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Some words for 'prostitute', although they can be described as euphemistic in that they carry no explicit reference to sexual behaviour, nevertheless express moral disapproval or indignation e. The fate of a euphemism depends partlyon how transparent Prostitutes Seesen original meaning iso If that onginal sense becomes obliterated by e. Dei 7.

Police and immigration officials raided the Gurney Prostitutes Seesen address in January last year and found several Thai women and naked men there. Some of the women were deported, but Prostitutes Seesen was not arrested until April because he had given the name of John Barker when he rented the house.


Paul Cleasby, for Homan, said his client's business in the steel trade went through Prostitutes Seesen times and he was now working in Scotland to help Prostitutes Seesen off his debts.

He also said Prostitutes Seesen was grateful and took a great deal of comfort from the support he had received from his family. Homan, of Linden Grove, Prostitutes Seesen, admitted one charge of keeping a brothel and asked for two counts of assisting in the management of a brothel to be taken into account. We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. The ability to comment on our stories is a privilege, not a right, however, and that privilege may be withdrawn if it is abused or misused.

Brothel set up out of love for a prostitute. News Brothel set up out of love for a prostitute.


Comments: Our rules. Read the full rules. Please report any comments that break our rules. Get involved with the news in your community. Send your stories and photos now. Continue reading. Read more. Subscribe Digital Edition. Newcastle United. Middlesbrough FC. Basic words Prostitutes Seesen 'whore' vary in tone, even though they share the characteristic of having to most speakers no other meaning.

Harlot and whore, for example, are pejorative, whereas prostitute is legalistic and unemotive. Courtesan on the other hand suggests a grand and sophisticated associate of the wealthy. In Latin, as we have seen, Prostitutes Seesen was less pejorative than scortum.

Alongside such basic terms, most Prostitutes Seesen possess a Prostitutes Seesen supply of euphemisms, some with a limited currency, others adopted off-the-cuff by individual speakers in appropriate circumstances. Once a euphemism becomes widely current in common parlance it is of course in danger of degenerating into a basic term: it will become so firmly associated with the object to which it alludes that it ceases to be euphemistic.

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The fate of a euphemism depends partlyon how transparent its original meaning iso If that onginal sense becomes obliterated by e. Note xaJl. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin Euphemisms too have Prostitutes Seesen tones. Some words for 'prostitute', although they can be described as euphemistic in that they carry no explicit reference to sexual Prostitutes Seesen, nevertheless express moral disapproval or indignation e.

Others allude to an activity, itself not Prostitutes Seesen sexual, which may still be considered degrading e. Others may be absolutely non-condemnatory, at least in origin.

In a sense then the distinction between 'basic term' word with no other meaning and 'euphemism' a word which strictly could be taken in another sense is unsatisfactory, since the basic term may be less offensive in tone than the euphemism prostitute, though unambiguous, is less emotive than street walker, which is ambiguous.

In this section I discuss the main Prostitutes Seesen of euphemism for 'prostitute' in Latin, as well as a few words which have been thought to Prostitutes Seesen that meaning.

A word for 'whore' may often refer to an associated activity or attribute of the woman, itself non-sexual. Many of the Latin words fall into this category. A common method of soliciting was to sit in front of the brothel or cella in achair, sella For 'sitting' used of whores, see, e. Ovid Pont. For the Prostitutes Seesen of a prostitute, see Plaut.

Adams see 'miseras sehoeno delibutas seruilieolas sordidas' and 'quas adeo hau quisquam umquam liber tetigit neque duxit domum'fl.

Proseda was not eurrent after the time of Plautus, as ean be dedueed from Festus' remark. Prostitutes Seesen euphemism of the same type is sellaria: Schol.

The implieation of the prefix of proseda ean be seen from Petron. The same prefix is found in prostibulum, lit. The expression with a genitive eomplement Prostitutes Seesen Plaut. If its etymologieal sense Prostitutes Seesen still strongly feit one would not expeet it to be eomplemented thus.

A prostibulum was obviously Prostitutes Seesen low dass prostitute: note popli in the passage above 23 and also eist. So too at Lueil. Nonius p.

Daremberg and E. But the meaning 'prostitute' is attested earlier than 'brothel' see below, p. For the senses of stabulum not 'brothel', Prostitutes Seesen 'inn' or 'stable' see Prostitutes Seesen. Kleberg, Hotels, restaurants et cabarets dans l'antiquitti romaine Uppsala,pp. Inns were a notorious haunt of prostitutes: note Dig. See further Herter,jbAC 3pp.

Daremberg-Saglio III. Prostibulum, like proseda above, transparently indicates a whore who engages in open soliciting. Prostitutes Seesen most cultures a distinction is made between high dass prostitutes, whose services have to be obtained by devious methods e. Prostibulum must soon Prostitutes Seesen fallen out of use, since it is restricted later to artificial writers and grammarians e. Because of its obsolescence, its gender and association with Prostitutes Seesen, it later acquired the sense 'brothel': e.

Vulgo Ezech. Various words of the same root as prostibulum are worth mentioning: prostibula Prostitutes Seesen. With the possible exception of the Plautine prostibilis, all of the above words were undoubtedly learned and artificial. At CGr IV. There appears to be no other example of this substantival participle, but at Cic.

A glossator may artificially have brought the substantive into existence on the basis of such a verbal usage. For whores 'standing' to solicit, see Plaut. The above uses of pro- and sto can be seen in prosto, lit.

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Indeed the circumlocution quae prostitit at Sen. Adams Corresponding to prosto is the causative prostituo, Prostitutes Seesen prostitute' lit. Although prostituta was obviously acceptable in educated speech, it seems to have taken over from prostibulum as the term for a whore who was openly displayed note Dig.

Relevant to this Prostitutes Seesen the use of circulatrix in the Priapea In 19 her sexual behaviour is described note 4 'crisabit tibi fluctuante lumbo'but the author is more explicit about her profession in 40 'nota Suburanas inter Telethusa puellas, I quae, puto, de quaestu libera facta suo est'.

The feminine circulatrix is scarcely attested, but the force of the masculine circulator is easy to establish. A circulator was a low dass wandering buffoon cf. The performance or activity of circulatores was incidental; it was their habit of wandering around which is expressed in the word. Various designations of whores in Latin refer to the aggressive soliciting of the dass.

According to Servius, on Virg. Petulcus, a derivative of peto 'attack'is used Prostitutes Seesen aggressive, frisky animals Luer. In application to whores the word would dearly have suggested soliciting.

According to a Prostitutes Seesen CGL V. One might compare the adjectival use of 24 For whores on the streets, see Plaut. Note that both at Prop. For the areas of Rome the Subura, the uicus Tuscus and the Caelius mons which were particularly frequented by whores, see Herter,jbAC 3p.

Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin another derivative of peto, petulans, at Pers. The same idea would lie behind the application of procax to prostitutes: Fest.

But Prostitutes Seesen is not absolutely certain in any of the above cases that the grammarians or glossators had in mind substantival, as distinct from attributival, uses of the various adjectives.

Lupa can be dealt with here, although it differs from the above words in that it is figurative. It was surely the rapacity of the shewolf which inspired the image note Isid. If so, like the words discussed immediately above, lupa would have stressed Prostitutes Seesen predatory character of prostitutes. A 'she-wolf' in the literal sense was originally called a lupus femina in Fabius Pictor and Ennius: see Quint. The feminine lupa is attested first of whores Plautus, Lucilius: see below rather than of the Prostitutes Seesen wolf Prostitutes Seesen.

Similarly the first example of the feminine of miluus, milua, is a term of abuse directed at a woman Petron. In popular identifications of this sort the Prostitutes Seesen was felt to mark Prostitutes Seesen gender morphologically Certainly there can be no doubt that lupa was conceived as the feminine of lupus: the imagery is explicit in the double entendre at Plaut.

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On the other hand for the promiscuity of wild animals, see A. Adams was of course not unusual to apply animal names abusively Prostitutes Seesen humans, induding women cf.

Whores are called limaces liuidae at Plaut. The leno Ballio calls one of his whores excetra at Pseud. Lupa must have had a long currency Prostitutes Seesen speech, since it survives in the Romance languages OFr. Augustine curiously implies that the usage was archaic by his time Ciu. Lupa may have been eurrent in social eirdes with which Augustine was not familiar. The word was presumably weIl established by the time of Plautus. Although he uses it only Prostitutes Seesen Epid. Lupa indieated a partieularly low whore At Mart.

The adjective spurcas leaves no doubt as to the status of the referents, and indeed there is a eontrast implied with the ordinary meretrix whose provinee is the brothel cf. At Juv. The tone of Martial's example should be compared with that of Catull. It is also worth recalling that Lucilius juxtaposes lupa with prostibulum. Although lupa is used once by Cicero apparently as the dimax in aseries of words indicating increasingly squalid purveyors of sex: Mil. Lustrum is common in Plautus and Cicero, and found also in TurpiliusAfranius and Lucilius Lupanar becomes more common during the first century A.

Citroni, M. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin the Republic and early Empire and indeed its survival in Romance suggests that it belonged mainly to low speech. Most examples are in mime and farce Novius 7, Laber. A freedman's derivative lupatria in Petronius Wsuggests that Prostitutes Seesen was current in the low social circles in which hybrid words were formed Two other poorly attested derivatives of lupa Prostitutes Seesen be mentioned here: 1 lupana, a back formation from lupanar e.

CGL IV. Both words, if genuine, were undoubtedly anificial. Petronius' phrase mulier secutuleia Prostitutes Seesen If Prostitutes Seesen were the true meaning, it too, like Prostitutes Seesen of the words above, would be a euphemism based on soliciting in the streets.

A whore does not pay for intercourse. A mulier secutuleia must be a woman such as a uetula so desperate for intercourse that she is willing to buy it she 'chases' Prostitutes Seesen. For this type Prostitutes Seesen woman, see Juv.

Festus gives the meaning 'prostitute' to alicaria: p. So Apuleius' lupula Met. For doubts about the usual interpretation of lupatria, see now G. Neumann, 'lupatria in Petron. Lewis and C. Short, A Latin Dietionary Oxford,s. For Prostitutes Seesen suffix, cf. Hofmann ed. For the sexual use of sequor and derivatives, Prostitutes Seesen. Note wo the sexual? Adams bant, dieebantur prostibula'.

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If he were eorreet alicaria would be another Prostitutes Seesen based on a type of solieiting Festus' assertion, however, looks like an interpretation of Plaut. The reading of the Codex Turnebi, reginas alicarias, whieh is printed by Lindsay and aeeepted by the Prostitutes Seesen, is to be rejeeted At TLL 1. Mauraeh p. These interpretations are semantieally implausible. Alicarius must mean 'related to alica', not 'related to alicarii', just as e.

A praedo frumentarius eie. For the Prostitutes Seesen of Prostitutes Seesen, see Plin. The metaphors of grinding, milling, erushing ete. Henee the implieation is 'you are like the remnants of alica after it has been ground', i. There is implied here agraphie image for intereourse, but alicaria does not mean 'prostitute'. The 34 The authenticity of alicaria as a designation of prostitutes has been generally accepted: see Daremberg-Saglio, Fraenkel, Elementi Plautini in Plauto Florence,p.

Maurach, Plauti Poenulus Heidelberg, Prostitutes Seesen, p. Macci Plauti Comoediae IV. Cum Prostitutes Seesen residuo comparantur meretrices, quarum flos iam dudum decerptus est'. There is no context, and it is far more likely that the sense is 'female dealer in alica' There is another misinterpretation of Plautus at Fest. Schoeniculae is merely an adjective applied to the prostitutes for schoenum used by whores, see Poen.

Solitaria at Salvian Gub. Dei 7. Unlike decent women, low prostitutes might be found standing alone in the streets: note Plaut. Mention was made above p. The word is found only in Christian Latin. Although it is anormal formation see below p.

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In the same passage miraculae too for miracula, fern. It is also worth noting here that the obscure words scrattae, scruppedae and Prostitutes Seesen the spellings are doubtful found in a fragment 97 Lindsay of Plautus' Neruolaria see Varro Ling. Nonius loc. Daremberg-Saglio and Schneider, locc. On the scandal caused by a woman unescorted, see Men.

Adams phonetic similarity between Lat. Withfomicaria can be comparedfomicatrix Vet. Fomicatrix, like fomicatoria Hil. One cannot as yet determine whether fomicaria or meretrix was more favoured by the early translators.

Both are found in the various versions of Gen. Jerome had no liking for fomicaria -us : it is found only 11 times Prostitutes Seesen the Vulgate, sometimes in the masculine. It is not impossible that in this respect Jerome had sought to modify the practice of earlier translators. A Prostitutes Seesen gives the sense meretrix to popina CGL V.

There is no evidence that the word genuinely acquired the meaning 'prostitute', or indeed that it served as a proper Prostitutes Seesen 45but an explanation of the glosses can be suggested. Words for 'brothel' or, by a Prostitutes Seesen extension, 'inn' serving as a brothel 46could be applied to a person male or temale as a term of abuse: Catull. Prostitutes Seesen stabulum Nicomedis et Bithynicum fomicem dicunt', Apul.

The glossators above may have had before them an example of popina Prostitutes Seesen at a whore. By one of them the word was interpreted as a proper name, by the other as a common noun which had taken on the sense 'prostitute'. Herter, JbAC 3p. See above, n. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin An example of fornix at Aug. In the above passages the word for 'brothel' or the like Prostitutes Seesen a vocative, or else the referent is equated with a 'brothel' and hence the word stands in the predicate following the verb 'to be'.

Augustine, however, has used fornix as a full equivalent of meretrix in an oblique case. There are Prostitutes Seesen possible explanations Prostitutes Seesen the usage: a Augustine may have observed a usage Prostitutes Seesen as that at Suet. Since Augustine is unlikely to have committed such a malapropism, the first explanation is the more likely.

Ganea, which occurs in the sense 'prostitute' in glosses Gloss. Papiae Hildebrand p. Ganea means 'brothel' or 'inn' in Classical Latin, and it might once have been applied to whores in the manner of some of the words above. But the view that ganea is a feminine derivative of masc.


Wehave now seen numerous euphemisms which allude to methods, aspects or places of soliciting or sexual activity. I mention finally in this category various circumlocutions in which a Prostitutes Seesen place name or adjective based on a place name is attached to an inherently innocent feminine noun. The adjective summemmianae applied to uxores at Mart. The precise form of the adjective and the allusion which it contains are not clearSO.

Battisti and G. Adams Suburanas It is not the place or manner of soliciting which is alluded Prostitutes Seesen in nonaria, but another matter incidental to the distinctive sexual act of whores, namely the hour from which it tooktlace: Pers. It is worthwhile to point out here that adjectives of the -arius suffix, whether substantivised or adjectival, are commonly used in reference to prostitutes.

The suffix typically indicated persons who were concerned professionally with the thing described by the noun: the great majority of such words have to do with trade and production The use of the formation in application Prostitutes Seesen prostitutes had the effect of placing their quaestus on the same footing as other Prostitutes Seesen and lower-dass activities. The words of this type applied to whores which I have noted are Prostitutes Seesen, [ornicaria, nonaria, sellaria, solitaria, quaestuaria, alicaria, quadrantaria eie.

A euphemism may allude to any other incidental attribute of Rrostitutes. Since prostitutes wore a toga withollt the instita 57it is not surprising to find them called togatae Hor. Similarly at [Tibull. Whores Prostitutes Seesen often slaves Hence Prostitutes Seesen an appropriate context 51 On the Subura as a haunt of whores, see above, n.

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Prostitutes Seesen for 'Prostitute' in Latin it is not unusual to find them called 'slaves'; usually the noun will be complemented in a suggestive way: Jerome Epist.

Prostitutes were frequently foreigners. Hence Donatus' assertion that peregrina once meant 'prostitute' is at first sight plausible: ad Ter. Nevertheless Donatus was Prostitutes Seesen. Terence Andr. I mention finally ambubaia, which is sometimes ascribed the sense 'prostitute' The word is Syrian cf. Prostitutes Seesen is undoubtedly the Prostitutes Seesen at Hor. Ambubaia is a term of abuse at Petron. The only slight evidence for the meaning 'prostitute' comes from the first clause of Porph.

Shipp, P. Terenti Afri Andria' Meibourne,on Schneider, PW XV. Ernout and A. Meillet, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine4 Paris,S.

Kiessling and R. Heinze, Q. Horatius Flaccus, zweiter Teil: Satiren Berlin,ad loe. Adams tant dici'but a sexual implication would appear to be ruled Prostitutes Seesen by the next clause. Moreover Prostitutes Seesen second sentence suggests that Porphyrio did not know the word from current usage, and was merely speculating about its meaning.

I conclude that there is no evidence that the word meant 'whore', either at the time of Horace or of Porphyrio Such words need not of course specifically indicate prostitutes; they can refer to other classes of disreputable women notably adulteressessometimes excluding whores, sometimes including them.

But there is no doubt that Prostitutes Seesen when a writer employs Prostitutes Seesen a euphemism he has prostitutes above all in mind. Though it Prostitutes Seesen seem paradoxieal, it is reasonable in most cases to use the term 'euphemism' of pejorative language of this type. Phrases such as 'woman of ill farne, Prostitutes Seesen of shame' do not specify the cause of the referent's notoriety or shame, although admittedly some adjectives imply a sexual misdemeanour Prostitutes Seesen strongly than others.

A clear case of famosae 'women of notoriety' used of prostitutes is Prostitutes Seesen at eie. De orat. Livy On the other hand at Suet. For impudica applied to prostitutes, see Sen. For the same word of an adulteress, see Tac. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin Prostitutes Seesen, but it is always possible that sueh an assertion is based on adjeetival uses of the word applied to meretrices et sim.

Nevertheless any regular epithet of whores is likely to be substantivised oeeasionally. There follows abrief seleetion of other sueh words and expressions: Cie. III Whores are sometimes ealled 'women of the people, publie, eommon' for the obvious reason that in a sense they belong to everyone. Publica is substantivised with the meaning 'prostitute' cf. Seneca is referring to a question posed by the grammarian Didymus, and he almost certainly had a Greek ward in mind see belowbut the usage is not implausible for Latin also cf.

Whores are often spoken of in Latin as belonging to the populus or uulgus. Those women who are prostituted to the 'people' are generally looked upon as the lowest of whores; sophistieated meretrices had a more restrieted dientele. The following seleetion of passages of diverse kinds illustrates the applieability of publica to a type of whore: Plaut.

Adams non tantum ut uolgus amicam', Cic. Similarly a whore might be the possession of 'everyone' omnes : Cic. Argentarius, A. PGrenf In some languages there is a constant process of replacement; as a word deteriorates, it is replaced, but in due course its replacement may suffer the same fate.

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In Latin puella tended to degenerate, but its history is not exactly the same 68 For the use of a mythological proper name to indicate a whore, see Mart. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin as Prostitutes Seesen of the above words. It does not survive in the Romance languages. In Plautus Prostitutes Seesen predominating use of puella is in reference to small female children. It is used thus 11 times in the Cistellaria, twice in the Casina 41, 79and at Cure.

In a few other places it is used of innocent young girls who have just reached Prostitutes Seesen age; their youth is usually stressed. So at Cas. Terence Prostitutes Seesen puella in the same way as Plautus: most of his 6 examples of the word refer to Prostitutes Seesen. A leno in Plautus is as a rule spoken of as possessing mulieres 70not puellae e.

So a whore could be called a mulier meretrix Men. The one play in which this pattern might seem to be violated is the Rudens, in which Palaestra and Ampelisca, who are in the possession of the leno Labrax, are 7 times called puellae 45, 59, ,, But the freeborn girl Prostitutes Seesen a virgin, not a whore 41, 51, 67, 74, 81and the innocence and youth of Prostitutes Seesen pair are stressed: note 'nempe puellae? There are some curiosities in the use and distribution of puella from the late Republic onwards.

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The rarity of the word in epic has been pointed out by Axelson 71but it is also infrequent in educated prose. Puella is not found at all Prostitutes Seesen the speeches or rhetorica of Cicero, and it is used only 3 times in the letters and twice in the philosophica.

Neither Sallust nor Caesar Prostitutes Seesen it. Those educated Prostitutes Seesen who do use the word tend to restriet it to the early sense 'fernale child'. All of the examples in Cicero fall into this dass, as do 4 of the 5 in Tacitus and most of the 20 in Suetonius.

Livy, who uses puella 22 times, has it sometimes in the 70 N evertheless it is appropriate to'! The word indicates a female who has reached maturity; it may be used of virgins e.

Adams, Glotta 50pp. Adams sense 'young woman', but for the most part in the account of Appius Prostitutes Seesen debauching of the uirgo Verginia 3. The preferred word in educated prose was Prostitutes Seesen.

Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin bond and fornication illicit intercourse which does not necessarily violate a marriage, and in which the female participant takes money , and also between adulterers and fornicators on the one hand, and adulteresses and whores on the other

It is true that uirgo almost invariably has its technical nuance 'virgin'72 and that it can indicate a mature woman who is a virgin, but it is nevertheless frequently used in contexts in which it might have been replaced by puella. And whereas puella could be opposed to mulier, at least in later Latin 75in educated classical prose it is uirgo which appears in such juxtapositions e. Almost all of the prose writers referred to above used uirgo more often than puella, although, given the technical nuance of uirgo, the statistics in themselves are not revealing.

There can be little doubt about the reason for Prostitutes Seesen rarity of Prostitutes Seesen in some writers. By the late Republic the Prostitutes Seesen is frequently applied euphemistically to women past puberty, who in the context may be treated as of easy virtue.

Indeed it approaches the meaning 'whore' often, or at least is used of women who are whores: e. In eomedy uirgo is sometimes used of girls who have been raped Ter. In the phrase 'to rape a virgin', virgin stresses the status of the girl before the aet.

In comedy the other eharaeters Prostitutes Seesen in mind the innoeenee of Prostitutes Seesen girls. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin pretium dixit, non mea puella sed populi est', Eph. The word is often used in obscene inscriptions, applied to women who were no doubt thought of as disreputable: e. CIL IV. Nevertheless in a few places the referent is no worse than someone's girl friend or mistress 'si quis forte meam cupiet uio[lare] puelam.

The word takes Prostitutes Seesen tone from the contexe6. Colloquial usage had changed since Prostitutes Seesen time of Plautus. Plautine characters fall in love, or engage in amatory activities with mulieres, not puellae see further abovel 7.

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But in the historical period there is attested no general use of the word: it had become inextricably associated with earning by means of intercourse. The frequency of seortum in these writers must reflect the moralising tone of Roman historiography; historians, unlike writers of New Comedy, had occasion to speak of whores mainly in contexts of condemnation.
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Amiea, at least in this play, implied a romantic attachment, eoneubina merely Prostitutes Seesen sexual liaison. Sueh relationships were usually savoury and romantie, and they eulminated in marriage. In Latin, as we have seen, meretrix was less pejorative than scortum. Nevertheless any regular epithet of whores is likely to be substantivised oeeasionally. The frequency of seortum in these writers must reflect the moralising tone of Roman historiography; historians, unlike writers of New Comedy, Prostitutes Seesen occasion to speak of whores mainly in contexts of condemnation. Daremberg and E. Her status in relation to the aduleseens, with whom she is in love, is that of amiea,but in relation to the miles, from whom she wishes to escape, she is a eoneubinaProstitutes Seesen,more info,,,,f9.
You can exercise your rights only if you know them. On 1 July , Germany introduced new rules for prostitutes and prostitution estab- lishments. Prostitution is legal in ten of Nevada's 17 counties. but when Austin is asked what she would specifically like to see Sen. Words for 'Prostitute' in Latin leather and sexual intercourse. 46) For the association of popinae with prostitution, see Sen. Dial. , Dig.

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