revenge previous Pisan Prostitutes Ivrea against Florence Contemporary sources show that both events featured four races rather than three, and a reconstruction of these sources allows us to determine what parts of the army took part.

The June days began with the Palio of S. Giovanni, since Prostitutes Ivrea was that Florentine patron's feast day. It was then followed by a race of whores, one of the muleteers, and a fourth by the beasts of burden or Prostitutes Ivrea somieri The later Sienese Prostitutes Ivrea, on the other hand, mentions only three races : an equestrian contest, that of the whores, and a "footrace".

By a process of elimination, this latter race seems to refer to the donkey race mentioned in the primary sources The races of July seem to have been repetitions of the June ones. Matteo Villani lists four of them : the horse race, that of the prostitutes, one of the donkeys, and a fourth run by the barattieri or swindlers, a social group we showed the Italians commonly equated with the ribalds. Soon afterwards, the poet Antonio Pucci versified this part of Matteo Villani's chronicle, adding some details.

In the same order, he lists the horse race, Prostitutes Ivrea of the whores "which ones I do not know", he addsthe race Prostitutes Ivrea " the porters who run with the donkeys ", and lastly the race of the barattieri Thus the "donkey race" of Matteo Villani would seem to have actually involved donkeys and men, while the race of the "muleteers" mentioned in the Prostitutes Ivrea accounts seems to be the same as the July race of the footed swindlers or ribalds.

Altogether, this meager information does not preclude human races without animals, but it does leave us confident that the races our sources describe as being run by animals actually involved men as well, just as the ones said to be run by the prostitutes certainly included donkeys. Finally, since Prostitutes Ivrea no time is it said that the prostitutes raced on foot, one may hypothesize that they Prostitutes Ivrea mounted on the donkeys.

The only other information on these two sets of races Prostitutes Ivrea the prizes. Those for the Prostitutes Ivrea races were usually cloth palios of a richness befitting the social Prostitutes Ivrea of these racers; the prizes for the other racers were predictably meager by comparison, though they too were graded by rank down to the small goat-skin cloth given one prostitute in this "most wretched" of races Yet even as regards prizes, the chroniclers only raise questions they do not answer.

We shall see that in the city festivals there Prostitutes Ivrea prizes whose purpose was to insult their recipients and not to reward them. Was the goat-skin cloth given the prostitute meant to insult her, reward her, or both? We do not know, for these dry reports lack all ornamentation. Again : were these nonequestrian races "pure", or were they rather obstacle courses impeded by merry bystanders and participants? That too is unclear, and Prostitutes Ivrea can only be adduced by extrapolating from the richer information on civic races that we shall present later.

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Yet the very social structure of such races tells us Prostitutes Ivrea about their meaning, and Prostitutes Ivrea is more important than the details of their execution. The participants in these latter races were from the lowest and most marginal elements of the aggressor's society, persons who, as we showed, were not citizens and did not stay in any one town Prostitutes Ivrea long. The same men who buried the dead and the same women who sold their bodies to the troops now rode or ran behind sterile mules and despised donkeys, the same animals whose carcasses might then be catapulted into Prostitutes Ivrea humiliated Prostitutes Ivrea.

On first reading, the motivations for such rites seem obvious. The authorities who staged them, one surmises, could not have intended to honor their cities or to reaffirm their alliance as they did through the. Men mounting women in the sex act was an act of dominion, for instance, and a punster of the sixteenth century said that a "prostitute never tired of lending her horse to bear a burden; she only waited to be asked" In these charivaresque rites, therefore, it was as if they rode the enemy, as if these despised dregs from, if not truly of the home town accomplished nothing other than the infamy of Prostitutes Ivrea enemy through their own.

A second reading yields a different assessment. For on reflexion, why should we separate victim dishonor from aggressor honor when our sources do not? And why can the infame not be a font of honor for the decorous? We think of ribalds and prostitutes as the "dangerous classes", and we cannot picture the authorities giving these classes a stature in the field that they might then bring back into the city.

Picture it. Prostitutes Ivrea in one case at least, the prostitutes' race on the field of battle became a Prostitutes Ivrea, and that triumph became a part of the triumphal entry of an army back into its city.

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In November the Perugian army seized the cathedral of Arezzo hard on that city's walls and proceeded to insult the inhabitants. They hung the Perugian flag from the cathedral tower, Prostitutes Ivrea forced the bishop- elect to celebrate Prostitutes Ivrea for them.

Out in front of the church Perugian miniers coined new money, and then, as a contemporary noted, an insult race was run : " one had the palio run in front of the gate of Arezzo by the prostitutes, [their Prostitutes Ivrea raised Prostitutes Ivrea to Prostitutes Ivrea belt" That presumably meant that the prostitutes were mounted, as befit a race run for a scarlet palio.

The same contemporary assures us that there were Prostitutes Ivrea other vituperations that are not recorded here". Glossing this source in the seventeenth century, the Perugian historian Pellini says that they were omitted " for the sake of decency " Pellini also glossed his source's account of the prostitutes racing with their clothes raised to the navel, hinting that Aretine prostitutes had ear.

According to the same historian, this pleasure had been planned well in advance. The Perugian government had Prostitutes Ivrea the prostitutes to Arezzo specifically to perform this insult ritual and not, this worthy implies, to supply sex for the troops Can we credit such a strange scenario, in which prostitutes become public servants and ride horses for a scarlet palio?

The primary source's account of the race's aftermath constrains us to do so. On November 17 the Perugian army, unable to seize Arezzo, returned home celebrating all the festive insults visited upon the enemy :.

The Standard Bearer of the army of the commune of Perugia And the prostitutes who had run the palio Prostitutes Ivrea Arezzo returned. And they came all dressed in rose [color], they and their horses. And they brought with them the said palio. Many stone images or rather marbles were also brought that had been found in the [Aretine] cathedral. These images of stone were carried by cattle pulling wagons, and the cows and the wagons were dressed in rose cloth. And having come to the city of Perugia, the said images were placed in front of the wall of the church of S.

Lorenzo near the piazza. Women who returned with this type of honor must, I think, have gone forth as a distinct "military" unit after all, and with equal honor! Prostitutes could represent the triumph of a commune and thus did serve as a Prostitutes Ivrea of honor.

Other rulers might honor prostitutes in other forms, to be sure : in 1 the Carrarese lord of Padua ostentatiously welcomed into the city Veronese prostitutes who had been captured in the victory of the Brendelle But the Perugian case is special because the Prostitutes Ivrea own prostitutes were involved. They apparently ran the only insult palio at Arezzo, and they were the only unit said by our sources to. Most impressive, theirs was the Prostitutes Ivrea that became the "perpetual memory" of the Perugians.

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Rare as this event may prove to Prostitutes Ivrea, the triumph of the Perugian prostitutes does contribute to understanding the dynamics of honor in the Italian city. Suitably hung in one of Perugia's most sacred places, the prostitutes' palio joined a panoply of war trophies that like nothing else proved the honor of the Italian city.

The flags among them evoked memories of brave men who after obstinately defending their Prostitutes Ivrea banners had seized them from the enemy, but they also commemorated the ribalds and Prostitutes Ivrea who gathered up such Prostitutes Ivrea from the field of battle after a victory. Nor, custom being what it was, could one forget the return of the triumphant army, when these enemy banners were hung upside down on the captured battle wagons of the vanquished.

For one standard form in Prostitutes Ivrea subject towns renewed their submission to their masters was to present them a palio each year on the victors' patronal feasts Distinct in form from the flag, the festive palios of the Italian communes basically stood for the flags of the enemy. The Prostitutes Ivrea of the Perugian prostitutes was no different.

Symbolically, it was a flag they had taken from the Aretine men in the course of war. Thus the greatest honor of the city was the one most disgraceful to its enemies, and the Perugian government obviously thought that to cast itself as a mounted woman triumphant over the Aretines was the ultimate insult. There was - and is - no more Prostitutes Ivrea metaphor to describe the strengths and weaknesses of opponents, Prostitutes Ivrea all, than the sexual.

Or were generational or even class metaphors even more common, as when Giovanni Villani scorned his own city by saying that "just the ribalds and the boys [ragazzil" could have defeated the enemy85? Perugia's celebra. De festis. Inthe contemporary Matteo Villani tells us, the government of Florence Prostitutes Ivrea to determine why the Florentines celebrated the feast of S.

Reparata, the titulary of their cathedral, and why a foot race was run on her day. The government answered the first question by referring to the chronicle of Matteo's father Giovanni, who told how Radagasio the Goth had been defeated on Reparata's day by the Florentines in alliance with the emperor But why did a mere footrace commemorate this victory? Had perhaps the victory itself been won by foot soldiers? Villani, rightly ignored this idea; rather, the chronicler's answer was naivete itself.

A foot race had been instituted because "our ancestors were not very rich in those times". Prostitutes Ivrea, he continued, the city set things right. It increased the value of the prize palio and replaced the pedestrian race with an equestrian contest "so as to renew the said memory" This moment in is something of a watershed in the history of civic festivities, but the more important because it approached Prostitutes Ivrea date when insult races in the field would disappear from the sources.

For we shall see that several Italian commemorative races established before were run on foot, even when the victories they celebrated had been won by knights, while apparently all Italian palios established after this time to commemorate either foot or equestrian victories were horse races.

Doubtless, the horse races of the Prostitutes Ivrea period are less relevant to our inquiry. Their supremacy as modes of commemoration in the Renaissance witnessed the increasingly aristocratic character of those societies, ones whose citizens rarely participated in the victories they vaunted. But all the festive races of the early period deserve close attention because they Prostitutes Ivrea formative acts of civil memory and identity in an age when youth, ribalds, and prostitutes Prostitutes Ivrea helped make that civil iden.

It is in this period that one finds the insults of Prostitutes Ivrea and society most naively linked. Let us Prostitutes Ivrea the evidence for races in Italian towns during these formative centuries, beginning with equestrian contests. We know nothing about early marketing races, a type documented in England by 1 1 73 88 ; Italian Prostitutes Ivrea of the time mention only festive ones, Prostitutes Ivrea fairs and feste commonly overlapped.

The oldest known are those staged in twelfth-century Pisa. They had prizes provided by a private individual whose liberality Prostitutes Ivrea lauded in otherwise forgettable verse The first reference to the Sienese Palio emerges a century later : a government document Prostitutes Ivrea the communal government regulating what was apparently a civic race, since it sentenced a rider or owner who, though he came in last, refused to publicly accept the insulting prize of a pig which that placement required Thus in the earliest known civic Palio, honorable riders were dishonored if they came in last.

Well beforewhen we begin to find mounted Prostitutes Ivrea insulting enemies in the field, they were being insulted in the city and resenting it.

Soon afterwards, town laws regulating these Palios start to appear. A Paduan law of or a Veronese law predating Prostitutes Ivrea right of place, and they are soon followed by a Ferrarese statute of and innumerable Prostitutes Ivrea and statutes thereafter In general, these laws prescribe procedures for registering for the Prostitutes Ivrea and their dates and times.

They warn the racers not to go outside the established courses, and prohibit obstacles being put in the way by racers or bystanders Finally, they spell out the prizes, occasionally describing the bestowal of the last- place prize in such a way as to show that it remained an Prostitutes Ivrea for ridicule, in one case until the end of the fourteenth century Like some non-equestrian races, the Palios could still be run outside town, the finish line being at some point in the city or at a gate.

But the trend was toward running them within and across the city. The courses were almost uniformly linear rather than circular Surprisingly, foot races seem to have been communally regulated as early as were horse races in Italy : the Veronese law referred to above, for example, ordains a foot race along with the horse race.

Correre la terra. Collective insults in the late Middle Ages - Persée

For while the winner of the foot race obviously received a lesser prize than did the equestrian victor - a collective insult to those who went on foot, to be sure - its loser received a personally insulting prize, a cock, as did his equestrian counterpart a pig or side of ham. The value of poultry to a pedestrian loser certainly might outweigh any symbolic humiliation, although Boccaccio had heard that the shaming that accompanied losing was so great as Prostitutes Ivrea dissuade all but the Prostitutes Ivrea confident from entering But what.

By the fourteenth century most evidence of insulting last-place prizes for the domestic horse racers had vanished. Prostitutes Ivrea their part none of the insulting races in the field left evidence of such losers' prizes having been bestowed before they too disappear from the sources after Excavating these comparabilities between early mounted and foot contests is especially important Prostitutes Ivrea a later age, beginning with Matteo Villani, wanted to remember a different past when communes might have been poor - and thus ran foot races to celebrate victories - but were always decent.

Prostitutes Ivrea just as later historians with dubious accuracy traced horse races back to victories, so the Veronese footrace would be explained as commemorating an equestrian victory ofand a male foot race in Bologna allegedly harkened back to a victory over Faenza in Worthy Prostitutes Ivrea of poor but decent young communes were one thing, the historical reality Prostitutes Ivrea something else, and it furnishes us a last comparison between early foot and equestrian races in the city.

Unhappily for Villani, the Florentine record shows that his undoubtedly opulent homeland had instituted a lowly foot race to commemorate its most Prostitutes Ivrea equestrian triumph, the victory at Campaldino on the feast of S. Barnaba in ; so we must surmise from the fact that such a race was in place just 36 years later. This is the more striking because the most aristocratic group in the city, the Parte Guelfa, claimed that victory and the saint as its own Probably some of the early festive Palios men.

But the Florentine victory celebration for Campaldino is one of the earliest we can rely on to have done so, and it was run on foot. The fact is that both horse and foot Prostitutes Ivrea were thought to suitably commemorate equestrian as well as pedestrian victories. Prostitutes Ivrea odds are that in these early commemorations as well as in the early festive races whose commemorative character is uncertain, not only losers of foot races, but those who failed equestrian contests, were insulted.

The comparable antiquity, prizes, and commemorative functions of horse and foot races in the thirteenth century raise a serious problem of interpretation given the undoubted antipedestrian social prejudice of this age as well as later ones. What stands Prostitutes Ivrea the way of comprehending this comparability, I submit, is the nature of what was being remembered.

Prostitutes Ivrea examining that question in detail, let me state my hypothesis. Some civic races aped not the battle that Prostitutes Ivrea in victory but insulting military Prostitutes Ivrea, one performed, we recall, by marginal social groups in incursions and sieges that usually did not end in victory over an opposing Prostitutes Ivrea and thus were not formally commemorated by festivities.

Even after the demise of insult theatres in the field, this hypothesis argues, horse, foot, and other types of festive races continued to insult both the foreign enemy and the marginal social groups who themselves had insulted Prostitutes Ivrea military enemy in the field. The stage was the city, but the goal remained the control of all enemies of civic regimes.

Two facts Prostitutes Ivrea together field and Prostitutes Ivrea in this argument. First, the festive races of the Italian cities commemorated past victories over both foreign and domestic enemies. Second, they celebrated past and future victories over both those political Prostitutes Ivrea and over the young, over women, and over the poor.

At Prostitutes Ivrea glance, the fabled Palios of the Renaissance seem to prove that honor is possible without insult irrespective of what Prostitutes Ivrea races commemorated. If our narratives are any guide, the insulting prizes for last place are gone, and the traditional practice of trying to impede the racers has vanished.

Internally, such races seem models of probity, indeed their competitive character is increasingly compromised as first one and then another ruler Prostitutes Ivrea to make their shows " more decent " : when races were not "fixed" so as to honor particular persons, the winner might "spontaneously" offer his Prostitutes Ivrea to an honorable person anyway As was evident in the increasingly elaborate parades that preceded them, some Palios had become pompous international displays in which each great lord insisted that his horse and colors be fittingly marched through the streets.

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Goro Dati's famous account of Florence's San Giovanni Palio about leaves no doubt that the Prostitutes Ivrea loved this proper display so seemingly devoid of vituperation". Nevertheless, Renaissance Palios continued to insult so as to create honor. Let us Prostitutes Ivrea to one side the outrightly burlesque horse races funded by communes like Florence, in which old nags were whipped through the streets perhaps to celebrate a military victory in the field or the expulsion of a tyrant at home; their documentation is weak Prostitutes Ivrea their international relevance uncertain We need only examine Prostitutes Ivrea most renowned Palios of undisputed Prostitutes Ivrea character to see that they continued to bear, and to generate, the baggage of insult.

Since I have studied the evidence for this fact extensively in previous work, it is enough here to make two general points, the first regarding commemoration. The Palios that were instituted from the beginning to the end of our period to commemorate victories commemorated Prostitutes Ivrea as well, as the trophies and offerings of subject cities Prostitutes Ivrea these festivities demonstrate Yet history regularly became hostage to changing realities and "perpetual memories" had to be altered because of new alliances.

Thus Siena stopped Prostitutes Ivrea its defeat of Florence when it. To the extent that a city's self -identity was bound up in its military victories, therefore, it was constantly being deconstructed. Second, these commemorative Palios like any other that attracted international visitors gave offense to some of them because of the Prostitutes Ivrea of precedential arrangements in the parades and Prostitutes Ivrea potential for failure in the races themselves Representing one's friends also showed one's enemies; ordering the former for display showed who was the greater and lesser friend.

It had been true in the military Palios of the field in an earlier time ; it remained true in the spectacles of the Renaissance. Together, historical associations Prostitutes Ivrea contemporary diplomatic considerations meant that the Palios never lost the derisive quality Prostitutes Ivrea was the structural frame for the honors they offered. This fact is doubly important because of the domestic motivations for Palios. Perhaps in the old days these annual races had provided one means of assuaging the hatreds generated by civil conflicts, but what is sure is that governments sometimes Prostitutes Ivrea palios to perpetually commemorate victories over domestic enemies.

These races remained political because the Prostitutes Ivrea remained within. According to the Paduan tradition, for example, one of that city's Palios was instituted to commemorate the "election" of Giacomo the Great della Carrara. That is, the feast commemorated the humiliation of his opponents In Siena as well, the regime in began an annual Palio to commemorate its suppression of a Salimbeni conspiracy The practice lasted.

Some commemorative horse races evidently combined diplomatic and Prostitutes Ivrea motifs. This could be true both by way of their institutions - as when Florence's commemoration of the expulsion of its French tyrant Walter of Brienne angered the house of France and the pope - and by way of their ongoing execution, which annually insulted that Florentine faction that had sided with Brienne and now had to watch The horse race was not the only means of perpetually insulting civic enemies, to be sure, but it is an especially significant one.

If a fundamental characteristic of any military or domestic race is to delegitimate anyone else's right to space during its course, a horse race in city streets does so Prostitutes Ivrea a particularly aggressive and almost irresistible fashion. The burlesque commemoration of the expulsion of the Duke of Athens from Florence Prostitutes Ivrea also expressly remembered the fact that the "good men" had at the same time suppressed the "bad men" of the lower classes and the youth of good family who had sided with Brienne Again ina Florentine regime established feast days, if not a Palio, to commemorate the suppression of the Ciompi wool carders four years before The evidence of Palios instituted for this purpose obviously is sketcy and Prostitutes Ivrea have to be hardened by further research.

Yet in Prostitutes Ivrea case, strife with marginal groups Prostitutes Ivrea cities was as much structural and futuristic as Prostitutes Ivrea was historical in character. While one could define a buon comune as a political class at peace with itself and its neighbors, the idea of buon comune also meant that the political males. Now Prostitutes Ivrea fourteenth-century cities at war used representatives of this age group, sex, and lower class their youth, the prostitutes, and the ribalds Prostitutes Ivrea express their despisal of foreign antagonists, it is not surprising Prostitutes Ivrea they used their civic festivals to express their hatred and fear of both types of opponents.

On closer examination, the symmetry will prove impressive : especially the ribalds and prostitutes who in the field proved important to creating honor for the civic fathers will, in the festival, increase the latters' honor through their infame behavior.

In the histories of late medieval and early modern festive Prostitutes Ivrea, Pope Paul II 's important decree of establishing a cycle of seven races for Rome has taken on a constitutive character that is easily exaggerated. All of the races and indeed the festive package as a whole had Prostitutes Ivrea precedents in Italy when not in Rome itself, and we shall review them in the following pages.

Prostitutes Ivrea, this decree tells us nothing about the motivation informing the different races, and ridicule was central : notoriously so to the races of the Jews and the elderly so capably studied by Mar- tine Boiteux, but perhaps Prostitutes Ivrea less marked in those meant for lower- class Christian participants.

In Rome as elsewhere, these participants are often called "youth" or "women" in decrees but were ribalds and prostitutes in fact Like many such Prostitutes Ivrea, this one proves more interesting in the omission. Only by deduction, for example, can one determine that the group that did the ridiculing did not race : as actually executed, the four human races Prostitutes Ivrea the cycle had male Prostitutes Ivrea up to thirty and beyond fifty years of age, but none, not even Jews, between those ages Finally, the decree does not hint at the domestic judicial use to which such.

Without any doubt, the Prostitutes Ivrea witnessed a growing formalization of public insult practices in festive life, and Paul II's decree is a part of Prostitutes Ivrea process. But Prostitutes Ivrea shall view these developments in their relation to that most acceptable form of justice, the violence that one used against foreign and domestic enemies.

The history of festive races by infame groups in cities begins inat almost the Prostitutes Ivrea point, that is, as do documents on insult races in general. In that year the authorities of Perigeaux provided "alms" for the "women" who took part in the race on the carnival feast of the Baco That these women were actually prostitutes is suggested by a similar caritative institution we encounter in Parma in Two neighborhoods in that town that wanted to represent a queen and the empress in street theatre recruited prostitutes for the roles.

They were promised dowries if they took on the tasks, and these were then raised at the offertory of a mass the bishop sang for the neighbors Though this was theatre and not a race, the caritative theme Parma had in common with Perigeaux suggests that the French city's "women" were whores as well.

Giving alms to convert prostitutes may have been, after all, the most common form of public charity for women at this time. Prostitutes Ivrea first firmly documented Italian race of the infame was already Prostitutes Ivrea when it is mentioned in an Ivrean law of In this town as elsewhere the town prostitutes were supervised by a King of the Ribalds here Prostitutes Ivrea called the podestas meretricumchosen from among the town criers.

This official had as his salary the receipts from all the fines levied on the prostitutes, Prostitutes Ivrea from that income he was required each year to buy a mazena or tnezena a drinking bowl? According to a later statute, a second race of prostitutes was run on the feast of the Assumption August 15one done alongside a race of pimps and ribalds The earliest narrative account of such races Prostitutes Ivrea from Pavia in the following year ; it and the Ivrean race, it should be noted, are Prostitutes Ivrea contemporary to the earliest accounts of prostitutes racing in military campaigns.

The Pavian chronicler notes that the citizens of that town held a Prostitutes Ivrea race each year to honor the city's ancient patron, S. Siri, and that in conjunction with the horse race the town held foot races involving " ribalds and public women" Thus the earliest Italian evidence for races of the infame shows both groups of marginals racing for the delectation of the citizens, the females being supervised by their judge, the King of the Ribalds.

Prostitutes Ivrea chronicler does not say that a victory was also commemorated, Prostitutes Ivrea the celebration of a patron saint required no less "decent" a representation. Thus it is certainly interesting to find ribalds and prostitutes running races on the saint's day at the same time others of them honored the communes where they resided by running insult races against enemies in the field, and these ribaldic domestic races are the more interesting because we now Prostitutes Ivrea that foot races Prostitutes Ivrea used at the time to commemorate equestrian military victories.

Does any contemporary chronicler actually say that the ribalds or prostitutes, who in civic festivities always seem to have raced on foot and not mounted, did so to honor a saint or a victory? To the contrary : both. It is precisely that caution that is the key to unlocking the problem of the infame honoring the commune in an age of anti-pedestrian bias.

We have seen that official sources commonly describe races that were actually run by the infame as being Prostitutes Ivrea of the "women" and "youth", as if, Prostitutes Ivrea an ideal world, all the "decent" residents of a town, including those on foot, would contribute to thanking the divinities.

Yet in the world as it actually was only the infame stepped forward to represent those " decent " pedestrians. What Matteo Villani had not been willing to say was that the foot race that honored the equestrian victory of Campaldino was probably run by what he considered the dregs of society.

Perhaps in Florence, but certainly in Pavia to the discomfort of its chronicler, ribalds and prostitutes celebrated the city before the saint in the Prostitutes Ivrea form that they did in the field in insulting the nemy. Saintly patrons loved to be avenged, whatever the sensibilities of status-conscious reporters. The tell-tale sign Prostitutes Ivrea the replication in the city of a cycle of formal insults used in warfare, and Prostitutes Ivrea versa.

The formal insult races of war ended aroundbut their performances continued in the Renaissance city, in a period, that is, when these cities' residents left military life to mercenaries. Contemporary to the earliest appearance of prostitute races in Vienna, the first documented race of prostitutes in that festive capital of Renaissance Italy, Ferrara, is documented in In Giangaleazzo Visconti added a race per mulieres et pedester to the existing horse race and male foot race at Verona, suggesting that such a female race may already have been in place in Viscontean Milan These female races must have been humiliating from the start, for the authorities in both cities were soon protest.

The Veronese statute of said that Prostitutes Ivrea should go only to "decent women, even if there be but one of them" This represented a hilarious type of double "fixing", for when the "women" in Prostitutes Ivrea race were not prostitutes they were male transvestites The matter was little different in Ferrara, whose Palazzo Schifanoia was now frescoed with that city's festive cycle of mounted horse and ass as well as pedestrian races of youth, elders, and prostitutes Pi.

The significance of these concerns is nowhere clearer than in the council debates of Brescia, whose citizens from enjoyed, but whose friars denounced, a bull run on the eve and a race of prostitutes on the feast of the Virgin's Assumption.

Clarity about the sexual character of such races Prostitutes Ivrea not new. Just three years before, in fact, a communal law suppressed the butchers' bull run on the Virgin's Prostitutes Ivrea because it insulted her : " for bulls should be mated with cows, as Prostitutes Ivrea psalmist [and our law] says, not with virgins "!

We need always look beneath or sources. As is well known, the Magdalene was the whores' patron saint. Thus the theme of alms for prostitutes engaging in "shameful" festivities continued. The intention of charity was not antithetical to that of public lasciviousness. Indeed to Prostitutes Ivrea day male brotherhoods raise money for the disadvantaged by sponsoring peep shows.

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Races of prostitutes were no stranger to the Papal States : in mid- fifteenth century Foligno such women raced for three different prizes of a practical nature on the patronal feast of S. Yet while the court of Pope Pius II patronized Prostitutes Ivrea cycle of races by nude boys and youth at its town of Pienza inneither here nor in Paul II's decree of does one find mention of a race of prostitutes.

Rome was latest, but it is not least in our review of women's races. I refer here to the public races of the sixteenth century, and not to the races of "decent prostitutes" or courtesans held in the papal apartments in In it was "customary" to run prostitute races that started at the pyramid of the Borgo and Prostitutes Ivrea in St. Peter's square on December 29, and no later than prostitute competitions were part of the Pauline cycle of carnival races.

At that date Prostitutes Ivrea Jews, then children, then youth, and then the elderly ran nude, while the prostitutes raced in their underclothes The races in the papal apartments ofon the other hand.

This chronology of festive races by marginal groups has opened up historical and psychological questions whose answers must await later research; Prostitutes Ivrea pressing questions of this paper are rather structural in nature.

It is Prostitutes Ivrea, for example, that such insulting races continued for another century at least Prostitutes Ivrea Martine Boiteux traces the slow decline of the races of Jews and elderly at Rome, while the prostitutes of Aries were still running on Pentecost at the end of the sixteenth century and those of Padua still enlivened the feast of the Virgin's Assumption in In Germany the races are documented till the end of the seventeenth century, while the citizens of Lucerne continued them till the Prostitutes Ivrea Revolution But a proper history of such races remains to be written, and students even of the period I have surveyed will certainly find much more evidence.

The Prostitutes Ivrea paucity of psychological information in my sources will discourage later psychohistorians, but has actually facilitated my structural approach. Doubtless attitudes toward public nudity in these races changed : in a rare personal account, Pius II described the nude male races of Pienza with no hint anyone was shamed, whereas eighteenth- century English women were said to be shamed by similar races But Prostitutes Ivrea sources for our period rarely penetrate the world of collective or individual feelings Prostitutes Ivrea festive shame.

They do insist that ribalds and prostitutes volunteered for the races rather than being constrained, but Prostitutes Ivrea if true, that tells us nothing about their shame : volunteers commonly do things perceived as shameful because they need the money, and constraint then and now does not imply shame nor an absence of enjoyment either for participants or audience.

Our concern Prostitutes Ivrea any case has been the phenomenon of races by legally infame Prostitutes Ivrea groups that were sponsored Prostitutes Ivrea civic authorities, ones in which patrons and audience intended to humiliate the participants by their dress or lack of it, and by the course of Prostitutes Ivrea race itself. The most tangible aspect of these races were their cultural and social structures of diplomacy, generations, classes, and sexes operating in a dynamic political Prostitutes Ivrea.

In surveying the theatre of military insults, that dynamism was particularly evident, for in the violence of war, marginal group activities actively mediated changes in the relations between cities. Now we see that the same activities in the civic festivals assumed a similar function. The races of ribalds and prostitutes in the cities represented a continuation of the social war by other means. No document can more vividly lead into a closer examination of the parameters of this war in the city than an Ivrean statute of early date described by Durando and dealing with women as a whole.

According to it, a woman of this town who began to live badly ran the following risk : authorized by the government, the professional prostitutes and their King had the right to march to her house to the sound of bells and trombones, and then as a public example seize and take her to the brothel Echoes and sights of inverse military triumphs reverberate : the Pe- rugian Prostitutes Ivrea on their horses, those others on their doubly-insulting asses, mocking grave male governors rendered female!

Now here in this Prostitutes Ivrea Ivrean inversion, where brazen public prostitutes as police and judge inflicted an infame punishment on a proper woman, that woman, rendered ignoble by Prostitutes Ivrea insult, stood for Prostitutes Ivrea women as had conquered Prostitutes Ivrea governors.

Conversely, in the world turned right side up the public prostitute in the city stood as a warning and example to all women as she raced Prostitutes Ivrea as she was punished : " Prostitutes Ivrea conf usionem earum [meretricum], " a Brescian decree authorizing the prostitutes' race in said, " et bonarum mulierum exemplum Though dealing with social outcasts, this article glosses relations within civil society.

Festive races of Prostitutes Ivrea and prostitutes, we have argued, replicated and commemorated similar military performances. Yet the following pages will show that the festive Prostitutes Ivrea also echoed the world of judicial punishment in the city. Forcing the guilty to run nude through the streets and often beating them as they did so was a typical form of medieval punishment of the infame.

Any contemporary man or woman watching a festive race of marginals would have seen it through eyes Prostitutes Ivrea to the theatre of judicial punishment. Looking outward to the military race, and laterally to Prostitutes Ivrea judicial punishments, we see the violence against marginal Prostitutes Ivrea in the festivities as a more total statement about the relations of the rulers to the ruled.

Publicly beating nude or semi-nude adulterous men and women has been traced back to the Germans Tacitus, Germania, eh. Once established, however, this link between racing and whipping became so strong as to be linguistically one in some areas. Aubenas for example discovered that in the different redactions of the statutes of Narbonne, the Latin version used the word for whipping while the vulgar version used the word course Historians from Prostitutes Ivrea societies commonly stop at this point, since female adultery especially is thought to cast a woman outside the bounds of civilized society.

Yet the punishments Prostitutes Ivrea out to adulters were in fact the standard penalties for ribalds and prostitutes, that is, for the infame Rather than being cast out of society, the Ivrean woman paraded by that town's prostitutes, for example, was actually "cast into" marginal social groups by the recognizable set of punishments inflicted on her.

Certainly rich women by paying a Prostitutes Ivrea could often avoid the infamity prescribed by the laws Prostitutes Ivrea Languedoc and of Italy, and Aubenas found that this option, written into the laws of the former area, was usually chosen by adultresses But the poor "honest" women forced to supplement their.

Poor is poor. Thus some of the social Prostitutes Ivrea of the prostitutes' festive races is found embedded in Prostitutes Ivrea punishment of wayward "decent" women. A further layer of their significance appears in the sexual, as Prostitutes Ivrea from status, polarities Prostitutes Ivrea that same judicial practice. Repeatedly, the functionary in charge of infame punishments like whipping but also public hangings and decapitations was the King of the Ribalds, and the persons who carried them out are called ribalds.

In Toulouse the rex ribaldorum and the borellus or executioner were the same persons, and in Piedmontese Savigliano the factor justiciarum was identical with the prince of the ribalds Recall this official's erstwhile military role.

At least until in France, he ruled the lowest group in the army, which everywhere included male ribalds, guastatori, and thieves, and female prostitutes. We have hypothesized that the King of the Ribalds originally ruled the female campfollowers indirectly through his command over the Prostitutes Ivrea among the ribalds, punishing both with summary military justice.

Finally, while noting that by the fifteenth century, upwardly mobile bureau. As we continue to watch the King of the Ribalds act as general communal executioner, note now that his daily as distinct from occasional judicial task in scores of Italian and French towns and courts was to supervise the residents of the brothels.

We have seen him making his Prostitutes Ivrea from the fines Prostitutes Ivrea tariffs he collected from them. In some towns his right to administer corporal punishment to his charges was minimal or nonexistent, but in many other places the prostitutes had to obey him under penalty of his whipping Now the profile of King of the Ribalds appears sharper : captain, policeman, and judge in the field and brothel, he never the less reached across social borders to punish the other males and females.

His threat to good men gone bad, one actualized in his role as public executioner, was only the ancient title itself, for I have been unable to find him supervising urban pimps. Prostitutes Ivrea this general executioner's threat to Prostitutes Ivrea women who dared to fall, that is, to women at large, was quite tangible.

Not only Prostitutes Ivrea he rule and often punish prostitutes. As in Ivrea, he might lead his charges to the home of a " decent " woman. In fencing off the race courses of the marginal groups, civic regimes described the limits of respectability.

Even as they were ridiculed, the. The values these races structured are best represented in a sexual space that Prostitutes Ivrea from the field to the center.

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Ribalds exercised vindictam sive iustitiam, to use the words of an Italian document, against the foreign enemy but also against domestic women Like Bandello's "ribaldi sergenti con bastoni e sferze " beating women prisoners, so the urban pimps "percotevano e flagellavano" prostitutes The King of the Ribalds - perhaps a solid citizen - beat men and women in the field and then in the city forced even those who were said to behave like prostitutes in private to "race through the street with good whippings and good strokes", in the words of a customary of Bordeaux dated Even in the Prostitutes Ivrea festival long after the military model for such urban self-definition had vanished, prostitutes, plebeian ribalds, the Jews Prostitutes Ivrea the elderly played the parts of the sexual, class, religious and generational enemies of the adult male politicians.

The ritualization of the activities Prostitutes Ivrea the marginal groups in society was essential to the identity, that is to the honor, of the civil res. Always honor was created by its opposite, most commonly but not always by insulting men as women. Inthe Aretines yelled at the stymied Florentine army that its men " preened themselves as women do, combing their long hair" And just the year before, the Luccans delivered Prostitutes Ivrea similar, if more subtle, barb.

Seizing a high tower from the Pis- ans, they did not castrate it, as a less resourceful enemy might have done. Instead they hung within Prostitutes Ivrea "several mirrors, so that the Pisans would reflect themselves in them". They would look at themselves as did women, and see their whole collectivity shamed by a manly, adult, class power.

At the beginning of this paper, I insisted that city gates should mediate not segregate our understanding of the creation of honor through insult.

In subsequent pages, I examined two spaces where that Prostitutes Ivrea activity took place, the field of arms and the civic piazza, and I identified infame or dependent groups within another more abstract space, that of the social margins, as those that mediated the relations between the groups of dominant political males or regimes.

It is at the town gates that the seeming contradiction of using infame groups to produce fame through representation must be resolved, for it is there that the threat to established borders is most evident.

Contemporaries knew the charm and danger of gates from the diplomatic realm. If even friendly powers could dishonor their hosts in the highly dynamic politics of a diplomatic reception among other things, they often insisted on entering Prostitutes Ivrea their buffoons Prostitutes Ivrea prostitutesit was doubly challenging to bring a foreign enemy, even a defeated one, into the city in such a way that he did not win at the gates what he had lost in the field The problem of Prostitutes Ivrea one's own marginal groups after a successful campaign was the inverse.

Obviously Prostitutes Ivrea to domestic life, Italian youth, ribalds, and prostitutes returned in glory to cities that for Prostitutes Ivrea diplomatic and domestic honor and power honored age not youth, stability not ribaldic mobility, masculinity not effeminacy, and Prostitutes Ivrea important, governance not whoring merchandizing.

To be classed by detractors as citizens of a city that was not even mercantile, but rather meretricious mercatrice, ma che dico, meretrice was perhaps Prostitutes Ivrea more insulting than being labelled as a "republic of children", or of workers, or of rustics Presuming that its troops won a "manly" victory, how would then the city "welcome" foreign enemies and the domestic ones who had insulted them in the field?

To present a coherent picture of contemporary practices supplying answers to this question, we shall concentrate on three events : the Sienese victory over Florence at MontapertiCastruccio Castracani's return to Lucca after his humiliation of Florence inand the Florentine army's Prostitutes Ivrea from Pisa in Two com.

First, the city was honored by humiliating the defeated foreign enemy more animalium, in the contemporary formulation, and second, these diplomatic rites respected social statuses. The worlds on both sides of the walls prove to be one. The triumph began in the field, which the army's lower echelons Prostitutes Ivrea for spoils that included fallen banners; as we noted earlier, these flags would then be hung upside down on the triumphal wagons for Prostitutes Ivrea entry Prisoners would also be important to the triumphal degradation, and Prostitutes Ivrea Sienese historian told how one of that city's campfollowers described as a sutler by this "decent" Prostitutes Ivrea on coming upon a group of helpless Florentines after Montaperti, tied them together with her headband and then led then back triumphantly to the Sienese camp "like a flock of geese " ; they would be used on the morrow for the formal reentry We meet again the plebeian woman as heroine, treating the enemy like an animal as she did when she rode him in the insult race.

The entry began, and in the Sienese government ordered everyone out to see the spectacle According to a Prostitutes Ivrea memorialist describing that city's triumph, the purpose of such a theatre was to insure " that everyone great and small could see " the disgrace first at the gates, then in a Prostitutes Ivrea throughout the city Thus the parties to the performance were three : those entering, Prostitutes Ivrea government of the city, and its residents.

Derision Prostitutes Ivrea the essence of the performance, the government clearly intended to show its domestic as well as foreign enemies what was in store for them if they opposed the regime. Yet at the same time, the Prostitutes Ivrea softened the enemy's disgrace with liberality, for a Prostitutes Ivrea of these Prostitutes Ivrea was that it could have gone worse for the foreigners. Thus a Sienese chronicler reported that in it was only the city's gente da bene who prevented the children from mutilating the Florentine captives as they entered It is a message we have already encountered in the insult races of the field, where the race contained the fury of Prostitutes Ivrea ribalds, prostitutes, Prostitutes Ivrea youth.

The triumphal entry glossed the regime's or solid citizens' ability to control urban residents. The residents' insatiable desire to honor their home town stimulated their creativity in representing the enemy at the gates. The symbolic animal of the victim was a prime target. Was the Pisan eagle to enter Florence in dead and hanging upside down, or was it to be only tethered alive to a wagon?

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A Florentine historian's report that the government earnestly debated the point Prostitutes Ivrea quite probable, given the fact that augurs at the gates were crucial to military operations These augurs sometimes involved animals, perhaps explaining in part why in their entree human prisoners were calculatedly treated like animals.

Jammed into wagons - Prostitutes Ivrea than 40 in - they might have their hands tied behind their backs, but very commonly wore halters on their necks like cattle At this point, the prisoners met the city and grovelled before it, and that sometimes meant worshipping the victors' symbolic animal.

A Florentine source describing Prostitutes Ivrea each Prostitutes Ivrea prisoner approaching Florence's heraldic infant lion at the gate, and kissing its rear while the lion's tail was held up Nor did such theatrical comparisons of enemies to animals always stop there.

Varying the older practice of selling male and female prisoners as slaves, one that had sometimes involved a race to show who was the healthiest, the victors might force the prisoners' humiliating ransom through a livestock-life auction. In the Sienese did that and more, linking the whole process of ransom to blood Prostitutes Ivrea by the prisoners, the animal blood then being used in the foundation of a city fountain At this point, we forcefully draw the viewer's attention to the class- specific character of the gate insults, for what may appear to be behaviors used between states were actually ones used only on certain social groups from those Prostitutes Ivrea, just as the insults in the field had discrete social Prostitutes Ivrea.

Did the victorious Carrara of Padua not exalt the Veronese whores so as to insult that city's ruling Scaglieri? Precisely this sense of duty caused dismay when one Prostitutes Ivrea Charles d'Anjou's scavenging ribalds was found to have thrown the body of Manfred on an ass and gone about hawking it to the highest bidder The burghers of Italy were no less sensitive.

In a Perugian triumph over Siena inthe victors dragged the flag of Siena along with 48 others through the dirt at the gates, but they exempted the flag of Siena's Prostitutes Ivrea ally from that indignity Further, high-status prisoners who did undergo the humiliation of a triumph at least rode mounted into town rather than walking or riding in wagons To be sure, the same honor elite are also found riding into town mounted backwards on an ass; the whole interpretation contemporaries put on such mounted representations, and especially on this charivaresque procedure, is difficult to unravel.

When in the Sien- ese forced Prostitutes Ivrea Florentine public officials to enter Siena in this fashion, were they recognizing their social position, or putting them on the despised asses to make their humiliation all the greater? Yet in describing the same event, Giovanni Morelli noted that the very captain of the Pisans, mounted on an ass, went in front "vituperously", and Villani himself characterized the whole event as a dispettoso e vile spettacolo Perhaps Villani objected to the blasphemous play on the triumph of Christ, or to such entries' scatological and sodomitic overtones, but he more probably felt a social unease.

If, then, contemporaries had difficulty melding ridicule with status consciousness at the gates, our Prostitutes Ivrea can be scarcely less tentative : a specific class or status reading of this rite eludes us. For Prostitutes Ivrea the ass this captain rode was for baggage, and in the military and domestic theatres of Prostitutes Ivrea insult, the people associated with Prostitutes Ivrea animals were male and female Prostitutes Ivrea.

Yhe military and triumphal insult may yet prove a missing link in the study of the Prostitutes Ivrea charivari Right after the humiliated victims, the heroes entered the city. There are several ways you can book your reservation for an escort in Ivrea Prostitutes Ivrea are very convenient to use. You just have to know where to look for them. Book your reservations in advance to avoid disappointment, especially if you wanted a choice and the best escorts in Italy.

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Doubtless attitudes toward public nudity in these races changed : in a rare personal account, Pius II described the nude male races of Pienza with no hint anyone was shamed, whereas eighteenth- century English women were said to be shamed by similar races Rather than being cast out of society, the Ivrean woman paraded by that town's prostitutes, for example, was actually "cast into" marginal social groups by the recognizable set of punishments inflicted on her.
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Once established, Prostitutes Ivrea, this link between racing and whipping became so strong as to be linguistically one in some areas. In a Perugian triumph over Siena inthe victors dragged the flag of Siena go here with 48 others through the dirt at the gates, but they exempted the flag of Siena's imperial ally from that indignity More than to the Prostitutes Ivrea of Lucca and that town's citizens, the chronicler draws our Prostitutes Ivrea to the Florentines as the celebrants of the victory. Villani, VII, This is the place to get the most Sensational Birmingham escorts in your life! The ribalds are often those said to Prostitutes Ivrea their pants before the enemy, yell obscenely, etc.
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Note also the citizens appointed by Florence to lead them at Montaperti; Paoli, Libro, p. Prostitutes Ivrea personnel who performed these Prostitutes Ivrea were, along with the youthful warriors of the attacking city, precisely the ribalds and prostitutes who accompanied them. My thanks to Anthony Molho for allowing me to read his typescript.

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