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He returned 3 years later. With the SA as an example, special Hitler Youth units were formed and trained Prostitutes Huenfeld the duties of motorized troops from the Air Prostitutes Huenfeld and Navy. Despite heavy defense by anti-aircraft cannons a few enemy bombers dared a low-level attack and fired their on-board weapons.

We cherished some of these stores because we were able to buy good Prostitutes Huenfeld inexpensively. Ignaz Lott who apparently came from a rural, strict, catholic family was very rough.

He would slap the students around from one corner of the classroom to the other, sometimes blood would flow. Biehler Fritz, later a successful boxer, was expelled from school because he would defend himself with fistfights.

Ernst Haar, who later became to be a secretary of the state for the federal ministry of transportation and boss of the railroad union, had the same fate because of his politically red aspiration.

Therefore we gave him the nickname of "Father". At the end of the war the gossip was that he had terrible things happen to him. Presumably he was beaten until he died by Polish migrant workers while on his way home to his apartment the "Brown House" domicile of Ortsgruppenleiter, a Prostitutes Huenfeld leader, a party big shot. No one ever heard from him again.

Beginning Prostitutes Huenfeld where transferred to the Schwab School. Whoever completed with the necessary grades was entered into the intermediate grades. This meant moving into the time-honored Knosp School, which is still standing today at Knosp Street in Stuttgart West. From now on Heinz Kant and myself did not have to change streetcars. Number 21 would take us to school through the center of the city.

At the station a police officer directed traffic. He wore the Tschako on his head, a military headgear. Coming from all directions, many streetcars meet at the Schlossplatz.

Located at the Rotebuehlplatz was a Prostitutes Huenfeld command. If an Officer approached, the guard had to present his rifle. We boys were very impressed. In a nutshell: we saw many people and our new way to school was very interesting. My new teacher was Dr. He was also a "Beater". Many rulers broke on our backs! Our 1 st "Rex" principal was Dr. He was the author of a history book with a national socialistic train of thought, and a true Nazi.

After he was called for military duty Mr. Waetzig, a small guy from Saxony took over. He introduced us to the mysteries Prostitutes Huenfeld bookkeeping and Prostitutes Huenfeld the "Uebungskontor", a dummy firm, which was run by us students with enthusiasm.

As far as I remember all of the teachers were more or less forced Prostitutes Huenfeld be in the party. Pastor Petri Prostitutes Huenfeld the Paulus Perish Prostitutes Huenfeld the lessons in religion very lively.

We were fascinated. My chemistry teacher was Dr. In Higher Trade School the priority was the study of commercial business knowledge and know how. The students learned a lot for future professional life, even though the Hitler Youth demanded much of their time.

Just think of the pre-military training and air defense. I took the intermediate high school exam and left school to begin apprenticeship in the spring of The Prostitutes Huenfeld on the Netherlands, Belgium and France began on May 10, Despite expectations from military experts the West-Campaign was a triumph for the armed forces.

On June 22, the "Cease-Fire of Compiegne" agreement had been signed in the same Prostitutes Huenfeld carriage in which Germany had surrendered on November 11, The knowledge of wood-workshop was in great demand at the Prostitutes Huenfeld defense. Out of wood, nails, ropes and black paper Prostitutes Huenfeld were constructed which were useful for keeping windows dark during the night. After that a civil air-raid defense system was organized. During air-raid alarms I had to report at the guard station and be Prostitutes Huenfeld as a communications specialist.

Since it was the duty of all youth to belong to "Hitler Youth" groups. Girls ages 14 to 21 had to serve for the "German Girls League" and were separated into different groups. They practiced their future roles as German housewives and sacrificing mothers.

Many families, especially those engaged within religious communities would Prostitutes Huenfeld allow their children to join the Hitler Youth groups. Only after their children came home crying because of the teasing from classmates and teachers would they give in and let them be part of the Prostitutes Huenfeld groups. With the SA as an example, special Hitler Youth units were formed and trained Prostitutes Huenfeld the duties of motorized troops from the Air Force and Navy. Some were trained in the communication- and medical field.

I was 14 years old and learned once and for all that there are two different kinds of people in this world, men and women.

Before that, some thought there are three kinds: Cannstatter, Stuttgarter and Niggers. The children from Navy- Hitler Youth Groups wore blue and white uniforms like the sailors, with Prostitutes Huenfeld and blowing ribbons. I was impressed with their uniform and soon after signed up for duty. With enthusiasm I learned of seaman trades like the signaling with flags, about knots and rowing.

I hardly ever took off my uniform. Inat the end of the "West Campaign", Prostitutes Huenfeld was attending my second year of higher trade school in Stuttgart when my father, who was 40, was drafted to the Prostitutes Huenfeld, originally a Home-Country Defense Group. He was a guard for prisoners from France, Belgium and Holland who were working on farms. Mother still worked in a knitwear factory at Rosenberg Street in Stuttgart.

Because we lived in Cannstatt, Teinachstreet near Prostitutes Huenfeld Kursaal, she had a long way to work. My father was with the soldiers and my mother was at Prostitutes Huenfeld. No one was home who could get something to eat other than the food available on the grocery cards. Our year-old grandfather lived with us Prostitutes Huenfeld he was too frail.

This would Prostitutes Huenfeld a reason for the Nazis Prostitutes Huenfeld hurt my mother if they could hear her. With divisions,motorized vehicles, 3, tanks, 7, pieces of heavy artillery and 2, planes, the Germans were the strongest military force ever united in action. Initial enormous success strengthened the believes of the Prostitutes Huenfeld that this campaign could be over victoriously in just a short Prostitutes Huenfeld.

But the beginning of winter halted the attack.

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As special announcement trumpets Prostitutes Huenfeld over the radio that Sunday morning, people turned up the volume of their radios and opened windows and doors so everyone could hear the news.

I was 16 years old and goose bumps ran down my back when I heard that the Soviet Union had been attacked. Somehow I knew that I would be drafted Prostitutes Huenfeld war. The "biggest Field General of all time" declared war with the U. S ships with its submarines, which supplied the allies in Europe with all necessities. Nevertheless, Hitler was determined not to give up even if it would cause the total destruction of Germany. In some way he declared war on his own nation! In the beginning, the strength of the attacker determined the outcome.

Later, bigger reserves were the determining factor. At the end ofthe U. And Prostitutes Huenfeld were also the supplies coming from England.

The 6 th Army under the command of Field Marshall Paulus and hismen were surrounded in Stalingrad on November 22, An escape would have been possible but Hitler ordered to hold out at any price. The coming end of the 6 th Army seemed to take painfully long.

On February 2, they surrendered. OnlyGerman soldiers escaped the hell of battle only to begin their way into Prostitutes Huenfeld inferno of imprisonment in Siberia.

From that time on it was defeat after defeat. The British started area bombings of cities and industrial installations. Anglo-Americans Prostitutes Huenfeld the air space over Germany. Enemy air-war strategists intended to break the morale of the German population with their terror attacks. Allies of the Prostitutes Huenfeld either dropped out of the war or joined the enemy. Hitler was forced to expand his reign to other territories, for example Italy in September of Because their office was nearby at 24 Tuebinger Street I went there right away.

Hafner offered me hopes for employment after reviewing my Prostitutes Huenfeld, which I still had to supply.

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A few weeks later my father and I signed the apprenticeship contract. Father signed Prostitutes Huenfeld 1 st Class Robert Beck". After graduation I began my career at the General Pension Administration Office, established in The first year my monthly pay was My contributions for pension, health insurance and unemployment were deducted automatically.

My apprenticeship would last Prostitutes Huenfeld 3 years. Beginning on April 1, and ending on March Prostitutes Huenfeld, I had to attend Business-Vocational School at the same time. Because I graduated from higher trade school I was able to start in the second grade of vocational school right away.

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Still, I was ahead of my classmates. Nevertheless, he appointed me class president. I was responsible for everything but had no say in anything.

Class began with the same regulation as it did in other schools. When the teacher entered the classroom the class president had to shout "Attention" in a loud and military voice. The students had to stand up straight. After the teacher greeted the class with "Heil Hitler" the students had to greet the teacher in the same way.

The class president Prostitutes Huenfeld then read the slogan of the week posted in the classroom. Most of the time it was about "Old Fritz" or another person from Prussia.

He knew all apprenticeship leaders and human resources managers. He was the "buddy" type with a robust schwaebisch appearance and language of the same.

He explained the curriculum with funny examples and made it easy to understand for anyone. The figures of his stories were always classmates, whom he usually made look bad. Wohlleb was from Hofen and employed by the Wuertembergisch Insurance Society. He always had a strange expression on his face and his whole body.

He even looked as if he were not the brightest person. He was from Niederlaendisch India, Island of Borneo, and son of Prostitutes Huenfeld missionary. Both Ernst Weiler and Nanza Paul had fun with their regular verbal arguments and one time Paul Nanz ended the dispute with the comment "Halt dei Gosch, Prostitutes Huenfeld na.

Wissa isch, wenn mer woiss wos stoht! Knowledge is to know Prostitutes Huenfeld it is written. To Prostitutes Huenfeld day I remember this phrase. Gerd Winter was a "pretty" boy and very attracted to the females. One morning on the way to school "Nanza Paul" observed him and "his Marie" Prostitutes Huenfeld they switched trains at Prostitutes Huenfeld Schlossplatz and he overheard the garbage Winter would tell the girl.

Afterwards, "Nanza Paul" shared his knowledge with everyone in the classroom. Walter Fried from Rohracker Street in Prostitutes Huenfeld was also in my class. His father worked for the trolley company and made money on the side as a winegrower. He was on the board of the Hedelfinger "Woodland-Home Club" and politically red aspired.

Many times we did our homework together. Majuntke, who was also Prostitutes Huenfeld of my classmates, did not surrender to the Americans in time during the last Prostitutes Huenfeld of war. He was captured by the Russians and Prostitutes Huenfeld to Odessa.

He returned 3 years later. I can still remember classmate Kocher very well. He worked for Allianz Insurance Company. Rolf Frasch and Alfred Roemer who started their apprenticeship at the General Pension Administration Office the same Prostitutes Huenfeld as I were called by their first names and often sent to get lunch for coworkers.

Interestingly enough no one ever tried that with me. I Prostitutes Huenfeld very satisfied with my instructors and I think they were equally satisfied with me. For teenagers between the ages of 14 Prostitutes Huenfeld 18 the regular weekday workday was 8 hours. The lessons at Business-Trade School continued of course, and counted Prostitutes Huenfeld work-time. Since I was 16 years old my annual vacation was 12 weekdays. Because I regularly participated in day camping trips with the Hitler Youth Group my annual vacation was raised Prostitutes Huenfeld 18 weekdays.

The end of my 2 nd year of apprenticeship and Prostitutes Huenfeld school neared in February Superintendent Nanz registered me for final exams. I passed with flying colors. For my "achievements, performance, diligence and good behavior" I received a certificate of commendation and a book from the city of Stuttgart.

Even though this was only my 2 nd year of apprenticeship my employer registered me for Prostitutes Huenfeld by the Industrial-Board of Trades, which I passed brilliantly. My Business-Assistant-Certificate was dated March 4, We were assigned to the different troops according to size.

I was assigned to the 2 nd Platoon, 6th Troop. With pride we wore the traditional insignia of the Edelweiss flower which only grows high in the mountains on our caps. The training was very hard and we lived in cabins right below the Aggenstein Mountain. Wake-up time was at A. Within 15 minutes we had to make our bed by shaking-up the straw-sack and shaping it in a rectangle like a big box, wash, shave and report in our physical-training clothes for morning exercise.

At first it was Prostitutes Huenfeld impossible but due to imminent punishment we soon got the hang of it. We took our meals inside the mess hall. Food was in short supply. Silently Prostitutes Huenfeld wrangled for the portions Prostitutes Huenfeld day; otherwise we would have to eat our food outside the mess hall, standing up and Prostitutes Huenfeld singing. We built firing-ranges in Graen and carried wood to the Landsberger Cabin located at the foot of Mount Lachenspitze 2, Prostitutes Huenfeldwhich we picked up at the Vilsalp Lake.

He was married to a Schwaebisch woman from Stuttgart, which is where he stayed Prostitutes Huenfeld hiding for a while after the war. Later he worked in the office for Construction Company Stephan in Cannstatt.

He was of small Prostitutes Huenfeld, soft hearted and sensitive, but pretended to be tough. My troop leader was a foreman and like all men of the same rank he thought he is God. One of the things the troop leaders had to do was to make sure the spades from the men were spotless on all parts.

So clean, that the spades reflected the sun like a mirror on Prostitutes Huenfeld pine trees across the valley during drills.

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What a spectacle it was when men were on drill! Bad performance meant the "Flachbahn-Race" was in order along with bad threads.


Only the guys from Vienna, about half of the troop, dared to expressed their displeasure at times. He barley pulled up his pants and quickly approached the mutineer, a tall guy from the 1 st Platoon.

It was a sight for the gods when on the next day the short guys from the 4 th Prostitutes Huenfeld led Prostitutes Huenfeld tall guy to the "Bau" penitentiary cell. He was not allowed to wear suspenders, a belt or any badge or decoration Prostitutes Huenfeld was sentenced to 3 days arrest. Oh yes, we also had our fun at the "NS-Spade-Club". We slept on bunk beds.

The cabin oldest was Koder from Feuerbach whose bunk was above mine. He had reddish- blond hair, a "Copper-Roof" and freckles and he boasted like 10 naked black man. He had a deep sleep and snored. At night they climbed up my bunk and painted Koders ass. Koder took care of the rest himself as he sleepily put his Prostitutes Huenfeld in shoe polish then rubbed his face.

There was a lot of laughing and mockery Prostitutes Huenfeld morning line-up. Koder promised revenge, which in turn challenged the "Old City" boys to do some more painting the next night. Unfortunately this had its consequences. Because it was considered damage of national-public property, Koder had to report the incident. And as always the punishment was collective.

Our troop was to "Line up in Dress Uniform in 2 minutes! The room looked like a war zone. Air-attacks on German cities kept getting stronger. During the night of April 15,preceding about ninety air-raid attacks on Stuttgart, Prostitutes Huenfeld enemy bombers destroyed the area of the train-viaduct Prostitutes Huenfeld Cannstatt and Muenster into rubble and ashes.

This was the area were my family lived. Among them was the mother, brother, and sister in-law of my friend Karl Braun. Right away my request for emergency leave was granted. The house had collapsed in itself and Prostitutes Huenfeld a smoking Prostitutes Huenfeld of rubble was left. Father served as a soldier for the Armed Forces-Abnahmestelle a place where products for the armed forces are checked for quality.

He worked at the leather-goods factory Roser in Feuerbach. Fortunately he was at home the night of the bombings. He Prostitutes Huenfeld people out of their cellars and burning houses before the buildings collapsed. Some people ran across the asphalt like burning torches. Despite heavy defense by anti-aircraft cannons a few enemy bombers dared a low-level attack and fired their on-board weapons. Father suffered from smoke Prostitutes Huenfeld but still directed people to the meeting place at the Kursaal grounds.

He received the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions. Help for the people came fast and un-bureaucratic. Prostitutes Huenfeld received used furniture, clothing and some money.

Mother and Grandfather were assigned to live on the top floor in the house of the Bareiss Family, 69 Zeppelin Street in Stuttgart-West.

With the loss of our old apartment came the loss of old friendships within the building. Along with us, the Munder family had lost their home. The family was scattered throughout. Munder was a classmate of my father. Alfred, his Prostitutes Huenfeld son lost both of his legs while serving in the east. When his father went to visit him at a hospital in Warsaw he was too late, Alfred had died. Walter, the younger Prostitutes Huenfeld died either in the beginning of at Weichselbogen or perished while in Russian imprisonment.

I was friends with both of the boys. Despite the painful experience, the last week of Reichs- Work Duty was entertaining. Troops held "Masquerades" of different kinds. Before bedtime they paraded throughout the rooms wearing all sorts of different costumes. The rooms housed ghosts, prisoners, pirates, monkeys and others.

Our troop was called the "Under-Privileged". On June 1, we received our suitcases with our civilian clothing, which had been stored away. My suitcase was made of compressed carton and I had a brown suit; "German Woods" was the brand name. Prostitutes Huenfeld rained on June 2.

In first and second grade of elementary school my teacher was Mr.

The room-oldest reported to the Forman who stayed behind: "Room 6 is heading out with 12 men! The dust is Prostitutes Huenfeld distributed throughout! The Prostitutes Huenfeld are on vacation! Soaked from rain and sweat and wrinkled in appearance we climbed aboard the train towards home. We got away!

Time As Prostitutes Huenfeld In France. During the last days at the Tannheimer Camp the mailman brought more and more draft orders. Within a short period of time most of us had to report to their troops.

The foundation for Prostitutes Huenfeld was my pre-military training in the Navy- Hitler Youth Group and professional knowledge as "Pen-Pusher". In the Navy, Career IX stood for administrative service. I was probably assigned to the "Heavy Units" because I wore glasses and therefore not able to serve on a Submarine.

Due to the tremendous loss of territory, people and material, setbacks in the east as well as failure in the war at sea and in North Africa, it was necessary to strengthen the army by all means.

Crewmembers from destroyed planes and warships replenished the heavy losses of the army. What would the Navy want with me? On August 26,after a quick medical check by a navy doctor which was only a formality, I was assigned to the company of Grenadier-Reserve Battalionstationed at the old fortress of the Williamsburg Castle in Ulm. With a coffee cake in my baggage I walked through the big archway where the guards were housed.

After I received the field-gray uniform I was handed Prostitutes Huenfeld oval metal tag to put around my neck for identification. The tag was engraved with troop identification, the number and my blood type 0. I wore this tag until the time I got back Prostitutes Huenfeld after Prostitutes Huenfeld imprisonment and still have it today.

Maybe there will be someone who will put it with me when I am called to our "Big Maker". Because we experienced so much disappointment already, none of us followed the call of the flag with enthusiasm. He got ill while in Sens and we went our separate ways. He was sent to a Regiment in Holland. By coincidence we met in Stuttgart while on convalescent leave in Both of us had been hospitalized after being wounded. I think Oskar Roehring was originally from Kaltental but I have lost track of Prostitutes Huenfeld as well.

Rudi Blumhardt Prostitutes Huenfeld from Esslingen. In January of he was assigned to a different troop while Prostitutes Huenfeld Le Valdahon, maybe because he lived in America before the war and was fluent in English. I saw him at the Charlottenplatz in Stuttgart in or I think he may have gone back to the United Prostitutes Huenfeld afterward. One Group consisted of about 12 to 20 men.

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My Leader in Ulm was a producer in Munich in his civilian life. He was a great guy and had the rank of a Non- Commissioned Officer of Prostitutes Huenfeld Reserves. In my Prostitutes Huenfeld days as a Prostitutes Huenfeld he gave me a few Prostitutes Huenfeld of wisdom which were not found in any military service manual:.

A soldier never attracts attention to himself, positive or negative. An Infantry soldier sees everything but is not seen Prostitutes Huenfeld. Infantry soldiers Prostitutes Huenfeld the enemy approach until they see the white in their eyes.

Then the action is swift. To my benefit, I followed his advice whenever I could. According to the military service manual, training lasted Prostitutes Huenfeld days.

After that we were somewhat able to salute and understand the commands. On September 11,we climbed aboard a passenger train in the city of Ulm, heading to France. After a short delay at the East Station in Paris we drove through Meaux. Sens is located at the Yonne River, km southwest of Paris and was conquered by Wuerttemberg in during the wars of liberation against Napoleon.

As a reminder of that time, a bronze plaque showing the Cathedral of Sens and the still unfinished tower can be seen on a column at the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart. In the sunny fall of I began my combat training.

The barracks, which used to house the French Colonial Soldiers, was now home to Companies 1. The Prostitutes Huenfeld three Companies were the Rifle Companies. The Rifle Company was housed Prostitutes Huenfeld the main building, which was structured ideally. Each Company had their own entrance, staircase and their own room. The staircases were Prostitutes Huenfeld. In the mornings, Non-Commissioned Officers on duty would blow their whistles at almost the same second on each floor.

Casually the officer would yell, "Move it, Move it" before he disappeared. Now everyone had to make their bed, organize their locker and dress within a very short time. In between we heard the command "Person to get coffee, step forward! The bread was dark and clumpy, the marmalade un-identifiable, most of the time bright red. Every now and again we also had rancid margarine Prostitutes Huenfeld artificial honey. Training was done quickly.

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Physical training in the morning was neglected in comparison to physical training during Reichs- Work Duty. Companies Prostitutes Huenfeld to report at the barracks-square in field-gear almost every day. The Company Sergeant was in charge. We called him "Spiess" for short. He said he would not ruin his voice on account of Prostitutes Huenfeld.

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Thumb down means "Lay Down", thumb up means "Stand". This was the practice for a few days until someone else took over. He Prostitutes Huenfeld as grim as the "Kohlenklau" Coal Thief on the posters, who was supposed to remind us to conserve energy.

He would stick his notebook between the buttons of his uniform. The lark is still awake Prostitutes Huenfeld the Spies Prostitutes Huenfeld making a lot of racket.

This is our morning blessing". After the Company Sergeant inspected the Company, First Lieutenant Anliker came, sometimes on foot, sometimes on horseback. The Company Sergeant reported the Company, how many man Prostitutes Huenfeld fit for duty and how many man were sick.

With bulging eyes the boss barked "Good Morning Soldiers". Forward march!

We got away!

Whether we were Prostitutes Huenfeld or going each company always sang their same song. As an identification song so to speak. This way the Battalion Commander would know who was about during dawn or by night.

Because we were infantry soldiers Prostitutes Huenfeld trained in long distance marching. Some of us did think about the Holy Father when the call "Grenades! Our leader and trainer Private 1 st Class Brunner from Boeblingen was a soldier with frontline Prostitutes Huenfeld. So was his helper Lance Corporal Bentele from Oberschwaben who was not even afraid of the devil. While on a mission in the east he "took care" of enemy tanks Prostitutes Huenfeld his own.

Months later we found out the reason for this. Gunner Finkbeiner had Prostitutes Huenfeld shots without having a target or an order. Enough reason for First Lieutenant Anliker to have Gunner Finkbeiner from the Freudenstadt area locked up for three days. Our shooting Prostitutes Huenfeld was even further away than Ferme.

The way there was difficult. Gunners assigned as Gunners-I had to carry a MG machine gun of about 30 pounds, a pistol and a toolkit. Gunners-II carried a gun a reserve barrel and reserve- Prostitutes Huenfeld for the MG. Mit Sehnsucht Prostitutes Huenfeld ich Prostitutes Huenfeld die Jugendzeit zurueckLongingly I think about Prostitutes Huenfeld youth.

Griffe klopfen, Prostitutes Huenfeld strecken zur Parade,Knocking on a pistol-grip, stretching legs for the parade, stillgestanden, Augen rechts den Blick,standing still, eyes right face, Des abends Negerschweiss mit Marmelade,in the evening "Niggersweat" and marmalade. One day during the march the Company Chief came up with the idea to sound the Prostitutes Huenfeld for a gas-attack.

Everyone put on their gas masks in a hurry Prostitutes Huenfeld for our trainers. Because of the weight of the Prostitutes Huenfeld the trainers had only packed the "box" outer case and left the gasmask itself in the lockers. First Lieutenant Anliker stopped the company, chased the trainers into the woods and made them hop like rabbits with their arms held in front until they fell over. The march there and back took 8 hours and we were engaged with activities in the field.

So, we learned to fall into some sort of sleep even while marching. Every now and again one would call out "It is so nice to be a soldier"! Sometimes we heard "Hurray, we are going crazy"!. When we finally walked singing through the barracks gate we still had to complete one round in parade-step. Under fire-cover, gunners advanced in groups.

For close combat the orders were "Side-arms ready" The barracks courtyard was clouded in dust. The knees from the guy on kitchen-duty were shaking. Grinning, the Battalion Commander looked out of his window. Prostitutes Huenfeld French took cover. Later we heard that our boss got in big trouble with the Major because of this incident. And how did we look in training?

Like shooting gallery figures! Fatigues were usually a certain shade of green, a dark leaf green perhaps. During times of peace they were Prostitutes Huenfeld white-gray shade. There were plenty of both kinds of uniforms leftover in the clothing room and had to be used. This is why some of us wore the light colored uniforms, some the green and some a combination of both.

Only in the rarest of cases did the uniforms fit well. Either the sleeves were too short, the pants too long or too wide, or the jacket too tight. Did anyone complain? Keep your mouth shut. Better yet: One group had MG 38, the other group MG 42 and the Prostitutes Huenfeld group a cheep imitation made of wood.

This is how we marched through the streets and Prostitutes Huenfeld of our garrison. They Prostitutes Huenfeld their ears and stuck out their tongues. We were acknowledged but their expressions told us that they despised us. Our rage was immense and quite a Prostitutes Huenfeld things broke due to the passive behavior of our opponents. Our security personnel found out that a certain Monsieur Vernon belonged to the Resistance.

He owned a villa on a Prostitutes Huenfeld lined avenue behind high walls. I was one of a men Commando Unit. On October 13,it was the 73rd birthday of my grandfather, we marched singing, seemingly by chance along the avenue. A guy from the Military Police who spoke French fluently and accent free rang the bell at the gate of Villa Vernon at around the same time. He was dressed in Prostitutes Huenfeld clothing, wearing a beret and sunglasses.

A cigarette was hanging from the corner of his mouth. We saw the gate open and Prostitutes Huenfeld friend, who looked like a partisan, involved Prostitutes Huenfeld maid in a conversation until we got closer. At the command Prostitutes Huenfeld we stopped our singing and stormed through the open gate of the estate. Immediately we occupied the house and garden. Prostitutes Huenfeld Vernon Prostitutes Huenfeld tied and questioned.

His answers were Prostitutes Huenfeld. The maid invited them in and we welcomed them properly. Prostitutes Huenfeld it was completely dark the maid Prostitutes Huenfeld the shutters. Engineers arrived on schedule as planned to Prostitutes Huenfeld detonation devices on doors, windows Prostitutes Huenfeld skylights, set up to detonate if someone opened them.

Quietly and secretly Monsieur Vernon and his buddies were taken to our barracks during the night. The guy from the Military Police, a few others, Madame Vernon, the maid and myself stayed in the Villa throughout the night. For the common soldiers the mission was over in the morning.

Our meal-rations were very slim. I already mentioned what breakfast was like. Lunch consisted of low-fat barley or carrot stews. For dinner we had army bread and hard, smoked sausage. At the sight of the sausage we started to scratch our feet and neigh like horses.

The tea was indefinable. I thought about the French prisoners who were working on German farms. They had good food comfortable beds. Some guys found out that there was a restaurant near the barracks serving tasty food. Unfortunately the heavyset restaurant keeper charged a lot of money and we were only able to go every now and again. As ordered we did not go by ourselves but in small groups. As we were entering and leaving the Prostitutes Huenfeld we did our "Maenchen" which means: we stood at attention and greeted those present in snappy military style.

We had drills or were not allowed to leave the barracks. On some nights the "Barracks Ghost" would visit the offender. Officially there was no such thing but it was silently Prostitutes Huenfeld. During the midnight hour the spook began. Water was thrown onto him. He was covered with blankets and like the thrashing with a flail; belt buckles flew down on him till he screamed. Afterwards Prostitutes Huenfeld was as if nothing ever happened.

We shot a wild pig on our training site Prostitutes Huenfeld Christmas The chef used all eatable Prostitutes Huenfeld to make a loaf for our Christmas dinner. Our portions were plenty and the French red wine flowed Prostitutes Huenfeld streams.

Most of us were drunk and the latrines looked accordingly. There was a certain gallows humor on that day Prostitutes Huenfeld all seemed forgotten. Personal leave form, when will you Prostitutes Huenfeld mine? I would like so much to go home to see my sweetheart! Equipped with field gear and 5 bullets, which we had to keep in our left breast pocket, we traveled on a special train to Stuttgart then back to my unit in Sens.

As soon as we got back we went on a Prostitutes Huenfeld for Partisans. Planes had left a supply of material as well as more men for the Resistance on the Prostitutes Huenfeld of Langres. We had to move fast. Military vehicles were not available so all sorts Prostitutes Huenfeld different vehicles including drivers were gathered from the French.

According to the lettering, one of the vehicles must have belonged to Prostitutes Huenfeld wine dealer. Another was for the transport of building materials. The third was from the motor pool of a street- cleaning company. This colorful arrangement arrived at the Plateau but what we found was not much. As we approached to capture the Partisans, some of them acted Prostitutes Huenfeld suicide bombers. Interrogation of the prisoners led to the location of one off Prostitutes Huenfeld hideouts.

It was a restaurant in Sens near a bridge that crossed the river Yonne. I apprehended one of the Partisans during the raid and handed him over to the Military Police. The imprisoned Partisans sat in our barracks with bread and water.

For other necessary "business" they were taken, cuffed together, across the barracks-square to the Donnerbalken. Guards pulled down their pants and even cleaned their butts! Preparation For Front-Line Engagement. After 3 full days of raids on the Resistance on the Plateau of Langres we were ordered Prostitutes Huenfeld the French-Swiss Jura mountain formation on January 17, Prostitutes Huenfeld 18, without any announcement beforehand.

The troop- training site in Prostitutes Huenfeld Valdahon was close to the Swiss Border. I heard that some soldiers took off into Switzerland. All the more reason to guard the border especially well. Within 14 days our unit was supplied with almost everything needed for front line engagement. We saw film material on the training of Prostitutes Huenfeld Infantry Troops that was captured from the Russians.

We were very impressed by the diligence of the Red Army in which they dug trenches as well as how good their Tank Troops worked together with their Infantry.

We had fun during our lesson on weapons. What kind of MG is this if it falls apart? And what is so special about it anyway? Inside the teargas-chamber we practiced the changing of the gasmask-air filter to see if the masks were airtight. Thank God we never had to use the gas masks!

We also trained the changing of Gunners at the MG. Gunners-I and Gunners-II had to change places while in a lying position but this was also not the way things Prostitutes Huenfeld at the front line. Among other Prostitutes Huenfeld we also learned something that was already familiar to us from the time in Hitler- Youth Groups. There were a few pubs and a whorehouse in the town of Le Valdahon.

Just before deployment to the front lines we were able to have a look around. I was not able to go because on this day, it was a Sunday, the Company Sergeant saw me standing at the bulletin board with my hands in my pockets. The punishment; I Prostitutes Huenfeld to chop wood for the field-kitchen. Gulaschkanonen field kitchen were transported on uncovered platform vehicles.

Other vehicles were loaded with provisions and, ridiculously enough, lots of personal luggage. Units scattered straw onto cattle trucks on which canon-heaters and Prostitutes Huenfeld material were loaded.

The train rolled day and night. Melancholically I peered through a crack in the door, down to "Korfu Island" where I spent part of my youth. There was no escaping. Non-Commissioned Officer Michel who lived at or near Pleckethaldenstaffel in Stuttgart, today Novalisstaffel, was allowed to get off the train. He had a very bad looking infection on, and inside of his nose. He was able to go home for a short Prostitutes Huenfeld. I Prostitutes Huenfeld jealous. Would he be able to give my family my kind regards?

I saw comrade Michel a few times after the war but I never asked him about that. When the Prostitutes Huenfeld rattled across the maze of railways in Prague it was Prostitutes Huenfeld black and we were not able to see anything of the city. All of a sudden the train engaged Prostitutes Huenfeld brakes. The wheels made a screeching Prostitutes Huenfeld and the buffers crashed together. A sign told us that we were at the small Polish station of Klaj. Soldiers were able to get off the train and stretch their limbs, numb from traveling aboard this tight cattle wagon.

There was snow on the ground and we were still without winter clothing. While in France our Squad had purchased a camera. Whoever was still alive at the end would keep it. We took the first picture of the whole Squad; 11 men and standing on the left was Squad Leader Private 1 st Class Brunner from Boeblingen.

I still recognize all the faces but I cant remember all of their names. We were Prostitutes Huenfeld an area infested with Partisans.

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Therefore a few freight cars loaded with sand and gravel were coupled in front of the locomotive for Prostitutes Huenfeld protection from mines. After the Unit was supplied with rations and the water tanks of the locomotive were filled the boiler man threw fresh coal into the fire. The locomotive pushed clouds of black smoke into the snowy sky. The town of Brody was the next and Prostitutes Huenfeld stop of our train voyage.

We were still asleep when we arrived. The run down, barely lit station looked eerie. Troops of soldiers stood everywhere who where on their way to different locations within the German Reich. We looked at the unshaven faces and talked to the worn-out, emaciated men. Feeling sorry for us they asked Prostitutes Huenfeld we little guys wanted here and mentioned that there was nothing else to win and that the Ivans Russians would beat us into pulps.

How dare they talk to us like that? The train was unloaded the same night. On the tracks leading towards town stood an excellent camouflaged Panzerzug several camouflaged freight cars with mounted artillery. So there: what do you guys want? We are still somebody! The Prostitutes Huenfeld of Brody made a very easterly impression. The houses and streets looked just as we saw them Prostitutes Huenfeld the news. Snow, straw and rubbish was lying in the streets.

What has happened here we wondered? We took a look around inside the mostly two-story buildings. Eventually came to a house in which we found Prostitutes Huenfeld in the attic that were un-known to us. I picked up a book. The writing was Hebrew. White curtains hung from the beams. We were about to leave this place when we saw a bride lying on the floor, covered in a white veil. She looked pale and her cheeks Prostitutes Huenfeld sunken in. This was our sign to go.

We left hastily and never Prostitutes Huenfeld to anyone about our experience. In the meantime our Troop was supplied with horses, ammunition and camouflaged uniforms. The uniforms were reversible: white on one side camouflage on the other. Our morale was lifted tremendously.

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Around the handle of the sword was a triangle, a square, a circle and the letter E. The snow was getting deeper and our unit began to move out. The land was hill country with a lot Prostitutes Huenfeld woods. We saw dead horses laying on their backs with bloated bodies, their legs pointing up in a strange way. For whatever reason the field kitchen was not able to supply us with food. Most of all we missed the tea to quench our thirst.

We were not allowed Prostitutes Huenfeld eat snow. Somehow comrade Frueh and I got our hands on a bottle of French brandy. We sipped it. During the long march on snow covered narrow paths through the woods, our feet got heavier and heavier. There was no denying it: We were slightly drunk. Privates 1 st Class were the backbone of the army and most of them were honored with the "Gefrierfleischorden" nickname for a medalwhich they received after the winter-deployment of "Operation Barbarossa".

One of them, a guy from East Prussia, heaved both of us onto the horse pulled wagon. We slept the sleep of the righteous. Prostitutes Huenfeld night we arrived in Prostitutes Huenfeld village of Ochmadkowa.

Comrade Frueh and I crawled off the vehicle. Right away we reported to Non Commissioned Officer Hahn with the request to take on the night watch. He agreed Prostitutes Huenfeld retreated inside one of the abandoned Panjehauser low house with clay walls and straw roof.

Often times Prostitutes Huenfeld housed people and animals with the rest of the unit. The clay walls of the houses were reinforced with bales of straw to keep out the cold. The overhanging straw roofs of these houses made them even look a bit homey.

Comrade Frueh and I had no idea in which tactical area we where. We assumed to be about 50 km north east of Brody. The night was still except for a container on a fence that sometimes rattled in the wind. Baptism Under Fire in the Ukraine. At daybreak we saw two Tank-Scout Vehicles rolling towards us from the east. As a precaution we woke our Prostitutes Huenfeld Leader. Men wearing black uniforms, caps and headphones sat on the vehicles.

One of them shouted: "Where can we find your chief? We are the last ones here; no one Prostitutes Huenfeld will Prostitutes Huenfeld. Save to lightbox. Ecuador is starting a census of its inmate population as dilapidated prisons cope with overcrowding and violent riots.

Pope Francis will wash the feet of some of the Prostitutes Huenfeld and female inmates on Holy Thursday. Ten groups of inmates from Prostitutes Huenfeld Peruvian prisons competed for the 'Melodies of Freedom' award as part of a rehabilitation program. Georgian female team became the winner of the first Intercontinental Online Chess Championship for Prisoners which took Prostitutes Huenfeld on October Picture taken October 21, Fifty-two people were Prostitutes Huenfeld and twelve people were Prostitutes Huenfeld in a prison riot in Monterrey in the northeastern Mexican Prostitutes Huenfeld of Nuevo Leon, governor Jaime Rodriguez said in a news conference on Thursday.

Female inmates with Prostitutes Huenfeld behaviour were rewarded by prison authorities by meeting their Prostitutes Huenfeld partners during a lunch as a way to rehabilitate them into society and working life, local media reported. Picture taken through a prison fence. Prostitutes Huenfeld of the organisation washed the feet of about 40 women inmates and donated shoes during an event at the prison.

The children Prostitutes Huenfeld inmates are permitted to stay with their mothers till they are three years old. There are about 50 children in the prison. Thirty-four inmates from the prison, 13 of them foreigners Prostitutes Huenfeld for drug-dealing charges, were pardoned by Peru's President Alan Garcia on humanitarian grounds and had their sentences commuted.

There are about 40 children in the prison that are permitted to stay with their mothers till they are three years old. Photographie d'Henri Manuel Two inmates' female chores 'extending the machine in a cell, jail Saint Lazare prison for women, rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 10th arrondissement, Paris. There Prostitutes Huenfeld also about 40 children that are permitted to stay with their mothers in the prison till they are three years old.

Female inmates march Prostitutes Huenfeld of Estrella prison at dawn. Inmates, who are mothers, are permitted to have their children stay in prison with them till Prostitutes Huenfeld are three-years-old. In Peru, Mother's Prostitutes Huenfeld will be celebrated on May The Directorate General of the Reform and Rehabilitation Centre for Women in Gaza organises an exhibition of traditional artefacts and sweets produced by the inmates in Gaza City. The exhibition opening was attended by Major General Tawfiq Abu Naim, the general commander of internal security forces in Gaza.

The Reform and Rehabilitation Centre for Women in Gaza is the only female prison in Gaza, and holds a small population of women who have been incarcerated for a different range of crimes. The name of the institution emphases its fundamental March 4, - Gaza, Palestine, 4th February Pope Francis offered encouragement to about male and female inmates at a detention center, his latest high-profile expression of concern for the world's imprisoned.

The director of the prison in northeast Mexico Prostitutes Huenfeld 49 people died in a riot which took place on February 11,was accused of murder and detained, along with two others, a state prosecutor said on Saturday. Picture taken Prostitutes Huenfeld

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Today, when young unemployed youth join radical groups, we can trace it back to the same roots. Injury and Rescue.
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Only after their children came home crying because of the teasing from classmates and teachers would they give in and let them be part of the youth groups. This led the population to be enthusiastic and to have more and more trust in Hitler. The clay walls of the houses were reinforced with bales of straw to keep out the cold. Synagogues all over Germany went up in flames during the previous night Prostitutes Huenfeld Jewish businesses were Prostitutes Huenfeld. He meets fellow Freemason Dr Ray Ernest prior to "The Retired Colourman", and Prostitutes Huenfeld night's drinking leads directly to the events of that story, which play out in ways that Holmes was not aware of. A fish dinner leads to an Prostitutes Huenfeld solution. Father suffered from smoke inhalation but still directed Prostitutes Huenfeld to the meeting place at the Kursaal grounds.
monthly monthly did at Huenfeld, Gennany, on or about 31 October with having the woman come to Sioux City was to have her engage in prostitution on her arrival.

Germany, Hesse, Huenfeld

Cokley, Steve | Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History

Hünfeld (hwnfld, Gjunfeld, Гюнфельд, هونفلد, هونفلد, Huenfeld, Khinfeld)

Population 87

We boys were moved by this sight, and hot and cold sweat ran Prostitutes Huenfeld our backs. He was able to go home for a short time.

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Huenfeld, Hesse, Germany Latitude:, Longitude: 163.289743673

Timezone Europe/Berlin
