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Neuengamme concentration camp

To t hisi ts houl d al so beadded the r i ghtofpr ivacy thatever yi ndi vidualhas , whi chwascompl etelyabandonedi nt hecas eof theHI V- pos it ivewomen. Finnish artist Irwin Goodman has made a song and an album called St. This Prostitutes Sasel part of the White Buses program.

The order to transfer the prisoners from the camps to the prison ships came from Hamburg Gauleiter Karl Kaufmann Prostitutes Sasel, who was himself acting on Prostitutes Sasel from Berlin. Kaufmann later Prostitutes Sasel during a war crimes tribunal that the prisoners were destined for Sweden. However, at the same trial, Georg-Henning Graf von Bassewitz-Behrthe head of the Hamburg Gestapo, said that Prostitutes Sasel prisoners were in fact slated to be killed in compliance with Himmler's orders, [10] and it has been suggested that the plan called for scuttling the ships with the prisoners still aboard.

The RAF believed the ships carried SS personnel who were being transferred to Norway, intelligence that the ships carried concentration camp prisoners did not reach the squadrons in time to halt the attack. The Thielbek was sunk and the Cap Arcona and Deutschland set on fire, they both later sank; survivors who jumped into the Prostitutes Sasel were strafed by cannon fire from the RAF aircraft.

Thousands of dead were washed ashore just as the British Army occupied the area; the British forced German prisoners-of-war and civilians to dig mass graves to dispose of the bodies. On May 2,the SS and the last prisoners left the Neuengamme Prostitutes Sasel. Inmates were from 28 nationalities Soviets 34,Polish 16,French 11,German 9,Prostitutes Sasel 6,Belgian 4,Danish 4, and also from the local Jewish community, [3] but also included communists, homosexuals, prostitutes, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, prisoners of war and many other persecuted groups.

Ofinmates, almost half died. In actuality, Prostitutes Sasel estimated 26, victims are known to have died there. More than 80 subcamps were part of the Neuengamme concentration camp. First ininmates of Neuengamme were transported to the camp Arbeitsdorf. The dimensions of the Prostitutes Sasel differed from about 2, inmates to 10 or less. Several of these subcamps have memorials or at least plates, but as of at 28 locations there is nothing. Garbe, from Prostitutes Sasel Memorial Museum of the Neuengamme concentration camp, wrote, "The importance of the satellite camps is further highlighted by the fact that toward the ends of the war three times more prisoners were in satellite camps than in Prostitutes Sasel main camp.

The Nazi Organisation Todt Prostitutes Sasel each subcamp and Prostitutes Sasel forced labour to build bunkersgun emplacements, air-raid shelters, and concrete fortifications. The Alderney concentration camps had a total inmate population of about 6, Norderney camp housed European usually Eastern but including Spaniard and Russian enforced labourers.

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The prisoners in Lager Norderney and Lager Sylt were slave Prostitutes Sasel forced to build the many military fortifications and installations throughout Alderney. Sylt camp held Jewish enforced labourers and was a death camp. Lager Helgoland was filled with Russian Organisation Todt workers. Over of the inmates lost their lives before the camps were closed and the remaining inmates transferred to Germany in In early he became adjutant to the commander of the camp in Neuengamme.

He was killed in action March 17, Female guards were trained Prostitutes Sasel Neuengamme and assigned to one of its female subcamps. There were no SS women stationed at Neuengamme permanently. Many of the women were later dispersed to female subcamps throughout northern Germany.

Only a few have been tried for war crimes including Anneliese Kohlmannwho served as one of six women-guards at Neugraben; [20] and Gertrud HeiseOberaufseherin at Obernheide. Alfred Trzebinski — was an SS-physician, sentenced to death and executed for his involvement in war crimes committed at the Neuengamme subcamps.

As an independent concentration camp from June the following were camp commanders:. Following the end of the war, the camp was initially used as a Russian DP Displaced persons CampGerman prisoners of war were held separately. After June the camp was used by the British forces as an internment camp for Prostitutes Sasel members and Nazi officials. The Civil Internment Camp No. Since the city of Hamburg used the camp as a prison.

Several original buildings of the camp continued to serve as locations in this prison for example Building Number 9until February Since the demolition of the new-build structures in the whole area is used as a memorial. A first memorial was erected Prostitutes Sasel on the site of the former Prostitutes Sasel garden.

It was expanded inand a "document house" was added in Prostitutes Sasel Inthe Hamburg Senate Prostitutes Sasel that the prisons erected in and on the camp site should be relocated. The older one was closed Prostitutes Saselthe newer in In a new memorial site and museum Prostitutes Sasel opened.

On May 2, , the SS and the last prisoners left the Neuengamme camp.

Three of the camp's outposts also serve as public memorials. These are located at Bullenhuser DammKritenbarg 8 and Suhrenkamp The first of Prostitutes Sasel is a memorial to the murder of 20 children from the Auschwitz concentration camp who had been taken to the main camp at Neuengamme and abused for medical experiments.

On April 20,only weeks before the war was over, they were killed at the Bullenhuser Damm school in Hamburg to cover up that crime.

Parts of this complex served as concentration camp for communists, opponents of the regime and many other groups. About inmates were murdered here during the Nazi reign. Reconstructed railway wagon at the Neuengamme memorial in which prisoners were transported.

Prostitutes Sasel to the demolition of the Neuengamme camp and its records by the SS in and the transportation of inmates to other subcamps or other working locations, the historical work is difficult and ongoing. Military Wiki Explore. Popular pages. Project maintenance. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account?

Neuengamme concentration camp. History Talk 0. See also: List of subcamps of Neuengamme. Prostitutes Sasel article: Alderney concentration camps. Bundesministerium der Justiz.

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Rat her ,the pol icies that wer eenactedbyt hepol iceandt heheal thi nsti - tut Prostitutes Sasel ons per taint o a mode of cr i mi nalization thatt argetsthewomenasi mmi grantsandnon- citizens. Thes epoli ciesalsogobeyondadi sposi - tifofmanagi ng risk,ast hey ar e as eriousand except ionalmi s- treatmentofmar ginalized in- di viduals. Sever alindi - vidualsand as sociationsdi di nt ervenewi th as - sis tance.

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Prostitutes Sasel oft he peopl et hatwe i nt erviewed t Prostitutes Sasel ust hat the peopl e f rom t he Sol idar it y I nitiati ve brought t he i mpr is oned women bas ict hings thattheywer el acki ng,s uch ast oiletpaperand phonecar ds. Theyal sof oundt hem l awyer sthat couldr epresental lthei mpr is oned women Prostitutes Sasel group and s peak f ort hem i n Prostitutes Sasel t. Mor eovertheSol i dar i tyI ni ti ativeputt hewomeni ntouch with r ehabi l itat i on or gani zations.

Howevermos toft hewomencont inuedt ous edr ugs,and atert hey had been r eleased f rom pr ison,t hey soon returnedt ot hes t r eet s. Oneoft hewomen commi tt ed s ui cide i n November 4, ater havingpr evious ly inApr il 4 wr i t t enal ett er 43 abouthercas e.

Ri skandt heWaronTe rror. London: Routl edge. Huys mans ,andV. Squi re. Ar adau,Cl audi a. Ar adau,Cl audiaandRensvanMuns t er. Prostitutes Sasel adau,ClaudiaandRensvanMuns ter. Amoor eandM. Banks,J ames.

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Bi ber ,Katheri ne. Bi go,Didier. Sec urit Prostitutes Sasel. El be,Stefan. El be,Stef an. Foucaul t,Michel. Di sci pli neandPuni sh: TheBirt hofthePris on. London:All enLane. Securi ty,Terri tor y, Populati on. Lec turesattheCollegedeFrance—1 Basi ngstoke:PalgraveMacmi ll an.

Foucault ,Michel. Prostitutes Sasel iet yMus tbe Prostitutes Sasel nded. London:Pi cador. Huysmans ,J ef. Theconc eptoft hepoli tic al. Chi cago:Univer sit yofChicagoPres s. Such measures were not only exceptional, but were also serious breaches of human rights. Claiming to be taking precautions to protect society from a potential future AIDS epidemic, the Prostitutes Sasel repeatedly disclosed sensitive information and mug shots of the alleged offenders to the media. In linking risk assessment, control of the population and technologies of knowledge, the paper will argue that the women were framed and criminalized as migrants and non-citizens.

The intervention of three international organizations — the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund — brought about structural changes and the introduction of policies that continue to considerably lower living standards and produce societal divides.

Unsurprisingly, the Prostitutes Sasel creates conditions conducive for right-wing political groups to Prostitutes Sasel Mireanu and Gkresta, Consequently, the political discourse has shifted and new paradigms of governance have emerged.

Issues such as irregular immigration and public health have become prominent in Greek politics and public debates, and are subject of daily media attention. Irregular immigration was a major preoccupation for the government before the May national elections, whilst crackdowns on illegalised migrants living in the centre of Athens were and continue to be common practice.

These activities and the rise in HIV cases are being linked by the authorities to undocumented immigration.

In spite of data suggesting that the numbers of undocumented migrants are much lower than usually believed, 1controversial police operations, Prostitutes Sasel as Xenios Zeus,2 continue to enjoy public approval and are presented as highly successful by the government and the media at large. The imposed austerity programs made inequalities sharper for the people living in Greece. The country currently has one of the highest unemployment rates in the EU Youth unemployment figures were at Prostitutes Sasel According to a recent survey, sex trade in Greece increased by 1.

On the one hand, people have less money to spend on sexual services. On Prostitutes Sasel other hand, in order to attract more clients, sex workers are pushed to take higher risks Prostitutes Sasel have unprotected sex. Budget cuts greatly impacted outreach programs designed to counsel and treat the most Prostitutes Sasel, which provide services such as needle exchange and condom distribution, along with spreading information on Prostitutes Sasel prevention.

The resources allocated to social welfare and the healthcare system have been reduced dramatically. In other words, Prostitutes Sasel access to services and preventive care is severely compromised. As it happened with all vulnerable groups, the crisis increased the precariousness of persons using drugs, who might turn to sex work in order to sustain themselves. Since the urban environment Prostitutes Sasel more vulnerable, the effects of the crisis are mostly felt and manifested in cities.

The centre of Athens has been significantly affected, and the transformations of the urban landscape are glaringly noticeable. The only business that seems to be flourishing is that of pawnshops.

Evictions have become regular, and the numbers of homeless people are on the rise. These activities and the rise in HIV cases are being linked by the authorities Prostitutes Sasel undocumented immigration. The Prostitutes Sasel will describe how a government project that was initially targeting undocumented immigrants evolved into the castigation of a group of twenty-seven Prostitutes Sasel women. Their personal data were disclosed, their mug Prostitutes Sasel were published by the media, and they were charged with felony and imprisoned.

Less than a year later, the initial charges against them collapsed and all of them were set free. In contrast to what the literature on risk and security suggests, we will then argue that there is always an exceptional moment that triggers the generalised panic.

Our methodology is a combination of interviews and discourse analysis. The case of the persecuted seropositive women Prostitutes Sasel Greece can function as a vantage viewpoint to look at the way in which a perceived risk is used as vehicle for social control and can shed light on the performative uses of a state of emergency.

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Social groups that are perceived as somehow hostile or deviant migrants, homeless, people who use intravenous drugs, transgender persons, sex workers and even anarchists exist in the margins of society, Prostitutes Sasel what is presented as a state of disorder Prostitutes Sasel legality. This logic legitimizes intervention and justifies the intensification of violent repression in the eyes of the public.

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This case is also an opportunity to show how debating crises can be a prelude to repressive state policies. A chronicle of castigation The parliamentary elections were due to be held in late April or early May. Already in early March, the Greek government had launched a crackdown on illegalised migrants living in the centre of Athens. In the first days Prostitutes Sasel April, the government announced and, subsequently introduced amendments6 according to which the law foresees the right to detain indefinitely third-country nationals, if they pose a risk to public Prostitutes Sasel.

The law does not determine who can define which are the countries of origin whose nationals may pose a risk to public health. Neither are the criteria for selecting them stated. The text of the law reproduces wider racist discourses against migrants. It is worth noting at this point that the crisis years are characterized by an explosion in the intensity of legislative acts. Some were part of the Prostitutes Sasel that Greece agreed to in order to receive financial aid, while others did not seem to cover any pressing social needs.

Often these changes in the legal framework were met with protests, and the procedures followed were far from democratic. The decision to introduce the above mentioned amendments was Prostitutes Sasel by alarming statements of government officials regarding the imminence of a public health disaster caused by the presence of migrants in the city centre.

Prostitutes Sasel Minister of Citizen Protection, Michalis Chrisochoidis, stated that the great concentration of migrants at the centre of Athens and other Prostitutes Sasel cities creates severe threats for the public health, arguing that their unacceptable living standards Prostitutes Sasel guarantee elementary hygiene standards It Prostitutes Sasel a 22 year old woman from Russia.

The day after the police made public all her personal data: not just her full name, her place of birth and age, but also the date of birth, the names of her parents, the name of the neighbourhood where the woman was living in Athens, the address of the brothel she was working at the time, and of the one she had worked before. The information was accompanied Prostitutes Sasel two pictures of her that went instantly viral.

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However, during her court testimony, the Prostitutes Sasel said that she did Prostitutes Sasel know she was a carrier. I had given fair warning that AIDS is increasing dramatically in our country and that part of the problem stems from illegal immigration and unregistered prostitution. Not only were the women forcibly tested, but also the notion of medical confidentiality was rendered impossible Prostitutes Sasel the collaboration with the police.

The controls continued and more and more women — all of them unregistered and working on the street — were found to be HIV-positive and were prosecuted for felony.

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The women explained that they were not aware of Prostitutes Sasel illness, but found few sympathetic ears. Whoever wishes to get tested […] should call […]. That is, they [the clients] pay a bit more. They go to her because she accepts [to have sex] Prostitutes Sasel [using] protection. And of course she would accept [to have sex] without protection because she knew she is sick. Loverdos even called for the penalization of unprotected sex as a way to make the clients act responsibly.

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In the days that followed, Prostitutes Sasel data of many more Prostitutes Sasel were published: on the 3 rd of May five women,30 on the 5th of May another six,31 on the 10th of May five more. In the meantime, various organizations were asking for the cessation of the castigation of HIV-positive women. The Solidarity Initiative with the Persecuted Seropositive Women, a group Prostitutes Sasel was formed shortly after the first arrests, had Prostitutes Sasel crucial role in having the mug shots removed from the police website.

Members of the group who Prostitutes Sasel visiting the women in prison said that one of their first requests was the removal of their images. Unfortunately, public shaming is just one of the tragic aspects of this story. The seropositive women were held in prison cells, not in a hospital. As a precaution, they were held separately from the rest of the prisoners, in the basement of the prison, in highly unsanitary conditions.

They did not have adequate medical care during this time. Their prosecution for sex work was based on the information given by one police officer, who testified for all the women approximately- were Prostitutes Sasel brought in to confirm their data. The charges for sex work had to be dropped. It could be argued that these women were Prostitutes Sasel because of their appearance and their drug addiction and were persecuted and imprisoned for being Prostitutes Sasel.

By Marchall twenty-seven seropositive women were out of prison. Their release, however, enjoyed little or no media coverage and Prostitutes Sasel statements were made on behalf of the Prostitutes Sasel. Security and HIV Prostitutes Sasel ways in which the Greek authorities decided to deal with the issue of HIV-positive women in Athens suggests a logic of securitization, whereby a public threat is articulated as an issue of capital importance that deserves immediate treatment.

If such emergency measures are not taken right away, the threatening issue risks annihilating the political and social body of the community Prostitutes Sasel et. The proponents of this theory suggest that in most cases the community can be the state or the society.

If the issue is threatening the integrity and sovereignty of the state, then it is a case of national security, and it is dealt with by way of military interventions. In other words, if the leaders of a state have the legitimacy to speak for the state and declare a state of emergency, the voices of a society are always competing with one another for prevalence and legitimacy. However, Prostitutes Sasel is difficult to see how the events of spring in Athens could be fully explained through the grid of the theory of securitization.

The health of these women themselves was of no concern Prostitutes Sasel any point. The measures taken by the Greek authorities Prostitutes Sasel not pertain to a scenario where Prostitutes Sasel gravity of the threat would justify a general mobilization of the population or the state.

To Prostitutes Sasel it in the terms of the securitization theory, the measures were exceptional, but not urgent. The securitization of HIV in Greece pertains to a less dramatic level. This is a securitizing move that aims at restoring and reinforcing a certain social order and the values that it represents. Quite a few scholars have pointed out the ways in which such securitizing moves work.

In this way, the authorities maintain a generalized feeling of insecurity among the population, by using data and expertise to point out the great degree of risk that a society is facing from certain threats such as immigration or terrorism Bigo, ; Aradau and Van Munster, and Securitization is thus a process that involves as much scientific knowledge as political decision.

It is not only a discursive articulation of an emergency, but a continuous mechanism of everyday assessments Huysmans, Securitization functions through technologies of surveillance, such as biometrics, CCTV cameras, Prostitutes Sasel databases and so on, as much as through hard military defence.

It functions Prostitutes Sasel insidious and mundane objects Prostitutes Sasel as mail correspondence, computers or liquid recipients. In this way, anything can become a threat, including an invisible virus. The securitization of the HIV and of people living with AIDS is part of a shift in focus from a need to defend the national territory to a need to defend and increase the population at large.

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This results in a form of knowledge and Prostitutes Sasel that targets bodies and behaviours. This deviance is applied especially in the realm of Prostitutes Sasel. By constituting the category of the deviant, as the bearer of the deadly virus, the mechanism that articulates the HIV and the people living with AIDS as security threats establishes a logic of exclusion whereby the diseased needs to be separated and quarantined from the rest of the Prostitutes Sasel Elbe, This exclusion is necessary for the threat to be contained and eventually destroyed; but it is also a normalizing and disciplining Prostitutes Sasel that aims at underlining the consequences of deviant sexual behaviour.

As such, the person living with HIV becomes an outcast; she or he can transgress forcibly the boundaries of the social norm and quotidian life, only to be ostracised in the exterior, in the realm of the untouchables. AIDS becomes a stigma that exhibits characteristics of deviance, danger and debauchery. In the next sections, we propose two arguments that diverge Prostitutes Sasel this view.

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First, we argue that the events of Prostitutes Sasel in Athens point to a specific mode of dealing with HIV-positive people, which is a mode of criminalisation. Thus, we suggest that securitizing the HIV is not Prostitutes Sasel open- ended process as Elbe argues, but a concrete mechanism for rendering certain groups as being outside the law, and therefore outside the possibility of claiming citizenship rights.

Second, we argue that the Athens case shows that the securitization of HIV and of people living with AIDS Prostitutes Sasel be read only through the language of biopolitical risk. Such a vocabulary emphasizes dispersed articulations of threat. Rather, the events of point to an Prostitutes Sasel moment of action and coercion against the women living with HIV.

Mechanisms of criminalisation We argue that the securitization of HIV-positive women in Athens was primarily a way to criminalize them. In this section, we will show the two mechanisms of this criminalization, as well as the ways in Prostitutes Sasel criminalizing sex workers is part of a series of moves from the Greek state against sex workers, immigrants and asylum seekers in Greece.

The first Prostitutes Sasel is the criminalization of movement. This is performed Prostitutes Sasel through a discourse of perpetual suspicion towards immigrants.

As one of our respondents argued, the action against HIV-positive women was devised from the outset as another step in the crackdown of illegalised immigrants in Athens. Immigration as the movement of people across borders was a main target of the Greek authorities.

Moreover, this is not just movement of people, but also that of a virus considered to be deadly. Hence, the movement of the carriers is doubly incriminated: first for having illicitly arrived in Greece, and second for having transmitted the virus to Greek citizens. From the outset, these actions were Prostitutes Sasel in particular areas of the city —such as Omonoia, Vathi square and Athinas street - which were perceived as a focal point of the disease.

Hence, the Prostitutes Sasel where the women lived Prostitutes Sasel at once an integral part of the stigma they were carrying along with the virus. Any attempt to move out, to escape the environment in which these tragic events happened brought again and again this stigma with it. The second mechanism is related to the politics of citizenship and the discourses Prostitutes Sasel inclusion and exclusion that appertain to them.

As we have shown in the outset, the Greek government is waging a continuous war on undocumented immigration, and the operation against alleged sex workers in Athens has been a part of this war. Not having legal documents, not having a legitimate status within the country, becomes an additional crime and a reason to hunt Prostitutes Sasel the women who were working on the streets of Athens.

Here the issue of the published photographs becomes of capital Prostitutes Sasel. Furthermore, suspicion can be turned into conviction with the help of the visual evidence provided by photographs. This is a function that has been traditionally associated with the mug shot.

The role of the mug shot is to elicit emotions, and in this case what was sought for was generalized Prostitutes Sasel. In this scenario, whether the women were guilty or not mattered less than the fact that the panic could have a recognizable face.

Prostitutes Sasel photographs were meant to alarm the general public — the Greek families — about the spreading danger posed by the women. In this way, several lines of exclusion were being drawn: Greeks versus immigrants, healthy versus diseased, clean versus addicted, normal versus deviant and honest versus criminal.

To this it should also be added the right of privacy that every individual has, which was completely abandoned in the case of the HIV-positive women. They Prostitutes Sasel a triple identity for them: woman — sex worker — dangerous patient. In projecting Prostitutes Sasel characterizations through Prostitutes Sasel media to the public, they create the image of these women as individuals deserving the worst treatment.

Being Prostitutes Sasel with HIV was only a part of the discourse that criminalized the women who were arrested in the streets of Athens. If we are to focus on the nexus between disease and securitization, as Elbe suggests, we must pay more attention to the intimate mechanisms of criminalization.

The fact of carrying the virus is always entangled Prostitutes Sasel several other discourses of guilt and panic. In the case of the seropositive women in Prostitutes Sasel, we cannot analyse the securitization of AIDS without paying attention to the ways in which movement, space, citizenship and the mug shots operated as mechanisms of criminalization. Risk and the exception In this section we take up the argument of the Prostitutes Sasel between the securitization of HIV and risk.

Prostitutes Sasel, risk policies are an integral part of the neoliberal dispositif of governmentality Aradau and van Munster, Governmentality is the art of self-governance in accordance to the principles of the Prostitutes Sasel discourse. Therefore, every social relation will be permeated by power Foucault, Within this Foucauldian framework, the locus Prostitutes Sasel power is no longer the sovereign, who is situated on top of the social and political hierarchy; instead, power is dissipated through a series of micro-practices and discourses that make decisions hard, if not impossible, to trace back to a single Prostitutes Sasel of sovereignty Foucault: This argument has direct implications for how we conceptualize political decisions.

Foucault opposes the view that power is exceptional, and therefore does not agree to a Schmittian view of the exception as the ultimate basis of political decision Schmitt, The landscape of governmentality that emerges is marked with Prostitutes Sasel routines and technologies of surveillance, control and Prostitutes Sasel that operate as a structure of continuous non-acts. In short, the exception becomes normality, and the political becomes a technology of everyday governance.

Turning back to our case, immigration, AIDS and sex work were not novel or exceptional phenomena per se in Greece. The particular conditions Prostitutes Sasel these women poverty and even homelessness, drug addiction, trafficking did not interest the authorities. In their case, a fundamental right, the presumption of innocence, was not guaranteed.

However, we argue that the measures taken were exceptional, in that the government performed a considerable number of serious breaches of human rights that do not occur on a daily basis.

Both the articulation of a perceived threat [seropositive undocumented immigrant sex workers] as well as the claim of taking precautions to protect society the risk of AIDS as having the potential of a future Prostitutes Sasel that threatens the family, the core of the Greek Prostitutes Saselare, as this case shows, mere means to achieve a greater goal, that of social control.

As Foucault suggests, the dispositifs of government operate by generating knowledge and using it to discipline the deviance and control the majority. In the case of the Greek sex-workers, knowledge Prostitutes Sasel the Prostitutes Sasel concern of the authorities — not Prostitutes Sasel health of the workers, Prostitutes Sasel vulnerability in front of the law or their traumatic experiences.

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It was first and foremost an explicit concern to spread out as much as possible all that was known about these Prostitutes Sasel, including their photographs.

We cannot fully begin to interpret the actions of the Greek state merely as raising awareness for the population. Since the threat has been there for a long time, the policymaking in this case Prostitutes Sasel be explained convincingly on the basis of the precautionary principle. After all, taking Prostitutes Sasel measures, aimed at risk management, could have been done through less radical, Prostitutes Sasel spectacular measures by not penalizing patients Prostitutes Sasel respecting their rights and privacybut through far more efficient means needle exchange programs, sex education at schools, access to healthcare etc.

Publishing the data and the images of the women was framed as a way for reducing uncertainty-governing the risk for the Prostitutes Sasel family society is being defined by the government in a monolithic way, as consisting primarily of monogamous heterosexual Greeks.

Rather, the authorities articulated a set of rationalities regarding the present endangered state of public health, under the pretext of raising social awareness. The purpose, Prostitutes Sasel stated, was to prevent Greek citizens from panicking. The result, however, was precisely to create panic, in the form of desperate phone calls and the inescapable social control.

What the literature on technologies of risk assessment omits is that the continuum of dispersed and routinized practices associated with governmentality does not occur out of the Prostitutes Sasel. There is always an exceptional moment that triggers the panic.

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There is always a Prostitutes Sasel event, like the uncovering of the Greek alleged sex-workers, that sets in motion the processes of threat articulation and risk prediction. Within these moments of extreme emergency, one can detect not only the different agencies that are behind such constructions, but also the discursive building mechanisms of the knowledges needed to foresee or prevent such events from Prostitutes Sasel in the future.

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History Talk 0. AI DSbecomesa stigmat hatexhi bitschar act er i sticsofdevi ance, danger ,anddebaucher y. Thus ,r is kpol i ci esar ean integralpartoft heneol iberaldi spositifofgov- ernment ali ty Ar adau and van Muns ter Sandy Bell - a graduate with two university Prostitutes Sasel - is one of a small army of women who webcam from home. Fur ther mor e,s us - picion can be t ur ned i nto Prostitutes Sasel ct i on wi tht he hel p ofthevi sualevi dencepr ovided byphot o- graphs. The Prostitutes Sasel. Remember me on this computer.
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