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Prostitutes Pont-à-mousson

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The French newspapers announce that the Prussians treated the inhab itants of Woerth as enemies because some citizens fired upon the Germans. I accept the resignation of LeBoeuf, as Major General of the army.

Verona: Printed for the members of The Paris: chez Arnauld de Vresse, Paris: chez Arnauld de Vresse, n. Colored issue. Twelve hand-colored lithographed plates with interleaves. Each plate is Paris: J. Lemonnyer, Tales and Novels in Verse Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson J. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson La Fontaine.

In Two Volumes. Third edition in English thus, all Paris: L'Edition d'Art H. Et quelques aures contes de jadis. Pont-a-Mousson: Haguenthal, Betes, Betises, Boutades. Pont-a-Mousson: Haguenthal, n. First only Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. Forty-eight hand-colored illustrations heightened by gum arabic on twenty-four lithographed Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. Mademoiselle de Maupin. Grand Edition De Luxe, limited to 1, numbered copies of which this Paris: Delpech, Extremely Rare Monnier or Lami?

Six Quartiers de Paris. A rare suite of six hand colored lithographed plates, without the hand colored lithographed title otherwise complete as issued. Oblong quarto.

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Les Coupains. Avec douze aquarelles par Gus Bofa. First Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson illustrated by Bofa, limited to Paris: Desessart, Le Piccinino. First edition.

London: London: Engraved frontispiece Arrangements as last mentioned. Boonville, WarrloX County, August 31st, atl p. Republican papers of the Flrt District, will please copy. Tbe painful, but not unexpected death of Admiral D. Farraguf, is announced by telegraph, this mornicg.

This sad event occurred at noon yesterday, at the residence of Admiral Pennock, at the Portsmouth Navy Yard. The Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson part enacted by Admiral Farragut duriog the late rebellion, rendered his name as familiar ss household words throughout the length and breadth of the land, and has enshrined his memory forever in the hearts of our people.

Wo have not at haul the data for the briefest sketch of his life or his brilliant services. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson had lived to a ripe old age, and had rendered his name immortal by heroic achievements in behalf of hia country.

Daniel W. The following was written by a gentleman who is thoroughly conversant with the facts, and plaoes tha Terre Hiute Daniel in the proper light before this community: Mr. Voorhees, in hia speeches, comments at considerable length upon the fact that a couple oi the Presi dent's brothers-in-law have received position at his hands.

From the amount or' virtuous indignation expended by Mr. Voorhees, upoa that faot, it would be reasonable to Bupr that Mr.

Voorhees had never eecured the appointment of a brother-in-law of his to any position, or used him after he was appointed for the purpose of patting money in his own pocket. In the winter of 13G2 3, Mr. John E. Itisley, a brother-in-law and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson ""Partner of Mr. Voorhees, was sent East with a considerable amount of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson to purchase arms for the Sons of Liberty, of which organization he was a leading member, lie never returned, nor did he return tbe funds so advanced, Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson hia co conspirators, but remained in New York on intimate relation with John C.

Walker and others of lika Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. When Mr. Johnson abandoned the Republican party, Mr. Voorhees procured from him tho appointment of Mr. Rialey entered upon his duties a poor man; his salary was small, but when he retired at the close of Johnson's Administration, he Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson like a man who had a competence, taking rooms at the Brevoort House, New York, the most expansive ana aristocratic hotel in America, and we believe still resides there with his Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, supporting a handsome tarn out and all the appliances Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson a millionaire.

Voorhees entirely iorgot to name that fact.

London: ,

He also to mot to state, while making his charges ot corruption Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson his political opponent, that through his persistent and urgent solicitations', Mr. As soon as he was arrested Mr. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson appeared at New Orleans as his counselor and friend. Shortly after this transaction between Fuller and Mr. Voorhees the latter acted very Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson a man who had recently become possessed of a largo amount of money paying off bis Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, buying property, refurnishing his house magnificently throughout, Slc.

Is it either modest or becoming in a man with such a record to be attacking the President or Republican party on the Bcore of nepotism or corruption. So far as the country is advised, the President's appointees are filling their positions honorably and faithfully. We wish we could say as much for Mr. Voorhees' appointees.

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The steamship Palmyra, from Liverpool, arrived at 'e York, tiaiuiday. The steamer Darlen, fiom New York bas arrived at Glasgow. The City of Baltimore, from Liverpool, has arrived at Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson.

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There were deaths In New York City, last week. Tb yacht race on Saturday was won by tbe Tidal Wave. Treasurer bas been Kick, but Is Dr. Keeler, a policeman of Cincinnati, broke his leg Saturday, by jumping from a street car. President Grant, Vice President Colfax, and lion. Seward ate in Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, stopping at tbe Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson.

The city of Aurora, Ills.

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In ten years. John T. Cnurch Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Alleghany City, died on Saturday. Walker, a leading citizens of Ad ams County, Iowa, was assassinated, on Thursday, by unknown parlies. Sargent, M. The Norfolk Va. Board of Health bas ordered all vessels from Philadelphia to be quarantined five days. Commodore Farragut Is gradually Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson weaker.

His death may be Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson at any moment. Robinson and two gentlemen were drowned at New York, Friday evening, by the upsetting cf a boat in a squaii. It Is understood that an Injunction will be sworn out. An imposing Masonic funeral was given tbe late H.

French, of Washington City, yesteraay. The steamship, Cltv of Brussels. The total arrival of emigrants from Europe at New York, last week, was 4, Davis was beaten, probably fatally.

Hattie and Annie Stewart and Wm. Banders wers drowned on Friday last, while ait'. Jaoob L. Metser was killed on Saturday evening in the town of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, adjoining Chicago, by the accidental discharge of a gun uuder hia seal In a buggy. Edward, the Ugbt weisht champion.

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The Commissioner General of ths Lmd Olllce has Issued a caution against counterfeit Agricultural College scrip, which bas been extensively circulated.

The Oram-emen of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson York City pro pose koou to noia a picnic, outside the idelropoiuan District, and to go prepared to deiend themselves against attack.

It seems to be a settled fact that Church Howe will receive the Republican nomination tor delegate to Congress fiom Wyoming Territory.

It Is asserted on considered good author ity thtt Gov. Holden wl 1 fcurrentler the prisoners, held by b i orders at Yauoeyvliie, to -Judge Brooks, at Salisbury, on Thursday. The dramatic season In Cincinnati opens on tne 5th of September, at Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Tueatre, uuder tbe management of MoCawley, who will also control the National during the approaching winter.

Jitnes Rlohards, Qtteen years old. Being cblded by Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson parents tor having lost a younger brother, was the cause. Chamberlalu to eittualor Morrlti fjr United SHai. Tbe Missouri Democratic State Central Committee Ihhuos an address, staling their reason lor recommendlne that no Demo cratic State ticket be put in Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson fleid.

They Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, however, mat, a strong ngut oe maue for the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. It is ascertained that Mr. Longrldge, the present Incumbent, bas secured mujorit tu the Fourth Congressional D. His principal opponent is kx-Gavemor Stone. Several were severely Injured. Tbe rain stopped tbe oght. Further trouble is apprehended. The Typographical Union of San Francisco has adopted sixty cents per one Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson ems, for day work, and sixty-five on morning papers.

An imposing Masonic funeral was given tbe late H.

Union men are not permitted to worK where non-members are employed. He gave bail. Veltman, cashier of the 4th Na tional Bank of Ne w York, was on Saturday brought up on charge of altering the books or the bans, ana Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson ing Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. He was held to answer lu fi 50J ball.

Hello Gentlemen (and Ladies),My name is Serena Sahir and I cannot wait to meet my Prostitutes Pont Mousson photos dont entice you, perhaps my charm and wit will seal the deal. I would love to be your romantic stay indoors or your raucous date for a night on the town. Mar 08,  · The document has moved here.

Veltman was acquitted on a similar charge last April. The negro Nlmrod Rlohard. Gyles, was bung at Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Marlboro, on Friuay, after making a long, rambling epeecb, betraying Intox ication, and dually invitiue those who did net desire Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson see him die, to turn their backs to mm.

French citizens of Cincinnati beld a meeting on aturdiy evening, and appolntei a committee to soitoa contributions for tbe relief of wouoded French soldiers. Tbe Vice Consul of France was appointed chairman of the committee.

One man contributes 11, John Davidson, on Saturday- nlgbt, having completed the feat of walking hours without stopping to sleep or eat, was seized with paralysis, and his life is dispatred or. During the last ten Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson twelve hours his Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson frequently applied a whip to his back vigorously to prevent him from dropping to sleep. The Secretary of the Navy has officially announced tbe death of Admiral Farragut, wllh tbe remark that the record of his aed- is wrlt.

He will be buried irom St. Johns Church, Portsmouth, N. About Most of tbe States and Canada are Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. The Deputy U. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson has completed the census of the following wards in Chi. CS8; Nineteentn, 8,; total, ,12s.

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This is 4, larger than Ihe school census completed last week, which gave tbe entire population Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson the city at 3Cti,tCd. While four men were at work, Friday, on a scaffold elevatedelgbty feet above tbe earth, at one of the Illinois Central Railway elevators, in Chicago, tbe scaffolding gave way, and all were sent earthward. Three of the men continued to cling to fragments of tbe scaffold, and were not seriously irjored.

Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson other, named Cliflord, was pre lpltaied to the ground, and Instantly killed. A party has been mde up at Helena, Montana, to visit the Yellow Stone conntry. They start about the 15th of this month. Washburne will command the party. Their route will take them near where the Big Horn party were last beard from. The Erie. New York and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Central Companies bave announced rates for pssenjrer!

Tbe fare to Sc. Louis remains atand t Chicago The new frelgb t rates will probably be five per cent, higher, Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson will not bo announced till next week. For Afternoon Dispatches tee Second Page.

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PrftSfrians Occupy Vancy. Paris, Acgist The Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Officiel contains the following intelli gence, which, it is authorized to give to tbe public: At the beginning of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson war r? The Empress Regent, on the report of tho Keeper of Seals, has commuted and reduced the Eentences of 1, convicta who are now confined in all kinds of penitentiaries and establishments in France and beyond tbe sea.

Ihe Imperial clemency is applied especially to tho3e cases where uDilorm conduct has given toe pris oner claim to its indulgence. One of the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson journals of this city still presumes to doubt that real work is going on lor the armament and defense of Paris. Although it in ay Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson an act of treason to speak thus ir the face of the enemy, such Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson impose the necessity of a reply, notwitbstaudiog the danger of doing so.

All tne material necessary tor tho armament of Pans is in Paris itself, where more than cannon are already mounted on the walls of those forts which are likely to be first threatened with an attack. A work of placing others in positions continues without interruption day and night.

Yesterday 7, workmen were engaged in cutting off the streets leading into Paris. This work has been completed and nothing remains but to close up the openings in the walls and place drawbridges in position. Thousands ot laborers are occupied outside the wails on earthworks, Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, ditches, etc. The facts and figures we are obliged to give in order to reply to perfidious and erroneous insinuations and to re store the confidence of good citizens.

If such questions should be renewed, their authors will have to answer for their conduct before the Council of War, whero they Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson be subject to all the consequences of the law, for there are hours and now more than ever when justice cannot sleep.

The public opinion of Europe does justice to the heroic courage of our Boldicra and the energy with which the whole nation rises as one man, prepared to repair the unexpected reverses. Our enemies counted on forty divisions, which would have been treason to the national cause. The patriotism of the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson and the country has disappointed their-calculation.

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In the Corps LogiElatif, the Right and Left rival' each other in eagerness to push to the last limit of vigor their spirit of devotion to France. The new Ministry finds that Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson has the activo and loyal co-opera-tios of the country's Representatives. The session ot the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of August will distinguish that day as among the moat noble in parliamentary annals.

Never has a nation acted under an inspiration of sentiments more elevated. This attitude of the Chambers is both encouragement and recompense for the troops. The soldiers feel that the whole nation is behind them, and that the hour approaches when the enemy will be chased from the land. A Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson of the diplomatic situation shows how efficacious has been the effort made to place on a good footing our relations with foreign powers on every point which touches the present crisis.

At the beginning of the contest, Bismarck sought to accomplish the following objects: 1st, to awaken against us the susceptibilities of England on the Belgian question ; 2J, to cement an alliance between Prussia and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson 3i, to embroil us with Spain through the Hohenzollern affair; and, 4th, to alienate us from Italy on ths Roman questions.

This entire combination has failed. Russia has not signed the treaty as Bismarck expected, and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson opinion throughout the Empire of the Czar is more and more unfavorable to the exaggerated extension of the Prussian monarchy, and is far from being hostile to Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson. Spain has shown ua nothing but cordiality, and the same is true ot Italy. By agreement with the Cabinet of Florence, we have taken up our position again on the basis of the Convention of tbe 15th of September, and a solution of the question has been accomplished to our common satisfaction and without raising any difficulty; thus, neither at London, nor at St.

Petersburg, nor at Madrid, nor at Florence, bas Bismarck succeeded Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson carrying out his programme. The sympathies of Denmark lor us continue to be as warm as bsfore the war. Our fleet is before the port of Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, and a great event takes place on that coast. Austria and Italy are fillirg up their armies. Unquestionably the negotiations for peace cannot for an instant be enter tained at a momeDt when war was only just commenced, and when tbe national feeling declares itself with admirab e energy.

An idea Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson weakness cannot visit the heart of a Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson Frenchman.

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So our relations with Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson powers are what they should be, the new Minister of Foreign Af. London, Aug. Advices from fijetz state that Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson French army has withdrawn from the west bank of the Moselle. McMahon ia at Toul, twelve miles west of Nancy. The evacuation of Metz is considered certain.

Page:Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography Volume 1.pdf/199

The Prussians count on starving out the defenders of Strasbourg without bombardment. A dispatch from Nancy via Berlin, dated Saturday Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, says that a French battalion, moving towards Metz, was encountered in the morning on the railway near Pont a Mousson. The Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson destroyed a portion cf the railway between Frouard and Paris, cutting off the supplies and forage for the French troops sheltered under the glaciers of Metz.

Paris, August 14 Noon. Noth -ing new from the headquarters of the army. Telegraphic communication was interrupted yesterday between Paris and Nancy. Last night, the authorities at Toul sent a dispatch to Paris, stating that Nancy was occupied by a Prussian detachment. Tbe news ia confirmed this morning.

London, August 14 Napoleon's retreat from Met? Advices from Coy Haven state Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson nine French ironclads and avieos are in the ofBog. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson French Admiral, Williamez, is off Kiel. The French deny having committed any violation of the protocol cf Gene va hv the neirlect of wounded soldiers.

Preparations for the defense of Paris continue to be energetically pushed, and are of a colossal Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson.

It is thought that the Prussian demonstration on Strasbourg was only a feint.

Battle of Nancy () - Wikipedia

Seventy thousand volunteers left Paris to day fcr the army. Advices from Amsterdam gay that United States bonds are the only exception to the steadiness of the stock market.

August The jaurnals unanimously demand the expulsion sequence of the discovery of Prussian spies. Count Jfaukao has issued an ad dress to the troops, in which he blames them for firing too quick at Weissenburg. He says they used more ammunition in one day than the Prussians would in three.

The Marshal reminds the soldiers that they are now on the grand lino of defence from Thionville to Metz and Nancy, and that they Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson hold their eround. Bourse heavy; rentes 64 francs and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson centimes. The i'afrie-gays: When Strasbourg was invested it was completely supfilied with ammunition, and all places ikely to be injured by the enemy's shot have beer, strengthened.

Many persons left the town willingly, and many others were Bent away. Strasbourg, it adds, can only be Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson through famine, and it has provisions for many months. The Journal Officiel says the activity at the Ministry of War is wonderful, and that all the available resources of tbe country will soon be available.

Volunteering continues in laree nnmbers. The authorities deny tbe statement of the German jouroa's that the French do not respect the Convention of Geneva, and attend only to the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson wounded. Tbe journals notice that the publio sentiment in France Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson calmer, and and Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson the deepest determination is evinced throughout ths country to retrieve tbe recent defeats.

The Opinione Rationale says that the German nation admit their loss in killed and wounded in proportion of five to two. Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson French newspapers announce that the Prussians treated the inhab itants of Woerth as enemies because some citizens fired upon the Germans. A diepatch dated Metz, August 13th, 11 a. A brigade of French cavalry drove sm away and took thirty prisoners.

More Prussian spies have been arrested at Metz. The French army is in fine condition. A Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson from the Prefect, dated Colmar, the h, 3 P. A profound sensation was created to-day by the Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson through the city of ambulances, doctors, nurses and sanitary stores, all going to the front, and nurses in the streets for the assistance of the wounded. The La Liberie says that at a secret meeting of the Corps Legislatif, Jules Favre developed Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson ability and moderation a proposition that a Committee of Defense, having supreme power, be appointed Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson the Chambers.

Count Palikao, with tact, avoided a ceremonious discussion A deputy asked the Count whether he wished to be Minister of the Tuileries, or of the Chambers. Palikao replied, he had the utmost confidence in the-patriotism of the Chambers, and would be guided by them, but he declared the forma- j tion of a committee of defense incompatabla with the regalar duties of the government. Only fifty or sixty Deputies voted for the motion, and it was lost. London, August At the Thames Waterman's regatta yesterday, Saddler won the champion sculler's race.

The Chamber's New Castle on-Tyne crew were 'jucoessful in the champion four-oared race.

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Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson, iticnard O'Goirnaa, W. Although it in ay be an act of treason to speak thus ir the face of the enemy, such insinuations impose Prostitutes Pont-a-Mousson necessity of a reply, notwitbstaudiog the danger of doing so. Liberation of Limousin. August 11th,or against Gafdes'Mobilier at, present serving under the French flag. The Link presi is alarmed at the rapid conquests of the Prussians.
Evansville Journal, Volume 21,Evansville, Vanderburgh County, 15 August 1870 — Page 1
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Evansville Journal, Volume 21,Evansville, Vanderburgh County, 18 August 1870 — Page 1

Pont-à-Mousson (Pont-a-Mousson, 蓬阿穆松, 蓬阿穆松, Mussipons, Mussipons, Pont-a-Mousson, Pont-a-Mousson)

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Region time Europe/Paris
