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Topography of Prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara

[Syphilis in Ferrara in the nineteenth century]

FerruccioTrabalzi,UCLA, not only figuredin the lives of contemporaryresidents,their helpedthroughoutyearsof researchin a varietyof ways. Luciano Narda the Neapolitan. This site uses cookies.

Which is not only clearly false to anyone with eyes, Whores Ferrara Prostitutes Ferrara raised the awkward issue of Ferrara, Whores Ferrara inadvertently, justifying statutory rape in front of a large crowd of people. Soon after, Ferrara arrived and climbed on top of a van, with "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones Whores Ferrara out in the background.

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Furthermore, Read more Town is protected by a substation of the municipal police complete Prostitutes Ferrara jail, Whores Ferrara there is a health clinic that performs blood tests and weekly screenings of sex workers for venereal Whores Ferrara. Boy's Town, Nuevo Laredo This pattern is primarily a function of rental rates for the Prostitutes Ferrara being less expensive in the southwest corner of Prostitutes Ferrara compound. Sluts in Ferrara Prostitutes Italy The current enclave in Nuevo Whores Ferrara was constructed in the s, during the municipal administration of Ernesto Ferrara Ferrara, to concentrate prostitution activities within a Whores Ferrara zone.

I went to a pro-Berlusconi rally in Rome. It was pretty weird. Some are Prostitutes Ferrara with women who dance Prostitutes Ferrara Whores Ferrara for a few Prostitutes Ferrara. Best Supporting Actor Video. A proclamationwas issued that no prostitutecouldremain inthis ourcity,andthatno Ferraresecitizencouldbe a procurer,and that anyone who has given them housingis subjectto a penaltyof Prostitutes in the Public Sphere: 50 lire,and that anyone who knows where they are livingmust Behavior Codes and Enforcement notifythe officialsof the Bollettewithinthree days.

An injunctionin punishmentshe inflictedon two prostitutes,at once demon- the statutesagainstgalneaandribaldigamblingor engag- stratinghis firmnessin handlingthe offense, and revealing ing in rowdybehaviorin the cathedralor its Prostitutes Ferrara lax enforcementof the earlierinjunction Figure 7 : ideaof the raucouscharacterof publiclifein latemedievalFer- rara.

I, as chief of Prostitutes Ferrara [office of] the Bollette, had two in May issueda bulletinenjoiningprostitutesfromcom- turns of the cord inflicted on two prostitutes from the public mittingvarioussortsof offensesagainstcitizens. He specified brothel on a scaffolding in the public square in front of the thattheseactsincludedstealingmoneyor otherthingsin large podesta's windows, because they wounded a farmerand took or smallquantities,or committingany type of insult or dis- a pairof shoes and a cap from him by force, and I made all the honor againstanother,or stealingsomeone'shat, or dragging other prostitutes come to see the spectacle.

In his account of the life of Ludovico Ariosto, Michele Catalano recounted that in the wife of a police Prostitutes Ferrara was punished with the scopafor having affairs: Prostitutes Ferrara traversed the main city streets on foot, following which she was pelted with rotten fruit and sticks.

The act itself did not Prostitutes Ferrara punishment; at issue was clandestine, untaxed prostitution, particularly that reported by neighbors concerning married women who lived otherwise respectable lives. Beyond inconsistent enforcement, the scanty records also reveal the determined resistance of prostitutes to spatial and behavioral confinement.

However onerous the punish- ments, women flouted the laws and asserted their autonomy. The scaffoldingsat between Palazzodel Corte and the cathedral,with the Palaceof Justice inthe background. Althoughthe women Prostitutes Ferrara reg- Prostitutesoften came to know well the jail cells in Prostitutes Ferrara ulated and subjectto official and personalcontrol by men, PalazzodellaRagione. They appearedbeforethe courtsfor a even the limitedextantrecordsrevealthat Ferraresewomen diversearrayof offenses,includingdebtsto ownersof innsand includingprostitutesaggressivelyassertedtheirrights.

In the brothels,fisticuffswith other prostitutes,sometimeson the fifteenth century,the few remnantsof the LibrideiMalefici publicstreets,stealingfromclients,andviolenceagainstclients Recordsof criminalcomplaints include chargesby Anto- who tried to escapewithout paying. Caterina Prostitutes Ferrara effectively"bitch" ,andone Magdalenaaccused the Venetianwas found guilty of failing to wear the yellow GiovanniStanchariniof callingher Prostitutes Ferrara schiavadi merda slave cloth in publicas requiredof prostitutesin ,andanother Prostitutes Ferrara of shit.

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Likewise,prostitutesclaimedthe vism is apparent:Romanellaended up in prison again in right to accept or reject potential clients. Alessandra Prostitutespaid double would not leave her alone. But prostitutionwas not Prostitutes Ferrara as publicprostitutes. City officialschose the locations alwaysa lucrativefull-timeoccupation,particularly in Ferrara, of brothels, while promiscuouswomen who lived on their wherethe taxburdenwasonerousfor Prostitutes Ferrara of the population.

As in the case of Alessan- indebted to the operatorsof the brothels, which virtually dra Panarini,they often rented these quarters,and neigh- turnedthe womeninto Prostitutes Ferrara withno fixed bors and landlordswere awareof and apparentlytolerated date on which their obligationended.

Even the city'smonkspatronizedbrothels. Isabella Ferrara'spublic documents assert that meretriciwere Pagliarini or Villani, or Ghibertifor example, stood expectedto maintaina distancefrom donneoneste. Evidence accused by her Prostitutes Ferrara of scandalous conduct because fromthe archivesof the Inquisitionin Modenain the sixteenth one of her clients was reputed to be an outlaw, Fabrizzio centuryandFerrarain the earlyseventeenthcenturyindicates Calegaro.

Modenawaspartof the Este territory,and,indeed,in futurehousing erected on the land to prostitutesor pimps. Their expertisein suchmattersapparentlyrestedon the notionthat, as prostitutes,they had a specialunderstandingof mattersof love andsex. Ippolitade Bennisof Ferrararecountedin how she saw MorandaMagnaniniof Fanano,a prostitute, determinethroughincantationswhetherloversreallyloved and caredfor her or her clients.

Marriedmen andpriestsfound this mixingof donneonestewith dishonorableones troubling; complaintsaboutwomen of ill reputelivingthroughoutFer- rararatherthan only in the brothelswere directedto Duke Ercole by some of Prostitutes Ferrara officialsin the s. A telling exampleis the case attachedspecialimportanceto the Prostitutes Ferrara houses or of the Roman prostituteMadalenaProsperi,who tried to rooms.

Women repeatedlytestifiedin Inquisitionhearings defend herself againsta chargeof wearingmen'sclothes in about depositingitems on the doorwayor conductingspe- publicby claimingthatwhile wearingher lover'sclothes she cial activitiesin Prostitutes Ferrara liminalzone between the street and the only leaned out the doorwaybut never actuallycrossedthe house.

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The portalor thresholdhas historicallyactedin Italy thresholdinto the street. In as a man was particularlyacute because in doing so she Romanantiquity,figuressuch as the phallusposted at door- could embrace male spatial prerogativesand move freely ways guardedagainstevil spiritsentering the home. In this way they teenth-century Rome among prostitutes involved setting evadedthe ban Prostitutes Ferrara movementin publicstreets,while drum- fire to another prostitute's door, as Camilla Senese was ming up businesswithout actuallybreakingthe law.

Indeed, accusedof doing in to the door of LucreziaGreca. Prostitutes Ferrara a group of young uni- Borgo Superiore Borgodi sopra,or upperborgo ;to the east versitystudentswent on a rampagein Bolognain ,they of the originalcastrumsettlementwas the Borgo Inferiore attackedthe houses of women, Prostitutes Ferrara prostitutes,whose Borgodi sotto,or lower borgo. Four main Prostitutes Ferrara definedthe doors represented a major target of their assaults.

Diariodi UgoCaleffini,10 February, see n.

When city throughthe twelfth century:two east-weststreets Via they reached the home of the Ferrareseprostitute Lucia, Ripagrandeor Grande,now Via CarloMayr,and Via delle they kickedin her door, rippedit off its hinges, and threw Volteand two north-southcanals one along what is now it into the well in the courtyard. Beginningin the earlytwelfth Although Ferrara'spublic brothels date at least to the late centurywith Prostitutes Ferrara constructionof the new Cathedralof San fourteenthcentury,little has been learnedabouttheir exact Giorgioto the northof Via Sabbioni,the largepublicsquare locations or physicalcharacteristics.

FraPaolinoMinorito'searly-fourteenth-century map expendedon understandingownershipand operation. An see Figure 3 Prostitutes Ferrara partiallywalled city whose growth investigationof diariesand public recordsin Modena Prostitutes Ferrara continued west beyond the San Stefano canal;its institu- Ferraranow allowsus to flesh out some of this information, tional core adjacentto the cathedralincluded the Palazzo and a brief overview of Ferrara'surban development della Ragione and the Palazzo di Corte, or Palazzo through the late sixteenth centurywill help clarifythe sit- Ducalefollowedby the CastelloEstense Prostitutes Ferrara Wealthyfamilieserectedtheirpalaceson nearbystreets,and Foundedin the mid seventh century,Ferrarawas situ- publiclife graduallyshiftednorth.

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Castrum A. Castrum B. CastelTedaldo C. BorgoSuperiore D. BorgodiSotto E. Addizionedi Borso F. Addizionedi Ercole G. LeConverite H. Cathedral S. Giorgio I. Castello II II Figure 10a Ferrara,urbandevelopment throughthe sixteenth Figure 10b Ferrara,majorstructures mentioned in text century,showing main canals, waterways, and the Po Riverto the south the fifteenthcenturymore than doubledthe city'slandarea.

In his suc- Cavour,in what was then the city'swesternmostextension. Guglielmo, the monastic complex of the Certosa, several According to a rental contract ofthe San Biagio churchesandconvents,and hectaresof agriculturalland brothelwas partof the Montealbano Montalbano,Monta- within the walls. The contractdescribestwenty-three contradaof San Biagio-near the city'snorthern, western, chiusiand a tavernbetween Prostitutes Ferrara contradeRotta and Mutina and southernboundaries.

The shops line Via San Romano and Via San Paolo from the southern gate to the square adjacent to the cathedral,as well as the southern flankof the cathedral. See Figure2 for a more detailed representationof the shops Prostitutes Ferrara the area of the cathedral,Palace of Justice, and castle. Further descriptionin the rental con- cult to determinebecausethe availablerecordsdid not Prostitutes Ferrara tractindicatesthatthe tavernfacedVia Mutina orMucinatinguish among differenttypes of ownershipor operation.

The chiusiwhere Biagio, El Gambaro,and SantaCroce collectivelyaspostri- the prostituteswould live Prostitutes Ferrara tile-roofedbrickrow houses, boli,but they Prostitutes Ferrara also referredto as bordellior as Prostitutes Ferrara locopub- most only one storyhigh;the tavernitself sat amidthe chiusi blico publicbrothel.

The nameMontealbanoalso designatedthe have been owned by the Este, with the operation Prostitutes Ferrara plot of land on which the brothel and tavernsat;owned by ferredfrom time to time to new overseersupon paymentof the Poveridi Christo,a religiousorganization,the property rents and taxes.

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When the constructionof Ercole'saddi- for the unwantedchildrenof Prostitutes Ferrara area'sprostitutes. ElGambaro,whichwas a public Prisciani,chiefof the UfficiodelleBollette,andLeonelloSog- brothelfor prostitutesand a tavern,was removedtoday,and ari, chief of the Ufficio del dazio del vino office of wine the Prostitutes Ferrara beganto be torndown andthe women who were taxes.

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Ultimately both officials Sant'Agnesein Ferrara,and those who own the houses can proposedthatthe dukeconstructa muchlargerbrothelin the rent them to whores, but they cannot live elsewhere, on contraof SantaCroce,with twenty-fiveroomsfor the prosti- penaltyof beingwhippedthrough[thestreets Prostitutes Ferrara Ferrara In Prostitutes Ferrara fourteenth century, a brothel was Prostitutes Ferrara, it would have been less attractive to Eleonora located on the contradaof San Paolo, a main cross street of d'Aragona,his wife.

In an earlierdispute between the pro- Via delle Volte, thereforeit seems logical to assumethat the prietorof the Hostariade la Nave in and the priestsat brothel was located close to or on Prostitutes Ferrara delle Volte, or per- the Church of San Francesco, the duchess allowed the haps on Via Romiti, where a brothel Prostitutes Ferrara been located on priests to appropriatea house that Giangiorgio da Milano the corner of Via Romiti and Via delle Scienze formerly had rented across from the Oratoryof San Sebastianoon Via di Sant'Agnese at least since the end of the sixteenth the grounds that he might allow prostitutes to occupy it, century.

However, the chronicle of Giulio and Giacomo di just as he allowedthem to work out of his ostaria. He reproachedher and orderedthe house returnedto notices of Prostitutes Ferrara, deaths, and marriages,along with occa- Giangiorgio, observing that the priests had never com- sional lapidary information about wars and aristocratic plained about the prostitutes before, and noted that they events,Giulio'sproudannouncementin is remarkable.

Z'- o. Both streets were once called Via della Lupa reportedly because of a lupanara brothel located Prostitutes Ferrara. Two rental contracts of June reveal that more than one brothelnow enlivenedthe areaaroundSant'Agne- se, and that propertyowners were taking Prostitutes Ferrara the Antonio Grifuni Figure Prostitutes Ferrara By order of Giudicedei dodici permission,noted by the anonymousdiarist,to rent apart- Savi Tito Strozzi and of the chief of the Ufficio delle Bol- ments to prostitutes.

One contract records a two-story lette, two wallswere erectedto block off the contradella, and house on the contradaof Sant'Agneseadjacentto the Hos- the two men eachreceivedhalf of the street,Antonioreceiv- pital of Prostitutes Ferrara. To the rear,the house was bordered ing the part toward Palazzo del Paradiso, and Giulio the by a postribolo; a second house located on a corner on the other half.

The word con- which sat either on Via dell'Inferno,adjacentto Palazzodel trataused in the text, however,can signify one street or it Paradiso, or in the middle of the block between the two can include smaller,adjacentstreets, as appearsto be the streets see Figure 13b. The sixteenth century are Prostitutes Ferrara from state, city, and Este Hospital, later Conservatory,of Sant'Agnesesits directly archivesin Ferraraas well as in Modena, it has been impos- acrossfrom the church,just one-halfblocksouth of Palazzo sible Prostitutes Ferrara make a more Prostitutes Ferrara determination.

The brothel behind the Hospital of unusualdecision to block off the street to enclose the most Sant'Agnese to which the anonymouschroniclerrefers in public of women no doubt reflected the personalinterests the passage above surely was in this immediate area.

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But of di Antiginni and Grifuni to enlarge their propertiesand precisely which building is it? Without archaeological gain income from the brothel, but it also offersthe irony of Prostitutes Ferrara additionaldocumentaryevidence, a defini- turning a Prostitutes Ferrara thoroughfare into a brothel for women tive determinationis impossible,but there are at least two, whose every movement on those very thoroughfareswas, and probablymore, plausibleprospects.

One straddlesVia at least theoretically,controlled. Ragno, formerly Via delle Androne; Prostitutes Ferrara Andrea Bolzoni's map ofthis structureappearsto be just like vaulted Opposite: coveredpassagewayson the parallelVia delle Volte, but in Figure 13a Andrea Bolzoni, perspectival map of Ferrara, detail actuality Prostitutes Ferrara preexisting street has been blocked off.

A showing the area south of the cathedral, includingthe area of second is a narrowadditionbetween two structuresalso on Sant'Agnese Via Ragno, at the terminusof vicolo also Via della Lupa. Additional evidence supports these possibilities. I ill Q Prostitutes Ferrara """ctP? House of LauraDianti E. Stufa B. Via della Rotta F. Giacomo J.

Clemente C. Via Malborghetto G. Hostariadella Nave D. Via S. Croce H. Conservatoryof S. Agnese L. Palazzo del Paradiso C. Giacomo F. I ? Ercole's half-brother, Rinaldo secludedfromthe inhabitants,beingdistantneitherfromthe Maria d'Este, then living in Palazzo del Paradiso,greeted mainsquarenorfromthe contiguousmerchants,and similar the arrivalof the public brothel with dismay. In a letter to places[shouldbe]assembledandplacedwhere it seems Prostitutes Ferrara Ercole in JulyRinaldocomplainedbitterlyabout the convenient.

These prescriptionsreinforcedthe triplefunctionsof destined to endure as the city's center of prostitution for accessibility,invisibility,andcontrol;discretionin placement nearly years, until late in the twentieth century.

Francesca RENAISSANCE FERRARA This content downloaded from on Sat, 9 Nov PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions - - - l - Figure 3 Transcriptionof FraPaolino Minorita'splan of the territoryand city of Ferrara, w~ZA w wN N NVNk \ WX a WW WW j S Anonio Piccinini, imprisoned for prostitution in. The Topography of Prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara By Daine Yvonne Ghirado “In this Paper, I propose to initiate an alternative understanding of the Renaissance city as comprised of gendered spaces and spatial practices, with one of the .

In the ensuredthat the brothelsdid not stand out from their sur- sixteenth century,the brothels appearto Prostitutes Ferrara clusteredin roundings,where concernsfor public order competedwith proximityto the Prostitutes Ferrara at Sant'Agnese,along Via delle Volte, the recognition that these establishmentswere useful and Via del Bordeletto,andVia dell'Inferno,adjacentto Palazzo customarycomponentsof RenaissanceItaliancities.

The proximityof the university,which by the The associationof specific streets with prostitutionin late sixteenth centurywas housed in Palazzo del Paradiso, Ferrarahas persistedthroughoutthe succeeding years, made for a ready client base, and the severalhostelries on even when the activityitself remainedbut a faintmemoryof Prostitutes Ferrara delle Volte no doubt served as magnets as well.

But as the case of Ferrarademonstrates, which ran along the western flankof Palazzo del Paradiso, so do streets and districtsassociatedwith prostitution. Equicola already The uncertaintyabout the precise location of Antig- referredto the "loconella contradell'Inferno"inand inni's brothel underscores the larger problem of under- indeed, the stuffummentioned in the rental contract standing precisely the architecturalcharacterof Ferrara's may well still have been operating on this site.

Guarini brothels. They appear to have been ordinary in every offered further evidence in his comment that the Prostitutes Ferrara respect;in neither plan nor elevation did they differ from of San Clemente,which sat on Via del Bordelletto nowVia other houses. What do we know about the domestic archi- Romiti behind Palazzodel Paradiso,originallyfacedwest. A provisionin the statutesforbid- However,because"thispartof the Prostitutes Ferrara had become an inde- ding the use of thatch led to a gradualtransformationof cent place"-and, indeed, the church doors would have Ferrara'shousing stock from ruralcasalito the still domi- directly faced Stovara'sestablishment-in the west nant urbanrow houses.

Prostitutes Ferrara suggestions offered in Renaissancearchitecturaltreatises, of a block of Via Ragnoin the early sillustratethe typ- in turn based on common practices in Italian cities. The legend for the numbers is: 1 Portico. I A 7 Overhang. House and courtyardextended fromViadel Carbone to Prostitutes Ferrara Lupa.

A comparisonof this planwith Bolzoni's :. I I more upper floors. Although this and other houses in the area underwent major renovations and transformations over the Prostitutes Ferrara two centuries, plans and drawings executed by sur- veyors from the Prostitutes Ferrara through the early nineteenth century reveal consistent patterns in the housing. A good example of a house probably quite similar to El Gambaro is a short distance away on Via Prostitutes Ferrara Volte; surveyed init is a two-story, four-room structure with a portico along one side and a courtyard in the rear Figure A larger example is from Via del Carbone Prostitutes Ferrara merly Via della Lupa, now Vicolo del Carbonewith six rooms on the ground floor, well and courtyard Prostitutes Ferrara the rear, and the chimney marking the street elevation, a common remnant of late medieval Ferrara Figure Other than such plans from a later period, two addi- tional sources offer information on Ferrarese housing.

Viadel Carboneat one time was called Prostitutes Ferrara Lupa,along with the Prostitutes Ferrara. Figure 17 Pier'Antoniodegli Abbati?

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Although Prostitutes Ferrara many privatecharacterof the row houses. Without archaeologi- respectsthe vistasappearquite similarto those executedby cal investigations,it is not possible to ascertainthe func- the same artists in Vicenza and Padua, the presence of tions of individualrooms duringthe fifteenthand sixteenth specificallyFerraresescenes on some of the seats suggests centuries,but it is likely that kitchens and bedroomswere thatthey were more idealizedthangeneric.

One scene illus- situated toward the rear courtyard,with shops and store- tratesthe armof S. Maurilio,amongthe city'smost revered rooms at the front. Prostitutes Ferrara these roomswere dividedfor pros- relics, and anotherpreciselydepictsthe monumentalstair- titutes remains unclear.

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Some features of Ferrarese Prostitutes Ferrara in the courtyardof the Palazzo Ducale. While executeda centuryafterthe devolution opened on to the street. If El Gam- aroundSan Biagio. Housing and lots in the area are just east of where the Montealbanobrotheland tavern were located. By contrastwith clients-in effect, a tavern-so the women evidentlyboth convents, patricianpalaces, communal offices, churches, lived andworkedin the brothel. The only inventoriesI have even shops, brothelsleft no specialtraceson the built land- located of propertybelonging Prostitutes Ferrara prostitutesdate from the scape, at least none visibly differentfrom other residences: seventeenthcentury;all werewomen livingalone andhence only street names and reputationsfar outlived the specific not in brothels.

Althoughthis allowedbroth- gestive of typicalFerraresehouses. Most women appearto els to remaininconspicuous,it also testifiesto the ambigu- have rented anywherefrom two to five rooms, and some ous relationship of prostitution to other forms of enjoyeda portico, cantina,bathroom,and even a vegetable relationships in Renaissance Ferrara. On the one hand, garden. Beds with sheets and cushions, tables, benches, women inhabited the rooms as private spaces, using the chairs, and chests-items commonly found in sixteenth- rooms for casualsexualencountersalongwith other domes- century inventories and dowries-furnished the rooms.

The inventories also Ferraraoffered the possibility for her Prostitutes Ferrara retire to a includedsome landscapepaintingsandnumerousunframed convent known as Le Convertite the converted Figure smallimages. Andvirtuallyeverywomanownedat least one Ferrara'swas among the earliest of such facilities for good-sized mirror. During the sixteenthcenturythe women Prostitutes Ferrara took in young girls as boarding students in orderto supportthe convent;this possibilityendedinhowever,when the nuns were forced to seek Prostitutes Ferrara to sup- plement their meager endowment.

Withdrawal from the brothel and a period of years laboringin a conventwithout takingfinalvows could effec- tively cleanse a prostituteof her formersins, and makeher eligible for marriageif she left the convent. Although in theory men and other women were not permittedto visit the women in this and other convents, supervisionwas Figure 19 Antonio Sandri,Churchof Santa MariaMaddalena,or Le inconsistent untilwhen the new bishop, Prostitutes Ferrara Convertite, "Dell'originedelle chiese e altriluoghi della Provinciadi Fontana, instituted much stricter controls based on the Ferrara" unpublishedMs.

After convincing them tion, temporarypermits from one day to one month were to leave the brothel, he first Prostitutes Ferrara them in the Hospital issued to workmento repairbuildings,windows, and beds of the Battuti Bianchi, following which, aided by generous or to bring in suppliessuch as oil, wood, and wine, and to Prostitutes Ferrara from Duke Ercole II and other citizens, they physicians or surgeons engaged to treat specific nuns.

The church facade,with a number of women had risen to eighty. Le Convertite S. MariaMadalena : Wl: ''. A second, smallercourt- By comparisonwith other convents in Ferrara,Santa yardwas tuckedwithin a compactgroupof Prostitutes Ferrara the MariaMaddalenawas not large. CorpusDomini, for exam- easternhalf of the complex.

Along the convent'ssouthern ple, erected over the course of the fifteenth Prostitutes Ferrara flank,a high, irregularwall clearlywas configuredto block pied an entire block and containedmany courtyards,while views to Prostitutes Ferrara from the adjacentbuildings.

The record of other sixteenth-centuryconventslocated in the Terranova, entrancepermitsreportsthat among these buildingswas a such as SantaCaterinada Siena, had four large courtyards granary;in addition,the conventmust havehad at least one and a large vegetable garden.

Even Santa Lucia and San well, a dormitory,a refectory,a kitchen,and storerooms. Francisof Assisi,St. Peter,and some of the Con- no Prostitutes Ferrara canleavenor othersenter. Laura was a concubinejust like many others, but the statusof her. Perhapsmore to the point, Ferrara'saristocracyprof- ited directlyfrom the labor of prostitutes. In d Per Prostitutes Ferrara Baldini, fact, the only extant version of the medieval compact on Stampatr Epifrcpale.

Vprostitutionin Ferrarais incorporatedas partof the taxand licensing codes promulgatedby the Prostitutes Ferrara in the seven- teenth century. The genderingof the city'sspacesemergeswith greater Figure 21 Frontispiece,Ruleof the Sisters Convertiteof Ferrara, clarity when we examine how the city was structuredto accommodate prostitutes, and how that city came to be understood.

Everythingabout both the activityand its set- direct,day-to-daycontrol by men vanishedupon her death tings revealed constant and irresolvably contradictory Prostitutes Ferrara a very particularway. Even if she did not enter the Con- impulses.

[Syphilis in Ferrara in the nineteenth century]

At once shameful and endemic, officially unac- vertite, her goods did: in sixteenth- and seventeenth-cen- ceptable but a useful complement to the imperative of tury Italy, it was common practice to inventory the female chastity,prostitutionwas both an everydayactivity belongings of deceased prostitutesand turn them over to that blendedalmostseamlesslywith the rest of civic life and the local Convertite convent; Prostitutes Ferrara this was done while the most readilyavailablescapegoatfor a Prostitutes Ferrara social, her body still lay in her rooms.

The unexceptionalarchi- Threatenedwith expulsion,enclosurein brothels,pun- tecturalcharacterof public and privatebrothels illustrates ishment in jails, being paraded through the streets and these conflicting imperatives:a privateactivityto be con- insulted, Prostitutes Ferrara pressuredinto the confines of a convent, Fer- ducted under public scrutiny,and therefore not in other rara'spublic and occasionalprostitutesfound the spacesof privatesettings, in a designatedbuilding otherwise indis- the city Prostitutes Ferrara with spatial Prostitutes Ferrara discursive practices tinguishable from its neighbors.

So, Prostitutes Ferrara, does the spatial designedto root out andisolateillicit sexualbehaviorandto location of brothels reveal opposing aims:near city walls, restrictthem to tightly circumscribedplaces and activities.

Althoughcontempo- contravenedby the behavior of civic officials and nobles rarieswere fully awareof the presenceof donnedisoneste and themselves. FerruccioTrabalzi,UCLA, not only figuredin the lives of contemporaryresidents,their helpedthroughoutyearsof researchin a varietyof ways. Prostitutes Ferrara women of the FeministStudiescommunityand the FeministReadingGroupwere presenceeven influencedthe architecturaland spatialorga- of far greatersupportand sustenancethan they know in offering a much nization of ecclesiasticalbuildings.

Equallysignificantly,not only did the spacesof prosti- A brief word on the research methodology Prostitutes Ferrara the sources. The Prostitutes Ferrara persistover time in Prostitutes Ferrara so too did adminis- nature of the topic meant that no large, readily availablecache of docu- trative efforts to contain prostitution spatially. Over two ments Prostitutes Ferrara a wealth of information. On the contrary,all of the material included here was collected Prostitutes Ferrara a wide arrayof sources, for example, centurieslater,brothelswere forbiddenneararmybarracks, notaries'notebooks,which have not been indexedand were often written universities,high schools, coffee houses, inns, and restau- in a form of medievalLatinshorthand.

Spellingwas inconsistent,to saythe rants. Behavior associated with that of prostitutes in the least, even within the same document. I have transcribeddocumentspre- public realm, such as leaning out of windows, lingering in cisely as they were written, including spelling irregularities.

In Ferrara, doorways, and calling out to passersby,was forbidden in repositoriesthat includedmaterialon women andbrothelsconsistedof the Archiviodi Statoandthe ArchivioStoricoComunale,particularly with theiras much a signalof prostitutionin the nineteenthcen- notaries' records including wills, inventories, and contracts; surveyors' turyas it had been in the Renaissance. Italy'ssys- andinvestigationsconductedin Ferraraduringthe firstyearsof papalcon- tem of official brothels, the so-called case chiuse,which trol.

The ArchivioSegreto Vaticanocontainsletters and documentscon- ended only in the s, testifiedto the persistenceof spa- cerning the conventsin Ferraraand other cities, and Prostitutes Ferrara ArchivioStorico Diocesano in Ferraraalso contains documentationon the convent of Le tial controls againstprostitutesin the urbansphere. Given Convertiteandon women in individualparishes,as well as recordsof crim- the longevity of zones of prostitutionin Ferrara,it is then Prostitutes Ferrara complaintsand investigationsin Ferraraafterthe Prostitutes Ferrara the papacy.

At the Archiviodi Stato,Este correspondenceand Prostitutes Ferrara quent and profoundlygenderedhistories. As I explain,many of Ferrara'slegal recordswere destroyedin a fire inand the Inquisitionrecordsdisap- Notes peared after the French invasion in the late eighteenth century. Because Modenawas underthe dominionof the Este duringthe periodunderques- I am gratefulto Tito Manlio Cerioli andMaestroAdrianoFranceschinifor theirhelp in decipheringsome troublesomefifteenth-centuryhandwriting, tion, with some officialssupervisingthe sameactivitiesin both cities,I have used evidencefromModenain a few cases,suchas the Inquisition,andelse- and especially for willingly sharing their extensive knowledge of late where from Rome, Prostitutes Ferrara orderto flesh out materialmissing from Ferrara.

My greatestdebt is to the Gra- ham Foundation, for providing funds in the early phases of this project. The staff of the Biblioteca April"Contra meretrices et hospites. Don EnricoPeveradaof the Prostitutes Ferrara et fratrisa Simone et fratre de Mediolano,"25 Novembernow in Diocesano, Ferrara,was also remarkablygenerous with materialsand his AngelicaGamba,"Laprostituzionea Ferraranel tardomedioevo,"bache- knowledge of the archive.

ElizabethMoll andPriscilla 3. Severalpeople deservethanksfor reading and article90, 23 August"Quodnon liceat alicuitabernarioprestare and commentingon earlierversionsof this article,includingGwen Wright domiciliumalicuimulieriinhonesteviventi.

If he continuedto pimp aftera conviction,he a brothel.

Jane Ren- Prostitutes Ferrara. The chief undergraduatetextbookswhere this preferenceis evidentare 7. Heydenreichand W. Althoughothermeritsof 9. At the most basic Prostitutes Ferrara, spatialcontrols included participationin com- these textsaresignificant,they ignorewomen andwomen'sspaces. My pur- munal deliberationsand political life in general, but also participationin pose is not to castigatethem, but to encouragedifferentapproaches. These ecclesiasticand civic rituals.

Robert C. Davis, "The Geographyof Gender in the Renaissance,"in students;the more specializedliteratureoffers little more.

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Recently,new Judith C. Brown and Robert C. Prostitutes Ferrara, eds. McGough, "'Raisedfrom the Devil'sJaws': Although the bibliographyon this subjectis large, a good recent sum- A Convent for RepentantProstitutesin Venice ," Prostitutes Ferrara. Uni- An excellentand earlystudyof women andspaceis Dennis Romano, vent, ," Ph.

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I, book 1, 77v. Cohen, "Seenand known:prostitutesin the cityscapeof late-six- Diarioferraresedall'anno sinoal di autoriincerti,RerumItali- teenth-century Rome," RenaissanceStudies 12, no.

Francesca RENAISSANCE FERRARA This content downloaded from on Sat, 9 Nov PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions - - - l - Figure 3 Transcriptionof FraPaolino Minorita'splan of the territoryand city of Ferrara, w~ZA w wN N NVNk \ WX a WW WW j S Anonio Piccinini, imprisoned for prostitution in. Nov 20,  · “ The Topography of Prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 60 (): – / CrossRef Google Scholar Il gioco dell’amore.

GiuseppePardi Bologna, ;Diariodi Brackett'sdiscussionof sumptuarylawsandthe designationof streetswhere UgoCaleffinied. GiuseppePardi Ferrara:R. Prostitutes Ferrara, II; in Rome, reinforcethe idea that the particularitiesof spatialcontrolvaried BernardinoZambotti, Diarioferraresedall'anno sinoalRerum from city to Prostitutes Ferrara.

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Cal- effini specifiedthat his house was on the Via Grande At once shameful and endemic, officially unac- vertite, her goods did: in sixteenth- and seventeenth-cen- ceptable but a useful complement to the imperative of tury Italy, it was common practice to inventory the female chastity,prostitutionwas both an everydayactivity belongings of deceased prostitutesand turn them over to that blendedalmostseamlesslywith the rest of civic life and the local Convertite convent; usually this was done while the most readilyavailablescapegoatfor a varietyof social, her body still lay in her rooms. Spatially controlled both by legislation and by common practices, prostitutes navigated in a circumscribed world riven by conflict and competing interests.
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At once shameful and endemic, officially unac- vertite, her goods did: in sixteenth- and seventeenth-cen- ceptable but a useful complement to the imperative of tury Italy, Prostitutes Ferrara was common practice to Prostitutes Ferrara the female chastity,prostitutionwas both an Luxembourg Prostitutes belongings of deceased prostitutesand turn them over to that blendedalmostseamlesslywith the rest of civic life and the local Convertite convent; usually this was Prostitutes Ferrara while the most readilyavailablescapegoatfor a varietyof social, her body still lay in her rooms. While executeda centuryafterthe devolution opened on to the street. Additional evidence supports these possibilities. ASD, Fondo Moniales, b. At the most basic level, spatialcontrols included participationin com- these textsaresignificant,they ignorewomen andwomen'sspaces.
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The Topography of Prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara Author(s): Diane Yvonne Ghirardo Source: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. This study focuses on the spaces occupied by the prostitutes of Ferrara in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The other infected prostitutes were sent to the sifilicomio in Modena. The authors also study mortality from syphilis in Ferrara from to in order.

Italy, Emilia-Romagna, Ferrara

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Ferrara (Ferrara, Ferrara, Ferrare, Феррара, Ferrare, Ferrara, Ferrare)

(PDF) Topography of Prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara | Diane Ghirardo -

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