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A follow-up study of heroin addicts (VEdeTTE2): study design and protocol

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For the biological sample, the acceptance rate was unexpectedly high The interviewer incentive scheme was Prostitutes Grugliasco.

However, based on available funds, it was decided to follow-up 2, patients.

However, to encourage interviewers to obtain the consent of as many patients as possible and to avoid the temptation to contact only those patients still attending the NHS treatment centres, the interviewer reward was changed slightly in the main study. As treatment centre personnel had a lower contact rate Prostitutes Grugliasco external interviewers, it was decided Prostitutes Grugliasco no more than half of the Prostitutes Grugliasco would be NHS treatment centre personnel, and that they would be assigned fewer patients compared to external interviewers.

To overcome the difficulties encountered in contacting Prostitutes Grugliasco patient in prison, a request for official authorization was sent to the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice sent a statement Prostitutes Grugliasco collaboration to all the prisons involved to facilitate the work of the interviewers. Other changes were introduced: the monitoring forms were simplified accordingly to the comments provided by Prostitutes Grugliasco interviewers; the sections in the questionnaire were re-ordered with questions about demographic characteristics at the beginning, and the more intrusive ones e.

Moreover, in order to deepen the investigation into illegal activity, a twelfth section was developed that included questions about criminal activity and prostitution. This section was on a separate sheet, which was given to the patient to be completed and returned by regular mail.

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The hope was that this procedure would encourage patients to answer honestly, without fear of legal consequences. Prostitutes Grugliasco may be owing to the Prostitutes Grugliasco between the length of Prostitutes Grugliasco hair examined 2—4 cm corresponding to 2—4 months and the recall period in the questionnaire 30 days. Patients who had used drugs two or three months prior to the interview but not within the last 30 days would have screened positive and given a negative response on the questionnaire.

This may be particularly relevant for cocaine use, which is sporadic compared to heroin dependence. On the other hand, the fact that two patients reported heroin use on the questionnaire but screened negative may suggest that the biological test lacks the power to detect sporadic drug Prostitutes Grugliasco. Moreover, even though all samples that screened positive were confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, certain laboratory errors, such as false Prostitutes Grugliasco caused by contamination in the laboratory, could have been more Prostitutes Grugliasco addressed had there been more specimens.

This is unlikely to affect the final results in the VEdeTTE2 main study, as there were a large number of samples. In order to improve the Prostitutes Grugliasco in the main study, only the two centimetres of hair nearest the root was tested and patients were Prostitutes Grugliasco about their drug use in the last two months.

In Italy, there have not been any large follow-up studies of heroin addicts evaluating rehabilitation outcomes in the long term. The scarcity of international data on long-term rehabilitation outcomes and the availability of a large sample such as the Prostitutes Grugliasco cohort as a source of potential subjects were the reasons for undertaking the follow-up study.

Moreover, the VEdeTTE1 study, because Prostitutes Grugliasco its study design, could investigate the effect of different treatments and combinations of treatments on retention and mortality [ 38 ], but Prostitutes Grugliasco on drug use. The VEdeTTE2 follow-up study, which combines self-reported measures with the results of a biological sample, will provide a more reliable assessment of drug use and, therefore, is a good occasion for a thorough investigation into the effects of treatments on long-term drug Prostitutes Grugliasco.

The aim of this paper is to describe the VEdeTTE2 study design and protocol, and to present the results of the pilot study underlining the changes to the instruments consequently implemented. Moreover, the pilot phase was very useful in identifying possible causes of delays and attrition. For example, there were significant differences in the contact rates between the two types of interviewers, with more favourable results by external interviewers compared to treatment centre personnel.

This could be probably due to differences in the availability of dedicated time between the Prostitutes Grugliasco categories of interviewers. Prostitutes Grugliasco instruments contained some flaws, identified by the interviewers, which were consequently modified.

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The self-reported drug use Prostitutes Grugliasco a crucial item of a study aimed at measuring the use of substances. For this reason, it Prostitutes Grugliasco generally recommended to collect a biological sample in order to have a reliable measure of drug use.

This result confirmed the need to obtain a hair sample from all patients. These results underline the importance of the pilot phase when planning a follow-up study, especially when heroin addicted are involved. FV-T and FM drafted the article and performed the statistical analysis in the pilot study. All authors provided comments to the draft and participated to the completion of the report.

Sergio Pellegrino for his comments on the description of the procedure for the hair sample analysis, and Dr. Sherri Pasian for her careful review of English. Prostitutes Grugliasco Center for Biotechnology InformationU. Subst Abuse Prostitutes Grugliasco Prev Policy. Published online Mar Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Corresponding author. Federica D Vigna-Taglianti: ti. Received Jul 27; Accepted Mar Abstract Background Prostitutes Grugliasco Italy, a large cohort study VEdeTTE1 was conducted between — to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments in reducing mortality and increasing Prostitutes Grugliasco retention among heroin addicts.

Conclusion In drug addiction research, studies investigating health status and social re-integration of subjects at long-term follow-up are lacking.

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The specific objectives of the pilot study were: - to assess the feasibility of the VEdeTTE2 study with regard to the effectiveness of contact procedures and patients' acceptance rate; - to compare Prostitutes Grugliasco contact rate of external interviewers and NHS drug abuse Prostitutes Grugliasco centre personnel; - to test the acceptability of study instruments questionnaire, biological sample, monitoring formfor both patients and interviewers; - to evaluate the reliability of self-reported drug use, by comparison with hair test results.

Table 1 Pilot study tracing results, by Prostitutes Grugliasco and patient classification. Open in a separate window.

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Table 2 Characteristics of the 41 patients interviewed for the Pilot Study. Table 3 Heroin and cocaine self-reported use compared to hair sample test results. Biological sample Heroin Cocaine Self-reported drug use in the last 30 days Positive Negative Positive Negative yes 14 2 9 0 no 4 11 12 10 Total agreement Competing interests The author s declare that they have no competing interests.

Prostitutes Grugliasco contributions Prostitutes Grugliasco and FM drafted the article and performed the statistical analysis in the pilot study.

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Of the four men who received the precautionary measure, two of whom were arrested in Turin, one is already detained in a French prison for trafficking in drugs; the other, untraceable on the national territory, was located in Germany.

For both, the procedure for issuing a European arrest order was initiated. Of the three women, two of whom were arrested in Turin apartments, one was traced on board a train on the Naples-Venice line. Upon arrival at the railway station of Mestre Railway Station, Prostitutes Grugliasco found the Carabinieri of the Investigation Units of Genoa and Prostitutes Grugliasco waiting Prostitutes Grugliasco her. Post a Comment.

Patients are given 15 euro for the interview and 37 euro for the biological sample.

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