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Haarmann was acquitted of this murder. Haarmann served the nine-month prison sentence imposed in for sexual assault and battery between March and December Haarmann later said to Prostitutes Alfeld that when they searched his apartment, the head of Friedel Rothe was stowed behind his stove wrapped in Prostitutes Alfeld.

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Prostitutes Alfeld 11 Prostitution, block of Carbury Way Property damage. From an early age, Haarmann's behavior was noticeably effeminate. He was known to shun boys' activities and instead play with his sisters' dolls [4] and dress in their clothes. He also developed a passion for both needlework and cookery, [4] and would develop a close relationship with his mother, who spoiled her youngest child. Reportedly, Haarmann's father married his mother, when she was 41 years old, and seven years his senior, due to her wealth and the substantial dowry their marriage would eventually bring him.

Haarmann Sr. In Prostitutes Alfeld, Haarmann began his schooling, where he Prostitutes Alfeld noted by teachers to be a spoiled and mollycoddled child who was prone to daydreaming.

Although his behavior at school was noted to be exemplary, his academic performance was below average and Haarmann had to repeat a school year twice. On one occasion, when he was about eight years old, Haarmann was molested by one of his teachers, although he never discussed this Prostitutes Alfeld in detail.

Haarmann grew into a trim, physically strong youth. With his parents' consent, he finished Prostitutes Alfeld schooling in Upon leaving school, he briefly obtained employment as an apprentice locksmith in Neuf-Brisach now Prostitutes Alfeld of France before opting, at age 15, to enroll in a military academy in the town of Breisach.

Haarmann initially adapted Prostitutes Alfeld military life, and performed well as Prostitutes Alfeld trainee soldier. However, after five months of military service, he began to suffer periodic lapses of consciousness which, although initially described by a medical professional as being sudden signs of anxiety neurosiswould subsequently be diagnosed as being "equivalent to epilepsy " in October The following month, Haarmann discharged himself from the military and returned to Hanover, where Prostitutes Alfeld briefly worked in a cigar factory his father had established in At the age of 16, Haarmann committed his first known sexual offenses, all of which involved young boys whom he would lure to secluded areas—typically cellars—before proceeding to sexually abuse them.

He was first arrested for committing offenses of this nature in July Following further offenses of this nature, the Division for Criminal Matters opted to place Haarmann in a mental institution in the city of Hildesheim in February Haarmann was returned to the mental institution on 28 May Seven months later, Haarmann escaped the mental Prostitutes Alfeld.

Here, he Prostitutes Alfeld with a relative of his mother, and obtained employment as a handyman in a shipyard. Early the following year, he became engaged to a woman named Erna Loewert, [10] who soon became pregnant with his child.

Throughout his service, Haarmann earned a reputation among his superiors as an exemplary soldier and excellent marksmanand he would later describe his period of service with this battalion as being the happiest of his entire life.

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After collapsing while on Prostitutes Alfeld with his battalion in OctoberHaarmann began to suffer dizzy spells and was subsequently hospitalized for over four months. Prostitutes Alfeld was later deemed "unsuitable for [military] service and work" and was dismissed from military service on 28 July Discharged from the military under medical terms [13] described as being "probable" dementia praecox[12] Haarmann was awarded a monthly military pension of 21 gold marks.

However, Haarmann soon filed a maintenance Prostitutes Alfeld against his father, citing that he was unable to work due to the ailments noted by the military. His father successfully contested Prostitutes Alfeld suit, and the charges were dropped. The Prostitutes Alfeld year, a violent fight between Prostitutes Alfeld and son resulted in Haarmann's father Prostitutes Alfeld unsuccessfully initiating legal proceedings against his son, citing verbal death threats and blackmail as justification to have Prostitutes Alfeld son returned to a mental institution.

These charges were dropped due to a lack of corroborating evidence. Nonetheless, Haarmann was ordered to undertake a psychiatric examination in May This examination was conducted by a Dr.

Andrae, who concluded that, although morally inferior, Haarmann was not mentally unstable. Haarmann himself briefly attempted to work as an insurance salesman, before being officially classified as disabled and unable to work [14] by the Prostitutes Alfeld Army in As a result, his monthly military pension was slightly increased.

As the fishmongery was registered in her name, Erna simply ordered her husband to leave the premises. For the next decade, Haarmann primarily lived as a petty thief, burglar and con artist. Although he did occasionally obtain legitimate employment, he invariably stole from his employers or their customers.

Beginning inhe served several short prison sentences for offenses such as larcenyembezzlement and assault. On one occasion when working legitimately as an invoice clerk, Haarmann became acquainted with a female employee with whom, he later claimed, to have robbed several tombstones and graves between and he was never charged with these offenses. In lateHaarmann was arrested for burglary. A search of his home revealed a hoard of stolen property linking him to several other burglaries.

Despite protesting his innocence, Haarmann was charged with and convicted of a series of burglaries and frauds. He was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for these Prostitutes Alfeld.

Due to compulsory conscription resulting from the outbreak of World War IGermany saw a shortage of available domestic manpower. In the final years of his prison sentence, Haarmann was permitted to work throughout the day in the grounds of Prostitutes Alfeld manor houses near the town of Rendsburg[18] with instructions to return to prison each evening.

Upon Prostitutes Alfeld release from prison in AprilHaarmann initially moved to Berlinbefore opting to Prostitutes Alfeld to Hanover, where he briefly lived with one of Prostitutes Alfeld sisters before renting a single room apartment in late August According to Haarmann, he was struck by the poverty of the German nation as a result Prostitutes Alfeld the loss the nation had suffered in World War I.

Through his initial efforts to both trade and purchase stolen property at Hanover Central StationHaarmann established several criminal contacts with whom he could trade in contraband property, and he immediately Prostitutes Alfeld to the criminal life he had lived Prostitutes Alfeld his arrest. Despite police knowledge that Haarmann was both a known criminal and a known homosexual, [21] [n 4] Haarmann gradually began to establish a relationship with Hanover police as an informerlargely as a means of redirecting the attention of the police from himself in his own criminal activities, [22] and to facilitate his access to young males.

By[23] Haarmann is known to have regularly patrolled Hanover station, [24] and to have provided police with information relating to the city's extensive Prostitutes Alfeld network. With the cooperation of several police officials, Haarmann devised a ruse whereby he would offer to fence or store stolen property at his premises, then pass this information to police, who would then raid his property at agreed times and arrest these contacts.

Moreover, on numerous occasions, he is known to have performed citizen's arrests upon commuters for offenses such as travelling on forged documents.

As a result of these activities, police began to rely on Haarmann as a reliable source of information Prostitutes Alfeld various criminal Prostitutes Alfeld in Hanover, and he was allowed to patrol the station largely at will. Between andHaarmann committed at least 24 murders, although he is suspected of murdering a minimum of All of his victims were males between the ages of 10 and 22, the majority of whom were in their Prostitutes Alfeld to late-teens.

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The victims were lured back to one of three addresses in which Haarmann is known to have resided throughout those years. He is known to have killed upon the promise of assistance, accommodation, work, or Prostitutes Alfeld the pretense of arrest.

At Haarmann's apartment, the victim was typically given food and drink before Haarmann bit into his Adam's apple, often as he was strangled. All of Haarmann's known victims were dismembered before their bodies were discarded, usually in the Prostitutes Alfeld Riveralthough the dismembered body of his first known victim had simply been buried, [31] and the body of his last victim had been thrown into a lake located at Prostitutes Alfeld entrance to the Herrenhausen Gardens.

Haarmann typically kept his victims' personal possessions, for Prostitutes Alfeld or for his lover, Hans Grans, or they were sold on the black market through criminal contacts both men had established at Hanover Central Station.

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However, the personal possessions of some victims were sold to legitimate retailers. In several instances, both Haarmann and Grans gave possessions belonging to various victims to acquaintances as gifts. Following Haarmann's arrest, rumors circulated that Haarmann ate Prostitutes Alfeld flesh Prostitutes Alfeld his victims, or sold it on the black market as pork or horse meat. Haarmann's Prostitutes Alfeld known victim was a year-old runaway named Friedel Rothe.

Under pressure from Rothe's family, police raided Haarmann's apartment in Octoberwhere they found their informer in the company of a semi-naked year-old boy. Haarmann later said to detectives that when they searched his apartment, the head of Friedel Rothe was stowed behind his stove wrapped in newspaper.

Haarmann avoided serving his sentence throughout That October, he met an year-old youth named Hans Grans, who had run away from his Prostitutes Alfeld in Berlin following an argument with his father on 1 October.

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Grans had slept rough Prostitutes Alfeld and around Hanover train station for approximately two weeks—selling old clothes [42] in and around the station to earn enough money to simply eat—before he encountered Haarmann. In his subsequent confessions to police, Grans stated that, although Prostitutes Alfeld sexual orientation was heterosexual, he himself initiated contact with Haarmann, with the intention of prostituting himself, having heard of Haarmann's homosexuality through acquaintances he had established in Hanover.

Shortly after their Prostitutes Alfeld acquaintance, Haarmann invited the youth to move into his apartment, and Grans became Haarmann's lover and criminal accomplice.

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A few times Grans was evicted after heated arguments only for Haarmann to plead with him to come back. Despite the manipulation Haarmann endured at the hands of his accomplice, he later claimed to tolerate the capitulation as he craved Grans' companionship and affection, [46] adding: "I had to have someone I meant everything to. Haarmann served the nine-month prison sentence imposed in for sexual assault and battery between March and December Upon his release, he again regained the trust of the police and again became an informer.

The apartment was located in a densely populated, old house located alongside the Leine River. Haarmann secured a letting agreement with the landlady, ostensibly to use the property for storage purposes. Haarmann's subsequent victims largely consisted of young Prostitutes Alfeld commuters, runaways and, occasionally, male prostituteswhom he would typically encounter in or around Hanover's central railway station. The second murder Haarmann is known to have committed occurred on 12 February According to Grans' lover, that evening, Grans whispered in her ear: "Hey!

He's going to be trampled on today. Speculation remains as to Grans' Prostitutes Alfeld of Haarmann's intentions towards Franke when he Prostitutes Alfeld this comment to the two female acquaintances. According to Haarmann, following this murder, Grans arrived unannounced at his apartment, where he observed Prostitutes Alfeld nude body lying upon Haarmann's bed. Grans had then simply looked at him and asked, "When shall I come back again?

Five weeks after the murder of Franke, on 20 Prostitutes Alfeld, Haarmann encountered a year-old named Wilhelm Schulze at Hanover station. No human remains identified as belonging to Schulze were ever found, although most of his clothing was Prostitutes Alfeld the possession of Haarmann's landladyElisabeth Engel, at the time of his arrest.

On 9 JuneHaarmann moved into a single-room attic apartment at 2 Rote Reihe. Two weeks after moving Prostitutes Alfeld this address, on 25 June, Ernst Prostitutes Alfeld, the year-old son of Haarmann's neighbour, disappeared running an errand for his father.

His school cap and braces would be found in Haarmann's Prostitutes Alfeld following his arrest. Subsequent police enquiries suggested Bronischewski Prostitutes Alfeld likely alighted the train at Hanover, where he evidently encountered Fritz Haarmann. Bronischewski's jacket, knapsack, trousers and towel would all be found in the possession of Haarmann following his arrest.

Haarmann is next known to have Prostitutes Alfeld on or about 30 September Subsequent enquiries by Erdner's parents revealed the youth became acquainted with a Detective Fritz Honnerbrock a pseudonym used by Haarmann shortly before his disappearance. Both Haarmann Prostitutes Alfeld Grans subsequently sold Erdner's bicycle on 20 October. Within a week of having sold this bicycle, Haarmann killed two further victims: year-old Hermann Wolf, who disappeared from Hanover station on 24 October, and year-old Heinz Brinkmann, who was seen by a witness standing in the entrance to Hanover station at 11 pm on 27 October, having missed his train home to the town of Clausthal.

He was seen by several witnesses sitting upon a trunk in the waiting room. One month later, on 6 December year-old Adolf Hennies disappeared. He had been seeking employment at the time of his disappearance. None of the human remains recovered were identified Prostitutes Alfeld belonging to Hennies, whom Haarmann specifically admitted to dismembering, but denied killing.

In subsequent court testimony vehemently disputed by Grans, Haarmann claimed he returned home to find Hennies's body—missing his signature Prostitutes Alfeld bite"—lying naked on his bed, with Grans and another criminal acquaintance named Hugo Wittkowski stating the youth was, "One of yours. The first victim killed by Haarmann in was year-old Ernst Spiecker, who disappeared on 5 January. Although subsequent trial Prostitutes Alfeld from Prostitutes Alfeld friend of Spiecker indicated Haarmann had become acquainted Prostitutes Alfeld this youth before his murder, Haarmann stated he would simply have to "assume" this youth was one of his victims due to Prostitutes Alfeld his personal possessions being found in his or Grans' possession following his arrest.

The following month, Haarmann is known to have killed two further victims: year-old Willi Senger, who disappeared from the suburb of Prostitutes Alfeld on 2 February, having informed his sister he was to travel with a friend; and Prostitutes Alfeld Hermann Speichert, who was last seen by his sister on 8 February. Haarmann is not known to have killed Prostitutes Alfeld until on or about 1 April, when he is believed to have killed an acquaintance named Hermann Bock.

Although cleared of this murder at his trial, Haarmann was in possession of Bock's clothing when arrested, and he is known to have given the youth's suitcase to his landlady; Prostitutes Alfeld, Haarmann is known to have actively dissuaded several of Bock's acquaintances from reporting the youth missing. One week later, on 8 April year-old Alfred Hogrefe disappeared from Prostitutes Alfeld station, having run away from home in Prostitutes Alfeld town of Lehrte on 2 April.

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Hogrefe's Prostitutes Alfeld would be followed 9 days later by that of a year-old apprentice Prostitutes Alfeld Wilhelm Apel, whom Haarmann encountered on his "patrols" of the Hanover-Leinhausen station.

On 26 April year-old Robert Witzel disappeared after borrowing 50 pfennigs from his mother, explaining he intended to visit a travelling circus.

Enquiries by the youth's parents revealed their son had accompanied an "official from the railway station" to the circus. Haarmann Prostitutes Alfeld would later state he killed Witzel the same evening and, having dismembered the youth's body, had thrown the remains into the Leine River.

Two weeks after the murder of Witzel, Haarmann Prostitutes Alfeld a year-old named Heinz Martin, who was last seen by his mother on 9 May and who is believed to have been abducted from Hanover station. All his clothing was later found in Haarmann's apartment. Less than three weeks later, on 26 May, a year-old travelling salesman from the town of Kassel named Fritz Wittig, whom Haarmann would later state he killed upon the insistence of Grans as he had worn Prostitutes Alfeld "good new suit" Grans coveted, [60] was dismembered and discarded in the Leine River.

The same day Wittig is believed to have been killed, Haarmann killed his youngest known victim, year-old Friedrich Abeling, who disappeared while truant from school. His murder would be followed less than two weeks later by that of year-old Friedrich Koch, who was approached by Haarmann on 5 June as he Prostitutes Alfeld to college. Two acquaintances of Koch would later testify at Haarmann's trial that, as they walked with Koch to college, Haarmann approached Koch and tapped the youth on the boot with his walking stick and stated: "Well, boy, don't you recognize me?

Haarmann killed his final victim, year-old Erich de Vries, on 14 June De Vries encountered Haarmann at Hanover station. His dismembered body would later be found Prostitutes Alfeld a lake located near the entrance to the Herrenhausen Gardens. Haarmann would confess it had taken him four separate trips to carry de Vries's dismembered remains—carried in the leather bag which had Prostitutes Alfeld to Friedrich Koch—to the location he had disposed of them. On 17 May[62] two children playing near the Leine River discovered a human skull.

Determined to be that of a young male aged between 18 and 20 and bearing evidence of knife wounds, police were skeptical as to whether a murder had been committed or whether the skull had either been discarded in Prostitutes Alfeld location by grave robbers, or placed there in a tasteless prank by medical students. Furthermore, police theorized the skull may have been discarded in the river at Alfeldwhich had recently experienced an outbreak of typhoid.

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This skull was also identified as having been that of a young male Prostitutes Alfeld between 18 and Two more skulls would be found on 13 June: one upon the banks of the Leine River; another located close to a mill in west Hanover. Each of the skulls had been removed from the vertebrae with a sharp instrument. One skull belonged to a male in his late-teens, whereas the other belonged to a boy estimated to have been aged between 11 and 13 years old.

In addition, one of these skulls also bore evidence of having been scalped. For more than a year prior to these discoveries, rumors had circulated in Hanover about the fate of the sheer number of children and teenagers who had been reported missing in the city. The discoveries sparked fresh rumors regarding missing and murdered children.

In addition, various newspapers responded to these discoveries and the resulting rumors by harking to the disproportionate number of young people who had been reported missing in Hanover between and On 8 June, several hundred Hanover residents converged close to the Leine River and searched both the banks Prostitutes Alfeld the river and the surrounding areas, discovering a number of human bones, which were handed to the police. In response to these latest discoveries, police decided to drag the entire section of the river which ran through the centre of the city.

In doing so, they discovered more than further human bones [64] and sections of bodies, many bearing knife striations, which were later confirmed by a court doctor as having belonged Prostitutes Alfeld at least 22 separate human individuals.

Approximately half of the remains had been in the river for some Prostitutes Alfeld, whereas other bones and body parts had been discarded in the river more recently. Many Prostitutes Alfeld the recent and aged discoveries bore evidence of having been dissected —particularly at the joints.

Over 30 Prostitutes Alfeld of the remains were judged to have belonged to young males aged between 15 and Suspicion for the discoveries quickly fell upon Haarmann, who was known to both the police and the criminal investigation department as a homosexual who had amassed fifteen previous convictions dating from for various Prostitutes Alfeld including child molestation and the sexual assault and battery of a minor.

Haarmann was placed under surveillance. As he was well known to many officers from Hanover, two young policemen were drafted from Berlin to pose as undercover officers and discreetly observe his movements.

The surveillance of Haarmann began on 18 June On the Prostitutes Alfeld of 22 June, Haarmann was observed by the two undercover officers prowling Hanover's central station. He was soon observed arguing with a year-old boy named Karl Fromm, then to approach police and insist they arrest the youth on the charge of travelling upon forged documents.

Upon his arrest, Fromm informed police he Prostitutes Alfeld been living with Haarmann for four days, and that he had been repeatedly raped by his accuser, sometimes as a knife was held to his throat. Haarmann was arrested the following morning and charged with sexual assault. Following his arrest. Haarmann's attic apartment at No. Haarmann had lived Prostitutes Alfeld this single room apartment since June The flooring, walls and bedding within the apartment were found to be Prostitutes Alfeld bloodstained.

Many fellow tenants and neighbours of the various addresses in which Haarmann lived since commented to detectives about the number of teenage boys they observed visiting his various Prostitutes Alfeld. Moreover, some had seen him leaving his property with concealed sacks, bags or baskets—invariably in the late evening or early morning hours. Two former tenants informed police that, in the spring ofthey had discreetly followed Haarmann from his apartment and observed him discarding a heavy sack into the Leine River.

The Prostitutes Alfeld and personal possessions found at Prostitutes Alfeld apartment and in the possession of his acquaintances were suspected as being the property of missing youths: all were confiscated and put on display at Hanover Police Station, with the parents of missing teenage boys from across Germany invited to look at the items.

As successive days passed, an increasing number of items were identified by Prostitutes Alfeld members as having belonged to their sons and brothers.

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Haarmann did initially attempt to dismiss these successive revelations as being circumstantial in nature by explaining he acquired many of these items through his Prostitutes Alfeld of trading in used clothing, with other items being left at his apartment by youths with whom he engaged in Prostitutes Alfeld activity. The turning point came when, on 29 June, clothes, boots Prostitutes Alfeld keys found stowed at Haarmann's apartment were identified as belonging to a missing Prostitutes Alfeld named Robert Witzel.

A skull which had been found in a garden on 20 May [72] which was not initially connected with later skeletal discoveries was identified as that of the missing youth. A friend of Witzel identified a police officer seen in the company of the youth the day prior to his disappearance as Haarmann.


Confronted with Prostitutes Alfeld evidence, Haarmann briefly attempted to bluster his way out of these latest and most damning pieces of evidence. When Witzel's jacket was found in the possession of his landlady and he was confronted with various witnesses' testimony as to his destroying identification marks upon the clothing, he broke down and had to be supported by his sister.

Faced with this latest evidence, and upon the urging of his sister, [75] Haarmann confessed to raping, killing and dismembering many young men in Prostitutes Alfeld he initially described as a "rabid sexual passion" [75] between and According to Haarmann, he never actually intended to murder any of his victims, but would be Prostitutes Alfeld by an irresistible urge to bite into or through their Adam's apple [20] —often Prostitutes Alfeld he manually strangled them—in the throes of ecstasybefore typically collapsing atop the victim's body.

Only one intended victim had escaped from Haarmann's apartment after he attempted to bite into his Adam's apple, although this individual is not known to have reported the attack to police. All of Haarmann's victims' bodies were disposed of via dismemberment shortly after their murder, Prostitutes Alfeld Haarmann was insistent that he found the act of dismemberment Prostitutes Alfeld unpleasant; he had, he stated, been ill for eight days after his first murder.

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To fortify himself to dismember his victims' bodies, Haarmann would pour himself a cup of strong black coffee, [78] Prostitutes Alfeld place the body of his victim upon the floor of this apartment and cover the face with cloth, before first removing the intestines, Prostitutes Alfeld he would place inside a bucket. A towel would then be repeatedly placed inside the abdominal cavity to Prostitutes Alfeld the collecting blood. He would then make three cuts between the victim's ribs and shoulders, then "take hold of the ribs and push until the bones around the shoulders Prostitutes Alfeld.

Haarmann would then begin paring the flesh from the limbs and torso. This surplus flesh would be disposed of in the toilet or, usually, in the nearby river. The final section of the victims' bodies to be dismembered was invariably the head.

Prostitutes Alfeld severing the head from the torso, Haarmann would use a small kitchen knife Prostitutes Alfeld strip all flesh from the skull, which he would then wrap in rags and place face downwards upon a pile of straw and bludgeon with an axe until the skull splintered, enabling him to access the brain. This he would also place in a bucket, which he would pour, alongside the "chopped up bones" in the Leine.

Fritz Haarmann

Haarmann was insistent that none of the skulls found in the Leine Prostitutes Alfeld to his victims, and that the forensic identification of the skull of Robert Witzel was mistaken, as he had almost invariably smashed his victims' skulls to pieces.

The exceptions being those of his earliest victims—killed several years prior to his arrest—and that of his last victim, Erich de Vries. When asked how many victims he killed, Haarmann claimed, "Somewhere between 50 and Haarmann was charged with the murder of 27 [84] boys and young men who had disappeared between September and June In 14 of these cases, Haarmann—who insisted upon conducting his own defense—acknowledged his guilt, [77] although he claimed to be uncertain of the identification of Prostitutes Alfeld remaining 13 victims upon the list of charges.

Prostitutes Alfeld pleaded not guilty to charges of being an accessory to murder in several of the murders. The trial was one of the first major modern media events in Germany, and received extensive international press coverage, being described as Prostitutes Alfeld "most revolting [case] in German criminal history.

Although Haarmann denied any premeditation in the crimes, [88] and remained adamant the ultimate reason he killed was a "mystery" to him, [46] he readily confessed to having killed 14 of the victims for whose murder he was tried and to retaining Prostitutes Alfeld selling many of their possessions, although he denied having sold the body parts of any of his victims as contraband meat.

When asked to identify photographs of his victims, Haarmann became taciturn Prostitutes Alfeld dismissive as he typically claimed to be unable to recognize any of his victims' photographs; however, in instances where he claimed to be unable to recognize his victims' faces but the victims' clothing or other personal belongings had been found in his Prostitutes Alfeld, he would simply shrug and make comments to the effect of, "I probably killed him," [87] or: "Charge it to me; it's alright with me.

Numerous exhibits were introduced into evidence in the opening days of the trial, including sections of the skeletal structure —particularly skulls and thigh bones [91] —recovered Prostitutes Alfeld the Leine River and forensically determined as belonging to young men under 20 years of age [92] which had been retrieved from the Leine River, the bucket into which he stored and transported human remains, and the extensively bloodstained camp bed upon which he had killed many of the victims at his Rote Reihe address.

Several acquaintances and criminal associates Prostitutes Alfeld Haarmann testified for the prosecution, including former neighbours who testified to having purchased brawn or mince from Haarmann, whom they Prostitutes Alfeld regularly left his apartment with packages of meat, but rarely arrived with them.

Haarmann's landlady, Elisabeth Engel, Prostitutes Alfeld that Haarmann would regularly pour chopped pieces of meat into boiling water and would strain fat from meat Haarmann claimed was pork.

On one occasion in April[34] Haarmann's landlady and her family became ill after eating sausages in skins Haarmann claimed were sheep's intestines. This neighbour assumed Haarmann was selling youths to Prostitutes Alfeld Foreign Legion ; [36] another neighbour testified to having observed Haarmann throw a sack of bones into the Leine River.

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Two female acquaintances of Hans Grans also testified how, on one occasion inthey discovered what they believed to Prostitutes Alfeld a human mouth boiling in a soup Prostitutes Alfeld in Haarmann's apartment; [60] these witnesses testified they had taken the item to Hanover police, who simply replied the piece of flesh Prostitutes Alfeld be a pig's snout. By the second week of the trial testimony was introduced about how much the police knew about Haarmann's criminal activities after his release from prison.

The trial lasted barely two weeks, and a total of witness testified. Judged sane and accountable Prostitutes Alfeld his actions, Haarmann was found guilty of 24 of the 27 murders and sentenced to death by beheading. Upon hearing the sentence, Haarmann stood before the court and proclaimed, "I accept the verdict fully and freely", [97] before adding: "I [shall] go to the decapitating block joyfully and happily.

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Shortly after their initial acquaintance, Haarmann invited the youth to move into his apartment, and Grans became Haarmann's lover and criminal accomplice. All of Haarmann's known victims were dismembered before their bodies were discarded, usually in the Leine Riveralthough the dismembered body of his first known victim had Prostitutes Alfeld been Prostitutes Alfeld, [31] and the body of his last victim had been thrown into a lake located at the entrance to the Herrenhausen Gardens. There were ships unloading day and night and the supplies being taken by lorry from the piers to the town by way of these steel roads. In the case of Hannappel, Prostitutes Alfeld witnesses testified to having seen Grans, in the company of Haarmann, pointing towards the youth. A locksmith's son from the town Prostitutes Alfeld Gehrden. Vanished from Hanover station after missing his train home to Clausthal.
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