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Nevertheless, authorities routinely held persons for extended periods before charging them. He was only allowed visits by his legal team and wife, and prison authorities made audio and video recordings of these visits.

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In the absence of required defense attorneys in felony cases, trial courts routinely adjourned cases until defendants could secure legal representation, a process that often took months. Prostitutes Donauwoerth were typically perfunctory, and extensive cross-examination usually did not take place. The courts offered Prostitutes Donauwoerth interpretation.

The law extends these rights to all defendants. There was a critical shortage of trained lawyers, particularly outside the capital Phnom Penh. The right Prostitutes Donauwoerth a fair public trial often was denied de facto for persons without means to secure counsel. According to the bar association, as of October there were 1, lawyers female throughout the country, compared with in A report by the International Commission of Jurists indicated the high cost of bribes needed to join the bar association was partly responsible for keeping the number of trained lawyers low, which in turn provided that existing lawyers had adequate opportunities for remuneration through legal or illegal channels.

NGOs reported sworn written statements from witnesses and the accused usually constituted the only evidence presented at trials. Authorities sometimes coerced confessions Prostitutes Donauwoerth beatings or threats, or forced illiterate defendants to sign written confessions without informing them of the contents.

Courts accepted such forced confessions as evidence during trials despite legal prohibitions against doing so.

The difficulty in transferring prisoners from provincial prisons to the appeals court in Phnom Penh meant that defendants were present at less than one-half of all appeals. As of November a local human rights NGO estimated authorities held at least 24 political prisoners or detainees.

Several high-ranking CNRP officials went into hiding and most fled abroad. He also threatened to reopen investigations into the killing Prostitutes Donauwoerth five trade unionists at a Prostitutes Donauwoerth rally in which thousands of garment workers protested the outcome of the disputed national elections.

Also under threat were Prostitutes Donauwoerth least five prominent independent trade union leaders, all of whom were charged with insurrection and placed under court supervision. Although the security services were widely believed to have ordered and carried out Prostitutes Donauwoerth killings, the prime minister blamed the opposition for the violence, and he threatened action against the protest leaders.

Separately on August 23, the Appeals Court agreed to split the appeal case of 11 CNRP activists jailed in for their alleged role in a protest that resulted in the injury of six protesters and 39 Daun Prostitutes Donauwoerth District security guards. The court ruled that one case would review the verdict and a second case would consider allegations of improper legal procedures. National Assembly member Um Sam An, Prostitutes Donauwoerth in Aprilremained imprisoned for accusing the government of selling land to Vietnam and of publicizing on Facebook what the government claimed were faked border maps—charges widely seen as politically motivated.

Senator Hong Sok Hour, convicted on similar charges, received a pardon after apologizing to and praising the leadership of the prime minister. Both legislators had their immunity from prosecution stripped by the National Assembly on an irregular vote that fell short of the two-thirds majority required by the constitution, the same method the National Assembly used to strip Kem Sokha of his immunity.

Opposition politicians and civil society organizations Prostitutes Donauwoerth authorities often arbitrarily denied access to prisoners whose Prostitutes Donauwoerth they believed to be politically motivated. In the case of Kem Sokha, prison officials did not allow representatives of the CNRP, civil society, or foreign missions to visit him.

He was only Prostitutes Donauwoerth visits by his legal team and wife, and prison authorities made audio and video recordings of these visits. The country has a system in place for hearing civil cases, and citizens are entitled to bring lawsuits seeking damages for human rights violations. Both administrative and judicial remedies generally were available; however, authorities often did not enforce court orders. The executive director Prostitutes Donauwoerth called in for questioning by the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training.

Forced collectivization and the relocation Prostitutes Donauwoerth much of the population under the Khmer Rouge Prostitutes Donauwoerth land ownership unclear.

The land law states that any person who peacefully possessed private or state land excluding public lands, such as parks or inhabited state buildings without contention for five years prior to the promulgation of the law has the right to apply for a definitive title to that property.

Most citizens, however, continued to lack the knowledge and means to obtain adequate formal documentation of land ownership. Provincial and district land offices continued to follow pre land registration procedures, which did not include accurate land surveys or opportunities for Prostitutes Donauwoerth comment.

Land speculation, in the absence of clear title, fueled disputes in every province and increased tensions between poor rural communities and speculators. Some urban communities faced forced eviction to make way for commercial development projects.

Authorities continued to force inhabitants to relocate, although the number of cases declined in recent years. Some persons also used the threat of legal action or eviction to intimidate poor and vulnerable persons into exchanging their land for compensation at below-market values. As of July, ADHOC reported 45 new property-related conflicts between businesspersons and villagers, including accusations of land grabbing, theft of natural resources, economic land concessions, social land concessions, and evictions.

The poor often had no legal documents to support their land claims. Some of those evicted successfully contested the actions in court, but the majority of cases remained pending. Although the law provides for the privacy of residence and correspondence and prohibits illegal searches, NGOs reported police routinely conducted searches and seizures without warrants.

The government installed closed-circuit television cameras in the politically neutral National Election Committee and routinely leaked personal correspondence and surreptitiously recorded telephone calls of opposition and civil society Prostitutes Donauwoerth to government-aligned media.

Police, who arrested Kem Sokha on September 3, reportedly entered his house by force without a warrant. The amendments also restrict political parties from using any audio, visual, or written material from a convicted criminal.

The amendments authorized the court to Prostitutes Donauwoerth political parties found guilty of violating the law, allowed for seats belonging to a dissolved party to be distributed to other parties in the event of such dissolution, and allowed party leaders to be banned from politics under specific circumstances. On November 16, the Supreme Prostitutes Donauwoerth cited the new amendments in its decision to dissolve Prostitutes Donauwoerth opposition CNRP; distribute its existing seats in parliament and local government to other parties, including the ruling CPP; and bar named leaders of the CNRP Prostitutes Donauwoerth participating in political Prostitutes Donauwoerth for five years.

A number of observers, however, accused Prostitutes Donauwoerth Supreme Court, whose chief justice is a CPP party leader, of political bias and questioned its decision and lack of adherence to even flawed Prostitutes Donauwoerth norms.

For instance, the decision to Prostitutes Donauwoerth the CNRP came before its leader was convicted of alleged treason charges. Recent Elections : Prostitutes Donauwoerth most recent elections, held on June 4, were for commune councilors, and the two major parties accepted the results. Seven million citizens, representing 90 percent of eligible voters, went to the polls.

The ruling CPP won a plurality of the vote in 1, communes, giving it Prostitutes Donauwoerth right to name the commune council chief in each of those communes, while the opposition CNRP won in communes. Local electoral watchdog The Situation Room released a statement that the election process was Prostitutes Donauwoerth improved and more transparent than previous local elections in terms of voter registration and voter-list management, candidate registration, polling and counting processes, and the announcement of electoral results.

Nonetheless, it stated the conduct of the election campaign, results management, and electoral dispute resolution needed improvement. International and local NGOs assessed the election process suffered numerous flaws, including problems with the voter registry, unequal access to media, and the issuance of an unusually Prostitutes Donauwoerth number of temporary official identification cards Prostitutes Donauwoerth voters.

Despite these concerns the two parties ultimately agreed to Prostitutes Donauwoerth by the official results and took their seats in parliament. Political Parties and Political Participation : Amendments Prostitutes Donauwoerth the election law barring convicted criminals from leading a political party were widely seen by observers and NGOs as Prostitutes Donauwoerth at blocking Sam Rainsy from competing in the upcoming national election.

Rainsy Prostitutes Donauwoerth convicted in absentia on a number of different politically motivated charges, including defamation. Twelve parties were able to register and compete in the commune council elections. National Television of Cambodia allocated time to each of the 12 for advertising. Before the campaign began, the National Election Committee officially asked all privately owned television stations to report how much paid time they would make available to all parties for campaign advertising.

No station indicated it would provide any such time. On the very last day of the campaign, however, the CPP reportedly purchased eight hours of advertising time from those stations. The stations blamed the CNRP for failing to contact Prostitutes Donauwoerth before the campaign started.


Authorities subsequently arrested him on a decade-old charge of producing illegal drugs. At the local level, 5, CNRP commune councilors were forced to give up their seats to the ruling party.

Despite repeated vows by both major political parties to Prostitutes Donauwoerth female representation, the number of female candidates elected in the June commune council elections actually declined from the Prostitutes Donauwoerth. The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, but the government did not implement the law effectively, and officials frequently engaged in corrupt practices with impunity.

Corruption : The penal code defines various corrupt Prostitutes Donauwoerth and specifies penalties for them. The ACU did not collaborate frequently with civil society and was considered ineffective in combating official corruption. Instead the Prostitutes Donauwoerth actively headed corruption investigations against members of the Prostitutes Donauwoerth opposition, leading to a widespread perception the unit served the interests of the ruling CPP.

By contrast the ACU has never investigated a high-level member of the Prostitutes Donauwoerth party. Civil servants must seek clearance and permission from supervisors before responding to legislative branch inquiries about corruption allegations.

Corruption was endemic throughout society and government. There were reports police, prosecutors, investigating judges, and presiding judges took bribes from owners of illegal businesses. Citizens frequently and publicly complained about corruption.

The Global Corruption Barometer report noted the judiciary remained the most corrupt sector three years in a row, followed by law enforcement and government officials. In July, two officials from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, found guilty of corruption, walked free after a judge gave them credit for time already Prostitutes Donauwoerth and suspended the remainder of their sentences.

There was some improvement in government efforts to combat corruption in education. Financial Disclosure : The law subjects public servants, including elected and appointed officials, to financial and asset disclosure.

The ACU is responsible for receiving the disclosures, with penalties for noncompliance ranging from one month to one year Prostitutes Donauwoerth prison. In June the ACU demanded that all commune chiefs and councilors declare their assets, which observers saw as a way to intimidate councilors from the CNRP. Rape and Domestic Violence : The law criminalizes rape and assault.

Prostitutes Donauwoerth domestic violence law criminalizes domestic violence but does Prostitutes Donauwoerth set out specific penalties. Local and international NGOs reported violence against women, including domestic violence and Prostitutes Donauwoerth, was common. NGOs Prostitutes Donauwoerth authorities did not aggressively enforce domestic law on perpetrators and avoided involvement in domestic disputes.

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A study conducted during the year by CARE International found Prostitutes Donauwoerth nearly one-third of female garment workers experienced sexual Prostitutes Donauwoerth at their workplace during the last 12 months. Discrimination : The constitution provides for equal rights for women, equal pay for equal Prostitutes Donauwoerth, and equal status in marriage. For the most part, women had equal property rights, the same legal status Prostitutes Donauwoerth initiate divorce proceedings, and equal access to education and some jobs; however, cultural traditions and child rearing responsibilities limited the ability of women to reach senior positions in business or even participate in the workforce.

Birth Registration : By law a child derives citizenship by birth Prostitutes Donauwoerth a mother and Prostitutes Donauwoerth who are not ethnic Khmer if both parents were born and were living legally in the country or if either parent acquired citizenship through other legal means. Indigenous Khmer are considered citizens. The Ministry of Interior administered an updated birth registration system, but not Prostitutes Donauwoerth births were Prostitutes Donauwoerth immediately, primarily due to parental delay.

It was common not to register children until a need arose. Failure to register births resulted in discrimination, including Prostitutes Donauwoerth denial of public services. Children of ethnic minorities and stateless persons were disproportionately unlikely to be registered. NGOs that service disenfranchised communities reported authorities often denied books and access to education and health care for children without birth registration.

NGOs stated such persons often were unable to access employment, own property, vote, or Prostitutes Donauwoerth the legal system. Education : Education was free, but not compulsory, through grade nine. Many children left school to help their families Prostitutes Donauwoerth subsistence agriculture, worked in other activities, began school at a late age, or did not attend school at all. The government did not deny girls equal access to education, but families with limited resources often gave priority to boys, especially in rural areas.

According to international organization reports, enrollment dropped significantly for girls after primary school Prostitutes Donauwoerth urban areas, while postprimary school enrollment for boys dropped significantly in Prostitutes Donauwoerth areas. Child Abuse : Child abuse was common and legal action against perpetrators was rare, according to observers. Child rape continued to be a serious problem. Early and Forced Marriage : The legal minimum age of marriage for both men and women is 18 years; however, children as young as 16 years may legally marry with parental permission.

Child marriage was not considered a problem. Sexual Exploitation of Children : Sexual intercourse with a person younger than 15 years is illegal. The government continued to raid brothels Prostitutes Donauwoerth identify and remove child sex trafficking victims, although the majority of child sex trafficking was clandestine, occurring Prostitutes Donauwoerth in beer gardens, massage parlors, beauty salons, karaoke bars, and noncommercial sites.

Police continued to investigate cases of child sex trafficking occurring in brothels Prostitutes Donauwoerth cases where victims filed complaints directly but did not Prostitutes Donauwoerth pursue more complicated cases. The country remained a destination for child sex tourism. The government used the law to prosecute both sex tourists and citizens for exploiting children through sex trafficking.

The law provides penalties ranging from two to 15 years Prostitutes Donauwoerth prison for commercial sexual exploitation of children. The law also prohibits the production and possession of child pornography. Endemic corruption at all levels of the Prostitutes Donauwoerth severely limited the ability of individual officials to make progress in holding child sex traffickers accountable, and the government took no action to Prostitutes Donauwoerth or prosecute complicit officials.

Displaced Children : The government offered limited, Prostitutes Donauwoerth services to street children at a rehabilitation center. A local NGO estimated the number of displaced at about 1, to 1, street children in Phnom Penh with no relationship with their families and 15, to 20, children who worked on the streets but returned to families in the evenings. NGOs and other observers Prostitutes Donauwoerth many private orphanages were mismanaged and populated by sham orphans to lure donations from foreigners.

A small Jewish foreign resident community lived in Phnom Penh. There were no reports of anti-Semitic acts. The law prohibits discrimination, neglect, exploitation, or abandonment of persons with disabilities. It includes persons with mental and intellectual disabilities in the definition of persons with disabilities. The law does not address accessibility with respect to air travel or other transportation. The Ministry Prostitutes Donauwoerth Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth has overall responsibility for protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, although the law assigns specific tasks to other ministries, including the ministries of health, education, public works and transport, and national defense.

The government requested all television stations to adopt sign-language interpretation for all programming.

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As of June, Prostitutes Donauwoerth major television stations—one state run and one private—had done so in their news programming, up from one state station in Persons with disabilities faced significant societal discrimination, Prostitutes Donauwoerth in obtaining skilled employment. Children with limited physical disabilities attended regular schools.

Not all prisoners had mattresses and beds; some slept on thin blankets on concrete floors.

According to a Ministry of Education report, approximately 19, children with disabilities attended primary schools in Prostitutes Donauwoerth academic year The ministry Prostitutes Donauwoerth on training teachers how to integrate students with disabilities into the class with nondisabled Prostitutes Donauwoerth. Children with more significant disabilities attended separate schools sponsored by NGOs in Phnom Penh; education for students with more Prostitutes Donauwoerth disabilities was not available outside of Phnom Penh.

There are no legal limitations on the rights of persons with disabilities to vote or participate in civic affairs, but the government did not make any concerted effort to assist their civic engagement. During the year officials conducted roundups of ethnic Vietnamese they alleged were illegal migrants. The government also initiated a review of a number of ethnic Vietnamese persons, many of whom had been living in the country for decades, with the aim of deporting those who Prostitutes Donauwoerth not prove Cambodian citizenship.

An inability to speak Prostitutes Donauwoerth was considered prima facie evidence a person was not a citizen. In support of efforts by indigenous communities to protect their ancestral lands and natural resources, the Ministry of Land issued new communal land titles to seven indigenous communities during the year. As of June the CCHR reported only 18 of indigenous communities had received land titles from the government. No laws criminalize consensual same-sex sexual conduct, nor was there official Prostitutes Donauwoerth against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex LGBTI persons, although some societal discrimination and stereotyping persisted, particularly in rural areas.

LGBTI persons were frequently harassed and bullied because of their appearance and their work in the entertainment and commercial sex sectors. There were no reports of government discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, citizenship, access to education, or health care. The general population, however, typically treated persons involved in consensual same-sex relationships with fear and suspicion.

Stigma or intimidation may have inhibited further reporting of incidents. Prostitutes Donauwoerth law provides for Prostitutes Donauwoerth right of private-sector workers to form and join trade unions of their own choice, the right to strike, and the right to bargain collectively. Onerous, new union Prostitutes Donauwoerth rules amount to a requirement for prior authorization for union formation.

Four sets Prostitutes Donauwoerth implementing regulations were issued as of August, but at least five more remained to be issued. The TUL imposes new Prostitutes Donauwoerth on the right to strike, facilitates government intervention in internal union affairs, excludes certain categories of workers from joining unions, and permits third parties to seek the dissolution of trade unions, while Prostitutes Donauwoerth only minor penalties on employers for unfair labor practices.

New registration requirements include Prostitutes Donauwoerth charters, listing officials and their immediate families, and providing banking details to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training. The TUL forbids unregistered unions from operating. The TUL also prohibits unions that represent less than one-third of workers from entering collective bargaining agreements or collective dispute resolution mechanisms.

Under the TUL civil servants, teachers, Prostitutes Donauwoerth employed by state-owned enterprises, and workers in the banking, health care, and informal sectors may only form associations, not trade unions.

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Unionization rates varied dramatically across industries. In hospitality industries unionization approached 20 percent. Even in the formal apparel and footwear sector, union penetration rates were estimated at only percent, and many of these unions represented factory and CPP interests above those of workers.

Strikers Prostitutes Donauwoerth liable to criminal penalties if they block entrances, roads, or engage in any other behavior interpreted by local authorities as harmful to public order. The TUL states that a strike decision requires approval by an absolute majority of union members attending a strike meeting, which itself must include an absolute majority of Prostitutes Donauwoerth total union members. Once a union has successfully carried out a strike vote, the court may issue an injunction against the strike and Prostitutes Donauwoerth the restart of negotiations with employers.

State enforcement of the right to association, including freedom from antiunion discrimination, and of collective bargaining rights, was highly inconsistent. Workers reported various obstacles while trying to exercise their right to associate freely. Some Prostitutes Donauwoerth reportedly refused to sign notification letters to officially recognize unions a situation for which the government offered no official redress or Prostitutes Donauwoerth renew the short-term contract employees who had joined unions approximately 80 percent of workers in the formal manufacturing sector are on short-term contracts.

For a union to Prostitutes Donauwoerth, it must also collect documentation from employers and local government officials, who often simply refuse to provide Prostitutes Donauwoerth paperwork. Provincial-level labor authorities have reportedly kept registration applications in abeyance indefinitely by requesting more materials or resubmissions due to minor errors late in the day application cycle.

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Workers also reported that, in accordance with TUL provisions, unions are unable to register until they provide banking details; yet, many banks will not open accounts for unregistered unions. Public-sector worker associations continued to face significant obstacles. For example, twice during the year the government denied requests from the Cambodian Independent Teachers Association for permission to march.

Another public-sector association, the Cambodian Independent Civil Servants Association, reported fears of harassment, discrimination, and demotion, all of which deterred individuals from joining.

The International Labor Organization ILO noted reports of antiunion discrimination by employers through interference with and dismissals of members of independent unions, as well as through creation of employer-backed unions. The ILO Committee on Application of Standards called on the government to ensure that freedom of association can be exercised in a Prostitutes Donauwoerth free of intimidation and violence against workers; acts of antiunion discrimination are swiftly investigated and remedied with dissuasive sanctions applied; and workers can register trade unions through simple, objective, and transparent processes.

The resolution of collective disputes was inconsistent, with Prostitutes Donauwoerth recent proliferation of dispute resolution bodies. International brands have commented publicly on how the neutering of a previously effective dispute resolution mechanism led to difficulties, as workers have begun to bring their collective disputes directly to brands for resolution.

Individual labor disputes may be brought Prostitutes Donauwoerth the courts, although the judicial system is neither impartial nor transparent. There is no specialized Prostitutes Donauwoerth court.

There were credible reports of antiunion harassment by employers, including the dismissal of union leaders in garment factories Prostitutes Donauwoerth other enterprises. A survey of garment workers conducted by the Micro-Finance Organization found workers in unregistered unions were also more likely to receive less than minimum wages. There were credible reports of workers dismissed on spurious grounds after organizing or participating in strikes.

While the majority of strikes were illegal, participating in an illegal strike was not by itself a legally acceptable reason for dismissal. In some cases employers pressured either union personnel or strikers to accept compensation and quit, arguing that their short-term contracts had ended.

The union movement did not generally find government-sponsored remedies for these dismissals effective. The government Prostitutes Donauwoerth not effectively enforce the law in all cases. Officials reported particular difficulties in Prostitutes Donauwoerth working conditions and salaries in the informal fishing, agricultural, construction, and domestic sectors. Penalties prescribed under law for forced labor were stringent, including imprisonment and fines.

Although the government made efforts to highlight the problem of forced labor domestically, the extent to which these efforts were effective remained unclear. Moreover, there was some evidence employers worked with local law enforcement authorities to subject workers to bonded labor, including in the brick industry. In Decemberwhen Licadho released its report on conditions of child and bonded labor in brick kilns, the minister Prostitutes Donauwoerth labor and vocational training told local media he would consider defamation charges if the report was proven untrue.

In July, after undertaking its own investigation of the brick industry, a ministry spokesperson denied child or bonded labor existed in the factories. Provincial labor officers contradicted these reports, however, when they told visiting foreign government officials in February Prostitutes Donauwoerth debt bondage in the brick kilns was pervasive to the point of ubiquity.

Third-party debt remained an important issue driving forced labor. According to the findings of a BWTUC survey conducted during Prostitutes Donauwoerth year, 48 percent of 1, construction workers in Phnom Penh had debts; 75 percent of the debtors owed money to microfinance or banks, and 25 percent owed money to family members. Children from impoverished families Prostitutes Donauwoerth at risk because affluent households used humanitarian Prostitutes Donauwoerth to hire children as domestic workers, only to abuse and exploit them see section 7.

Children were also subjected to forced begging. BFC reported forced labor in six export-sector textile and apparel factories in Most of these cases related to forced overtime work, in which workers were required to obtain written approval from foreign supervisors before they could leave the factory. Workers complained they feared termination if they refused to work overtime. The law establishes 15 years as the minimum age for employment and 18 years as the minimum age for hazardous work.

The law limits work by children between 12 and 15 years to a maximum of four hours on school days and seven Prostitutes Donauwoerth on Prostitutes Donauwoerth days, and it prohibits work between 8 p. Minimum age protections do not apply to Prostitutes Donauwoerth workers.

The Ministry of Labor and Prostitutes Donauwoerth Training is responsible for child-labor inspections in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy.

Labor inspectors did not enforce labor standards in the informal sector or in unlicensed workplaces. In the formal sector, sources reported labor inspectors conducted routine inspections only in registered garment and footwear factories, where the incidence of child labor remained extremely low. In industries with the Prostitutes Donauwoerth risk of child labor, including agriculture, construction, and hospitality, labor inspections were generally complaint driven.

In May the director of child labor reported the inspectorate would begin fulfilling its child labor function Prostitutes Donauwoerth, although with a more limited mandate.

The department worked with migrant workers in Banteay Meanchey Province at the border of Thailand to remove approximately child laborers. Officials also made two visits to sugar plantations in Koh Kong, where they reported no child labor but said they had raised health and education concerns. Child labor was most widespread in agriculture, including sugarcane and rubber production, logging, Prostitutes Donauwoerth processing, and fishing, as well as in brick manufacture, salt production, domestic service, car repair, textiles, slaughterhouses, and the production of alcoholic beverages.

Children also worked as beggars, street vendors, shoe polishers, and scavengers. BFC confirmed four cases Prostitutes Donauwoerth child labor in export-sector garment and footwear factories from May to April, compared with 16 in ; 30 in ; and 74 in In one of the four cases identified, the factories refused to participate in the mandatory remediation program.

The law prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, sex, disability, religion, political opinion, birth, social origin, or Prostitutes Donauwoerth membership. Two separate laws explicitly prohibit discrimination based on HIV-positive status. The law does not explicitly prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation Prostitutes Donauwoerth gender identity, age, language, or Prostitutes Donauwoerth disease.

The constitution stipulates that citizens of either sex shall receive equal pay for equal work. The government generally did not enforce these laws. Penalties under law for employment discrimination include fines, civil, and administrative remedies. Fines for workplace discrimination ranged from 2. BFC reported that in the garment and footwear sector, factory management discriminated heavily against men with respect to hiring and benefits, Prostitutes Donauwoerth without legal consequence.

BFC reported 9 Prostitutes Donauwoerth of export-licensed factories discriminated based on gender, down from 10 percent in Causes included factory reluctance to hire men due to perceived behavioral problems, as well as discrimination against women due to concerns about pregnancy or maternity leave. A large-scale research project conducted by Care International found that one-third of women in the garment industry suffered some form of sexual harassment in the previous 12 months.

The Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia disputed the results, claiming the actual numbers were far lower. The law gives the Labor Union Authority responsibility to establish a minimum wage based on recommendations from the Labor Advisory Committee, a tripartite group composed of representatives from the government, unions, and Prostitutes Donauwoerth organizations. The minimum wage has been the subject of political interference sincewhen some sections of the union movement agitated for higher wages amid the general civic instability surrounding contested elections.

The Labor Law provides for a standard legal workweek of 48 hours, not Prostitutes Donauwoerth exceed eight hours per day. The law establishes a rate of percent of daytime wages for nightshift work and percent for overtime, Prostitutes Donauwoerth increases to percent if overtime occurs at night, on Sunday, or on a holiday.

Employees are permitted to work up to a maximum of two hours of overtime each day. The law prohibits excessive overtime, states that all overtime must be voluntary, and provides for paid annual holidays. Prostitutes Donauwoerth government did not effectively enforce hours and overtime regulations. Workers reported overtime was often excessive and sometimes mandatory.

Outside the garment industry, the Prostitutes Donauwoerth rarely enforced working-hour regulations. Workers often faced fines, dismissal, or loss of premium pay if they refused to work overtime. Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training inspectors assess fines according to a complex formula based on the severity and duration of the infraction, as well as the number of workers affected.

Labor ministry inspectors are empowered to assess these fines on the spot, without the necessary cooperation of police, but there are no specific provisions to protect workers who complain about unsafe or unhealthy conditions.

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Workers in marine and air transportation are not entitled to social security and pension benefits and are exempt from the limitations on work hours prescribed by law. An April survey conducted by Prostitutes Donauwoerth estimated there werecitizens working in the construction industry; 89 percent of 1, respondents did not have contracts, most never received bonuses or severance pay, and only 9 percent were enrolled with the National Social Security Fund NSSF.

Human Rights Watch reported in that garment workers employed in unregistered factories—most often subcontractors for larger, export-oriented factories—were far more vulnerable to abusive labor practices that violate local and international law.

The Prostitutes Donauwoerth enforced existing standards selectively due to poorly trained staff, lack of necessary equipment, and corruption. Labor ministry officials readily admitted their inability to carry out thorough inspections on working hours. It also levied Prostitutes Donauwoerth on 27 entities, up from 19 inand sued Prostitutes Donauwoerth enterprises in court.

The ministry reported it employed labor inspectors plus Prostitutes Donauwoerth NSSF inspectors across the country, a number far from sufficient to conduct thorough inspections. Penalties were insufficient to address problems. Although the ministry often decided in favor of employees, it rarely used its legal authority to penalize employers who defied its Prostitutes Donauwoerth.

There is also a concern that the use of short-term contracts locally known as fixed duration contracts or FDCs allows firms, especially in the Prostitutes Donauwoerth sector where productivity growth is relatively flat, to avoid certain wage and Prostitutes Donauwoerth requirements. FDCs are limited to 24 months Prostitutes Donauwoerth duration, and the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training has interpreted this to mean 24 consecutive months, which allows employers to keep workers on FDCs—most often of three-month duration—indefinitely, provided there is some break in employment every 24 months.

Work-related injuries and health problems were Prostitutes Donauwoerth. Most large garment factories producing for markets in developed countries met relatively high health and safety standards as conditions of their contracts with buyers. Working conditions in small-scale factories and cottage industries were poor and often failed to meet international standards. The Prostitutes Donauwoerth reported that during the first six months of23, Prostitutes Donauwoerth suffered work-related injuries, up from 16, injuries inand that workers died on the job during the year to October, compared with 84 deaths Prostitutes Donauwoerth the same period in Of the deaths, the NSSF reported 25 died in traffic accidents.

Local media reported at least four industrial boiler explosions at garment factories, Prostitutes Donauwoerth killed three workers and injured 34 others.

In its annual report covering the period May April, BFC reported that many occupation safety and health OSH problems were a growing challenge for garment factories in the export sector due to improper company policies, procedures, and poorly defined supervisory roles and responsibilities.

BFC reported increased noncompliance in every OSH variable measured, including exposure to chemicals and hazardous substances, emergency preparedness, OSH management systems, welfare facilities, worker environment, worker protection, and worker accommodations. Mass fainting remained a problem.

The NSSF reported workers fainted in eight factories from January to June, down from in the same period in There were no reports of serious injuries due Prostitutes Donauwoerth fainting. Observers reported excessive overtime work, poor health, insufficient Prostitutes Donauwoerth, poor ventilation, lack of proper nutrition for workers, pesticide sprayed in nearby rice paddies, and toxic fumes from the production process all contributed to Prostitutes Donauwoerth fainting.

The Union of the Comoros is a constitutional, multiparty republic. In successful legislative elections were held. In April voters elected Prostitutes Donauwoerth Assoumani as president of the union, as well as governors for each of the three islands. Despite a third round of voting on Anjouan—because of ballot box thefts—Arab League, African Union, and EU observer missions considered the elections generally free and fair.

Impunity for violations of human rights was widespread. Although the government discouraged officials from committing human rights violations and sometimes arrested or dismissed officials implicated in such violations, they were rarely tried. There were no reports that the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings.

The constitution and law prohibit such practices, and there were no reports that government officials employed them. Prison and detention center conditions remained poor.

The national prison in Moroni is the largest of three prisons in the country. The other two are in Anjouan and Moheli. Military detainees were held in military facilities.

National or individual island authorities used various detention facilities as deemed appropriate, and detainees could be transferred from either Anjouan or Moheli to the national prison in Moroni, depending Prostitutes Donauwoerth the nature of their offenses.

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The law on child protection provides for juveniles ages 15 to 18 to be treated as adults in the criminal justice system. According to the governmental National Commission for Human Rights and Liberties CNDHLhowever, authorities routinely released juveniles ages 15 to 18 to the custody of Prostitutes Donauwoerth parents if they were not recidivists.

Juveniles and adult prisoners were held together. As of November there were 10 juvenile male inmates in the Moroni prison held with adults. That prison Prostitutes Donauwoerth held two adult female prisoners in a separate cellblock. Detainees and prisoners normally received a single meal per day. Those who did not receive additional food from family members suffered. Other common problems included inadequate potable water, sanitation, ventilation and Prostitutes Donauwoerth, and medical facilities.

Administration : Prisoners could submit complaints without censorship, but investigations or follow-up Prostitutes Donauwoerth almost never occurred. CNDHL representatives made regular and unannounced prison visits during the year without interference. Authorities required nongovernmental organizations NGOs to request a visit permit from the prosecutor general.

The constitution and law prohibit arbitrary arrest and detention and provide for the right of any person to challenge Prostitutes Donauwoerth lawfulness of arrest or detention in court, and the government generally observed these provisions. The National Development Army and the Federal Police have responsibility for law enforcement and maintenance of order within the country.

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The National Directorate of Territorial Safety, which oversees immigration and customs, reports to the minister of interior, information, and decentralization. The Federal Police report to the minister of interior. When the gendarmerie serves as the judicial police, it reports to the minister of justice. Each of the three islands has a local police force under the authority of Prostitutes Donauwoerth own minister of interior. Civilian authorities Prostitutes Donauwoerth maintained effective control over police, and the government had mechanisms to investigate and punish abuse and corruption.

Nevertheless, police used excessive force, Prostitutes Donauwoerth impunity was a problem. The ability of the army to investigate abuses by its personnel was uncertain.

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This led teachers and students to protest the closure and demand the release of the headmaster, who had been Prostitutes Donauwoerth. When gendarmes arrived, scuffles broke out and seven students were injured, including one who was shot and wounded. The government condemned this use of excessive force and stated that it would hold the gendarmes involved accountable.

The law requires judicial arrest Prostitutes Donauwoerth as well as prosecutorial approval to detain persons longer than 24 hours without charge. The law provides Prostitutes Donauwoerth the prompt judicial determination of the legality of detention and for detainees to be informed promptly of the charges against them. A magistrate informs detainees of their rights, including the right to legal representation.

These rights were inconsistently respected. The bail system prohibits those for whom bail is posted from leaving the country. Some detainees did not have prompt access to attorneys or their families. Pretrial Detention : Lengthy pretrial detention was a problem. By law pretrial detainees may be held for no more than four months, although many were held longer. A magistrate or prosecutor may extend this period.

Detainees routinely awaited trial for extended periods for reasons including administrative delay, case backlog, and time-consuming collection of evidence.

Some extensions continued for several years. Defense attorneys occasionally protested such judicial inefficiencies. The constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary, and the government generally respected judicial independence. Judicial inconsistency, unpredictability, and corruption were problems. The law provides all defendants with the right to a fair and public trial, and an Prostitutes Donauwoerth judiciary Prostitutes Donauwoerth enforced this right.

Defendants have the right to be informed promptly of charges and to a timely trial, but lengthy delays were common. The legal system incorporates French Prostitutes Donauwoerth codes and sharia Islamic law.

Trials are open to the public, and defendants are presumed innocent. Trials are by jury in criminal cases. Defendants have the right to consult an attorney, and indigent defendants have the right to counsel provided at public expense, although the latter right Prostitutes Donauwoerth rarely observed.

Defendants have the right to be present at their Prostitutes Donauwoerth, question Prostitutes Donauwoerth, and present witnesses and evidence on their own behalf. Although the law provides for the assistance at no charge of an Prostitutes Donauwoerth for any defendant unable to understand or speak the language used in court, none was provided. Defendants have the right to adequate Prostitutes Donauwoerth and facilities to prepare a defense, and not to be compelled to testify or confess guilt.

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There is an appellate process. Individuals and organizations may seek civil remedies for Prostitutes Donauwoerth rights violations through an independent, but corrupt court system. By law individuals and organizations may appeal adverse domestic decisions to regional human rights bodies. Court orders were inconsistently enforced.

The constitution and law prohibit such actions, and the government generally respected these prohibitions. The constitution and law provide citizens the ability to choose their government in free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage, and citizens exercised that ability. The constitution thus restricts those eligible to run for the union presidency to those residing on a particular island in an election year.

Aside from the rotation provision, anyone meeting constitutional requirements of age, residency, citizenship, and good moral character may run for office. Recent Elections : In free and fair legislative elections were held. In April presidential and gubernatorial elections were held. Incumbent candidates claimed some irregularities, including the theft of ballots on Anjouan. They filed complaints at the Constitutional Court requesting the vote be repeated for both presidential and gubernatorial candidates.

They Prostitutes Donauwoerth that the opposition stole and destroyed approximately 3, ballots in Anjouan. The Constitutional Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, Prostitutes Donauwoerth a third round of voting was conducted successfully at 13 polling stations in Anjouan. Participation of Women and Minorities : No laws limit participation of Prostitutes Donauwoerth, members of minorities, or both in the Prostitutes Donauwoerth process, and Prostitutes Donauwoerth did participate.

Some observers believed that traditional and cultural factors prevented women from participating in political life on an equal basis with men. For example, only two of the 33 seats in the national legislature were filled by women in the election. The law provides criminal penalties for conviction Prostitutes Donauwoerth corruption by officials, but the government did not implement the law effectively, and officials frequently engaged in corrupt practices with impunity.

The National Commission for Preventing and Fighting Corruption CNPLC was an independent administrative authority established to combat corruption, including through education and mobilization of the public. In September the president repealed the provisions Prostitutes Donauwoerth the law that created the commission, citing its failure to produce any results. The Constitutional Court subsequently invalidated this decision, noting that a presidential decree may not overturn a law. Corruption : Resident Prostitutes Donauwoerth, UN, and humanitarian agency workers reported petty corruption was commonplace at all levels of the civil service and security forces.

Citizens paid bribes to evade customs Prostitutes Donauwoerth, to avoid arrest, and to obtain falsified police reports.

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Mhoudine was released pending trial. Financial Disclosure : The law requires high-level officials at Prostitutes Donauwoerth and island levels to declare their assets prior to entering office. The submission of a disclosure is made public, but the disclosure itself is not.

Officials subject to the law did so upon taking office. Authorities prosecuted perpetrators if victims filed charges. There were reports that families Prostitutes Donauwoerth village elders settled many allegations of sexual violence informally through traditional means and without recourse to the formal court system.

The law treats domestic violence as an aggravating circumstance that includes crimes committed by one domestic partner against an existing or former partner. Courts rarely sentenced or fined convicted perpetrators. No reliable data were available on the Prostitutes Donauwoerth of the problem.

Women rarely filed official complaints. Although officials took action usually the arrest of the spouse when reported, domestic violence cases rarely entered the court system. Sexual Harassment : Sexual harassment is illegal, and conviction is punishable Prostitutes Donauwoerth fines and imprisonment. It Prostitutes Donauwoerth defined in the labor code as any verbal, nonverbal, or bodily Prostitutes Donauwoerth of a sexual nature that has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or humiliating work environment for a person.

Although rarely reported due to societal pressure, such harassment was nevertheless a common problem, and authorities Prostitutes Donauwoerth not effectively enforce the law. Discrimination : The law provides for equality of persons without regard to gender, creed, belief, origin, race, or religion. Nevertheless, inheritance and property rights practices favor women. Local cultures are traditionally matrilineal, and all inheritable property is in the legal possession of women.

Societal Prostitutes Donauwoerth against women was most apparent in Prostitutes Donauwoerth areas, where women were mostly limited to farming and child-rearing duties, with fewer opportunities for education and wage employment. Birth Registration : Any child having at least one Comorian parent Prostitutes Donauwoerth considered a citizen, regardless of where the birth takes place. Authorities did not withhold public services from unregistered children. Education : Universal education is compulsory until Prostitutes Donauwoerth No child under age 14 may be prevented from attending school.

An approximately equal number of girls and boys attended public schools at the primary and secondary levels, but fewer girls graduated. Child Abuse : Official statistics revealed cases of abuse when impoverished families sent their children to work for relatives or wealthy families, Prostitutes Donauwoerth in the hope of obtaining a better education for their children. The NGO routinely referred child abuse cases to police for investigation.

Police conducted initial investigations of child abuse and referred cases to the Prostitutes Donauwoerth and Minors Brigade for further investigation and referral for prosecution if justified by evidence. If evidence was sufficient, authorities routinely prosecuted cases. Early and Forced Marriage : The legal minimum age of marriage is 18 for both boys and Prostitutes Donauwoerth. In the sole reported case of attempted forced marriage involving a minor, the police Morals and Minors Brigade investigated and intervened to stop the marriage before it took place.

Sexual Exploitation of Children : The law considers unmarried persons under age 18 to be minors Prostitutes Donauwoerth prohibits their sexual exploitation, prostitution, and involvement in pornography. Conviction of child Prostitutes Donauwoerth is punishable by fines or imprisonment.

There were no official statistics regarding these matters and no reports in local media of cases, prosecutions, or convictions relating to either child sex trafficking or child pornography. The constitution and applicable laws, particularly the labor code, prohibit Prostitutes Donauwoerth against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, or mental disabilities.

The law Prostitutes Donauwoerth access to buildings, information, communication, education, and transportation for persons with disabilities. The government did not effectively enforce the law. Despite the absence of appropriate accommodation for children with Prostitutes Donauwoerth, such children attended mainstream schools, both public and private.

Authorities reported no arrests or prosecutions for same-sex sexual activity during the year. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex LGBTI persons generally did not publicly reveal their sexual orientation due to societal pressure. The law provides for the right of workers to form and join independent unions of their choice without previous authorization or excessive requirements.

It provides for the right to strike but requires an eight-day notification period and a declaration of the reason for the strike and its duration. The law includes a system for resolving labor disputes. Unions have the right to bargain collectively. The law allows unions to conduct their activities without government interference. The law does not prohibit Prostitutes Donauwoerth discrimination by employers in hiring practices or other employment functions. There are no laws protecting strikers from retribution.

There are no groups of workers excluded from legal protections. The law was not applied in the settlement of private-sector disputes, but it was invoked unpredictably and inconsistently in labor disputes in the public Prostitutes Donauwoerth.

Worker organizations are independent of the government and political parties. Resources, inspections, and remediation were inadequate.

Penalties for violations, including ordering employers to pay indemnities and damages Prostitutes Donauwoerth the employee, were sufficient to deter violations. Labor disputes may be brought to the attention of the Labor Tribunal. Workers exercised their labor rights. There were no reports of retribution against strikers. Common problems included failure to pay salaries regularly or on time, mostly in the government sector, and unfair and abusive dismissal practices, such as dismissing employees without giving proper notice or paying the required Prostitutes Donauwoerth pay.

There were no reported incidents of antiunion discrimination during the year.

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